• yesterday


00:00The Rabbit and Turtle by Tsurugiya-sama!
00:05This time, we have a simple, fluffy curry stew!
00:10The staple of home cooking, seafood, but...
00:14It's a surprisingly difficult dish, as it's dry and has a fishy smell.
00:19In order to solve this problem, the turtle spent a week
00:23making a super-easy recipe!
00:27A great revolution is about to happen.
00:33On the other hand, the rabbit is a professional cook!
00:36He uses the ingredients at home to complete the dish!
00:40It's totally different from the one I made earlier!
00:43It's delicious!
00:45It's definitely delicious!
00:47Even in the studio, he challenges himself to make curry stew.
00:52Maybe I should have done it from the top.
00:55Maybe I should stop ad-libbing.
00:58I'll just do what I was told to do.
01:01I have a bad feeling about this.
01:03It's time to start!
01:07It's started.
01:11How are you?
01:12How are you?
01:13The turtle stew is interesting, isn't it?
01:15Yes, it is.
01:16The turtle stew is like a trainer
01:19from a real sponge or a turtle shop.
01:21It's interesting.
01:23There's a mark here.
01:25That's right.
01:26It's a turtle.
01:27It's a turtle.
01:28It's a turtle.
01:29It's cute.
01:30It's from Kusanagi.
01:31This is a private property.
01:33It's a real work from a long time ago.
01:35I fixed it like this.
01:37Is it the same on the back?
01:38It's amazing, isn't it?
01:39It's amazing.
01:40But it's stylish, isn't it?
01:42It's really cool.
01:43I think it's a brand like that.
01:44I'm not good at fixing things like this.
01:47But I like it.
01:49I like natural things.
01:50I like real things.
01:52It's like a personal fix.
01:54It's not a remake.
01:56Real people at that time fix this.
01:58They fix it without thinking.
02:00I see.
02:01I see.
02:02It's real.
02:03It's real.
02:04People at that time fix this.
02:05It's amazing.
02:06It's a pants from the 50s.
02:08Where did this pants come from?
02:10It's from the United States.
02:11I think it was brainwashed.
02:13Maybe this part was specially broken.
02:15It's probably been like this all the time.
02:17The knees were specially broken.
02:19I wonder how this part was broken.
02:21You can put things on it.
02:23Yes, like this.
02:25I can't get enough of it.
02:27I see.
02:29I want to do a project like this
02:31to guess if it's a real body
02:33or a remade one.
02:35I know what you mean.
02:37I know.
02:39I know.
02:41I want to do that.
02:43Like a wood.
02:45I know.
02:47Like a pearl.
02:49I want to make it like a real body.
02:51Like this.
02:53I see.
02:55I think I did it recently.
02:57You want to make it like an old one.
03:01It's pretty good.
03:03It's a high-tech.
03:05I washed it many times.
03:07I washed it many times.
03:09I washed it many times.
03:11I washed it many times.
03:13I want to do that.
03:15You want to make it?
03:17I want to make it.
03:19Like a feather.
03:21It's a high-tech.
03:23It's cool.
03:25Can we make it here?
03:27Of course I can.
03:33Let's paint the whole place.
03:35I want to do that.
03:37The clothes are good.
03:39It's good.
03:43Yes, it is.
03:45I'm Ichika. I'm from Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture.
03:49Nice to meet you. I'm a 6th grader.
03:54I love salted squid.
03:58Kusanagi-san and Yasutomo-san, what's your favorite rice dish?
04:02It's so simple, salted squid.
04:04I liked it too.
04:06Salted squid?
04:07It's exactly the same.
04:08If you had only one favorite rice dish, what would it be?
04:12It's hard.
04:13I think it's egg rice.
04:15I was about to say that.
04:17I like egg rice too.
04:18Me too.
04:19You're always lying.
04:21I'm not lying.
04:23Egg rice is delicious.
04:25It's the best dish.
04:27That's true.
04:28I think so too.
04:29I think so too when I don't have time.
04:31For that, it's egg, right?
04:33Only soy sauce?
04:35Only soy sauce.
04:37But it's like smoked soy sauce.
04:40It's been released recently.
04:42Do you use the white part?
04:45I do.
04:46You do?
04:47It depends on the situation.
04:49Do you take it out?
04:52When I have other egg dishes, I make egg rice.
04:55I only use the white part.
04:57Do you put it in miso soup?
04:59Yes, I do.
05:00I don't make egg rice.
05:02It's decided.
05:03Three people's favorite rice dish is egg rice.
05:08That's amazing.
05:09I'm a 6th grader.
05:11I use this.
05:12A pen set.
05:13Three colored pens, a pencil, and an eraser.
05:16That's good.
05:18Please try it.
05:22Today, we're going to have a competition.
05:25It's a competition about fish.
05:28Let's take a look.
05:31The standard of home cooking is simmered fish.
05:35But it's difficult because the fish is raw, the meat is dry, and the meat crumbles.
05:42But if you know how to make it, it's easier to make simmered fish than grilled fish.
05:49Today, we're going to have a competition about simmered curry.
05:54First, we're going to make curry for a week.
05:59Good morning.
06:02I'm a rabbit and a turtle.
06:03It's early in the morning.
06:04It's early in the morning.
06:06Last time, he won in a fried egg competition.
06:09In a cooking competition, he lost three times in four wins.
06:11He's the winner of the Ladies' Up competition.
06:14I got a license to be a weather forecaster.
06:17It was a weather-related shooting the other day.
06:21I wondered if it would continue.
06:23It's simmered fish.
06:25That's right.
06:26What about the rabbit?
06:29Excuse me.
06:33Good morning.
06:35Nice to meet you.
06:38He's the leader of the team.
06:40He's a nomad.
06:42His name is Ruko Ogurai.
06:45She's been in three cooking books so far.
06:49That's amazing.
06:52Are you going to make curry?
06:54I thought it would be easy to make curry.
07:01I thought it would be easy to make curry.
07:05I thought it would be easy to make curry.
07:09She's going to make it herself.
07:12I'm worried about the smell.
07:14I'm going to make miso soup with mackerel.
07:17I'm going to make curry.
07:21I'm going to get rid of the smell.
07:25The curry I'm going to make is the one sold in supermarkets.
07:30First, I'm going to boil it to get rid of the smell.
07:35I'm going to put sugar, soy sauce, mirin, and cooking wine in a frying pan.
07:40I'm going to add ginger and boil it.
07:45When it comes to a boil, I'm going to add curry and cook it for 15 minutes.
07:52What's going to happen?
07:55It might not be beautiful.
07:59I'm scared.
08:01I'm tired of it.
08:04She's taking her time.
08:07The curry is ready.
08:11How does it taste?
08:15It's like this.
08:18It's fluffy, but it tastes better when you eat it in a restaurant.
08:24Why is that?
08:27Who is the professional chef who will teach her?
08:32It's time for the third match.
08:36Chef Mio Nonagaki.
08:39He is the owner of Nihonbashi, a Japanese restaurant.
08:43He is a master of Japanese cuisine.
08:47First, let's check the curry.
08:51I don't taste it.
08:54I don't taste it.
08:57Because it's boiled.
09:00The sauce has to be delicious.
09:01Sweetness, spiciness, and umami.
09:03If you know these points, you'll be a genius.
09:08I'm glad.
09:10A week before Yuko starts cooking.
09:16There are a lot of steps.
09:19It's going to take a long time.
09:21It's her first time to make curry.
09:26She cooks for 30 minutes.
09:33It's ready.
09:35It looks delicious.
09:37It smells good.
09:40The color is white.
09:42It looks delicious.
09:45It looks thin, but it tastes good.
09:49It's delicious.
09:50I don't know.
09:51I can smell fish.
09:55It takes a long time.
09:58It takes 30 minutes.
10:01It needs to be improved.
10:05There are other points to improve.
10:10It's delicious to eat here.
10:13I'd like to have curry.
10:15I'm sorry.
10:16Minagawa is located in Daiki, a restaurant in Oroshiori Market in Osaka City.
10:23They learned how to cook curry from the market.
10:28Thank you for it.
10:29I'll enjoy it.
10:32It's well-cooked.
10:39It's well-cooked.
10:40It's not dry at all.
10:42It's well-cooked.
10:44It doesn't smell at all.
10:46It's well-cooked.
10:50It's well-cooked.
10:52It's well-cooked.
10:54I have to make it delicious.
10:57Can you make it?
10:59I think I can.
11:01Can you make it?
11:02I think I can.
11:05Are you all right?
11:06First of all, I need to know how to make it delicious.
11:13I need to know how to make it delicious.
11:18Let's see how to make it delicious.
11:21First of all, mix salt and sugar in water to make brine liquid.
11:31Salt breaks down protein.
11:35Sugar is absorbed in it.
11:37Sugar has the ability to absorb water.
11:40So, it can make curry fluffy.
11:44In addition to that, add carbonated water and yogurt.
11:53Add white wine, salt, and pineapple juice.
11:58Add curry for 30 minutes.
12:04Then, cook it with the basic recipe.
12:07Which one is the most fluffy?
12:12First of all, brine liquid.
12:14This looks the simplest.
12:18It's delicious.
12:20It's not dry.
12:22It's moist and juicy.
12:25It's clearly different.
12:27This is good.
12:33It's the same.
12:39I see.
12:40It's fluffy and has a good texture.
12:43But, it tastes like wine.
12:47It's not good for simmering.
12:49It's not fluffy. It's firm.
12:52I thought it would go well with salt and sugar.
12:55It's soft.
12:56It's soft, but it tastes like pineapple.
12:59I don't like it.
13:01It tastes like pineapple.
13:04Will brine liquid come out?
13:07What's the last one?
13:09It's yogurt.
13:15It's amazing.
13:16It's very soft.
13:18It's fluffy.
13:19The feeling of putting chopsticks in it was completely different.
13:22It's like eating another fish.
13:25Horrifying yogurt.
13:28Setsukame's plan was a great success.
13:34I'd like to check the recipe.
13:39It takes about 30 minutes to cook.
13:42Minagawa, who wants to shorten the cooking time.
13:46There is a way to cook in a frying pan.
13:51It seems to cook quickly on high heat.
13:55Put the seasoning in the frying pan.
13:58When it's cooked, add curry and ginger.
14:01Put the lid on and cook on high heat for 10 minutes.
14:05It's been 10 minutes.
14:08It's well-cooked.
14:11It looks good.
14:13Boil the brine liquid from here.
14:16Add it to the curry and let it blend in.
14:19Don't overcook it.
14:22It's easy to cook quickly on high heat.
14:25It's easy to cook quickly on high heat.
14:28It took less time.
14:30It's less than half.
14:33It looks like teriyaki and looks delicious.
14:36How does it taste?
14:40It's delicious.
14:43It has a strong taste.
14:45The taste of the curry is concentrated.
14:47It's delicious.
14:52On this day, he decided to solve the smell of fish.
14:57The smell of fish is called torimethylamine.
15:02This is a way to neutralize it.
15:08First, he found the net information.
15:11It is said to be washed with tea.
15:14It is said that the substance of tea, catechin,
15:17is combined with torimethylamine to break it down.
15:27It's delicious.
15:29I don't care about the smell of fish.
15:32I don't care about the taste of tea.
15:36What's next?
15:37It's vinegar.
15:39It is said that torimethylamine is alkaline.
15:42By adding acid vinegar, it is neutralized.
15:46The smell is improved.
15:52The smell is gone.
15:54The smell of fish is gone.
15:56The taste is also good.
15:59What's next?
16:00This is also good.
16:01It is said that if you bake the surface of fish in a frying pan,
16:06the excess oil disappears and the broth does not mix with the smell.
16:11I see.
16:12This is also good.
16:13I don't care about the smell of fish.
16:15Tea, vinegar, and baking.
16:18These are all effective.
16:23I'm completely bored with this.
16:29Let's go to the supermarket with a change of mood.
16:33Let's look for fresh curry based on the Internet.
16:37I looked it up.
16:38I don't know.
16:40I think this is it.
16:41The red part between the skin and the flesh.
16:44This is the muscle of the fish.
16:47I found fresh and delicious information.
16:54I got fresh curry.
16:58I bought various seasonings.
17:02This is the last step.
17:05I challenge to make the strongest broth.
17:08Noodle soup, BBQ sauce, oyster sauce, etc.
17:11The strategy is to find the best seasoning to use as a secret ingredient.
17:17One of them is a big hit.
17:23Is this honey tea?
17:27This is sweet.
17:28This is delicious.
17:29This is deep.
17:30This is the most basic taste.
17:33This is what makes it more delicious.
17:37Oyster tea.
17:38This is delicious.
17:39This is honey tea.
17:41This is sweet.
17:42He found the best secret ingredient.
17:44He has to practice more.
17:46What will happen?
17:49He found a lot of information on the Internet the next day.
17:53I did it.
17:56I didn't expect this.
17:59The cooking time is 15 minutes.
18:03This is a great revolution.
18:10This is a great revolution.
18:16This is very easy to make.
18:20This is delicious.
18:21This is delicious.
18:22Is this delicious?
18:24What kind of recipe is this?
18:28On the other hand, the rabbit Yuko taught the Japanese chef for an hour.
18:37The important point of making delicious curry.
18:43Please smell this.
18:45This is fishy.
18:46That's right.
18:47To get rid of this fishy smell, let's remove the fat.
18:51Do you put this in?
18:52This is a boiled fish.
18:54This is a necessary preparation for fish dishes.
18:57This is simmering.
18:59Boil the curry in boiling water.
19:02When the surface of the curry turns white, put it in a bowl with cold water.
19:09After boiling the curry, do you wash the curry in the water?
19:14If you wash the curry in the water, the curry will be exposed to the water.
19:16So always put the curry in a bowl with cold water.
19:21Then the curry will not be exposed to the water.
19:22You can see the fine scales.
19:26The important point is to remove the dirt and scales from the curry.
19:33Don't you put this in?
19:35This is a decorative knife.
19:37This is meaningless.
19:39This is useless.
19:40That's right.
19:41I put ginger in the curry.
19:43You can put ginger in the curry.
19:45I have a recommended ingredient.
19:48This is burdock.
19:50Why is burdock?
19:51The more you boil the curry, the more delicious the curry will be.
19:57The chef uses burdock.
20:00If you boil the curry with a lot of burdock, the curry will be very delicious.
20:08Next is the preparation of fried tofu.
20:10When I ate this, I thought it was sake.
20:14Is this sake?
20:16This is cooking sake.
20:18This is cooking sake.
20:19This is not delicious.
20:20The taste of this sake will change.
20:22If you boil this sake, it will be a different taste.
20:25It will be the taste of boiled fish that I ate at a high-end restaurant.
20:30I was surprised.
20:32This is a fool.
20:34Then it's better to drink cooking sake.
20:38Cooking sake contains ginger.
20:41Boiling this sake will remove the salty taste.
20:44Boiling this sake will give you a sweet and mild taste.
20:51This is a scale.
20:54Add cooking sake and water to sugar, soy sauce and mirin.
21:00Add burdock and curry to this.
21:03There is a point here.
21:06I thought I would boil this and add it.
21:10This is a cold start.
21:11Boil this from a cold start.
21:13This will remove the umami and aroma from the ingredients.
21:16This is the point.
21:18By doing this, the curry will not lose its umami and it will be fluffy.
21:24I made a hole in the middle.
21:26I cover it with kitchen paper and boil it.
21:32Boil this for 15 to 20 minutes.
21:34Is that so long?
21:35If you boil this for a long time, it will become hard.
21:39Is that so?
21:40This is soft.
21:41Why is that?
21:42Curry has a light taste.
21:44Even if you boil this for a long time, it will not become hard.
21:49Let's taste this.
21:52Can you see the difference?
21:56This is delicious.
21:57There was only one tablespoon of sugar.
22:00Did you notice that?
22:01That's right.
22:02This is sweeter than mine.
22:04If you don't make it concentrated, it won't be delicious.
22:06This is completely different.
22:08I will give you 100 points for this.
22:11You will definitely win.
22:12This is shocking.
22:13I have a short video.
22:15This video has 7.13 million views.
22:19This is amazing.
22:22This is amazing.
22:24Boil this until the broth is half full.
22:27If you don't make it concentrated, it will be delicious.
22:33This is fluffy.
22:35I will eat this.
22:38This is delicious.
22:39The sweetness is just right.
22:41This is completely different from mine.
22:44This is delicious.
22:46This is definitely delicious.
22:49The rest of the time, I will review the techniques of the professional.
22:52The one-hour lesson is over.
22:54Is that so?
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I lost the last time, so I won't lose today.
23:02He came to lose again.
23:05Did you lose the last time?
23:07I lost to DENSHIRENJI last time.
23:12I didn't lose.
23:23I don't know the judges.
23:28He is amazing.
23:32I lost last time.
23:35This is a battle of fate.
23:39It's not a battle between talents.
23:40The chef is very picky.
23:45He is selfish.
23:47That's interesting.
23:49It's a familiar dish, but it's difficult to make it at home.
23:54It's difficult to wash the fish scales.
23:58It's good to remove the fishy smell.
24:01I don't know what to do.
24:03I've seen a lot of MINAGAWA's dishes.
24:05He said he could make it in 15 minutes.
24:07He said he could see a revolution.
24:09He said he would do that.
24:10I wonder if it's different from what I've seen so far.
24:12I wonder if he uses something.
24:14I was very curious.
24:15It was very simple.
24:17He said it would take 15 minutes.
24:19If it's delicious in 15 minutes, I can make it.
24:23He bought it with his parents.
24:25That's right.
24:26He is full of confidence.
24:28When I was at the NGK theater the other day, he said,
24:31He said,
24:33He said,
24:35He said,
24:37He said,
24:38He said,
24:40He is full of confidence.
24:42He said that.
24:44Everyone does something, but he doesn't talk about it.
24:48He doesn't tell me what he did.
24:50He doesn't tell me what he did.
24:51I had a hard time this time.
24:53I had a hard time before, but I will come again.
24:56I'm glad he came.
24:58It's true.
24:597.13 million views.
25:03It's amazing.
25:04It's amazing.
25:06Do you know my short video?
25:10I hope the number of videos increases.
25:12I'll watch it on the bullet train on my way home.
25:14I'll watch it on the bullet train on my way home.
25:16What are you doing?
25:18I want to find curry.
25:20It's time for the final battle.
25:22It's time for the final battle.
25:23It's time for the final battle.
25:24I'm Yukio Ueno of Dennis.
25:25I'm Yukio Ueno of Dennis.
25:27Thank you for your hard work.
25:29This time, the chef is Nonaga.
25:33One year ago, I lost to him at the ginger roast game.
25:36So, today, I want Minagawa to do his best.
25:40I want him to do his best.
25:41He is proud of himself.
25:43I will not lose.
25:45Well, I have been a fan of Ogura for a long time.
25:49Is it true?
25:50I've been cheering for Ogura.
25:54Let's do our best!
25:56Wait a minute.
25:57So, let's start cooking!
26:01I am really moved.
26:04It was my first time eating such delicious fish.
26:07And if I lose, I will smash Chef's face.
26:15I will never lose.
26:17Of course, it's the taste.
26:19But do you call it an impact?
26:23I can't believe I can do this.
26:26I did too much.
26:28I feel like I'm in the next step.
26:30I miss the old days when I only pursued the taste.
26:33What did you find?
26:34I'm going to make a cut.
26:36Are you going to make a cut?
26:39Oh, that's right.
26:40You can make a cut, can't you?
26:42What? A cut?
26:43Yes, it's a cut.
26:45You don't make a cut, do you?
26:47No, I don't.
26:49Kanu Minagawa is a master of cutting.
26:53He makes a cut on the belly.
26:58What are you doing?
27:00Are you curious?
27:01Yes, I am.
27:02Are you?
27:04If you don't mind, please stick to it like a seabed curry.
27:08What do you mean?
27:11What do you mean?
27:13This is also a countermeasure to use later.
27:17I'm going to put some salt on it.
27:21I'm going to let the salt soak in the curry.
27:24I'm going to leave it for 5 minutes.
27:26By sprinkling salt on the curry, the smell of the fish and the excess water will be removed and the umami will be concentrated.
27:34On the other hand, Yuko-Rin is going to remove the fishy smell of the fish.
27:41I learned a great point this time.
27:45This is sake.
27:47Don't you use cooking sake?
27:49Yes, this is the point.
27:52Don't you use cooking sake?
27:53The taste is completely different.
27:57I see.
27:59You are cute.
28:02Please don't make me look bad.
28:05And as the professional taught, make a seasoning with sake.
28:10Put the ingredients in and start boiling.
28:14On the other hand, Minagawa-kun poured cooking sake on the curry.
28:20This is cooking sake.
28:21Minagawa-kun, there is no frying pan.
28:26The frying pan is old.
28:30Don't you use it today?
28:32I use it in this state.
28:44Don't you use it today?
28:46I use it in this state.
28:52This is cooking sake.
28:54This is cooking sake.
28:55Minagawa-kun discovered a new way to cook curry.
29:02He doesn't use a frying pan.
29:05He uses a wok.
29:10First, heat the cooking sake at 600W for 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
29:15Don't you say something like this?
29:18I see.
29:19Don't you say this?
29:20I do.
29:21That's why I cut the fish.
29:24I see.
29:28He cuts the fish so that it doesn't break.
29:34How long do you boil the fish?
29:36About 15 minutes.
29:39If you boil the fish for too long, the fish will become hard.
29:43I thought the same thing.
29:46I read on the Internet that if you boil the fish for too long, the fish will become hard.
29:51That's true.
29:52That's a lie.
29:53A lie?
29:55He was fast.
29:58I'm not going to lose today.
30:00I won the battle.
30:04Kusanagi-san tried it at the studio.
30:08He said he didn't like it and it didn't taste good.
30:11He said goodbye to me.
30:14What kind of program is this?
30:17I'm sorry.
30:20I'm the only one who hasn't been hated by Minagawa.
30:24After the curry was cooked, Minagawa added seasonings.
30:30He added soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and ginger.
30:37This is what I found.
30:39Oyster sauce.
30:41This is oyster sauce.
30:43This is the source of umami.
30:45This is the trauma seasoning.
30:47I tried seven kinds of curry.
30:51This is the most delicious curry I've ever eaten.
30:55He heated the curry in the microwave for 5 minutes at 200 watts.
30:59It smells really good.
31:01It smells really good.
31:03It's done.
31:07It's a revolution.
31:09It looks delicious.
31:11Donaka-san, I found curry in the microwave.
31:16Minagawa created a delicious curry.
31:20It took 15 minutes to cook.
31:22It looks delicious.
31:24On the other hand, YUKORIN.
31:29It's delicious.
31:33It looks delicious.
31:36It was well seasoned.
31:38It was well seasoned.
31:45This is curry.
31:47The ultimate curry was completed.
31:51It was completed in just one hour.
31:55This looks delicious.
31:57The judges of the curry cooking competition are...
32:01The fifth favorite lady in Izakaya.
32:04The fifth favorite lady in Izakaya.
32:07The staff in Tokyo found it.
32:11The staff in Tokyo found it.
32:13I will show you the curry that the judges of the curry cooking competition have made.
32:18I will show you the curry that the judges of the curry cooking competition have made.
32:20First, I will show you the curry that YUKORIN made.
32:23I will show you the curry that YUKORIN made.
32:25I can't tell if it's well-cooked.
32:27It's soft.
32:29I can feel the sweetness of the fish.
32:33The way the fish is cooked is excellent.
32:35It's not fishy at all.
32:37It's delicious.
32:39I can't tell.
32:41It's a lady's curry.
32:43It's a lady's curry.
32:45Next is B.
32:51It looks beautiful.
32:53It's delicious.
32:55It's delicious.
32:57It's delicious.
32:59It's delicious.
33:01It's delicious.
33:03It's delicious.
33:05Everyone's talking.
33:07Everyone's talking.
33:09Everyone's using the same curry.
33:11It's delicious.
33:13It's not fishy at all.
33:15It's good with soy sauce.
33:17Both of them are 100.
33:19Both of them are 100.
33:21The winner of this battle is the rabbit.
33:23The winner of this battle is the rabbit.
33:29Who made delicious curry?
33:31Who made delicious curry?
33:33Raise your hands.
33:43Oishi Kare no nitsuke otsukutano wa
33:48Ofuda on
33:52Be a be be do you kotoha be no nitsuke otsukutano wa
34:09Know who got y'all. I got good day for to stay
34:12Today, that's what we got something to get a little more be no go to be Tara
34:16She took me gosh, you might tell you no need that kind of a cooler
34:19It's good. Don't at all. Don't want there
34:22Hi, nice. You'll be
34:26What I should be so Chihuahua then she ran to know me day
34:38Don't know cook me not only a day
34:41But I guess I didn't I didn't know
34:46What I did
34:50You could I
34:52know that I'm sorry
34:55No, no, I thought I'm a cookie, but I know you already did. What can we call you?
34:58I'm there. So you have a book with a little bit of a guy in there. What would you know that I'm a cute little guy?
35:08Don't know
35:13Yeah, yeah, they won't go in there
35:15I don't know if you know that I still don't need to get it. I don't need to get out of color
35:20So I know I see it. It's a book. What should I do?
35:24I didn't get it in the other bar. You're in Gary. Yes. Good night. I don't get it. I don't even know what it is
35:29Yeah, you know, I'm just going yeah, it's a boy. Well, that's the kid
35:38Don't like it. Bye-bye
35:43You know it's a boy
35:48You know, I must go come in. Oh, yes, you did. I don't think I'm done. God. I got here
35:54Wow, it's got the night. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yes
35:57No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
36:02Need to come on I got a coat a higher. So this muzzle muzzle. You must I back what's
36:09Tysak not a man. Hi
36:11Get the mustard. It's awesome. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
36:16Boy, I have to get you in general to cut out there. No, no, no, no, no
36:19No, it's got a little bit more than we need to create a little bit of a kitchen paper. I'll come with it
36:24I got a
36:26Cork. I'll get that ball from war. He took it. I said
36:31Yo-yo, you wish you will cut it
36:33Take it all the way. Let's cut it. It's a stick
36:37NG there
36:38You'll put on candidates for the cosigner told you cool. So this man
36:42We did hi. Coco. They don't put honey
36:46No, I don't
36:49Hey look
36:51So no, I know you must say it's a key. Oh, so you oh, so yeah. Oh, sorry, son
36:57Hey, oh, sorry. Oh, sorry. Sorry, son
37:01Hey, yo, I didn't mean
37:03Hi, Milly, son. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Oh, sorry, son. It's a nice name. Hi
37:10It's a oyster sauce. Hi
37:12It's time. I don't know. Oh, sorry. It's days. Oh, it's not so boys. Hey, that's what it's name
37:17How do you know to call it? It's name power this name. I don't say I'm a station copy power more. I must have one name
37:23Yeah, I put it at the chicken. Oh, you could eat it again. Good. So stay show
37:28Good night
37:31I think I'll need to get a little bit. Oh, it's time. Good. Oh, it's a show. Go. Oh, you might slice this. Hi
37:39You might slice
37:42It's a company
37:44You know, I'm gonna call the kitchen. I'm a lady. Yeah
37:47The cool one more you want to put it. You don't know what you must
37:50You must color so the little guy know there's a me that I go home. I must catch up so this
37:57I'm just a little bit of a big deal. So don't you go to the school?
38:00I thought it's got a little Ken Kune Shin there
38:03Muska, then she didn't say sir. I'm not cool. I got her. I got her
38:06I need to turn to me. Come on, darling. You need to cut it. I'm on a hot dog
38:09This engine you can't catch it must occur. I don't show you at the nook. Oh my gosh. Oh, not the case. Oh, there's put the most
38:14But I see what I must
38:16Call a bambini my cousin. I saw Diana
38:20You're gonna study on it. You don't look at it. I saw this study on your mask. I mean, I think I've got to call you know
38:25They can't call this
38:27Study, you're mad. I said, you know
39:29This is it.
39:30The flavor is soaked in.
39:32It's like a lid.
39:34I think it's like an old man's lid.
39:37I think it's better to do it directly.
39:38I think it's better to put it on top of it.
39:40I'll change it.
39:42Old man's lid.
39:43It's usually like this.
39:44It's Kusanagi's original.
39:48He's doing it.
39:49I feel like I'm going to get angry.
39:51But the flavor is soaked in.
39:52And then you put the wrap on it.
39:55170 watts.
39:58How many minutes?
39:595 minutes.
40:00But the temperature there is also important.
40:03I'm going to put it in slowly.
40:08That's amazing.
40:105 minutes.
40:11Do you want to sit down?
40:135 minutes.
40:14Let's sit down.
40:16It's amazing.
40:17It looks like you're busy cooking.
40:20At first, the smell was removed.
40:23It didn't smell.
40:24I could smell the alcohol.
40:27I could smell the alcohol.
40:29So, 5 minutes is enough.
40:33It's time for a free talk.
40:36Let's talk about something.
40:37For the 150th episode.
40:39I have to think about it seriously.
40:40It's about 139 episodes.
40:42When is the 150th recording day?
40:45It's April 23rd.
40:47It's pretty soon.
40:48Then let's go to Yakiniku when it's over.
40:51That's right.
40:52Kusanagi-san, is April okay?
40:55He may be busy.
40:57Let's go.
40:58Let's go.
40:59I was busy at that time.
41:01I have to go home at the end.
41:02You have to go home.
41:03I'll stay in Osaka.
41:05If you can't stay there,
41:07you can stay in front of me.
41:10We are looking forward to that day.
41:13That's the best.
41:14That's the best.
41:16Let's start over.
41:17That's the best.
41:19It's a long time.
41:21I'm glad.
41:22I'm glad.
41:23I was talking to Yasuyo the other day.
41:25It hasn't been that long since Usakami started.
41:28We did a commercial together.
41:31It was the beginning of the commercial.
41:33Yasuyo was a terrible rapper at that time.
41:35Kusanagi-san finished as scheduled.
41:38After that, Yasuyo kept saying,
41:40Kusanagi-san, you are really...
41:42He said that many times.
41:44He said he would fit into Kusanagi-san's rap later.
41:47Kusanagi-san is really good at it.
41:49I did it two or three times.
41:50Kusanagi-san is okay.
41:52After that, I did it about 100 times.
41:57At the end, the director said,
41:59That's enough.
42:01Did you compromise?
42:03I said, I think I can do it.
42:06How many times did you say Kusanagi-san?
42:09When Kusanagi-san wasn't there.
42:10You are lucky.
42:13Yasuyo said,
42:15I'm glad you let me do this.
42:18But I don't want to keep a strange distance from Kusanagi-san.
42:22I don't want to be hated.
42:24I said that to you today.
42:30When I'm with Kusanagi-san,
42:32I feel nervous.
42:34I declared it.
42:38It's funny.
42:40But people shouldn't keep a distance.
42:43It's funny.
42:44It makes you feel bad.
42:46I don't want to be hated by Kusanagi-san.
42:48That's why I shouldn't keep a distance.
42:50I see.
42:51Distance is important.
42:53Yasuyo is a person who values distance.
42:58Please don't say that again.
43:00It's beautiful.
43:02It's beautiful.
43:04I didn't touch it.
43:06I didn't throw it away.
43:08It's better to put sauce on it.
43:10That's right.
43:12It's beautiful.
43:14I think I should have done it from above.
43:16Kitchen paper?
43:18I see.
43:20I think I should have done it from above.
43:22I think so.
43:24I won't do ad-libs from now on.
43:26I'll do it as I was told.
43:28There are many people who are looking forward to it.
43:31I'll do it my way.
43:33I think it's good.
43:35Can I eat rice?
43:37I want to eat rice.
43:39But it's so beautiful.
43:43It's just a microwave.
43:46Thank you very much.
43:48I don't need it.
43:52I've been full since last week.
43:56Let's eat.
43:58I ate oysters last week.
44:01How is the curry?
44:03The rice is delicious.
44:05It's glossy.
44:07Is this from Niigata?
44:09It's from Kochihikari.
44:11But it doesn't smell.
44:13Did you make it?
44:26It doesn't smell at all.
44:28And it's fluffy.
44:30It's delicious.
44:32I think the sweetness is up to you.
44:35I think so.
44:37I like it even if it's a little sweeter.
44:40It's light.
44:42Is this the right amount?
44:44Yuko's curry looked more delicious.
44:48I didn't put sugar in it.
44:52Did you put sugar in it?
44:54I don't think so.
44:57I don't think so.
44:59Minagawa-kun is shouting.
45:01What is he doing?
45:03I thought about it.
45:05That's right.
45:07It's not sweet.
45:09I remember saying that.
45:11I put 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce.
45:13I didn't put sugar in it.
45:15It's a big failure.
45:19I can't help it.
45:21It's not sweet.
45:23It's not glossy.
45:25If there was sugar in it, it would have tasted different.
45:27It's different.
45:31But it's delicious.
45:33It's delicious at this stage.
45:35If there is sugar in it, it's delicious.
45:37Minagawa-kun is angry.
45:39I'm sorry.
45:41If you put sugar in it, it will be very delicious.
45:43Don't say that.
45:47If it goes well with rice, it will be more delicious.
45:51It's easy, so if you make it, don't forget to put sugar in it.
45:53It's worth doing.
45:57It doesn't smell at all.
45:59It's not sweet.
46:03It's a waste.
46:05If there was sugar in it, it would have tasted different.
46:07I'm sure everyone is angry.
46:09Minagawa-kun won this time.
46:11I agree.
46:13I think Nonaka-san is the most regrettable.
46:15She was laughing at the end, but she was angry.
46:17That's right.
46:19I'm sure she'll say she wants to compete with the turtle.
46:23I want to do Japanese food at home, but it's difficult.
46:25I want you to do it again.
46:27Of course.
46:29I want you to make Oden.
46:31That's a good idea.
46:33I think Nonaka-san is good at making Oden.
46:35I want to make Kansai Oden.
46:37There are a lot of ingredients in Oden, right?
46:39That's right.
46:41For example, eggs, daikon radish.
46:43Daikon radish is also a seasonal ingredient.
46:45That's right.
46:47And deep-fried tofu.
46:49You have a lot of techniques.
46:51That's right.
46:53Let's make Oden next week.
46:57I think the camera is running somewhere.
46:59Let's make Oden next week.
47:01Thank you for watching today.
47:03Have a good day.
47:05Bye bye.
47:11Thank you very much.
47:13Thank you very much.
47:15I don't smell anything at all.
47:17I'm sure it was delicious.
47:19I can't help it.
47:21I can't help it.
47:23I can't help it.
47:25I noticed right away that there was no sugar in it.
47:27As expected of the staff of Usakame.
47:29I think this is more interesting.
47:33I can't help it.
47:35I can't help it.
47:37I can't help it.
47:39It's a big failure.
47:41If you want to see Usakame again,
47:43please come to D-bar.
47:45Next time, we will compare cheese dishes from all over the world.
47:49It doesn't seem to be a cheese dish.
47:53It's cheese.
47:55It's cheese.
