• 3 weeks ago
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BRI (BBRI) bakal menggelar aksi korporasi berupa pembelian kembali saham alias buyback.

"Jumlah nilai seluruh buyback diperkirakan sebesar-besarnya Rp3 triliun," kata Corporate Secretary BBRI, Agustya Hendy Bernadi lewat keterbukaan informasi, Jumat (31/1/2025).


00:00Indonesia Persero Tbk, or PPRI, plans to make a return purchase or buyback of Perseroan's stock, with an estimated value of up to 3 trillion rupiah, where the buyback is made in the middle of Perseroan's stock, which has been under pressure in recent times.
00:22Indonesia Persero Tbk, or PPRI, plans to make a return purchase or buyback of Perseroan's stock, with an estimated value of up to 3 trillion rupiah, where the buyback is made in the middle of Perseroan's stock, which has been under pressure in recent times.
00:44Indonesia Persero Tbk, or PPRI, plans to make a return purchase or buyback of Perseroan's stock, with an estimated value of up to 3 trillion rupiah, where the buyback is made in the middle of Perseroan's stock, which has been under pressure in recent times.
00:57Later, the buyback process will be carried out through the Indonesian Stock Exchange and outside the Indonesian Stock Exchange, both gradually and at the same time.
01:05The buyback will also be completed at the latest 12 months after the general meeting of the shareholders who agreed to the agenda of the corporation's action.
01:13Meanwhile, in a separate open document, the PRI also stated that the RUPS will be held on March 11, 2025. The date of the register of shareholders who are eligible to participate in the RUPS will be announced on February 14, 2025.
01:29The PRI also ensured that the buyback will take into account the liquidity and capital conditions of Perseroan, as well as certain rules of law.
01:38Previously, the director-general of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Persero Tbk, Sunarso, announced the buyback plan in the middle of the performance of the PRI stock, which tends to undergo internal correction.
01:47According to the RTI data, on February 3, 2024, in the first session, in a year, the PRI stock weakened 26.52%, but in a way, Yartodate still strengthened 2.21%.
02:07From this, we can understand that the PRI stock has been weakened significantly, and in 30 minutes or a few minutes after the closing, the PRI stock seems to have given resistance and flared up again in the green zone, which makes the weakening of the shareholding index has begun to be limited.
02:31You can see the graph on the TV screen, the stock opened in the red zone this morning at 4,200, and then a few minutes after the opening, the PRI stock returned to strengthen with the highest intraday today at 4,270.
02:47However, when it reached this level, the PRI stock's strength was more limited, even moving back to the red zone by touching the lowest intraday today at 4,150.
02:59At 12 o'clock, it was still closed in the red zone in the first session, but the weakness was more limited. The second session opened at 4,170.
03:09Now, the current position, a few minutes after the closing, the PRI stock has returned to the green zone, strengthening at 0.24% at 4,230, where so far, investors are still waiting for the release of the full year 2024, and also looking forward to the stock buyback plan that will be carried out by Perserwan.
03:29Let's move to the next graph, we will try to see the movement of the PRI stock in the last six months. You can see the next graph on the TV screen.
03:40At the beginning of August, the PRI stock moved at level 4,710. In September, it experienced significant strength at 5,525.
03:52And when it reached this level, the PRI stock was more tense, quite deep, even up to 3,800 precisely in January trading.
04:02And in February trading, the PRI tried to rise and was again traded above 4,000, today at 4,230.
04:11What does it look like from a valuation perspective? Let's move to the next graph with some indicators.
04:16The price trading ratio is around 10.52x, the PSR is 2.52x, and the PBV is around 1.95x, and the PCFR is minus 49.10x.
04:29Yes, a combination of fundamental, technical, and also from a valuation perspective, and hopefully it can be one of your references.
04:41Thank you for watching!
