• 2 days ago
Je suis de retour après mon dernier vlog bien riche en émotions ^^ pour vous revenir sur les questions que vous avez face à la maison..! J'avais rien expliqué finalement dans le dernier vlog d'annonce tellement j'étais dans le jus et dans le feu de l'action haha. Donc je réponds finalement à vos questions telles que pourquoi on déménage, quels étaient nos critères pour la nouvelle maison, qu'est-ce que ça me fait de quitter, est-ce qu'on aura la clim ? etc etc ;p Le tout, à travers du désencombrement et de l'emboitage...! ;p xx

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00:00So, I'm going to give you the list of our criteria.
00:02Oh my god, it's my first box.
00:05Do you have a pool or more space for your garden?
00:08So the package was like, do you want us to go see it again or what?
00:11And I was like, yes, yes, I want to go.
00:13It's just...
00:14It's Clemence here who's asking me if I'll be able to continue the box.
00:18When I was alone in my little moment and I was crying and everything...
00:28What am I doing?
00:30Good morning!
00:31I'm really excited about my breakfast this morning.
00:33Some nut bread that Pat made.
00:35He invented a recipe.
00:37It's so good.
00:38Especially when it's dipped in yogurt.
00:40This is oats with yogurt and blueberries on top.
00:43And my little tea.
00:45I love breakfast so much.
00:46I don't know about you guys, but for me, it's really one of my favorite meals.
00:49I'm sure it's better with this lighting, but hey, we're going to do with it.
00:52I wanted to tell you all, thank you.
00:53Thank you for your comments.
00:55This is my last moving announcement vlog.
00:58There were a lot of people that it brought them back in the stressful process of selling a house and moving to another one.
01:03Or that they're living the process right now.
01:05So it's still funny.
01:07And just thank you for your congratulations.
01:10I know there are a lot of people who didn't have the impression that we've been here for 9 and a half years.
01:12But yes, it's already been 9 and a half years.
01:14It's funny because I was thinking, I don't know if for you it feels weird to tell me congratulations for a house you haven't seen yet.
01:20I'm really excited to show it to you, but I'm keeping it until the move.
01:23And then I asked you to ask me your questions, of course.
01:26Because I didn't have the time to really answer in the last vlog.
01:28So I'm going to make a few appear on the screen through the video and I'm going to answer them that way.
01:32But I would like us to start with a question that has really come up a lot.
01:36Which is, are you going to have the air conditioning in the next house?
01:39And the answer is yes!
01:41Rest assured.
01:43I also have Clemence here who asks me if I will be able to continue boxing and if I will see my friends as often.
01:48It's sure that some friends, it's going to take me a little further where we're going.
01:52Because in fact, you know what?
01:53No matter where I moved, wherever I went in Quebec, it brought me closer to some people and it took me away from others.
01:59Like, I think it's normal once you're in your thirties that you have friends, you know, a little bit everywhere.
02:04Like Montreal, South Rive, North Rive, and so on.
02:07You know, parents too who are going to be spread out in Quebec.
02:10So that's flat, but yes, we're going to see each other again.
02:13In short, but it's going to be a little longer.
02:15And for boxing, same thing, it takes me away.
02:17But I'm absolutely going to continue.
02:19No worries, in fact.
02:20And we're going to continue both.
02:21Oh, you have a lot of good questions.
02:23What is your biggest crush on the new house?
02:25I would say that the entrance, as such, the entrance with the kitchen.
02:29I find it beautiful.
02:30And my studio, my future studio.
02:32Because there I'm going to be well set up and it's really the room I needed.
02:36So I'm going to take a little break from your questions.
02:38I have lunch and I'll see you right after.
02:43Let's get ready.
02:44Obviously, the question that came up the most was why we move?
02:48What are our criteria for the next place?
02:51So I'm going to do a mini summary, story time of all this.
02:54In fact, as you probably saw in the last video,
02:57when I put the old extract from 8 years ago,
03:00of like, ah, I'm good here, but Pat is already looking at other houses.
03:04And all that, well, it's really representative.
03:06That is, he had fun looking at houses on Centrice from time to time.
03:09And after a while, we didn't look too much.
03:11We had pretty much finished our renovations here.
03:14Besides the underfloor that we had decided not to do.
03:16Because we were also afraid of not being able to use it.
03:18And all that.
03:19And because we were thinking, maybe it's better just to move as it is.
03:22We were afraid of not having a pretty good return on investment.
03:26In short, we didn't look actively before, that's it, 6 months ago.
03:29And I would tell you that it's really by force of having lived here for a long time.
03:33You know, 9 and a half years, you know what you want.
03:35Our first house, we didn't know that.
03:37Because that's it, it's your first.
03:39And you're more flexible.
03:40You know, I knew I needed a room for my work.
03:42Finally, I was spread out in two rooms.
03:44But otherwise, apart from that, listen, we didn't have many criteria.
03:47You know, we saw the pool, we were like, wow!
03:49It's like a nice bonus, a nice surprise.
03:52We had made our list of criteria and bonuses.
03:54Like, what we absolutely wanted.
03:56And that's it.
03:57And well, when we saw this house that had lowered the price again.
04:00Which was already good for the time.
04:02It's a bit of everything that convinced me.
04:04Because as I said in my throwback, in my last vlog.
04:07Like, it really wasn't the house of my dreams here.
04:10And we worked on it to make it happen.
04:12But there were still little irritants.
04:14With the time we've accumulated.
04:16You know, some have a common, some don't.
04:18Little things that have been settled.
04:20Finally, sometimes we put myself in line with the neighborhood.
04:22Details even.
04:23But with time, I will also tell you.
04:25Since I work here, I spend so much time at home.
04:27I had a few little irritants.
04:28You know, in connection with my setup.
04:30Of work, among other things, the fact that like here.
04:32I can just have a window.
04:33There are places, you know, you can't enlarge the windows sometimes.
04:36Either because of the coating or views on something else.
04:39Anyway, let's say that the studio where I need the most natural light.
04:43I don't have a lot because I just have a small vertical window.
04:46Then we are on the north side.
04:47And in addition, the sun does not rise.
04:49It looks like it's a bit at an angle from the house.
04:52So I say that.
04:53I say to myself, I would like to have maybe possibly a brighter studio.
04:56Or you know, even my wardrobe.
04:58We made it to measure because of the slopes of the roof.
05:01You know, it annoys me at the bottom, every time.
05:03To crawl in my super low storage.
05:06Not well organized.
05:07Underwear, whatever.
05:09There are even little irritants that I'm like, oh, it could be better.
05:12But at the same time, I am very aware of the privilege of having a roof over my head.
05:16And like, to live in a beautiful house now that is to our liking.
05:19And all the kit, you know.
05:20So we get along.
05:21It's Charlie for Charlie, okay.
05:22I just want to clarify.
05:23But since I was already very attached to this house.
05:26And all that.
05:27I said to Pat, okay, you want to move more than me.
05:29So if we move, it really has to be an upgrade.
05:32Like, we have to get rid of all our irritants here.
05:35And it was hard, that part.
05:37Because just the fact that I had to find a room for my needs.
05:40Like studio, office.
05:41Just that.
05:42It was so complicated to find.
05:45Because the houses are not ...
05:46You know, the houses made before, I don't know, 2020.
05:48They don't necessarily have an integrated office.
05:51And I need a lot of light in that room.
05:53So anyway, it was complicated.
05:54All this to say that here our criteria were low.
05:56At the time, we also remember, I didn't have a car.
05:58So I really had to be close to public transport.
06:01And now, you see, that's it.
06:03Our needs evolve.
06:04Our reality changes a little bit and all that.
06:06So it was more to have something that best fits our current criteria.
06:09But also future.
06:11So I'm going to give you the list of our criteria.
06:13Criteria that have become a little more complex.
06:15I would tell you.
06:16By force of looking without sadness.
06:17Also by visiting houses.
06:19We just saw 4.
06:20Including the one we buy.
06:21It's not a lot.
06:22But that's it.
06:23It's because there are really not many that I had enough of a heart attack to visit.
06:25Let's say.
06:26Ah, I forgot to put my little button here.
06:28I'm trying to make it go away.
06:29It's sticking.
06:30It took time.
06:31So yes.
06:32By force of looking without sadness.
06:33By force of visiting.
06:34You know.
06:35More cities.
06:36More suburbs.
06:37More countryside.
06:38See a little bit of the city atmospheres.
06:39Because we were not fixed on a particular city.
06:41It gave us.
06:42That's it.
06:43Add a little bit of criteria.
06:44Or actually direct more towards.
06:45You know.
06:46A certain lifestyle if you want.
06:47So to answer the question.
06:48Things we liked less here.
06:49Well, that's what became our criteria.
06:50A little bit like the opposite.
06:51If you see what I mean.
06:52We wanted.
06:54A vibe.
06:55More than.
06:56More countryside than city.
06:58My boyfriend.
06:59He wanted more.
07:01And me.
07:03Tranquility as such.
07:04I do not mind.
07:05But I want intimacy.
07:06It looks like.
07:07But it's not the same thing.
07:09It's important.
07:10That in my class.
07:11If I want to make content.
07:12If I want to transform.
07:13Or just be in.
07:14I do not know.
07:15In a jacket.
07:16Shining in my class.
07:17I do not want a look.
07:18I do not want.
07:20Because here.
07:22It was quite private.
07:23As a class.
07:24And I still want that.
07:25A little bigger.
07:26A little smaller.
07:27I would not mind.
07:28Let's say.
07:29What I find.
07:30It's a lot of maintenance.
07:33It was a bit limited.
07:34In our criteria.
07:35We did not put a pool.
07:36Very important.
07:37Or a outdoor pool.
07:38Because we can remove it.
07:39What you see.
07:40At the beginning.
07:42We were very excited.
07:43To have a pool.
07:44And after that.
07:45We realized that.
07:47She's still quite old.
07:49We put all the love.
07:50All the money.
07:51That we could in.
07:53It was not optimal.
07:54It was not clean.
07:57Just the maintenance of a pool.
07:58For two people.
07:59Two adults.
08:00Who do not have time.
08:01A lot.
08:02To bathe.
08:03A very passionate girl.
08:05Who wants to give all her love.
08:06To plants.
08:07But not the pool.
08:08It's really in our criteria.
08:09No more pool.
08:10My boyfriend.
08:11He was bored.
08:12From the garage.
08:14That we had to remove.
08:17He would have liked it.
08:18To have a little corner.
08:20Whether it's at home.
08:21Or apart.
08:22But to do his projects.
08:24We wanted a house.
08:25That is.
08:27But not a flip.
08:28That is.
08:29It does not intend to renovate.
08:30Like two bathrooms.
08:31Plus a kitchen.
08:33It was a lot.
08:34That I saw this winter.
08:35On Centrice.
08:36It was a big project.
08:37We did not want to have to work.
08:38As hard as we worked.
08:41For seven years.
08:42Eight years.
08:43We did not stop.
08:44Of course.
08:45As I said.
08:46I was looking for my dream room.
08:47That is.
08:49My studio.
08:50And my office.
08:51All together.
08:53There is a lot of light.
08:54So there.
08:56The location of the sun.
08:57It's important.
08:59It's the morning.
09:00I need the sun.
09:01In my makeup room.
09:02You know.
09:03For the laundry.
09:04It can be after.
09:05But there's like a whole thing.
09:06With the orientation of the sun.
09:07And my areas.
09:08That I have to delimit.
09:09That's it.
09:10In short.
09:11It's a bit complex.
09:12Two or three rooms.
09:13On the same floor.
09:15A bit like we had here.
09:17But it's just that.
09:18I occupy two rooms out of three.
09:19With my work.
09:21I don't know.
09:22And you know.
09:23No entrance.
09:25It's not that bad.
09:26But you know.
09:27When you receive people.
09:28It's a bit annoying.
09:30Everyone tries to fit this little carpet.
09:31While you open the door.
09:34It's just not practical.
09:35For the coats.
09:36All that.
09:37We really don't have a lot of space.
09:38It's underlays hanging in the kitchen.
09:41We wanted an entrance.
09:43It's not luxury.
09:45I think.
09:48Full of old houses.
09:49That we saw on the entrance.
09:52You would have told me.
09:54Draw your dream house.
09:55I would have put it.
09:57Glued on my studio.
09:59I need a nearby sink.
10:00To sometimes film content.
10:02Wash my brushes.
10:04But also.
10:05With that.
10:06The clothes.
10:07I find it annoying.
10:08Since it's something we do so often.
10:10To have like.
10:11The dryer.
10:12Let's say.
10:13Two floors.
10:14Or a floor below.
10:16I complain.
10:17To complain.
10:20That's my list.
10:21And yeah.
10:22It's really that.
10:23It's an upgrade.
10:24To have more comfort.
10:26Quality of life.
10:27I have the impression.
10:29That's it.
10:30I hope we're really going to trip.
10:31As much as we imagine.
10:32That's it for now.
10:33For our criteria.
10:35I'm done preparing myself.
10:36I have an appointment.
10:38Which will conclude.
10:39My round.
10:40Of appointments.
10:41Of duties.
10:42You remember.
10:43The duties.
10:44To the feminine.
10:45I told you.
10:46There's like.
10:47Two vlogs.
10:49I've wasted time.
10:50The last few weeks.
11:19A Quebec company.
11:20Which disappoints me.
11:24It's the Galantines edition.
11:25All the packagings.
11:26The big shout out.
11:29They look really liquid.
11:30Good evening.
11:33It's the sequel.
11:34Of the last vlog.
11:37The discount.
11:38Before the move.
11:39Has started.
11:40It's not right now.
11:41Right now.
11:43It's going to come soon.
11:45Pat has started to do.
11:46Like three boxes.
11:47I don't want to complain.
11:49It's because.
11:50I'm still in declutter mode.
11:51Before doing boxes.
11:53I really don't want to drag things.
11:54That we're not sure.
11:55To want to keep.
11:56It was good.
11:57The other day.
11:58We did all our wardrobe.
11:59Of rooms.
12:00Which is huge.
12:02Can collect a lot of items.
12:03In his case.
12:04There were several clothes.
12:05That he didn't do anymore.
12:06Or that he didn't want anymore.
12:07And me.
12:08I did a sorting of my box.
12:09To remember.
12:10So that it fits.
12:11All in one.
12:12In fact.
12:13Because I had several boxes.
12:14I did the cleaning of my candles.
12:15Because candles.
12:16It was a lot of clutter.
12:17Piece by piece.
12:18And then.
12:19We'll have to go back.
12:20That's it.
12:21The thrift store gave a lot.
12:22A lot.
12:23A lot.
12:24Of bags.
12:25Even if we were going.
12:27Early January.
12:28To bring a dozen bags.
12:30We're in there.
12:32The other day.
12:33I got rid of a lot of memories.
12:34A lot of very old drawings.
12:35Which are not.
12:38I cut.
12:39And I have my brushing.
12:40I kept some.
12:41I kept some.
12:42But there are others.
12:43I'm like.
12:44It's not important.
12:46It has never been part of the Marie Kondo.
12:47It looks like.
12:48A lot of old DVDs.
12:49You know.
12:50It's all digital.
12:52It's flat.
12:54I don't even know how to arrange this thing.
12:55I'm going to inform myself.
12:56With the app.
12:57If it goes where.
12:58I don't know why.
12:59I don't know.
13:00It's big.
13:01It's big.
13:02I have no idea.
13:03So much junk.
13:05It's a thing.
13:06When I do cleaning.
13:07In old.
13:09Like that.
13:10My nose.
13:11It reacts.
13:13My non-allergic snit.
13:14It's like.
13:15I'm coming back.
13:17It's my first box.
13:18I'm going to put my books here.
13:19I have a stock of jobs too.
13:20It's like my overstock of books.
13:22I said it on Instagram.
13:24My publishing house.
13:25Will stop producing my first books.
13:26You know.
13:27It's the first date.
13:29Of 2016.
13:32We are in a flow mode.
13:35In short.
13:36In the future.
13:37There are some who will want books.
13:39I will have a few copies left.
13:40But I have some down there too.
13:42I think I'm going to put them all together down there.
13:44In a big plastic box.
13:46If you ever want them.
13:47It's time.
13:48The notebook will last a little longer.
13:49But right now.
13:50It's sold at $10 everywhere.
13:51It will not be its price.
13:54If you want to make reservations.
13:55By the way.
13:56I said it on Jardin Revue.
13:57But I say it here too.
14:00I'm going to pack my books.
14:03Harry Potter.
14:04Personal development books.
14:05Ecological books.
14:06Feminist books.
14:08It goes flush.
14:09It's a little heavy.
14:10Oh my God.
14:12It's my first box.
14:13It's February 15th.
14:15I think that when I'm going to see the boxes everywhere.
14:16I'm going to be really emotional.
14:18I'm going to have to talk to you about it.
14:19All the mourning process.
14:20And also.
14:21All the magic around the new house.
14:22Because I didn't talk about it in the last video.
14:24I'll keep it for later.
14:25Or another day.
14:27And there.
14:28At the bottom.
14:29I see that I have suitcases.
14:30I'm going to use it to put stock.
14:32You know.
14:34Things like that.
14:35Not too heavy.
14:36What is this?
14:37It's from when there was no Pinterest.
14:38I don't think I kept this.
14:39I kept it for a long time.
14:40But now.
14:41It's like.
14:42Full of inspiration.
14:45But it's beautiful.
14:46I used to look at this.
14:48It doesn't really work anymore.
14:49My Halloween costumes.
14:50I took three boxes.
14:51I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
14:52It's because I have so much stock.
14:53But it's all Okazu.
14:54That's the problem with the Halloween series.
14:55I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
14:56I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
14:57I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
14:58I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
14:59I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:00I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:01I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:02I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:03I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:04I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:05I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:06I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:07I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:08I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:09I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:10I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:11I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:12I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:13I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:14I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:15I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:16I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:17I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:18I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:19I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:20I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:21I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:22I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:23I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:24I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:25I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:26I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:27I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:28I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:29I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:30I don't know if I'm going to miss them.
15:46I'm going to give it back to La Friperie, actually.
15:58An hour later, the wigs, ladies and gentlemen.
16:01This is what happens when you've been making Halloween videos for 14 years.
16:04I think I'm going to sort them out by color.
16:06Oh, and I said Halloween videos, but it's also for my transformations.
16:09When I put on makeup like a celebrity, I need so many different hair.
16:13The only problem is that I only need it once, and after that, maybe.
16:27So this is the one I'm keeping.
16:29And all of this, believe it or not, is going.
16:31Well, yes, because it's either costumes that I'm not going to redo,
16:35costumes that I've already done too many times,
16:38wigs that are a bit of a mess.
16:40I have a nasty big pile, and I decided to say bye to my Bill Turner costume,
16:44because I did it once in my makeup portfolio, once on YouTube too.
16:48So even if it's a homemade costume and I really have a weird attachment,
16:52even if it's really ugly as a character,
16:55I'm really sad to have to get rid of it.
16:59Oh my god, Jervin did a little match-up to give me some encouragement,
17:03and I almost didn't see it.
17:05I almost didn't see it lying in the wigs.
17:11Where is it?
17:21The wardrobe cleaning upstairs is quite well done.
17:24I already have the edges done.
17:26There was only the bathroom one left.
17:28It's the worst storage of the three.
17:30It's really distressing, look at my head.
17:33I'm going to check the expired medicines first.
17:40No, it's been a long time since it's been the same.
17:43It's been a long time since it's been like this.
17:46This has never worked for my silicone, so it's going to be bye-bye.
17:55Ah well, if you're not the great explorer,
17:58Ah well, if you're not the great explorer,
18:01you're in good shape, my hen,
18:03through the expired medicine, that's cool.
18:10I have to sort out my sponges, it doesn't make sense.
18:15What is this? What is this?
18:17To peel off a...
18:24Oh, who's sunbathing?
18:27I'm not going to complain, for once it's sunny.
18:29Finally, it's because there's snow, it reflects the light.
18:32Content creator here.
18:34I cried all September, October, November, even December.
18:37It's December, so I'm not going to cry.
18:39I just wanted to show you the actual mess on the second floor right now,
18:42because I'm cramped.
18:43You wanted local purchase suggestions, well here it is.
18:45This is the post-creation mess.
18:47Here we have what I decluttered yesterday from the bathroom, which is in progress.
18:50Here too, same situation.
18:52Here too, it's a mess because I filmed I don't know how many TikToks this morning.
18:56And this is the bathroom, which is still really empty.
18:58I kept the things I thought I was going to use again in the next few weeks.
19:02Wish me luck, I'm leaving for a good 2-3 hours of cleaning, in my opinion.
19:06While doing the dishes.
19:08I don't know about you, but I'm unable to be productive and do efficient cleaning
19:12if I don't tie my hair.
19:26I'm going to answer another question, or at least a comment that comes up often
19:30while I continue my little sorting.
19:32Which is actually, what does it make me to leave here if I find it difficult, etc.
19:37And the answer is yes.
19:38I think it's very mixed feelings, honestly, my hell.
19:41I think it was me who tied it a lot to here, and that precisely at that moment,
19:45let's say several years ago, I didn't see any inconvenience.
19:48I was really in the mood, like, we have to get you out of the house.
19:51I was really in the mood, like, we have to get you out of the house.
19:53It looked like I couldn't imagine leaving it if we hadn't done the tour of our projects,
19:58both inside and outside.
20:00It's as if I knew it wouldn't be my house that I was going to die in,
20:04but I didn't know how long I was going to stay here either,
20:07because either way, I was fine.
20:09You know, that was really like my safe place.
20:11And I think I also have a very big attachment to the house because I work in it.
20:15You know, you've just seen the house evolve so much through the vlogs.
20:19There are so many memories, so much love that has been put here,
20:23that for me, it's almost identical.
20:26In fact, that's what I realized.
20:27I even calculated that I spend four times more time here than Pat.
20:30So I think it must play into why I'm so attached to this house.
20:35I really think it's proportional to the number of efforts and love that has been put here.
20:40So that's kind of the thing that annoys me the most, I'll tell you.
20:42Because yes, you know, it's beautiful memories and all that,
20:44but it looks like there's something that annoys me a little bit,
20:47instead of saying, hey, we put so much effort into, let's say, the fireplace.
20:50We did it last year, you know, we did it from scratch.
20:52We reused everything we had in that corner.
20:54You know, that's something I can't take with me.
20:56So yeah, it's the garden portion, I'll tell you about it.
20:59But the yard, it's really my biggest attachment to this house,
21:03because it's really not something they move.
21:05And that too, the garden, it was like really a safe place.
21:08So yeah, that, I have trouble thinking about it.
21:11It makes me a little nervous.
21:13So yeah, for me, it's the portion.
21:16You know, to have done all of this, and to say, oh,
21:18at least we took advantage of it a little bit.
21:20It's not like we finished everything, we did a flip now, and we went somewhere else.
21:23You know what, I was remembering that a long time ago,
21:25there were people who came here for the first time,
21:27when they complimented me on the house.
21:29It was such a beautiful compliment for me.
21:31When I tell you, it's almost identifiable.
21:33That's it, it's because I see all the DIYs we did in this house.
21:37There are there, there are there, there are there.
21:39There are many in each room.
21:41It's like it's every day to live in there.
21:43There's a little bit of pride, you know.
21:45That's what's going to hurt me a little bit, I think.
21:47It's the emotional attachment, which is proportional to all the love we put here.
21:50All the good memories too.
21:51Maybe being less attached, yes, to things a little material like that.
21:54But he still told me that when he sees the empty house,
21:56on the day of the move, he might have a little tear.
21:58It's not a big cry, but I still hope that it's going to do something.
22:01You know, in a way.
22:02I'm going to change room with you.
22:04And you know what, beyond this house,
22:06I think I've always had a big interest, a big attachment,
22:09for houses in general.
22:11A fascination, in fact, for architecture, for old houses,
22:14you know, that have a man, all that.
22:16For real, I have memories, let's say, of me, young,
22:18who went to visit an old uncle, a friend of a friend,
22:22Like, if I went to your house once when I was young,
22:25I think I would still be able to draw it by heart, piece by piece.
22:28I have a pretty good visual memory for houses.
22:31And yeah, sometimes, every time, it really makes me want to leave a place.
22:34Because, you know, let's say, I think back to when I went to live with my mother,
22:38and my mother, let's say, went to live in an apartment with Pat.
22:41Even that, it tickled me.
22:43And obviously, I didn't want to stay, like, eternally
22:45in the condo at my mother's, you know.
22:47So that's another aspect of my personality, but I'm very perverse,
22:49very insecure to make big life moves.
22:52So even going from condo to apartment, which should be exciting,
22:55you know, when you're like a young adult,
22:57it was really Pat who had to do the big job of reassuring me
23:00because I felt like I wasn't ready.
23:02It was the same thing, from apartment to house here,
23:04even if it was an upgrade,
23:06each time, you know, better and better.
23:08I really wasn't sure it was the right house
23:10as far as I could imagine, you know,
23:12decor plans everywhere and all that.
23:14But for real, it was him who had to convince me.
23:16And in the end, it was a really good move,
23:18both monetarily speaking and for all the experience we had here.
23:20And yeah, I'm really perverse, and I'm always going to find
23:22crap everywhere, you know.
23:24Like, our apartment wasn't far from this house.
23:26And what I liked was that I could walk to the subway.
23:28And here, I absolutely had to take the bus.
23:30So at first, I was like, oh my god,
23:32it's going to be complicated.
23:34And at the same time, we don't really care.
23:36So anyway, just to say that even if, yes,
23:38I'm excited about the next house,
23:40even if, yes, it's going to be an upgrade
23:42and that I'm sure we're going to have a better quality of life,
23:44it makes me really sad
23:46and it really encourages me
23:48to leave here.
23:50Because 9 and a half years here,
23:52we're getting closer, you know.
23:54And talking to people too, I realized that there are some who are like,
23:56no, no, it's just material, we don't care.
23:58And like, let's go to the next challenge.
24:00I'm like, wow, you're good.
24:20I have to take care of myself.
24:22The post box stuff, oh my god,
24:24it's so ugly.
24:26I was finally able to rest a little this morning.
24:28I did the fat morning routine, it feels good.
24:30Lily is not in the mood this morning.
24:32She's letting me sleep.
24:34She's getting old, my little one.
24:36Anyway, today is the next step of cleaning,
24:38of unpacking.
24:40But I'm going to have help, I'm so lucky.
24:42It's like my birthday present.
24:44Anyway, I asked for it like that.
24:46My mom came to help me sort my paper.
24:48Basically, I have a lot of it.
24:50Since I'm on my own,
24:52but even if it's all the paper from home,
24:54all the papers that it generated.
24:56Anyway, it will do less to move out.
24:58And I hate that.
25:00When you arrive, you have to take your products
25:02in the drawer and they're gone.
25:04Can I tell you that I can't wait to go to the other house?
25:06Just to have a fucking drawer.
25:08I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait.
25:10And to answer the question, yes, of course,
25:12I'm going to do little vlogs, well, not only,
25:14TikToks, Reels, related to the house,
25:18See you later!
25:20I don't know if it's all scanned.
25:22We can roll it, we leave it.
25:24It was like a document that had to be prepared
25:26in a little trash can.
25:28Day 2
25:30Well, archivists, day 2!
25:32No, it's not over,
25:34it's just the beginning.
25:38We're in P.M.
25:40What's better than a little crouton snack?
25:42Or what's better than a little mom
25:44who brings you food when you're full
25:46and who takes more than a day to come help you?
25:48I really appreciate it.
25:50We've made a lot of progress, my classroom has never been so light.
25:52Everything is well organized now, thank God.
25:54Yesterday, I set the tables in the basement
25:56in the middle of the night.
25:58What else did we do?
26:00Oh yes, we also changed the address file
26:02because there are things that you have to do in advance,
26:04that you can plan in advance.
26:06So I was late to be on the computer and to be seated
26:08so I told myself that I was going to make my next breakfast
26:10because I hate eating the same thing every morning.
26:12I'm going to make little overnight oats
26:14and I'm trying to empty the pantry
26:16and I found this, so it's going to be citrus.
26:18And it's going to be good, believe me.
26:20I got a blog by chance.
26:22It takes milk, protein powder too.
26:24It's like a spice that I don't know if I put in a child
26:26or if it's in the background.
26:28Ah, chia seeds, vanilla,
26:30and that's all, not bad.
26:32Oh yes, nuts that you add the next day.
26:34I'm going to make a double tooth recipe.
26:36And by the way, to come back to the comments
26:38under the last vlog, because I'm going to read them
26:40a little bit every day, I'm curious.
26:42I wanted to say, some of them scared me.
26:44Some of them, like me, have mixed feelings
26:46about moving, that it's very stressful
26:48for them as a life event.
26:50And some of them told me, I was reading earlier,
26:52that they've been in their new house for 7 months
26:54and they're still not used to it,
26:56that it's been a year. Someone told me
26:58that she left her apartment for a house
27:00and it's been a long time and she's still not used to it,
27:02still not safe in that choice.
27:04So I'm like, whoa, wait.
27:06I hope I'm going to keep my excitement
27:08because even if I'm sad to leave here,
27:10I'm still excited to go to the new one
27:12because I really think it's going to be better.
27:14But yeah, I hope I don't get that strange feeling
27:16of not feeling at home for too long.
27:18I'm telling you, it stresses me out.
27:20But yeah, thanks to all of that,
27:22in the last few weeks, it filled my mind.
27:24Gradually, I'm like, you know,
27:26my mourning is coming to an end,
27:28so I wanted to share with you some things
27:30that I've learned if you're ever stressed
27:32about moving, because we don't know,
27:34it might help someone.
27:36First of all, you may have found it obvious,
27:38but when I imagined leaving that house,
27:40the thing is that I imagined
27:42leaving everything here.
27:44I don't know why, but mourning that house,
27:46it's like I was seeing it as it is.
27:48I have to imagine it without the furniture,
27:50without the decor, all of that goes with us.
27:52Because otherwise, it hurts even more,
27:54because you really see it to your taste.
27:56Then I'm like, ok, I imagine it the day of the move.
27:58Ok, so there are the walls, the ceilings,
28:00the floors, the moldings,
28:02you know, the handles, I don't know,
28:04that we added. So that, I find it reassuring
28:06because if we don't plan it,
28:08it looks like you think you're leaving
28:10everything here and that's not the case.
28:12As I was telling you the other day,
28:14it's true that I have a little sadness
28:16about the projects we did here,
28:18but at the same time, there's no good answer to that.
28:20How long would I have wanted to take advantage
28:22of our fireplace that we did,
28:24the fact that we removed the roses 2 hours ago
28:26to put a better setup.
28:28All of that, I enjoyed it from A to Z.
28:30After 3 years, would I have been like,
28:32ok, we can move. No, we never stopped
28:34doing projects here, so we never know.
28:36That's life at some point.
28:38In the sense, would I not have done
28:40this beautiful garden, knowing that
28:42maybe one day we were going to move.
28:44I even wanted to tell you, 8 years ago,
28:46that it wouldn't be my forever home,
28:48so it didn't stop me from being creative
28:50and being a little belly who wants to do
28:52100 million projects. I would have done it either way.
28:54So it's sad, but that's what I'm telling myself too.
28:56It's just scary, I'll tell you in the next house
28:58because I'm like, I want to make a nice big garden
29:00and personalize the yard ASAP
29:02so that I don't get bored of my garden here.
29:04But now I'm like, all of a sudden after
29:062 years, we don't like our new city,
29:08our new neighborhood.
29:10All of a sudden, we don't like our neighbors.
29:12It's endless.
29:14So don't tell yourself that, okay?
29:16I don't know if that helps you.
29:18What am I talking about right now?
29:20I'm telling you my process of thinking.
29:22Another thing, this was before we found
29:24the house on Centriste, but we checked for a long time
29:26and for real, the choices weren't that interesting.
29:28But the thing is, we shouldn't compare
29:30our current house, that we put to our liking,
29:32to the next ones that aren't
29:34to our liking yet.
29:36Because it's sure that the clash is intense.
29:38I have to remember how this house was here
29:40You compare your current result
29:429 years later with one that hasn't
29:44had 9 years of love in it yet.
29:46Yes, some of them were too big renovations
29:48for us, but you really have to
29:50let your creativity go
29:52because there are houses that are worth it
29:54that just aren't renovated and it sucks.
29:56When they sell 700,000,
29:58no kitchen, no bathroom,
30:00far from Montreal, you're like, it's okay.
30:02I don't know how the market is in France,
30:04but since COVID, houses take 10% per year
30:06so it's really, really intense.
30:08If it's not beautiful, we take it, we take it,
30:10of course it's going to thicken during the night
30:12with the little bits of shit.
30:14For me, it's really good.
30:16If you've been looking for something
30:18for a long time and you're discouraged
30:20like we were and all that,
30:22I'd tell you that it's good to have
30:24an image of what we're looking for
30:26and what would be our ideal and all that.
30:28But in my case, I realized that I pushed it a little far.
30:30By looking at Pinterest,
30:32by fantasizing
30:34about a perfect house
30:36with exactly the yard like that,
30:38with exactly the house.
30:40But in the end, the house I would idolize
30:42was a girl in England who had that house.
30:44At some point, you have to be realistic
30:46with what's in Quebec.
30:48The market is not great at the moment.
30:50A lot of old houses to renovate.
30:52In our case, every time the land worked,
30:54the house didn't and vice versa.
30:56I think it's good to have our criteria,
30:58our list of criteria and our list of bonuses.
31:00I've always worked like that.
31:02But be careful not to imagine a house
31:04and that's just bonuses.
31:06Sometimes our first, second or even third house
31:08won't be our perfect house
31:10or the one we're going to finish our days.
31:12You have to be realistic
31:14in your expectations.
31:16If you imagine it in detail,
31:18you can be disappointed or never find it
31:20because it may not exist,
31:22your perfect house.
31:24You may have to create it
31:26either by doing a self-construction
31:28or by modifying an already existing one.
31:30If you are too inflexible in your choices
31:32it may take years before you find it
31:34and not months, depending on your patience.
31:36In relation to that,
31:38I learned a sentence this year.
31:40To make a decision is to accept
31:42to live with imperfection.
31:44That really spoke to me this year.
31:46I think it can apply in all kinds of situations.
31:48It's often that we didn't make a decision,
31:50that we didn't say go.
31:52We can idealize for a very long time,
31:54whether it's a job, a couple, a house.
31:56So at some point,
31:58you have to make a choice and live with the consequences.
32:00In the end, it's good
32:02to get out of your comfort zone.
32:04As much in my job as in my personal life,
32:06sometimes I stay stuck in areas
32:08that don't allow us to evolve.
32:12It took me time to get there,
32:14but I'm doing it.
32:16Movement leads to movement.
32:18It will always bring new experiences,
32:20new things to put in our little life bag.
32:24There is a part of me
32:26that is now able to let go
32:28of big life choices,
32:30career changes,
32:32house changes, etc.
32:34Mom was a little better,
32:36but it's a little better.
32:38If you're like me,
32:40and you really find a house that suits you,
32:42I say go.
32:44You have to get out of your comfort zone,
32:46you have to live experiences.
32:48I had shared a quote on Instagram that said
32:50don't analyze your life more than you live it.
32:52I was like, touched.
32:54That's really what's been blocking me lately.
32:56Remember that a very effective solution
32:58to break anxiety in life
33:00is to take action.
33:02That's what it did for me.
33:04When I was telling you about the other vlog,
33:06I felt overexcited, free and aligned.
33:08I felt confident.
33:10I felt that our office was accepted.
33:12It's like a little song that I sang
33:14and it took the time it took,
33:16but it was the timing, the momentum.
33:18So I took it.
33:20If you're stressed to leave a place,
33:22but the rest aligns,
33:24it's a sign of life that you have to go.
33:26I don't know if it's going to help you,
33:28but in this whole process,
33:30it really showed me to believe
33:32in my intuition, that I have trouble listening
33:34sometimes, that I mix with my anxiety,
33:36but also believe in the timing of life.
33:38When I say go,
33:40when there's the momentum,
33:42fine, but if you're really insecure,
33:44that maybe your cat loves a certain house,
33:46but you're like, no, I don't feel it.
33:48Listen to yourself.
33:50I think in the end,
33:52in any case, you're happy that we waited,
33:54because I said, I'm sure the good one is coming,
33:56the good one is coming, you just have to be patient.
33:58Tell yourself that there were others in the process,
34:00at the very beginning of the process,
34:02there were some that we were like,
34:04oh my god, she has such a beautiful cat,
34:06and we were nodding,
34:08and all those that we let go because they sell too fast,
34:10we didn't even have time to go visit them.
34:12There are some that we dragged,
34:14that we had this scratch on the heart for a couple of times,
34:16but in the end, are we happy to have waited
34:18for the good house? Yes.
34:20Wait for the momentum, the right timing,
34:22if it's due, it's due, and if not,
34:24don't force things. But there you go,
34:26it was the moment that ended the vlog.
34:28I think it's going to last four hours,
34:30and I'm the one editing it afterwards,
34:32and I'm not able to talk anymore,
34:34and I don't like to delegate my vlog edits,
34:36so we don't have a solution.
34:38The solution is that I'm going to vlog when I have time.
34:40I was reading your questions about Jardin Rêverie,
34:42so more questions related to the garden,
34:44so if Mireille asks me,
34:46do you have a pool or more space for your garden?
34:48No, we're winning, there's no pool.
34:50Actually, there is one, but it's off-limits,
34:52and we're going to sell it.
34:54Valérie, good question, did you see pictures
34:56of the yard in the summer?
34:58Of course, the pictures of the fish
35:00were all in the winter,
35:02but I saw the pictures, like the old fish,
35:04I saw the pictures of the house before,
35:06because it was all renovated
35:08not so long ago,
35:10and there were some pictures in the summer,
35:12but I'd say it's a blank space.
35:14It doesn't have two or three areas of flatbeds,
35:16so there's nothing.
35:18Finally, I'm going to answer Kim here,
35:20who asks if I'm going to keep the same style of plantation,
35:22colors, thematics, etc.
35:24Honestly, yes, because it's still going to fit.
35:26It's not the same look, not at all,
35:28outside of where we are right now,
35:30but it still fits the kind of garden that I like,
35:32a little romantic, pink, mauve, white.
35:34Even if the future house was, I don't know,
35:36orange and red, like brick,
35:38I wouldn't have made orange emeralds,
35:40so that we understand each other well.
35:42I like champagne gardens,
35:44so it fits with that, it's in my criteria.
35:46No, it's not true.
35:48So I'm going to keep working
35:50in this quiet evening at home,
35:52when I go out with my friends, tomorrow it's my turn,
35:54with my group of friends, so that's it,
35:56I'm going to work, and I'm going to edit
35:58and move some files.
36:32Slowly but surely, it's moving forward.
36:34It's going to carry a lot of stock.
36:40I'm tired.
36:44I'm tired.
36:50Thank you!
36:52I know that your gang is going to have a lot of beautiful projects,
36:54that's what's fun about moving,
36:56or stress, it's doing things
36:58with people we love, inspiring people,
37:00and dreaming big, planning,
37:02organizing the whole kit.
37:04I don't need a small ladder, it looks like it's for managing.
37:06But I had like two calls
37:08full of interesting people in Quebec.
37:10But actually, what am I saying? The first one wasn't a call,
37:12it was a meeting with Atelier Dansereau
37:14to talk about my future room,
37:16my future studio. I would like to have
37:18ideas that I haven't thought about,
37:20just to know if there is material to do
37:22something together. I don't know,
37:24maybe I have too many constraints with the sun,
37:26or what's going up, or the makeup kit,
37:28the fashion corner, the hairdresser corner,
37:30it's complicated. But it's funny
37:32because, basically, Atelier Dansereau
37:34suggested me to work with
37:36Symmetry Organization, and I said, well,
37:38it's the call I have after you.
37:40At some point, they already know each other, they already love each other,
37:42so it would be wonderful if we could do a triple
37:44collab together.
37:46So I'm going to answer
37:48a last question that came up a little bit,
37:50which is more in the angle of
37:52how did we know it was the right house,
37:54and why her, and not another,
37:56or, you know, some were asking if I had a crush
37:58on this particular house, etc, etc.
38:00So I thought it would be fun to end the vlog
38:02with the little story of how I knew
38:04it was the right one. So, as you know,
38:06it's been a while since we checked on Sandris,
38:08and that we were really discouraged by the choice.
38:10This winter, when we were at Canadian Tire,
38:12I was looking at the decorations, as usual, because I
38:14always find them really cute, their decorations, and I bought
38:16this one, telling myself, well,
38:18it's representative of our little
38:20old house that we would ideally look for
38:22in the countryside, blah, blah, blah. And that's it.
38:24I bought it as an ornament, telling myself, well,
38:26maybe it's our last Christmas here. And, well,
38:28when we removed the Christmas decorations in January,
38:30I left it out, ok, so that it's like our
38:32little totem. In January,
38:34as you know, I did my
38:36building, I did my little
38:38visualization, display, everything.
38:40I don't even know how much I believe that, honestly,
38:42but I'm like, it won't be wrong, it costs nothing.
38:44So there, I messed up the other time,
38:46because I was going to reread what I had
38:48written in there, it's early January.
38:50And it's just crazy, because I forgot that,
38:52ok, and it's once we found the house,
38:54that we did the whole thing, I was like,
38:56should I reread what I had said as a dream house?
38:58Like, what were the specific criteria
39:00that we had put in there? It's crazy,
39:02it was still very, very close.
39:04When I said in there that it would have two floors instead of three,
39:06it looks like it. Like, even
39:08the exterior of the house, you can tell,
39:10it wasn't my first criteria, you know, in the sense that I can like
39:12different styles on the exterior of the house.
39:14And then, well, without saying what it is,
39:16it's really that. It's still funny
39:18how it looks, because let's say I had written
39:20neutral, or empty, or good base for the garden,
39:22so not too many trees, there are a few trees,
39:24but the rest is just sun, it's empty,
39:26unlike other classes, as I told you, that were full,
39:28no pool.
39:30I said, in addition, my room is on the ground floor,
39:32it's practical. I said that my room is big,
39:34and bright, that everything fits,
39:36my clothes, my well-organized jewelry,
39:38like my fantasy of organization.
39:40At the top, I said that there are two, three rooms,
39:42on the floor, that's exactly what we have.
39:44So there, I'm not going to read it all, but in any case,
39:46aside from that, I remember in the holidays,
39:48we were sitting here, and then I was like,
39:50we can't find the damn house, I'm bored, so let's go,
39:52let's manifest, okay? And then I really took my hands,
39:54and it's really that, you know,
39:56he was laughing because he doesn't really believe that,
39:58but I said, well, we're going to call it, we're just going to call it
40:00to the universe, again, it's free,
40:02we have nothing to lose. So we wrote out loud
40:04what we wanted, so really
40:06manifest, and you see, that too, I hadn't
40:08thought about it afterwards, because we just had the
40:10automatism of opening, centering it every day,
40:12and it's maybe two weeks before
40:14we find the big, big max, after six
40:16months of research. So that too, I thought about it
40:18afterwards, but I was like, it's true, we really called
40:20our chef here, I had him journal,
40:22we had the little house, and,
40:24last thing, the day before going to visit it,
40:26I was, honestly, in all my
40:28states, because, honestly,
40:30I doubted that it was the right house,
40:32but it asked me for courage,
40:34because I still like this house, you know,
40:369 years and a half, you get attached, even you, you tell me that it's going to
40:38make you weird, that I'm changing the scenery,
40:40so imagine me spending almost all my life here,
40:42so it was like, there,
40:44finding something on paper that corresponded
40:46to all our criteria,
40:48that on top of that, was renovated, and on top of that
40:50in our tastes, I was like, phew, it's going to be
40:52tough not to love it. In fact, when we saw the photos,
40:54sitting here, the two of us, I can tell you,
40:56I felt them, the butterflies in my stomach,
40:58it's the only house that did that to me, but I was really
41:00stressed that we were going to visit it the same week,
41:02because, precisely, I was telling myself, it's probably the right one,
41:04so, there, there's no more niaise, it's going to be like,
41:06everything is going to fall apart, if that's the case.
41:08So, the day before, I was really in pain, and all that,
41:10so, at the time, I was like,
41:12do you want us to go see it again or what?
41:14I was like, yes, yes, I want to go, it's just,
41:16it's like it symbolized
41:18the mourning of this one, I don't know if you understand me.
41:20So, in short, that night, when I was
41:22alone, in my little moment, and I was crying,
41:24I was stressed,
41:26and I told myself, oh, I could ask for a sign,
41:28you know, again, to the universe, to the people of
41:30this city, whatever, ok? I was just like,
41:32oh, it would help me, it would seem, to have a sign,
41:34as if I needed a little kick
41:36to tell me, yes, it's a good thing, Cynthia,
41:38go ahead. And, that too,
41:40I didn't think about it, ok? During the visit,
41:42I was just in the present moment,
41:44I was fine, I didn't have any red flag that came out,
41:46but, I had to leave this house,
41:48like, grow on me, you know?
41:50I didn't think about making signs, and it's when we came back
41:52here, right after the visit,
41:54like, we had just arrived, and not long after,
41:56I received an e-mail, you know,
41:58it's Sunday, ok? I received an e-mail,
42:00and it was a lady, subscribed to my Instagram,
42:02who didn't really understand how my Instagram
42:04worked, I sometimes receive emails for that,
42:06and sometimes it makes me smile a little, I admit.
42:08She asked me why she couldn't
42:10answer my stories, basically, but it's
42:12blocked for people I don't follow.
42:14And she told me, well, I'm trying to send you a message,
42:16and it doesn't work, you know?
42:18And the screenshot she sent me, as proof
42:20that I'm trying to send you a message,
42:22funny enough, it's a date message,
42:24it was the 27th of August that she tried to send me that,
42:26so the timing, I found it a little special,
42:28and the message was,
42:30the house of your friend Cynthia is very beautiful,
42:32it makes you dream.
42:34And then, I was like, who is she talking about?
42:36Who is she talking about? It kind of bugged me,
42:38and then I saw, I shared the house of Eve Labine
42:40to help her sell her house, which is super beautiful.
42:42Anyway, no relation, but for me, it's the content of the message,
42:44with the timing, and maybe you're going to tell me
42:46I'm crazy, and it's not a sign, but for me,
42:48I lived it like that. Usually, people on Instagram
42:50ask me, like, what's your favorite cream?
42:52I have dry skin, can you help me find a good mascara?
42:54Blah, blah, blah. And then, the fact that
42:56she was talking about a house, and that it makes you dream,
42:58I found it weird, the timing.
43:00Again, it's a sweet message,
43:02so you know, why this particular message? I don't know.
43:04But anyway, all of that, when I
43:06caught all of that afterwards, I was like,
43:08ok, it really made me a little crazy,
43:10like, you can continue, you can go forward.
43:12But anyway, I lived it like that,
43:14all the little signs, and the little manifestation,
43:16so if you're in the same process,
43:18don't hesitate to try it.
43:20I'm looking for so much crap right now,
43:22that for real, you have to take all the chances
43:24on our side, right? So there you go,
43:26that was my little word of encouragement for you,
43:28so on that note, cheers to the new house,
43:30and to all the beautiful projects
43:32that are coming, I can't wait to film more content for you.
43:34So there you go everyone, big kiss,
43:36thank you for being here, there might be some more vlogs
43:38here, but not a ton,
43:40so we're getting ready, ok?
43:42We're getting ready to say bye to this pretty little
43:44maison cottage.
43:46Ok, ciao!
