• 3 days ago
नई दिल्ली: दिल्ली की मुख्यमंत्री रेखा गुप्ता ने आज विधानसभा में वित्त वर्ष 2025-26 के लिए अपना पहला बजट पेश किया। 27 वर्षों बाद दिल्ली की सत्ता में वापस आई भारतीय जनता पार्टी की सरकार द्वारा प्रस्तुत पहले बजट में सीएम रेखा गुप्ता ने हर वर्ग और हर क्षेत्र का ख्याल रखा। बजट में बुनियादी ढांचे, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य सेवा, स्वच्छ जल की आपूर्ति, झुग्गियों के विकास और प्रदूषण नियंत्रण जैसे प्रमुख क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया गया। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि एक लाख करोड़ रुपये के इस ऐतिहासिक बजट के जरिए विकसित दिल्ली बनाने के संकल्प को पूरा किया जाएगा।

#DelhiGovernment #BJPGovernment #ChiefMinisterRekhaGupta #DelhiBudget #DelhiGovernmentBudget #Budget2025-26 #AyushmanBharatYojana #HealthInsurance #MahilaSamridhiYojana #CleaningofYamuna #DevelopmentofHealthServices #SupplyofCleanWater #Sanitation #DevelopmentofSlums #AtalCanteen


00:00I would like to say in this meeting that I will pay the debt of every vote that Modi ji has received and I am the sister of the people of Delhi and I will work for the benefit of the people.
00:11Delhi Chief Minister Rekha Gupta presented her first budget for the year 2025-2026 in the Jadhan Sabha.
00:17After 27 years, the government of the Bharatiya Janata Party returned to Delhi's power.
00:22In the first budget presented, CM Rekha Gupta took care of every work and every area.
00:27In the budget, basic structures, education, health care, water supply, development of farms and main areas such as pollution control were focused.
00:37The Chief Minister said that through this historic budget of 1 lakh crore rupees, the commitment to make developed Delhi will be fulfilled.
00:46This is the first step taken in the direction of developing a 10-year-old and weak Delhi.
00:59A Delhi that has become a confluence of glorious history and a bright future.
01:07Such a Delhi budget has been presented here today.
01:10A budget of 1 lakh crore rupees has been presented.
01:24Chief Minister Rekha Gupta said that the people of Delhi will be given the benefit of the Ayushmani Yojana.
01:29Apart from the 5 lakh health insurance provided by the central government under this scheme, the Delhi government will give a top-up of 5 lakh rupees.
01:37That is, under this scheme, the people of Delhi will now get a free health insurance of 6 lakh rupees.
01:43For this, 2,144 crore rupees have been allocated in the budget.
01:48Apart from the 5 lakh insurance provided by the central government under this scheme, the Delhi government will give a top-up of 5 lakh rupees.
02:05During the elections, the BJP promised to give Rs 2,500 to the women of Delhi.
02:11Chief Minister Rekha Gupta said that the BJP government of Delhi will fulfill this promise.
02:16A budget of 5,100 crore rupees has been allocated for the Women's Welfare Scheme.
02:22I want to tell you that in the Women's Welfare Scheme, it is our commitment to give Rs 2,500 to the women.
02:33We have kept Rs 5,100 crore for it and will definitely give it.
02:40The Chief Minister said that it is the priority of the government to provide clean water and sanitation to the people of Delhi and to clean Yamuna.
02:50For this, a budget of 9,000 crore rupees has been allocated, which is three times more than the previous government.
02:57It is the priority of our government to provide clean water and sanitation to every citizen in Delhi.
03:06And I am very happy to tell you that we have kept a historic budget of Rs 9,000 crore for Delhi in this head.
03:16Rs 9,000 crore, which is equivalent to the previous government.
03:24While presenting the budget, Chief Minister Rekha Gupta also mentioned the government's social security and public welfare schemes.
03:31She said that a historic budget of Rs 10,047 crore has been allocated to help the elderly, vulnerable women, the disabled and the SCST community in Delhi.
03:42We have presented many social security and public welfare schemes.
03:50In this area, we have allocated a budget of Rs 10,047 crore.
04:02Out of this, Rs 9,780 crore has been allocated for the schemes of the Social Welfare Department, Women and Children Development and SCST-OBC Welfare Department.
04:19Rs 10,047 crore.
04:25Through these schemes, we have achieved a profit of more than Rs 9,500 crore.
04:34Chief Minister Rekha Gupta has also proposed the establishment of a Traders Welfare Board to help the businessmen in Delhi.
04:43In Delhi, businessmen have to solve the problems of running their businesses.
04:49And for this, we announce today that the Traders Welfare Board will be established.
04:59During her budget speech, Chief Minister Rekha Gupta also pointed out to the previous government of the Aam Aadmi Party.
05:05She said that earlier, the Chief Minister used to spend the money of the Delhi taxpayers in her propaganda.
05:12But her government will spend this money on the development of Delhi.
05:16The money collected from Delhi has been spent on the advertisement of the entire country.
05:23It has been spent on the elections in other states.
05:26I am the first Chief Minister.
05:28I am the first Chief Minister of a state.
05:31And to become the Prime Minister, I will go here and there.
05:35There is a lot of difference between you and me.
05:39I am not even an MLA.
05:42The people of Delhi have decided.
05:45We are going to spend the same money to build hospitals, schools and roads for Delhi.
05:52During her budget speech, Chief Minister Rekha Gupta said that the government has spent Rs. 696 crore for the development of Jogi Jhopdis and JJ Clusters.
06:02Rs. 100 crore for opening Atal Canteen in 100 villages in Delhi.
06:06Rs. 150 crore for emergency water storage.
06:10Rs. 50 crore for the restoration of water bodies.
06:14Rs. 50 crore for rainwater harvesting.
06:17Rs. 500 crore has been allocated to repair old sewage treatment plants.
06:22Along with this, Rs. 1000 crore will be spent on road construction in Delhi and the development of Aadhar booth infrastructure and connectivity with NCR.
06:30In addition, 50,000 additional CCTV cameras will be installed in Delhi for women's safety.
06:40For more information, visit www.fema.gov.in
