00:00You've never seen a dick like this before, believe me.
00:02We've got Evolve Lumberjack, Evolve Hunter, Prince,
00:06Cycle with Freeze and Goblin Curse.
00:08This is gonna be- this is gonna be a heater, man.
00:10This is gonna be- I can already feel this is a Certified Hood Classic.
00:13And taking down Geelsding4000 is gonna be-
00:18It's gonna be a delight, to say the least.
00:20I think this is gonna be good because Hunter, um,
00:23is a good defensive card, good against air.
00:25And um, I think Prince is just fucking good.
00:29Like, I don't know- what do- I don't know what that play was,
00:33but I think Prince is just a fucking good-ass card.
00:36Like, see the way it dodged that Inferno Tower?
00:38It just- its IQ is something that should be feared in the arena,
00:42and that's what I say.
00:44And so basically, we've got Lumberjack Evolution,
00:46which is broken on offense and defense.
00:48We've got Hunter Evolution, which is broken on defense.
00:52Then we have Prince, which is annoying as fuck to defend in its own right.
00:55And then you add like a Goblin Curse that can take out Swarm cards.
00:58Then on top of that, you throw down a Freeze.
01:00What the fuck do they do?
01:01Hang on, hold that thought.
01:04Ugh, just turn into fucking goblins!
01:06Alright, hopefully he doesn't have a small spell right now.
01:09Fuckity fuck.
01:10Alright, Geels.
01:12Um, yeah, not the start I was really-
01:14I mean, that was a great start,
01:16but I would have liked to take his tower to start this game.
01:18But yeah, I think this is a solid dick, man.
01:20Like, having Freeze, I can just rely on that shit to defend.
01:23I don't need a building when I have Freeze,
01:25because if I get into a sticky situation, I just go,
01:28And then it's all good.
01:30So, that's why I like Freeze.
01:32Um, I normally just play a bunch of Cycle cards
01:34so that I don't have to rely on a building to defend.
01:37I just rely on like-
01:38I can just recover with Cycle shit.
01:40But now, I've got it- I've got it all.
01:43I got the Goblin Curse for the damage amplification.
01:45I got the Hunter, which is great.
01:46I got the Hunter Evolution.
01:48I got the Lumberjack Evolution.
01:50I just have a really strong offense, I think.
01:52And with Freeze, the defense is equally as good.
01:55And I'm gonna Freeze this,
01:56because the Wizard gets too much value in killing my counter-push.
02:00And that-
02:01And that-
02:02Wait a second!
02:05Alright, so, this is- this is a-
02:07I think this is just a free win, honestly, this first game.
02:09I mean, he's play- he played a fucking Elixir Golem to-
02:11Okay, I did not mean to do that.
02:13He played an Elixir Golem to defend an Ice Golem.
02:16So, that should tell you all you need to know about this-
02:18about Gales over here.
02:20Um, sorry, Ding4000.
02:22It's gonna have to be a-
02:23gonna have to be a quick wrap-up.
02:24But yeah, this is-
02:25this is a strong offense.
02:27I mean, it is hard to defend a Prince with an Ice Golem,
02:31an Evolved Lumberjack,
02:32a Goblin Curse,
02:33a Rage.
02:35That's a lot.
02:36I don't think Cupcake's ready for it, man.
02:38I don't think he is.
02:40And so, we're gonna see if we can try and get our evolution cycle in sync-
02:44Okay, perfect.
02:45So, any time that I can play my evolutions before double Elixir,
02:48that's brilliant.
02:49That's what I like to see.
02:51Just play this, you know-
02:55Cupcake failed the King Tower activation.
02:56Okay, that's fine.
02:58Cupcake failed to defend the Hunter properly.
03:00Cupcake's gonna take a lot of damage here.
03:02You know what?
03:02Cupcake spent so much fucking HP-
03:04I mean, damage-
03:05I mean, fucking England over there,
03:07that I'm just gonna go in here.
03:08Even though that's not a-
03:10really a-
03:11a Goblin-able troop,
03:13I'm going to still play the Goblin Curse for the damage amplification,
03:17in case he goes with a Swarm card.
03:19And yeah, we took his tower.
03:20Prince, man, I feel like I've-
03:22I've been noticing that card flying under the radar.
03:25Like, every time I see somebody play Prince,
03:28I'm like, god damn.
03:29That thing fucking charges quick.
03:32And now I realize I was right in saying-
03:36in thinking the Prince is really good.
03:37I'm just gonna go with this,
03:39because it's gonna force out a Valkyrie at least.
03:42And then the Valkyrie just dies here, really,
03:45because of the-
03:46Oh, the Rage Hunt.
03:48Rage is just so good with Bridge Spam, man.
03:50And I feel like-
03:52Ma'am, I don't know what that was.
03:55But I feel like-
03:58I feel like with Bridge Spam, Rage, and Goblin Curse-
04:01and the Goblin Curse works with the Rage.
04:04I don't even have Rage in my dick.
04:05I have Freeze as well, and like, Freeze if I need it?
04:08I think I've actually cooked.
04:10I think I've-
04:11I think I've been-
04:12I've been-
04:14I've been playing around a little too much.
04:16Now I'm actually-
04:17I've put some shit together that I like.
04:19And you know what?
04:20I pretty much just shut down this lane by playing this card,
04:23because what?
04:24He's gonna play a Hog Rider?
04:28That's interesting.
04:30I actually don't mind that the-
04:31Oh, he netted the Valkyrie,
04:32so the Valkyrie's not gonna pull it in anymore.
04:34I was gonna say, I don't mind the fact that it nets the Valkyrie,
04:37because I don't mind it getting pulled in,
04:40because the closer the Hunter is, the more damage it does.
04:43All right, let's go for a Freeze here.
04:45Lumberjack's on the tower.
04:46Once that Rage drops, hopefully the Prince can kill the Executioner.
04:50See ya in the-
04:52the afterlife, I guess.
04:54He's probably gonna go with a Hog Rider.
04:56Let's go for an Ice Golem here to distract the Executioner.
05:00That's not gonna work, little bro.
05:02And I think I might just put him out of his misery now,
05:04because even if he gets a Hog in front of this,
05:06I don't think he can defend.
05:08Um, yep, he has no choice.
05:10He has to go for the thing there.
05:11Hopefully I can get a Goblin or two out of this, actually.
05:17Yeah, see, he can't-
05:18He just can't-
05:18You can't defend an attack against this dick,
05:21because my offense is so hard to stop.
05:26Um, and he had-
05:26He had the fucking-
05:28He had, like, the full playbook of how to answer that,
05:31but he just couldn't stop it,
05:32because he was a little bit low on Elixir.
05:34It's hard to stop a Rage unit.
05:36It's hard to stop a Prince.
05:37It's hard to stop a Rage Prince.
05:38It's hard to stop a Goblin Curse.
05:39It's hard to stop a Prince Raged with the Evolved Lumberjack Ghost
05:42in the Goblin Curse,
05:44if the Lumberjack-
05:46It's just hard.
05:47It's just-
05:47It's just a good time.
05:49And then the Evolved Hunter, man.
05:52You don't need a building when you have Evolved Hunter and Freeze.
05:55Just feels right.
05:56So, screw it.
05:58Cycle an Evolved-
05:59Or a Hunter in the back to get to our Evolved one later in the game.
06:02Play an Ice Golem.
06:03I don't need to counter that Mortar.
06:04I just need to wait and see what he does.
06:06I got till that Ice Golem dies.
06:08And then I'll just use-
06:10I'll just use the Hunter to tank for the Mortar.
06:13And now I'll play this.
06:14So it tanks a shot.
06:16And then I'll go with this.
06:18And then I'll go with this.
06:21I think that's on the tower.
06:22Yep, that's fucking on the tower.
06:22But the Rage-
06:24Okay, did not splash the Mortar.
06:25That's not great.
06:26All right, let's go with this.
06:28Try and get some Goblins out of this.
06:30Force out a small spell.
06:31You know what?
06:32Fuck it.
06:36See if-
06:37Oh, okay.
06:39He's putting on the press.
06:40All right, we got a-
06:42We got an up right here.
06:44See if that Prince had like a sliver of HP.
06:48In the parallel universe where it does.
06:50That would have been like a shit ton of damage.
06:52But that's the thing with Freeze Man.
06:53Sometimes you roll the dice and sometimes it doesn't pay off.
06:56All right, it's great that that thing just dies here.
06:59And then Ghosty Boy is gonna go on the tower.
07:00Let's fucking go.
07:02Okay, I was hoping for a little bit more from you there, Chief.
07:05But that's fine.
07:06We got four Spectators in the game.
07:07That's when you know, like, putting on a show right now.
07:12Okay, I'm gonna play a Hunter of my own in the back.
07:15If you want to play it slow, that's fine.
07:16I can cycle to my next one, my Evolved Hunter.
07:19That's absolutely a-okay with me, bud.
07:22Where's the Mortar?
07:27Okay, I'm gonna make sure mine wins the fight by going with a little-
07:30I actually don't think mine wins the fight.
07:32No, mine actually does lose the fight.
07:34Okay, we're gonna go with this.
07:36I need that to die.
07:37He's gonna try Mega Knight.
07:39Okay, there we go.
07:40All right, sure.
07:43And this is the great thing about Hunter.
07:45It will jump, even though it gets netted.
07:48Oh, it doesn't!
07:49It didn't get the-what?
07:50Okay, I did not expect that.
07:52But that's-that is great.
07:55So now I'll just go with this.
07:56I mean, that is so much value.
07:58And I think I'm just gonna turn this into an attempt to try and spam him.
08:02And we'll see what he can do.
08:04And then I'm just gonna freeze everything, just to kind of force out, like-
08:08I mean, he has to play as Mega Knight.
08:10And then the Evolved Hunter's just like, it's holding it there,
08:13which is absolutely fucked.
08:15He has to waste his Evolved Mortar there, which is-
08:18Gotta get no hits.
08:19Let's go for a Goblin Curse for the amplified damage as well.
08:22Prince is gonna kill it.
08:23Ghost on the tower.
08:24It's just so hard to defend, I feel like, man.
08:30This is good.
08:31I like this.
08:32I like this, dick.
08:32Because normally, I would play like an Evolved Dark Goblin instead of-
08:37Normally, I'd play like an Evolved Dark Goblin instead of the Hunter,
08:39but it's not enough.
08:40Evolved Dark Goblin can die to arrows.
08:42Evolved Hunter, it's like, you have to use at least a Lightning to kill it.
08:46And if you use a Lightning, I can pressure the other lane.
08:49And it counter-pushes as well.
08:51Because if I use a building instead of Evolved Dark Goblin to like,
08:54be the range unit and to kill tanks,
08:57then Candy Boy is not happy, is what I'm trying to say.
09:01And so, Taint McGrundle.
09:06Everyone's playing Hunter.
09:07That's great.
09:08I wonder why.
09:08All right.
09:09Well, I'm gonna cycle it in the back.
09:10Probably play my Lumberjack as well to get to my Evolved one.
09:14I'm really enjoying this.
09:15I can't lie.
09:16Winning in life is fantastic.
09:18I'm just gonna play this over here with an East Spirit in case he has a Swarm card.
09:24Oh, that's actually a really good play.
09:26I can't lie.
09:27He's gonna get a charge there.
09:30But we get a ton of damage.
09:31So, Taint's down.
09:37No, wait.
09:39Taint's broke.
09:40I'm up.
09:41That's what I meant to say.
09:42All right.
09:42Well, just play the Evolved Lumberjack to defend this.
09:45That's really good for me, actually.
09:48Because if he doesn't go-
09:50Yeah, he has to go with the Invisibility early because of my Ghost.
09:54And you know what?
09:55I actually don't want to take level 16 Archer Queen damage.
09:58Thank you very much, McGrundle.
10:00And now this is fantastic because I know we've done a ton of damage.
10:04I know he's got E-Wiz,
10:06which is not the most fun thing to push into when you've got-
10:10Wait, how did that-
10:12Oh my god.
10:13E-Wiz just got buffed.
10:14That's a new-
10:14That's a new thing I didn't even realize.
10:16So it one-shots Spirits now, apparently.
10:18I thought-
10:20I've always known it to not do that.
10:23So maybe I'll play E-Wiz.
10:24No, I won't.
10:25I don't really want to play E-Wiz.
10:26Fucking boring-ass card.
10:28Unless I can think of a fun deck to play with it.
10:31Anyway, he's gonna go for a Mega Knight almost definitely here.
10:34And I'm gonna-
10:38Let's wait till that kind of locks on.
10:41I might go with an Evolve Hunter.
10:42I have to go with the Evolve Hunter here.
10:44And that's fine because the net will just stop that.
10:46And that's the great thing.
10:47I don't have like a log in this deck.
10:50And the Evolve Hunter kind of helps make up for that.
10:53You know, I have the Freeze and the E-Spirit to reset,
10:55but I don't have a building.
10:57That's gonna chill out.
10:58Oh, never mind.
11:01Yeah, no, the net kind of acts as like a re-
11:05Not like a reset.
11:05I don't really know what to say.
11:08It is a stun.
11:09It's holding it still.
11:10That's what I'm trying to say.
11:13All right, so go with this.
11:15Make sure that-
11:16Bad E-Wiz timing by him.
11:18And this is not even a Goblin Curse kind of matchup.
11:20I'm really just-
11:21We don't use it for the damage amplification.
11:24I'm just gonna freeze that, kill it instantly.
11:30You go with the Goblin Curse.
11:31Even if he goes with Mega Knight, I think it's fucking game over.
11:34He's gonna get so much damage on his King Tower with the amplification.
11:37Look at that thing.
11:39He actually did survive, but it's definitely game over still.
11:42Sorry, Taint.
11:43Yep, good luck.
11:44Yep, thanks, mate.
11:45I, uh-
11:46My prayers were answered today because-
11:48Lord forbid I beat the great Taint McGrundle.
11:51I don't even know how to say this guy's name.
11:54Oh, there's the Pride Prince.
11:56There's my nips.
11:57Enjoy that.
11:59He really likes that emote, eh?
12:02I saw that somebody was complaining about, like, this loading screen,
12:07which looks a little goofy, if you ask me,
12:08because it doesn't have the Dark Prince.
12:10Why did they leave out the Dark Prince?
12:12Leave your comments.
12:13Leave your thoughts in the comments, I should say.
12:15All right, we got a lot of yappers today, man.
12:17A lot of emote spammers.
12:19All right, Arkner.
12:21Oh, he's two games away from his goal of 9,000 trophies.
12:24I get it.
12:25He's trying to get in my head.
12:26That's what he's trying to do.
12:27He doesn't realize I'm on a different planet when it comes to brain-
12:33Please do a tornado to the king, go for the executioner.
12:38I don't know how I fucking fat-fingered that so badly.
12:44Don't try to-
12:45Oh my god, if I went Goblin Curse there, that would have changed lives.
12:49Okay, I'm still going for it.
12:50Fuck it.
12:52Hunter's gonna help out.
12:53Damage amplification.
12:54Oh yes, those are gonna become goblins.
12:56I don't know how-
12:57I should have played my Hunter there.
12:58I'm a fucking idiot.
12:59I just saw an Evolve card and I-
13:02Got horny for it.
13:03Ghost is actually gonna be clutch here because I wouldn't want the XT splashing the tower.
13:07Terrible start.
13:09Somehow, because of the dick, we're still winning.
13:11And I did not play that at all how I would want to.
13:14But now I know he's got-
13:16He's got Executioner.
13:18He's got Witch.
13:19Finally, something for me to use my Goblin Curse on.
13:22All right, let's go Hunter in the back.
13:24Next one's gonna be Evolve.
13:25So just like-
13:26Just getting ready.
13:27He doesn't know-
13:28Arcano's under the impression that's the full threat of what I have to offer.
13:32It's not.
13:34Spoiler alert.
13:35I hope that goes for the Ice Golem.
13:42Fuck it, let's do it.
13:46Wait, why would I freeze the Witch when the Witch is spawning the things that would become goblins?
13:51Oh wait, no, shit.
13:52That's gonna one-shot my Spirit now.
13:53I gotta play bats.
13:55He's gonna play Ram Rider and take my tower here.
14:00Yes, he's an idiot.
14:02Don't do it.
14:03Because if he-
14:04He might not have had the Elixir, to be fair, because of the freeze.
14:07But now that I have-
14:10Now that I have Evolved Hunter, I'm not worried at all.
14:13Like, I actually might change lanes here.
14:15Because Executioner kind of blocks out that whole lane.
14:18And I feel like he's gonna want to protect his Magic Archer.
14:20So we'll go for that.
14:23And you know what?
14:24This is so much freeze value.
14:25I feel like just to allow my troops to just do a lot.
14:30Yes, killed the Magic Archer as well.
14:31If he wants to go with Ram Rider, it's gonna be Evolved Hunter.
14:36So that's great.
14:37And then I can just go with this.
14:39And he's fucked up the Magic Archer because he was hoping that could line up.
14:42And this might actually be the game-winning push on the next one.
14:49Yeah, no, he's used his log.
14:50It's over.
14:52It's over, man.
14:54I should probably just keep spamming.
14:56Let's go with this over here.
14:58Well played.
14:59Thank you, my friend.
15:01God damn, seven in-game spectators?
15:03I've never even given my...
15:04Like, I don't give my link out.
15:05It's just the whole fucking clan's got my back, man.
15:08Let's go.
15:09Getting well played left, right, and center.
15:11Have I created the best dick of all time?
15:13I feel like I've actually done something here, man.
15:15I'm enjoying this shit.
15:17All the new go...
15:21Goofy-ass cards in this dick.
15:23This is what I live for, man.
15:25All right, Lumberjack at the bridge.
15:26He's gonna have to defend his Furnace.
15:27Otherwise, it's a four for four trade.
15:29Well, we can go band for band.
15:31That's fine.
15:32I might even get a little chip damage.
15:33No? Okay, that's also fine.
15:35I'll just play a Hunter in the back.
15:40How many buildings do you need?
15:42And that's fine as well because it's not like I've used...
15:44I can just cycle my Hunter.
15:45I still have Prince if he wants to go with some kind of tank.
15:50Is that a Valkyrie?
15:51I couldn't even see that shit.
15:52All right, well, I'll go for a Prince here.
15:54He's got Prince as well.
15:56Might be a little counter push coming in this lane.
16:00I'll go with an Ice Golem not to kite because I want it to stay alive for the Goblin Brawler.
16:06And now I play my second Hunter, which is great.
16:08This is fine.
16:09Just slowly sort of doing my thing.
16:11Getting into the groove of the game while I'm cycling my Evolutions.
16:15And now I have my Evolved Lumberjack and my Evolved Hunter next.
16:19This is tempting, but I'm not gonna do it because there's no point.
16:23And yeah, I'll cycle my...
16:24I feel like every card's just being used very well right now.
16:28Just cycle that.
16:29Two waves of that shit destroyed.
16:31Go with this.
16:33Oh, Dummy.
16:33Oh, Dummy, Dummy, Dummy.
16:36Dummy doesn't know he's about to get Dummy-mated as Smash like.
16:40Oh, fuck.
16:40No, that's fine because the Ice Golem's gonna get pulled in and that's gonna do fuck all really.
16:45And yeah.
16:47No, it's not looking good for Dummy, unfortunately.
16:51Well, it takes a sliver of health and yeah.
16:56Bye-bye, tower.
16:57And now I have Evolved Hunter, so he's not breaking through any time soon.
17:01So if anybody wants to talk about something, how's the weather today?
17:07See you later, Furnace.
17:11I don't know why I wasted my Evolved Hunter on that, but goddamn, it is hot today.
17:1638 degrees Celsius, man.
17:19If you want to know what that is in weird measurement systems like Fahrenheit,
17:23you can convert that.
17:2538 degrees Celsius.
17:29That is a hot-ass day, man.
17:31Nobody can tell me that's not a hot-ass day.
17:34Nobody can tell me I wouldn't make a hot-ass date.
17:39Evolved Lumberjack in the rage.
17:50These are situations where you almost feel bad.
17:53Go with the Goblin Curse here as well.
17:56Oh, that's gonna hurt.
17:58It's like when you see somebody's like grazed their knee or something.
18:03Wouldn't want to be you, Dummy.
18:07God, that's gonna hurt.
18:10All right, that's another win.
18:11Add it to the collection.
18:12Put his fucking head on my wall.
18:14I should start putting my opponent's names on the wall behind me.
18:18That would be some elite fucking...
18:20That would be some Sigma shit.
18:22But there's not enough space.
18:24You know what I mean?
18:25How many names?
18:26They have to be really fine, like small print.
18:30All right.
18:30I really hope...
18:32I really hope this guy's not born in 2006.
18:37But I'm starting to think he is, by the way.
18:38His clan name's spelt...
18:40This is not good, chat.
18:41This is not good.
18:44This is not good.
18:44This is not good.
18:46Okay, watch this fucking E-Spirit.
18:48I didn't...
18:50I didn't think King was going to get activated,
18:51but I still think that was worth it.
18:52That did a shit ton of damage.
18:55I'm playing out of my goddamn mind right now.
18:57There's no...
18:58There's no beating around the...
19:01The bush.
19:03Suspicious bush.
19:05Clash reference.
19:08I'm just gonna go with this.
19:10Just feels right.
19:11He's got a lot of Goblin Cursible cards, which is great.
19:14You know, between the...
19:15What the fuck?
19:16I want to get another shot.
19:18That's brilliant.
19:19Um, and the witch.
19:21I'm gonna go with this, because I think the next wave of bats is just about to spawn.
19:26Okay, well, they're not gonna die in the Goblin Curse, are they?
19:29In Wankstain's?
19:30And look, his Goblin got, like, no damage.
19:34I'd freeze that.
19:35I have to.
19:36It's in the Rage.
19:37They're gonna die on his side, and it's still a threat.
19:40They're all gonna die on his side, and it's still a threat.
19:43And it's still a threat that requires Elixir.
19:46Absolutely worth it, if you ask me.
19:48This is the part of the game where I'd normally go Bats at the bridge.
19:51I still will, because he's got Cannoneer, and I need to counter that.
19:54But then he's got King Tower activated, thanks to my...
19:59E-Spirit, but that's fine.
20:00Forced out that Goblin Hut.
20:02And I'll go with a Hunter.
20:04I don't need to hold on to my Hunter as my tank killer, because I got plenty of those things.
20:08And also because my next one's gonna be Evolved.
20:11And Evolved Hunter versus Golem, I feel like I should just let that counter the Golem by itself,
20:16and just spam him in the other lane.
20:17Like, that's what I'm thinking.
20:19If you're thinking what I'm thinking, Smash Like.
20:22If not...
20:25On your bike.
20:27That's what we say here in Australia.
20:30I can smell it.
20:32It's coming.
20:34And it's disgusting.
20:36Oh, we backed out.
20:40Let's go for a Goblin Curse here.
20:44I'm gonna freeze now.
20:46I feel like that's worth it.
20:50And then...
20:51Oh my god.
20:52His Golem died so quick, man.
20:54Just go for an Evolved Hunter here.
20:57Kite that shit over.
20:58Go with this.
21:00Go with this.
21:03Yeah, just go with bats here.
21:04Goblin Curse is fucking great.
21:06Look at it go, man.
21:07Everything is just great.
21:09I like this shit, man.
21:11I like it.
21:11People have been sleeping on Prince for one too many minutes.
21:16This is just feels right, this Goblin Curse.
21:18I don't know why.
21:20And I'm gonna freeze this.
21:21And I think that's gonna be it.
21:24Yeah, between Hunter and Prince.
21:26Johnny is goodbye.
21:31I mean, I could do this all day.
21:32Like, I literally could.
21:33I could sit here for an hour,
21:34but then why would you come back tomorrow?
21:37Smash Subscribe.
21:37And maybe we'll continue this streak.