• 2 days ago


00:00Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
00:18You know, if I want to carry a baby myself, I don't have a lot of time to do that.
00:25Babies don't grow on trees.
00:26You've got to get it moving.
00:29You're like in a new place and it feels new and different and it's like I'm in our home.
00:35I'm in a place where everybody was and it just feels different.
00:38I definitely feel like I am in limbo.
00:41Listen, you're angry and you're not angry at me.
00:44You're angry at your life.
00:47I don't think Sutton gives one **** about me or what I'm going through.
00:52Sutton, what are you drinking, honey?
00:54The watermelon something.
00:55There's alcohol in it.
00:56You asked, is there alcohol in it?
00:58You're such a bitch.
01:02I'm going to go.
01:03Dorit has never apologized for perpetuating that I have some sort of drinking problem.
01:09Can we try to hit the reset button, maybe?
01:11What she did to me last year and what that put me through, no.
01:16Like, I am done.
01:20These hills have eyes and they're all staring at me.
01:25I honor my fine Southern manners by putting you in your place.
01:31I've been in the game too long to play by someone else's rules.
01:37In Beverly Hills, money buys a lot, but my independence, priceless.
01:43Introducing the greatest product I've ever marketed, myself.
01:49I might look like a doll, but don't wind me up.
01:56Don't you tell them how we do that.
01:59You know me, Slava.
02:08I cannot get a grip on this ball to save my life.
02:11It's not hard, just grip it.
02:12This is not so easy with long nails.
02:18The opening credit's what I felt like.
02:20I feel like I need one more beat.
02:23I love that we open up with seeing the campus.
02:26One more sort of thing sets us up that we're at this HBCU.
02:30Before the girls are running on the track.
02:35You're gonna come.
02:37Obviously, everything is still in motion.
02:40You gotta sleep in the bed with me.
02:43I'm not gonna sleep on my new sofa, so.
02:45And that's it, I'm excited.
02:47This should be fun.
02:48Are you excited?
02:53We don't get it.
02:55We don't kill it.
02:57Are we doing?
02:59That's your girl, I'll see you later.
03:06Yay, there she is.
03:08This dress.
03:10You always look fantastic.
03:11I love those glasses.
03:12Just call me Miss Glamorama.
03:14Oh my gosh, good to see you.
03:16It's good to see you too.
03:17I hear you guys have been.
03:19Yeah, we've been going over just some of the details.
03:21Caviar Caspia is like the perfect place to have a party.
03:24I love caftans.
03:26I love caviar.
03:27I love caviar Caspia.
03:29We thought we'd maybe like check out how you want to arrange the tables.
03:32Oh right, yes, okay.
03:33And I thought it would be a really fun opportunity for the girls
03:36to put on caftans and lots of jewelry.
03:39In the invitation I said, think Talitha Getty.
03:43I'm not sure if they know who Talitha Getty is.
03:45They might not have gotten the reference
03:47because everybody isn't like me, obsessed with caftans.
03:50First of all, we're going to do a table, like put a bunch of tables close together.
03:53Yes, we'll just do one long, cohesive table.
03:55A long table.
03:56I'm not really a caviar connoisseur, and I guess this is crass of me,
04:00but I just try to order the most expensive caviar on the menu
04:03because I figure it's probably the best.
04:06I know it's caviar Caspia and people are going to be eating
04:08big potatoes slathered in caviar.
04:10The only thing I don't like are those little orange caviars.
04:13They always remind me of fish bait.
04:15And coincidentally, I think they're the cheapest caviar on the menu.
04:19So as long as I order the most expensive caviar, I'm fine.
04:22I hope you don't mind I ask Sutton to meet us here
04:25because she wants to go to Spago's for dinner.
04:27I also kind of want to show her this place so she has an idea
04:30of what kind of vibe I'm going for.
04:37See you in a few days. I think it's going to be fabulous.
04:40I'm going to sit here and wait for Sutton.
04:42Of course. Let me know if you need anything.
04:44I sure will.
04:49Is that little Miss Sutton? How are you?
04:52Hi. How are you?
04:53I'm good. How are you?
04:55I got you a little present. Don't get excited.
04:58It literally is like a little cheap thing, you know, for Altamoda.
05:02So it's just a thing.
05:04So you feel like you're there.
05:06Aww! It's cute.
05:08I love it.
05:09I just got back from Sardinia.
05:11I was at the Dolce & Gabbana Altamoda fashion show.
05:14Sutton and I used to go all the time.
05:16We love the Dolce & Gabbana guys, and they're sort of like family to us.
05:19I have a lot of Dolce & Gabbana jewelry,
05:21but then I can't pick it up until I've paid it off,
05:24so I always do the layaway.
05:26I think we need to find me, like, a billionaire.
05:29A billionaire?
05:30I think I'm going to go for money.
05:32I have my own.
05:33That's right.
05:34But I really think I need to find a man who really wants to spoil me.
05:36I think that would be very nice.
05:37I mean, come on.
05:39You remember when Christian gave you that Cartier bracelet?
05:41I was so jealous.
05:42And the earrings that you have, too.
05:45I went to Dorit's 4th of July party.
05:47You know, I was reluctant to go.
05:50And, um...
05:54So how have you been traumatized?
05:57It was a bit traumatic.
05:59It seemed like you had a little post-traumatic stress syndrome.
06:02I know.
06:03Garcelle sits down and is like, Sutton, what are you drinking?
06:06I said, it's the watermelon drink.
06:08It's light and refreshing.
06:10Is there alcohol in there?
06:12She goes, didn't you ask Sutton what she's drinking?
06:15And you asked, is there alcohol in it?
06:17Oh, my God, Dorit said that.
06:19And I was like, nope.
06:21I'm leaving.
06:23I'm not gonna let you perpetuate this myth...
06:26...of, like, some sort of drinking situation.
06:28Dorit started this whole drinking problem thing last year.
06:33Sutton is a drinker.
06:35She's somebody that I would not be surprised
06:37if she pours a little vodka in her coffee in the morning.
06:40I understand what she's doing.
06:44I understand her insinuation completely.
06:48She's not that clever.
06:50And you said...
06:52You're such a bitch.
06:54Excuse me?
06:57So then you just left and...
06:58Yeah, I just left.
06:59And then have you talked to Dorit since then?
07:02So the first time you're gonna see her is in my caviar...
07:05At your...
07:07...caftan party.
07:09Yes, at your beautiful caviar caftan party.
07:12Let's see how that goes.
07:17Where's Romeo?
07:19Why is this door open?
07:21Who went in here?
07:24Who did this?
07:28It says your name written all over it.
07:34Luna, get in here.
07:40How are you?
07:42You look nice. I like your shirt.
07:43Thanks, Donna.
07:44How's everything?
07:46Can I get you something?
07:47No, I'm good.
07:48How are you?
07:50Totally cool.
07:51I feel so unrelaxed.
07:52I have to...
07:53Yeah, take a breath.
07:54...take a breath.
07:55So, more space.
07:56So how's it feeling?
07:58It felt really weird in the beginning.
08:00But I'm getting used to it.
08:02It's been really quiet lately
08:04because Portia is in Europe.
08:06What is the plan?
08:08Portia and I traveled to London.
08:09We're picking up her best friend.
08:11And then we're going to go to either Madrid or to Mallorca.
08:16She's having the best time.
08:18Is this going to be the first summer you don't all spend together?
08:21Yes, this is the first summer.
08:23I mean, the fact that he took Portia alone.
08:25I've never been away from Portia like that, ever.
08:27And then he's going to do a guy's trip.
08:29He goes and lives his life and he's having fun.
08:34You know, and I've kind of been just working.
08:39And I know that that's what being separated is supposed to be.
08:42Taking this time to figure out everything.
08:45Or just get perspective.
08:48Everyone's like, are you getting divorced?
08:50I mean, everybody asks me that.
08:52I think I'm anxious.
08:54I'm getting impatient.
08:56I'm impatient because I want to know what my life's going to be.
08:59I think it's different for men.
09:01I mean, he's just going to live his best life.
09:04He's a happy little camper.
09:07Why can't you live your best life too?
09:09No, I can.
09:10I guess it's just...
09:11There's a little part of me that thinks,
09:13okay, say I move on with somebody new.
09:16And then what if he's like,
09:18okay, I went and sowed my wildness,
09:21or whatever that is, that expression is.
09:23And, you know...
09:24I don't want to come back.
09:32Because that's what the risk is.
09:35I mean, he's the one who said,
09:37I know this comes with a risk.
09:39I never wanted to be a single mom like my mom was.
09:45And stressed or afraid.
09:50And I was always so proud that I had been married so long.
09:56Because I didn't have a good role model, you know,
10:01growing up in that aspect.
10:05So, yes, I was very proud of that.
10:08I was like, this is, you know, my biggest accomplishment.
10:21You're allowing yourself to actually feel, I think,
10:23some of the loss that sometimes you were concerned
10:25Mo wasn't letting himself feel.
10:28He said once, you know,
10:30I was afraid I couldn't be on my own, but I know I can now.
10:33And then I think maybe that was his only fear,
10:36was he couldn't be on his own.
10:38Not about me.
10:43Didn't he ever say, like,
10:44I was scared I couldn't be without you?
10:46Or he said, I was scared I couldn't be on my own,
10:49but I can.
10:51Which makes you feel what?
10:53That he didn't care about you enough?
11:00Just his own discomfort of being alone?
11:04Right, but we don't know that that's really all that he's saying.
11:08Well, it's plenty of times to say something else.
11:13Right, well, then we're back to the age-old dynamic
11:16of the two of you struggling to get underneath
11:19into the really deep, messy conversations.
11:24But listen, to your credit, you're doing it.
11:27You're not running away from your feelings.
11:29I'm not suggesting he is.
11:31He's an emotional person too, very.
11:33But I don't see that of him right now.
11:36I understand.
11:38You know?
11:41Look, the emotion is the loss.
11:43Whether it's about you feeling less than you should,
11:48feeling that he didn't love you enough,
11:50or if he did care about you and just didn't express it,
11:52that he didn't fight for you,
11:54I know that was something that shocked you at the beginning.
11:56When we were struggling,
12:00it felt like he was just waiting for me to get over it
12:04instead of saying, like,
12:07no, I love you, we are not doing this,
12:09we are going to fight until we fix everything.
12:14I don't know what's more sad than
12:17if he didn't want to fight for me
12:20or if he wanted to and didn't know how.
12:23Either way, he didn't.
12:25I'm starting to feel like
12:29I need to really move on.
12:35Coming up...
12:36We want to try for me to carry.
12:39By age 45, we're talking a 2% or less chance
12:43of conception.
12:57This is why people have floors.
12:59We need to go back to the tall ones.
13:01Tall like me and my future babies.
13:05Oh, I mean me and Keely's future babies.
13:08They're not just my babies.
13:10Yes, yes, yes!
13:12Excitement has begun.
13:16How are you?
13:18Can I give you a hug?
13:20Thank you so much.
13:21I've been actually a little nervous,
13:23but we're going to talk about it.
13:25Hello, welcome, please come in.
13:27Dr. Cindy is a leading fertility specialist.
13:31They call her the baby doctor.
13:33I think she's a magician.
13:35Do you want to set up in my bedroom?
13:37Would that be a good idea?
13:38I think that's okay if it's okay with you.
13:40She's brought her whole team.
13:41She's brought equipment
13:42because I simply need my services in my home.
13:45I mean, my nail person comes to my house.
13:47My hairstylist comes to my house.
13:48Hell, my waxer comes to my house.
13:50So why wouldn't I have the fertility doctor
13:51come to my house?
13:52Of course she's here.
13:54You'll meet Keely very soon.
13:56He's on his way in.
13:57Looking forward to it.
13:58We're thinking about starting a family together.
14:01You know, we're both very mature.
14:05I'm 47, he's 48.
14:08And I've been pregnant twice.
14:09I lost my first daughter.
14:11I had complications, and she was born preterm.
14:16So, and Lael, my daughter, my living daughter,
14:19was also preterm.
14:21And so I am nervous.
14:24Pregnancy is just a scary thing,
14:26regardless of the age.
14:28I know that it seems as if you're 19, 21, 26.
14:32It's like, oh, a breeze.
14:33You should be able to pop it out.
14:34Yeah, but I was 32.
14:36And still faced life-threatening complications.
14:40And so at 48, yeah, my chances are much, much worse.
14:44We have women in older categories
14:46also able to have babies and have them safely.
14:49Now it does require some planning.
14:51I think that might be Keely.
14:52Oh, okay.
14:53Give me one moment.
14:54No problem.
14:57Hey, baby.
14:58Hey, babe.
14:59How you doing?
15:00Good, how you doing?
15:01Glad to see you.
15:02Come on in.
15:03Yeah, finally, right?
15:04Hey, how's it going, doctor?
15:05Hey, Keely, how are you?
15:06Yes, Dr. Cindy.
15:07Dr. Cindy, pleasure to meet you.
15:09Keely knows my past experiences.
15:12Looking forward to just learning more.
15:15Thankfully, today, all I need to know is,
15:17are there any eggs up in here?
15:20And if there are, how many are there?
15:22We want to, at least at first, try for me to carry.
15:27As we age and as we cross age 40,
15:30the chances of what we call spontaneous
15:33or unassisted conception does decrease.
15:35So by around age 45, we're talking a 2% or less chance
15:41at conception.
15:42The odds are low, but it's not zero.
15:45That's part of what we'll assess.
15:48Do you want to go upstairs?
15:50Should we do that?
15:51Even though I've had very serious complications
15:53in the past, there might be a slight chance
15:55that I could be pregnant and survive a pregnancy
15:59without those same complications.
16:01So if there's a chance, I want to know what my odds are,
16:04and then I can make a decision.
16:08So what am I looking at?
16:09Okay, so this is your womb.
16:10Yes, okay.
16:11That's the uterus, and that's the right ovary.
16:14And this dark circle is an egg house.
16:16Oh, I see.
16:17One, two, three, four.
16:23So that's a good thing.
16:25So is there a range of egg houses
16:27you kind of want to be within?
16:28In someone who's like 25 to 30 years old,
16:31we'd be expecting to see at least 10 of those egg houses
16:35on each ovary.
16:38Around 40, we'd expect to see anywhere between zero.
16:44And six as an average.
16:47Certainly over 45, you're generally only seeing one or two.
16:51I know this doesn't make any sense.
16:53People will say, well, I already have a kid,
16:55so why put my health at risk to have another one?
16:58But I love this man.
17:01I want to marry this man.
17:03I want to have babies with this man.
17:05Four sounds really good.
17:06It's very promising.
17:08It's a good sign.
17:09I'd be very worried if today we looked at it,
17:11that was zero.
17:13We have some things to do.
17:14We have some things to do,
17:15and then we can answer big questions.
17:17Okay, sure.
17:18Thank you so much.
17:19I'm going to give you a hug.
17:20Because I'm a hugger.
17:21Sorry, sorry.
17:22Thank you so much.
17:23Thank you so much.
17:32Cab tans and caviar, all we're missing is the yacht.
17:35Quiet luxury.
17:37Do I look expensive?
17:38You look so expensive.
17:40It's expensive to be me.
17:46What are you doing today?
17:47Where are you going?
17:48So Jennifer Tilly, she's hosting all the ladies at CaviarCaspia.
17:54Which is so fun.
17:55The thing is, I am not looking for conflict right now.
17:58That's the last thing that I need.
18:04Jennifer and I have been going to Caviar Caspia
18:06in Paris for a long, long time.
18:09Caviar Caspia is best known for its twice-baked potato
18:13that has a ton of caviar on top.
18:16I prefer the et cetera, the most expensive one.
18:19Somebody like Porrit would get the cheapest one,
18:22which would be the red roe caviar
18:24that you get on top of sushi sometimes.
18:27So, it's going to be caviar and, what, mischief, I guess.
18:34Yeah, sounds like mischief.
18:41So happy to see you.
18:42Yes, I'm so happy to see you.
18:44I haven't seen you since my Fourth of July party.
18:46Well, first of all, let me tell you,
18:47there were a lot of points that I felt Sutton
18:51should have been a part of in the conversation.
18:54And her coming off of the visit with her mom,
18:56I mean, I think it would have been great if we all understood.
18:59How did it go with her mother?
19:01It was a...
19:02A very emotional trip.
19:04We visited the home where she lost her dad.
19:06I think there is an opportunity to just say,
19:09hey, look, like, we need you in this sisterhood.
19:12We need you in the circle.
19:14You're not allowed to leave.
19:15I wholeheartedly believe she was looking for an excuse to leave.
19:20I never expected Sutton to actually react this way.
19:23Thank you for having me. Seriously.
19:25Oh, that's last time.
19:26Thank you for having me. No, I'm out.
19:27So, I'll just call her a bitch and go.
19:29What Sutton needs to do is stop playing the victim
19:33in situations she created,
19:35and then manipulate people to believe that she's the innocent one.
19:38I'm tired of it.
19:40I always say Sutton's behavior is very inconsistent.
19:43And I have been around that really nice, sweet, fun, compassionate person.
19:51I don't know if you're going to get divorced,
19:53but if that's the road that happens,
19:55girl, I will sit in that room with you.
19:58I will.
20:00And I've also been around her evil twin sister.
20:03I think that today is a good day for us to definitely...
20:07I hope so.
20:08...at least hold her accountable.
20:09Yeah, to talk about it.
20:12I agree with that.
20:15Coming up...
20:16You took my handbag.
20:18How vicious of me.
20:19You know...
20:20Heaven forbid.
20:21A little humor.
20:22Oh, was it humorous?
20:23Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
20:46It's hard to walk in a caftan, my God.
20:48Oh, it looks so pretty.
20:50Oh, nice.
20:56Hi, honey.
20:58How are you?
21:00It looks great.
21:01Everything looks great.
21:02You look amazing.
21:04The first time I went to Caviar Caspio was during Fashion Week,
21:07and it is the place to go in Paris
21:11and when you go there, you see all the supermodels
21:13and the designers and the famous people.
21:16This is so pretty.
21:17And the food is phenomenal.
21:19I mean, caviar on everything.
21:21Always when you go to Caviar Caspio,
21:23you're hoping somebody else is going to pick up the bill.
21:36Come in, come in.
21:38You know Anne-Marie?
21:39This is my friend, Wendy.
21:40This is Guy.
21:41Hi, Wendy.
21:42I'm Diana.
21:43Nice to meet you.
21:44Diana is like the most fun girl you could ever hope to meet.
21:47She's been known to take off her shirt
21:49and jump into the pool topless.
22:00Oh, someone's here.
22:03Gorgeous lady.
22:05How are you?
22:06I'm good.
22:07You look amazing.
22:08How are you staying up there?
22:09I'm coming to you.
22:10I forgot my sunglasses.
22:11Go figure.
22:12You look gorgeous.
22:13How are you?
22:15Nice to see you.
22:16I like Jennifer Tilly.
22:17I think she's smart.
22:18I think she's fun.
22:20She has incredible style.
22:23Couture jewels, couture caftan.
22:26Would you like a drink?
22:27A cocktail?
22:28Yeah, I would.
22:29How she's friends with Sun, I don't know.
22:43Are more people here?
22:46Look, we have the same caftan.
22:47You're gorgeous in blue.
22:48You're gorgeous.
22:50How are you?
22:51And we both did the blue eyeliner.
22:52That's fabulous.
22:53We know.
22:54I was just catching up.
22:55Hi, darling.
22:56How are you?
22:57I'm good.
22:58Nice to see you.
22:59Nice to see you, too.
23:00Hello, gorgeous people.
23:02How are you?
23:04My gosh, you're all lemony.
23:06Hi, Faye.
23:07You look gorgeous.
23:08Hi, sweetheart.
23:09You, too.
23:10Well, it's nice that it's not as hot here that it was as Dorit's barbecues.
23:13I felt like I was dying.
23:14I was dying.
23:15It was hot in Les Mis.
23:16Yeah, it was crazy.
23:17I mean, I knew Sutton was pissed, but I didn't realize she was that pissed.
23:22Well, I guess we'll find out.
23:26I was feeling down on a little bit what happened the other day at Dorit's.
23:29She was the first one there, and no one was there.
23:31And she sat there and sat there and sat there.
23:41I'll just wait.
23:42I was watching the babysitter club.
23:44What's a babysitter club?
23:45They were Dorit's friends.
23:46They were 14.
23:47And then...
23:48I thought they were 14.
23:52You want me to be nice?
23:54I'm just laughing.
23:55I am not being nice today.
23:56This is not nice, Sutton.
23:58I don't know why Dorit continues to come after me.
24:02I mean, there's obvious reasons.
24:05There's people in our group that have a lifestyle that I think Dorit aspires to have.
24:12You have your I'm nominated for an Oscar vibe going on with this look.
24:18And don't **** with me.
24:23I'm about to see all of your jewelry.
24:25Are you seeing this stuff?
24:26Yes, we have.
24:27It's really fab.
24:29This is cutting nada, cutting nada, cutting nada.
24:33Boogery, boogery.
24:34And this is like a vintage.
24:35It's really good.
24:36Isn't it, Faye?
24:37I just need to just look at this a little bit.
24:40I got this in Venice.
24:44You don't gotta tell me I'm a truth, I already knew.
24:46You don't gotta tell me I'm a truth, I already knew.
24:48♪ Tell me I'm the truth, I already know ♪
25:02Oh, my gosh, how are you?
25:07Everybody all at once.
25:08You look gorgeous.
25:10You look gorgeous.
25:11So good to see you.
25:13Hi, Jen.
25:14Does Chanel not make half-tans?
25:15Is that why Miss Thing's not wearing one?
25:18Everybody else is.
25:19This is so beautiful.
25:20I know.
25:22Let's pick up some chairs here.
25:23Oh, my God.
25:24Sutton, what do you want to drink?
25:26You want a vodka cranberry?
25:27I'm going to start with a water.
25:29A water.
25:30Kyle, Jen, what do you want to drink?
25:32What can I get you guys?
25:33Do they have non-alcoholic champagne by any chance?
25:36Let me ask.
25:37Otherwise, I'll just have a mocktail.
25:39I think I missed the caftan memo.
25:41How did you miss that?
25:42Did I miss the caftan memo?
25:48Is she stupid?
25:49I didn't read the invitation properly.
25:51I read caviar caspia.
25:52I knew there was caviar.
25:53I didn't actually see that it was caftans.
25:55I'm not a big fan of them, so...
25:58This Dior dress would have done anyway.
26:00Sutton, it's important to stay hydrated.
26:03Is that because of our...
26:09Is it okay for me to drink water?
26:11Are you in that mood?
26:13Why did you ask?
26:14You started it, Drew.
26:17Leave me alone.
26:20And she will not leave me alone.
26:22I said it five years ago when I met her.
26:25Let the mouse go.
26:27Let the mouse go.
26:30And now I need to tell her I am not a mouse.
26:36Coming up...
26:37You picked at me, and I'm sorry.
26:39You need to pick on somebody else whose wallet fits.
26:47Is it okay for me to drink water?
26:53Well, listen, I never know which Sutton I'm going to get.
26:56Now I know.
26:58Can we continue this conversation?
27:01Yes, because I want a potato with the potatoes.
27:03I'm getting cold.
27:08We are going to sit down and have some potatoes.
27:11I have placemats.
27:13So everybody will find their placemats.
27:16Everybody will find their placemats and sit down.
27:18And thank you for your patience.
27:23Y'all, I didn't do the seating.
27:25If anyone wants to sit anywhere else, feel free to.
27:27Who's Anna Marie?
27:29If you have, like, a stricture in your esophagus,
27:32all you do is chew your food more.
27:34These are my friends, my other friends.
27:36That's not the other Anna Marie.
27:38I thought for a minute there.
27:40Oh, hell no.
27:42Oh, it's Erica.
27:44I wish I had some sunglasses.
27:46I will have a pickle, please.
27:50Still, please.
27:52Chantilly, thank you.
27:54You're welcome.
28:00What a great way to start the day.
28:11That's amazing.
28:14It was a very, very, very long time ago.
28:16I did get to go to the big show.
28:18It was very nice.
28:20Gregory Peck stepped on my train.
28:24Gregory Peck.
28:25Gregory Peck, yes.
28:26Isaac Mizrahi.
28:28Are you and your sister the only sisters that have been,
28:30or was it Olivia de Havilland and her sister, too?
28:32Yes, Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine were both nominated also.
28:36But so it's just you two pair of sisters.
28:38Yes, and we're the only two Chinese-Americans.
28:43People that were nominated also.
28:45You're Chinese?
28:47I'm half Chinese.
28:48My dad was Chinese.
28:50I didn't know that until recently also.
28:52Yeah, I'm 10% Native.
28:53We always wanted to be Native American Indian
28:55because we love Cher,
28:57and she sang that song, Half-Breed.
28:59Yeah, but she's Armenian from the valley.
29:02Isn't that funny?
29:05Sherilyn Sarkeesian from f***ing Van Nuys.
29:09That's Cher.
29:10You've got to be kidding me.
29:12You've got a real thing about the valley.
29:14Well, I love the valley. I've lived in the valley.
29:16Does anybody want a cocktail?
29:18I want some champagne.
29:20Can you get a champagne for both of you?
29:22Okay, yes.
29:24Excuse me.
29:26Can I get la piscine in a white wine glass?
29:30La piscine, that means an ice cube.
29:32She wants it in a wine glass.
29:33A cup of ice cubes in a white wine glass, thank you.
29:35Look at you, speaking French too.
29:39Come on, girl.
29:42I can't decide which person I'm going to be.
29:47How many people do you have today?
29:49How many what?
29:50How many people do you have in you today?
29:52How many people do I have what?
29:54What? Huh?
29:56How many people do I have in me today?
29:58Girl, one.
30:02I don't have voices talking to me, honey.
30:04How many do you have?
30:06I'm even today. I'm even.
30:08I mean, Dorit has already mentioned.
30:10Which person are you today?
30:16I never know which something I'm going to get.
30:18Now I know.
30:20Is that what you're referring to?
30:22Well, that's what you said.
30:28We can't fight. Food's coming.
30:30I know. It's like, just back off a little bit.
30:32You back off me.
30:36My lunch is already being spoiled.
30:39I'm going to say something to you.
30:41And I mean this sincerely.
30:43We don't need a table announcement.
30:45I'm talking to you.
30:47No, I'm talking to you.
30:49I came to your house to your Fourth of July party.
30:51I came very calm.
30:53I came in peace.
30:55I waited.
30:57And as soon as Kyle got there, you came down.
30:59Then you took my handbag.
31:01How vicious of me.
31:03Heaven forbid. A little humor.
31:05Was it humorous?
31:08Depends on your mood.
31:10It wasn't.
31:12It's humorous if you're in a good mood.
31:14I came in politeness.
31:16I brought you a very nice bottle of champagne.
31:18I cut flowers for my garden.
31:20I held on to them for 30 minutes in your lobby.
31:22What lobby?
31:24Well, it looked like a lobby because I was the only one there.
31:26So, you know,
31:28you wanted to point out the vodka,
31:30the grapefruit juice.
31:32Then you put vodka in your Coca-Cola,
31:34which I thought was interesting.
31:36Then you get the watermelon drink.
31:38And you go,
31:40you're asking if there's alcohol in it?
31:42That was such a jab.
31:46After what happened last year
31:48and what you did to me.
31:50What did I do to you?
31:52You insinuated that I had a drinking problem.
31:54And you know it.
31:56Do I think either one of us
31:58was insinuating she has a drinking problem?
32:02I don't know.
32:04That's ridiculous.
32:06So I'm the only one that was talking about your drinking.
32:08Kyle was there too.
32:10But Kyle has apologized to me.
32:12Oh, I didn't apologize?
32:14I didn't apologize to you?
32:18You did, I thought.
32:20I don't think you have a drinking problem.
32:22I don't know.
32:24You thought that was an apology?
32:26I wasn't going to let you perpetuate that myth,
32:28which is what you wanted to do.
32:30You picked at me.
32:32You wanted to pick on somebody else
32:34whose wallet fits.
32:38Oh, damn.
32:40Okay, okay, okay.
32:46No, ma'am.
32:48I cannot believe
32:50what just came out of Sutton's mouth.
32:52That's embarrassing.
32:54You think you're bigger than her?
32:56I think my wallet is.
33:10I wasn't going to let you perpetuate that myth.
33:12You picked at me.
33:14And I'm sorry.
33:16You need to pick on somebody else
33:18whose wallet fits.
33:20Oh, damn.
33:22Okay, okay, okay.
33:24You think you're bigger than her?
33:26I think my wallet is.
33:30And now,
33:32we are seeing Sutton go
33:34where she's most comfortable.
33:36As low as you possibly can go.
33:38Just because she thinks
33:40that her ex-husband dropped a big pocketbook
33:42in her lap,
33:44it gives her license
33:46to be such a f***ing c***.
33:48The only thing your big wallet has bought you
33:50is a horse instead of a date.
33:52Stop picking on me.
33:54Pick on somebody else.
33:56What does the money have to do with it?
33:58I want her to back off on me.
34:02I'm tired of it.
34:04I'm tired of it.
34:06Let me know when you're done, Sutton.
34:08I'm tired of it.
34:10So here we go.
34:12I'm talking about your wallet size.
34:14Don't f*** with me.
34:16I don't regret it.
34:18I won't regret it.
34:20In fact, I'm proud I said it.
34:22Wow, what's with the missy?
34:24Because she was
34:26very rude to me. She made it clear
34:28she didn't want me there, so guess what?
34:30I'm gonna leave.
34:32So it's justified for you. It's not okay for Kyle.
34:34I wasn't sitting on the side of the road
34:36in a bathrobe.
34:38F***ing ridiculous.
34:40I cannot keep doing this. I really can't.
34:42Okay, let's just not talk about it
34:44for one second and just take a deep breath.
34:46I left because
34:48my hostess did not want me there.
34:50Did I call you a bitch?
34:52No, I should've called you a f***ing bitch.
34:56Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
35:02I'm the one
35:04who's being mean to her.
35:06I'm the one who's made her feel
35:08uncomfortable. I'm the one who's unwelcoming.
35:12I'm so over Sutton's bulls***.
35:14Honestly, I don't want to be
35:16around someone who's as
35:18tacky, low, classless
35:20as she is.
35:22Anyone got a mirror? She needs one
35:24because she needs a touch-up. Sutton really needs
35:26a f***ing mirror that she can hold up
35:28in front of her face.
35:32My God. I don't want these girls
35:34to get in a caviar food fight.
35:36That would be messy and expensive.
35:38What about
35:40you saying,
35:42I'm sorry, that was a terrible joke,
35:44I take it back, and then we're done?
35:46You think that that's
35:48going to be done? Well, I don't know.
35:50Okay, let's try it.
35:52Sutton, I'm so sorry.
35:54That was a terrible joke.
35:56So sincere.
36:02Well, that was good.
36:04That worked out well. Go on.
36:06Tell me what to do. Do you mean
36:08that sincerely? Just say, my bad, nothing else.
36:10Absolutely. If I offended you
36:12or upset you, and even in that moment
36:14had you said, Dorit, please don't
36:16do that. That actually upsets me. I did.
36:18You called me a bitch in my
36:20house. Yeah.
36:22And then you decided, that's when you're
36:24going to get up and walk out.
36:28Let me ask you a question. What do you each
36:30need from each other?
36:34She has nothing to give
36:36to me. I can promise you that.
36:38I mean, this is, do you think
36:40I'm going to sit here and keep taking this kind?
36:42And you know, you, out of all people,
36:44sitting here watching you.
36:46I'm literally
36:48trying to intervene and say, guys,
36:50I'm not dealing with somebody who
36:52actually wants to have a productive conversation.
36:54Who wants to have any type
36:56of relationship, let alone a civil one.
36:58Is there anything
37:00that either one of you can do that can,
37:02is there something that she can do that
37:04makes you feel better? I think that we need space.
37:06I'm totally good with that. Dorit,
37:08switch seats with me. Actually, there's
37:10an empty seat down there, too, because
37:12we don't want to push everybody to the outskirts.
37:16You're hilarious. Oh my God,
37:18that looks amazing.
37:20I think Dorit doesn't
37:22want people saying that she's late all the time.
37:28I cut flowers for my garden. I know.
37:30I held on to them for 30 minutes
37:32in your lobby.
37:34I drink as much as you. I mean, I think
37:36that we all have our little buttons.
37:38We all have our little buttons.
37:40Oh my God,
37:42Faye. What?
37:48this is Faye.
37:52I hope I do.
37:54And nobody wants to be put in a box
37:56because of it. Exactly. Period.
37:58We don't want to be judged. We don't want to be labeled.
38:00We just want to enjoy our lives.
38:02And I think that that's the problem.
38:08Is that a potato?
38:12The potatoes are here. Yay!
38:20Dorit is just
38:22rubbed raw. It seems like
38:24she's got a lot going on.
38:26She's in an emotional state.
38:28Poor Dorit.
38:32not poor Dorit.
38:34She's mean as hell.
38:36I don't want to see her.
38:38I don't want to speak to her.
38:40We're done. I don't care about her
38:42at all. How are you?
38:44I didn't even get a chance to speak.
38:46Well, she was definitely on fire today, no doubt.
38:48And the thing is, I keep saying to myself,
38:50don't go there, don't go there.
38:52If I go as low as she does, Kyle,
38:54I will eviscerate her.
38:58I don't want to go
39:02But there's only so much
39:04Sutton is going to take.
39:06I think you guys just need a break.
39:08Just being in a group is not the setting for this.
39:10I'm so happy to have a break.
39:12I'm happy to have a break.
39:14I think that maybe you guys need to talk alone.
39:16I think I've tried now
39:18three times. I've got no more patience for her.
39:20Well, she definitely was not letting you talk today.
39:24with the Sutton stuff...
39:28Go on. Tell me, please.
39:30She obviously needs to cool down.
39:32I spent a lot of time with Sutton in Augusta
39:34and hearing these stories
39:36about her dad.
39:38What was going on with him?
39:40Just depressive state.
39:42He was on those drugs and for depression.
39:44Did he drink during that time?
39:46Sleeping pills.
39:48He would self-medicate with alcohol.
39:50I can now
39:52understand a lot more
39:54why Sutton is so triggered by the drinking comments.
39:56I just need a break from her.
39:58She's too cuckoo.
40:00She's all over the place.
40:02When she balances her meds,
40:04she can come see me.
40:08She gets very offended by that.
40:10Well, she gets offended by just about everything.
40:12I'm so over this woman.
40:14She's gross.
40:16I don't have any will or desire
40:18to try anymore.
40:20I just want to go home and leave this miserable bitch
40:22to enjoy her big wallet.
40:24Anyway, you guys should talk, the two of you.
40:30Coming up...
40:32Do you know who this person is?
40:34I have no idea.
40:36Did you know this was coming?
40:52Have you seen social media?
40:54Did you see the photos
40:56of him in Greece
40:58at the airport
41:00with a girl that has no clothes on?
41:08Did you not see
41:12Yes! Yes!
41:16And it wasn't like, oh, this is a new friendly kiss.
41:18This is like, oh, we've been together
41:20type kiss. Homegirl's hands were
41:22all up around his neck.
41:24Oh, absolutely.
41:42I was gonna ask you.
41:48Did you know this was coming?
41:50Do you know
41:52who this person is?
41:54I have no idea.
41:56But it's all over the Internet.
41:58If you are meeting someone,
42:00why are you greeting them at the airport
42:02when you know this is gonna happen?
42:04Obviously, like, when someone gets a shot of you like that,
42:06you don't know.
42:08Obviously, he didn't know his picture was being taken.
42:10And I don't think, especially in Europe,
42:12you're expecting that.
42:14Anytime they've gotten me like that,
42:16you're not expecting it in Europe.
42:21I didn't say he's doing it on purpose.
42:23I'm thinking
42:25you can't be naive, though.
42:27It wasn't an accidental
42:29paparazzi shot.
42:31This is a planned photo.
42:33No one's going to hire someone
42:35to take that photo.
42:37Yeah, they are.
42:39I've been to that airport, and
42:41really, honestly, I think I was in the
42:43airport, like, when Jennifer Aniston
42:45was there, and there was no paparazzi.
42:50My one thought is this.
42:52Are Kyle and
42:54Marnie Sia using
42:56paparazzi to tell our
42:58stories to
43:00do War of the Roses with?
43:02Those pictures of Morgan
43:04and her painting her up
43:06at the airport, getting gas,
43:08walking down the street.
43:10So you're saying Mo probably
43:12planned these photos to get back
43:14at Kyle to do that?
43:21Next on The Real Housewives
43:23of Beverly Hills. Mom.
43:25He designed this for me.
43:27I mean, I'm a stickler
43:29for perfection. I don't want to see
43:31scenes. Oh my goodness, my mother
43:33has landed.
43:35She took off the word
43:37white on her Instagram bio.
43:39And then Kyle is at Morgan's
43:41concert. It's like, holy
43:43s***. Can they all
43:45line up so I can just do a quick look?
