• 2 days ago
Australian Survivor - Season 12 Episode 13


00:00:00previously the ultimate rematch between brains ready to kick some brawn ass and
00:00:10brawn I will be the king of the brawns I love you guys
00:00:14let's do this part reach breaking point
00:00:22injury have injured your bicep which means that they're gonna be some
00:00:27challenges that you can't compete in betrayal girls gone wild I don't want
00:00:33Jesse finding out that I wanted him out we're trying to keep going strong sure
00:00:37and loss Ben from brains has decided to leave the game have played the OG brawn
00:00:44everybody wants me out of the game I'm on the bottom but I'm not going down
00:00:49without a fight whilst secret alliances the graduates is going to be the
00:00:54Alliance that takes me through to the end and broken trust
00:01:03have fractured the OG brains ages giving us the egg I want to put the fear of God
00:01:14into him that if I wanted to turn I would 21 days I am one step closer to
00:01:21taking full control of this game 7 og brains if I get power in this game I
00:01:27will burn AJ to the ground 6 og brawn Jesse thinks he's running the show
00:01:33which is gonna stop from now free immunity idols
00:01:41this is a far superior idol because nobody knows about it one secret
00:01:48advantage I now have the potential to get two items who will be going home
00:02:24come on in there's something nice out of that box a bear yeah there's gonna be
00:02:29something good under there good morning morning morning Jonathan
00:02:34is it endurance
00:02:49so Logan 26 days in how would you describe the game that's been played so
00:02:56far I think there's been two different kind of games played so far I think
00:03:00there's been a few of us that might have had our backs against the wall for a
00:03:04little bit longer than some others so I feel like maybe we're starting to turn a
00:03:08new chapter and we might be entering a new phase well it's funny you should say
00:03:14that it is time to drop your balls
00:03:19oh my god I finally have made it to merge I've started at the top and I've
00:03:41been pushed down to the bottom and now it's my time to rise up again I am a
00:03:46phoenix rising from the ashes
00:03:59coming into a merge with brains having the majority these are G bronze will be
00:04:04picked off one by one we're gonna dominate all right who wants to bough
00:04:12me amazing oh it's not so clean this is a rematch of brains V Braun and there's
00:04:22seven og brains and six og bronze obviously I want an og brain to win but
00:04:28merge is the world series of poker and I want that first place prize no matter
00:04:33what I have to get it
00:05:32all right shall we get to today's first individual reward challenge today's
00:05:39challenge is very simple you're gonna hang on a rope for as long as you can
00:05:44when your competitor drops your rope and jolts making it more difficult last
00:05:51person still hanging on wins reward want to know what you're playing for oh yeah
00:05:55a very exclusive
00:06:01cocktail party with all the drinks and canapes you need to celebrate merge and
00:06:10best of all if you win this challenge you get to choose the guest list we're
00:06:16playing for okay we're gonna draw for spots and we will get to it
00:06:22all right here we go PD is sitting this one out because of his injury everyone
00:06:33else in position
00:06:38this challenge is now on
00:06:44well comfy this sucks more than I thought it would
00:06:51congratulations you all made much here's your chance to celebrate that with a VIP
00:06:58cocktail party Oh Jesse you see the pain on Jesse's face already
00:07:10it hurts my neck hurting his neck hurting his hands come on Jesse I
00:07:15thought you were taking me out for cocktails tonight
00:07:23less than five minutes in Laura is out okay oh sorry okay that's okay you're
00:07:31out AJ's out disrupted Kate but she's all
00:07:35good okay sorry Karen's out five minutes in and we've lost three Morgan
00:07:46looking solid as always Logan and locked and loaded
00:07:50Kristen going nowhere Oh Jesse ah really struggling digging deep to stay in this
00:08:04I'm out finally Jesse drops I'd like to see disrupts his neighbors yeah that was
00:08:12a big joke finally Kaitlyn is out
00:08:20all right what's Kristen drops I did not expect that
00:08:33big readjustment from calling oh he is the biggest snake oil salesman oh really
00:08:42okay good to know good to know good to know is that comfy poorly yeah
00:08:51Olly just full-stretch now he's got flare charisma uniqueness nerve and
00:08:58talent Kate how you going struggling can you chat and hold on or you'd want to
00:09:06concentrate no I can chat okay do you um what are you doing your free time I'm a
00:09:14DJ and I own a dance company and you have a cool life so what's your what's
00:09:28like a cool hobby that you do you'd have so many like your personality is like
00:09:34really cool in our bed it's hard to say I like drawing and stuff like that but I
00:09:38make costumes for the girls you're smart cookie you're smart I can tell
00:09:43thank you so much also when you want to focus just let me know and I'll stop
00:09:49talking nah it's kind of helping me to be honest
00:09:52oh sick maybe we can go to a cocktail party together if I win oh that'd be so
00:10:08great battle for miles he's had enough he is out how you feeling Morgan Wow
00:10:21another surprise Morgan is out now we're down to four okay Logan Zara and
00:10:32remarkably still fully you have not looked comfortable from the very start
00:10:40of this challenge you're thirsty yeah I'm hot merge is a big reset in the
00:10:52Paulie trying to capitalize on that oh Paulie still on the move come on Paulie
00:11:02my forearm and break I'm in pain just watching Paulie
00:11:08Logan and Zara have not moved this entire time
00:11:24finally after an epic struggle Paulie out of the challenge hoping my effort
00:11:31translate to cocktails we're down to three Kate Logan and Zara yeah the girl
00:11:39who's gonna be throwing the cocktail party Logan on the move now struggle is
00:11:48on now for Logan don't let him get in your head like oh babe I'm not getting
00:11:52to the end that's on you ladies we open to any negotiation Zara trying to cut a
00:11:59deal but Kate super focused I don't think you can hear us you want me to
00:12:06relay the message yes please okay so what exactly what's our pitch if we get
00:12:12cocktails she can take the win copy
00:12:23so Kate yeah just delivering a message Zara and Logan yeah they want to cut a
00:12:29deal Kate saying anything up there they're gonna let you take the win if
00:12:34you will take them to the cocktail bar
00:12:44all right Logan and Zara I delivered the deal yeah guess what she's very happy
00:12:51with those turns yeah Logan drops out Zara drops out
00:13:21Kate come on over there you go there it is
00:13:33it's alright congratulations a cocktail party is yours thank you who you got a
00:13:45I'm gonna stick to the deal that I was made so Zara and Logan all right you
00:13:55know what let's uh let's round it out choose three more people okay okay I
00:14:03don't really think about this sorry
00:14:33and AJ had a really good chat to me on the floor
00:14:44all right congratulations Kate Zara AJ Morgan you know what
00:14:51just choose one okay oh this is so hard
00:15:10all right well congratulations everyone your cocktail party will be waiting for
00:15:15you back at camp you can head on out enjoy oh my god I won the first
00:15:21individual reward I wouldn't even believe I would be at merge let alone
00:15:25winning the first challenge I think every single person underestimated me
00:15:31coming into this challenge because I thought I was just here as a ditzy girl
00:15:34having a good time but making this decision today is gonna show them that
00:15:40I'm throwing the shots and I'm gonna run this party
00:16:14get me as far away from those cocktails as possible
00:16:26merge is a massive milestone and now that this game has become an individual
00:16:32game the only concern is the OG bronze are in a minority now so I've chosen
00:16:41very carefully who I want to come reward with me because I'm a woman of my word
00:16:50yes strategically I've chosen a few people that I don't know that I need to
00:16:57get to know then also taking a few of the original bronze to hear about what
00:17:05has been going on with people more that I trust and people that I've been close
00:17:09to before
00:17:11so the reason
00:17:30we made a girl's alliance at the very start yeah look who made it too much
00:17:36our entire girls line yeah I definitely feel like I'm in a strong
00:17:41position I'm loving making new friends so it feels lovely I feel like I could
00:17:46just see rainbows you want to let's try and cook something up get a bit of a
00:17:53our own merch face going yeah we can go right to the beat of those beans and
00:17:57that's right yeah my post merge meal was undercooked rice enjoyed with a big
00:18:04glug of well water enjoy yourself less no I'm happy for all the cocktails
00:18:17they're happy I am NOT bitter at all you could just like here like you know some
00:18:23giggling and a little thank you so much all of these individual rewards at this
00:18:40face of the game are about building relationships gathering information and
00:18:45Kate made some very interesting decisions for who went to that cocktail
00:18:50party there's a lot of big fish in a small pond now isn't that yeah yeah we'll
00:18:56see what AJ concocts up yeah oh yeah I haven't even had a good decide saying
00:19:03hello how are you that's all I've spoken yeah that's all I know of and the whole
00:19:06I've got hostages thing yeah how did you think what did you think of that oh I
00:19:10thought it was pretty feisty how did you start your dancing during COVID
00:19:14the only person I'm worried about being there would probably be AJ he's
00:19:20using his charisma he's using his charm and I know he probably wants to be out
00:19:25at some point
00:19:27you'd be a massive catch on any dating app we all thought you were a model
00:19:32potentially AJ could gain momentum quite quickly and I don't want that to happen
00:19:41how was it
00:19:46making merge for me right now means that I get Laura back
00:19:52and that's the game ramps up I just want to say my expectations of you I have put
00:20:05in the hard yards since day one and I've put out people's votes that I
00:20:11wanted and every time I've really pushed for a singular person I can get a bit of
00:20:17pushback saying not just yet the timing's not right I'm sick of letting
00:20:20other people dictate who I vote out so I am taking back my control
00:20:27right game plan let's go my thought process is if we're trying to get
00:20:33we're just talking about who our future alliances are and what we're looking at
00:20:44yes we're gonna have to keep eyes and ears to the floor everywhere who are you
00:20:47trusting the girls yeah okay I'm happy to go I know you think don't think it's
00:20:54a threat but from day seven AJ has been on my shopping list we are getting him
00:20:58before he gets me yes I know we are all good now and that is fine but I refuse
00:21:02to be told one more time wait till the next vote yeah cuz when I say I want him
00:21:06gone I want him gone yeah it's not right now but I need as a team for us to do
00:21:10that for me otherwise I'm not gonna feel like you guys are my team as long as it's
00:21:13not right now it's not right now it's not necessary right now but when I say
00:21:17it's time to pull the trigger I need you guys to have my back otherwise you're
00:21:19not gonna feel like you're on my side yeah I am here to win I do everything to
00:21:25win and if placating Logan is what it takes that's fine but I have concerns
00:21:32about my relationship with Laura we can select the best person to go over to be
00:21:39honest wasn't gonna handle this like this Zara I know that Laura is mad at me
00:21:45for stealing her advantage so I also need to try and smooth the path between
00:21:50us do you need to air anything with me because Logan said that you I said you
00:21:56threatened me yeah I was just frustrated I was just frustrated when I
00:22:03came back because I just didn't think that that's how it was gonna go that
00:22:07wasn't what I thought was gonna happen and I felt like it kind of taken my
00:22:11advantage and like run away with it yeah do you know what I mean and I was like
00:22:15it was mine like I feel like because it was mine I should have gone do you know
00:22:18what I mean yeah but um I felt hijacked I felt like I was put in a corner yeah
00:22:24and I had to then say it yeah because yeah I just was I just felt my intention
00:22:30my intention was to get you to do what without a plan
00:22:37it is complete Zara behavior to snake someone's advantage or idol that she
00:22:43didn't find nor does she deserve in this game and think that she's entitled to it
00:22:47I just think in general stuff is gonna happen and we're not always gonna agree
00:22:52with everybody else's thought process we know that she's not nice she has been
00:22:58quite cruel at times and really strong-handed the very a few times on
00:23:03the OG brains camps and that's just not gonna work anymore so Zara's on my hit
00:23:22guess what guys because I couldn't sleep last night guess who soaks some beans
00:23:27yes so there's beans in the pot how crazy is this sitting in now that it's
00:23:34much finally oh what's the tribe name gonna be so for the tribe name I have
00:23:42heaps of lame names like soul and art and whatever but it could be in Simone
00:23:50does anyone know any Samoan words there was a sign on something that will come
00:23:55a little bit said not for the week and it was called mosey was weak so then I
00:23:59asked the guy the Samoan word for stronger and like together and he goes
00:24:05the word is melosi m-a-l-o-s-i
00:24:12we didn't even need anybody else's we got we got majority Laura we have
00:24:17melosi the words melosi I like it it sounds strong
00:24:25hey what do you reckon should we get these rocks out of here it's not it's
00:24:30only a bit temporary we just need like we just need to post the merge phase of
00:24:36survivor is where things start to go crazy
00:24:41underwater cave and everything it's pretty much like being back on day one
00:24:51a little bit chaotic people are running all over the place people are having
00:24:57multiple chats it was so intense but coming into merge I'm really excited
00:25:09because I finally had some friends I've got people behind me from my og brawn
00:25:13tribe who I really think have my back you're free now that you're free yeah I
00:25:19was ready do you know what one thing I took away from it at the moment we'll
00:25:22come for the jump on what it means to have so I just put out the top but it's
00:25:26been enough
00:25:30and then like it was such a revelation it was such a personal moment to realize
00:25:36everything that I've been through my whole life
00:25:45I didn't even know that was just there
00:25:50every heart
00:26:02I don't understand so I'm feeling really good about my position in the tribe the
00:26:10only thing that worries me is AJ
00:26:15told me yeah come over here yeah perfect AJ's got us yeah baby AJ's been doing
00:26:23what AJ does best and started schmoozing he's battered his eyelids and put on
00:26:33that boyish charm without you and Petey we couldn't have done this yeah and he's
00:26:38trying to schmooze his way into everybody's mind because that's what AJ
00:26:44does he's a master manipulator and he will do whatever it takes to keep out of
00:26:49the vote do you want me to find some coconuts we can make beaner ice yeah we
00:26:53can have a chill day today I should probably do the same
00:27:04what do you do other than pole dance I'm a financial analyst it's like numbers
00:27:11basically there's a lot of very big personalities here right and definitely
00:27:22I felt a little bit out of place early on on both tribes I think what about you
00:27:27I hear it's been a bit messy especially if you're an ex-brown over on that
00:27:31bronze 2.0 yeah messy is not a word that I would use to describe what I went
00:27:37through it would be more of chaotic self-preservation yep been there
00:27:43miles and I's journey quite similar at this point but I learned a lot about
00:27:47myself and now I'm ready to move forward and because we were both on the
00:27:53bottom this could be an opportunity for us to work together in the future I
00:27:57really feel like playing from the bottom has put me in a better position with
00:28:02regards to how to play 100% put me on the bottom in this tribe and I'll
00:28:06flourish yeah yeah yeah put you on the bottom in a lot of situations I reckon
00:28:10you'll flow are you tempting me are you coming on to me
00:28:27I thought we were my friends we were we jungle-routed ourself out of yeah
00:28:35amazing miles and I have had a crazy journey in this game and honestly we
00:28:42have similar play styles we're here to have fun we need to enjoy it so
00:28:46reuniting with miles this is perfect I have stories for you like you saw like
00:28:52I have stages of me throwing like all this shit but it's 50 times yeah just so
00:28:59you are aware
00:29:06you think you're getting it all I think I have a little Wow yeah I I've been
00:29:11talking a lot today and I had a woman exchange on another
00:29:15beach just a I think I got it all and I think between us we have the only person
00:29:21that's all the nerves about is
00:29:35and to be honest like if I'd be okay with that this is phenomenal
00:29:41Jesse and Logan seem to be targets right now and just by taking hostage is
00:29:49throwing challenges getting another tribe for a challenges nobody wants me
00:29:52out between miles and I we have a lot of information and for the rest of the game
00:29:58I think we're just gonna cause absolute chaos
00:30:17Oh gosh come on in
00:30:25it looks like many
00:30:39all right so Morgan did you come up with a name for the new tribe we did and I
00:30:46forgot it
00:30:49Milosey Milosey Milosey Milosey was the Samoan term for stronger together so
00:30:56we've gone with Milosey oh nice yeah Paulie now that you've met everyone how
00:31:04many people in the tribe you think need to win today I think everybody would
00:31:08like to win today I think there are some people that are in some comfy positions
00:31:13where it's probably not as a necessity as it is for other people do you have a
00:31:20guesstimate of how many people you think need it 80% made it yeah Laura big
00:31:27reaction on that yeah I think that maybe it should turn to a hundred percent if
00:31:31one person's thinking 80% all right you ready to get to your first individual
00:31:37immunity challenge Kristen thank you yeah exactly see ya tribal immunity is
00:31:45no more now on this is what you cup it
00:31:54individual immunity with this around your neck you are safe cannot be voted
00:31:59out without it you're gonna be vulnerable
00:32:05all right for today's challenge you're gonna balance on a seesaw attempting to
00:32:12keep a ball on a track at regular intervals you'll add additional balls
00:32:17making it more difficult if at any point you step off when you drop one of your
00:32:22balls you're out of the challenge last person left standing wins immunity and
00:32:30is safe from the vote loses tribal council where somebody's gonna become
00:32:33the 11th person voted out all right let's draw for spots let's get to it
00:32:42all right PD is sitting this one out because of his injury
00:32:57oh my god don't panic give you a minute whoa work it out
00:33:14this is not gonna be my challenge
00:33:23all right get your ball on the track
00:33:29everyone is in position for immunity this challenge is now on brand new
00:33:41challenge no Laura you touched the ball you can't touch the ball once we start
00:33:55you're out barely a minute into this challenge it is not easy
00:34:02there's poor Laura found out cannot touch the ball once it's in the track
00:34:10Zara's out
00:34:17I could have won that one I know for a fact I could have won that this challenge
00:34:23is gonna test your balance and your concentration you want to keep that ball
00:34:28as steady as possible it will quickly pick up momentum once it does difficult
00:34:37to control as AJ just found out Kristen on the run trying to keep it under
00:34:43control she's out they're dropping like flies
00:34:54Morgan is out
00:35:01so here we are at merge a period of heightened uncertainty
00:35:11that's particularly true of tonight's tribal
00:35:17ah Karin drops she's out
00:35:25Kalen not even looking at his ball super confident he knows exactly where it is
00:35:34Kayla the Zen master
00:35:42Paulie on the edge he's struggling to get it back please
00:35:48Jesse not gonna take his eye off that ball
00:35:54Kate on the run
00:36:01cannot save it she is out of the challenge
00:36:09Kaelin right on the edge careful Kaelin lots and lots of movement careful Kaelin
00:36:18back and forth trying to tame that ball
00:36:27slowly trying to bring it back into the middle he's really having trouble
00:36:36and we are down to four Logan Paulie Jesse and miles well in a minute we're
00:36:45gonna make it a little more difficult we're gonna add another ball if you
00:36:52drop during this transition you are out
00:37:04ten nine eight seven six five four three two one
00:37:22nice good job everyone makes the transition nicely done
00:37:35movement from Logan
00:37:39trying to bring it back into the middle now she has some separation
00:37:46stay stay
00:37:52Paulie's on the run trying to get it back under control
00:37:56Paulie out of the challenge
00:38:0615 minutes in and we're down to three Logan Jesse and miles little movement
00:38:16from miles miles on the run shit
00:38:25miles is out of the challenge now we have a showdown
00:38:35Logan concentrate and Jesse good job Jesse
00:38:42Jesse locked and loaded this should be Jesse's challenge his
00:38:48skateboarder Logan on the run trying to keep it under control
00:38:54she's in trouble Oh right on the edge Wow
00:39:03nice save from Logan Pilates baby all right we're gonna turn it up and we're
00:39:11gonna add that third ball
00:39:1715 seconds starting now you're right you're right you're right the other way
00:39:24ten nine eight seven six five four three two one
00:39:42nicely done 20 minutes into this challenge
00:39:50just as I say that Jesse big wobble both balls right on the edge
00:39:58Oh Wow
00:40:02he's still in it
00:40:06major separation with his balls now this is very precarious now he has to hope
00:40:16that Logan's gonna make a mistake
00:40:36there it is
00:40:39Jesse cracks Logan wins individual immunity
00:40:48my nose got itchy then I lost it
00:40:56Logan come on over
00:41:00congratulations first individual immunity is yours how's that feel it
00:41:08feels great I mean I'm from Pilates wine mom see my blood there it is all right
00:41:14well you're safe tonight not going home as for the rest you tribal council
00:41:18tonight where one of you will become the 11th person voted out won't be you well
00:41:23done get back to camp I'll see you tonight
00:41:31I've got a matching one in my bag I'm excited for the vote tonight I think
00:41:37this one's gonna be a really fun one and it's time for me to step up and say hey
00:41:42it's Logan's time
00:41:53I am so excited I actually took out an immunity win the first one and it's
00:42:09around my neck I'd like to thank Pilates wine that's all amazing amazing who
00:42:20would have thought little old me could win guys I'm not gonna rub it in but I
00:42:25don't have to bring all my stuff to travel tonight I can leave all my shoes
00:42:30here if I want to feel so powerful right now because I am double protected I can
00:42:45kind of go on the attack and I can actually get out the players that I want
00:42:52to get out
00:43:01I'm keen to keep broad strong and then I'm keen really to work with you and I
00:43:06know what we've seen the record so we've come into merge and we're in the
00:43:12minority of OG bronze is six and OG brains is seven doesn't look good for
00:43:17the OG bronze right now
00:43:21but pre-merge we had our whole tribe willing to put votes on Zara and I'm
00:43:27hoping that plan can still go ahead I think we all stick together he's Kate
00:43:33Morgan Alonso that alone yeah so me you and Morgan could get on that who else
00:43:38could we get on that with Laura Laura became you can say and then I can get
00:43:44miles would jump on it too yeah the OG bronze are staying together we're
00:43:49united and all the brains 2.0 are on board to get Zara out to how are you
00:43:56feeling about the dark I'm comfortable with it cool yeah I'm cool
00:44:00cool thanks yeah baby yeah and I think Logan might be on the Zara train as
00:44:07well but you must be feeling great yeah I mean first I wasn't really planning on
00:44:15winning it was just when the girls dropped out I was like oh I'm the only
00:44:17girl I may as well try yeah we have a plan to be top two with you
00:44:23thanks well there's a plan going around mm-hmm
00:44:26that I'm sure you're aware about
00:44:30oh yeah yeah yes I'm going to that one I'm really into that Zara one I mean it
00:44:40seems like a name we can all agree on it seems like a straightforward majority on
00:44:46that one person yeah and I'm only painted because of what she did to Laura
00:44:52at the tribal oh yeah I've been up there since then I don't trust it for a
00:44:58no I would love to see the back of Sarah I would love it but if I get Zara tonight
00:45:07I lose Karen and I lose my majority I don't look we have to get through this
00:45:11vote because we can't take a swing and a miss no no absolutely not the other
00:45:15option would be to go for Jesse he's a brawn and I know that the girls tried to
00:45:21get him out at the last tribal council so it's not gonna ruffle anybody's
00:45:28feathers if he goes home tonight
00:45:37tonight Jesse thinks we're voting out Zara but Morgan and I have been planning
00:45:43to get out Jesse you for over a week now and we're creating a bit of a girl's
00:45:48alliance between the brains and the brawns to finally pull off this plan
00:45:52he's up
00:45:58I'd like to say thank you for this plan and also you're showing us that you
00:46:03actually do have our back and I really appreciate it but knowing it's the first
00:46:07vote of merge makes me feel a little bit nervous so just in case I want to play
00:46:12it safe and have an extra number
00:46:18okay so I do have something but are you gonna tell the ball no I'm a ball
00:46:31honestly I am I promise okay so my next plan on the brains trial is to be that
00:46:38Jesse I knew I knew it did you I knew it oh really how I know just gut feeling
00:46:44okay like I knew I can see the vibes of people yeah I can see it yeah so that it
00:46:51was my plan and I definitely want to continue that because I've told a few
00:46:55people and I feel like before it gets out I need to do the job
00:47:01you have the most beautiful eyes oh you're so nice I know I know it's
00:47:05looking seriously beautiful eyes sorry go on stop it but I just felt like this
00:47:12would benefit you as well yeah I love that Kate is coming to me and telling me
00:47:27her plan she wants to trust me I can see it in her eyes
00:47:32Jesse going home affects me not at all so I should be happy to be a part of
00:47:36this plan best part about stretching to you is I get to keep looking into your
00:47:40eyes and get the gold clicks but I'd rather send home Paulie who's raring to
00:47:45go he's somebody that I can't work with and he's just survived so many tribals I
00:47:52think he's ready for it to be his time it's time to send off little Paulie to
00:47:56be slaughtered like a little lamb
00:48:00tonight it seems like the entire tribe is burning from Jesse but for my game
00:48:14I'd prefer to get Paulie out I don't see any future going forward with him he
00:48:19can't be trusted and honestly he's just too much of a liability why are we like
00:48:27why are we not putting votes on somebody else okay so why don't we do
00:48:33that then okay so us those two Morgan and Kate on Jesse you miles on Paulie so
00:48:41you Jesse he's the main target yeah but then you guys on Paulie so then we've
00:48:47got a split and then they'll probably send boats my way yeah so now the brains
00:48:55are splitting on Paulie I'm keeping a low profile I think you should do the
00:48:59same yeah because yeah I want us to be safe tonight yeah but I still need just
00:49:05a few more votes yeah I know so I'm gonna use a little bit of charm to try
00:49:14and get some of this og bronze to flip okay I have heaps to say to you and I'm
00:49:19gonna start by giving you information now okay I want to like I wish I could
00:49:23reciprocate I don't have much yet so what do you think's happening tonight
00:49:26I know what's happening and I'm gonna if you don't know I'm gonna tell you
00:49:29exactly got because I'm not 100% sure okay we're voting Paulie yeah like are
00:49:34you comfortable with this I don't know where Kristen's gonna go I want to talk
00:49:40to Christmas I haven't yet she's the only person I haven't talked to yet I'm
00:49:43involved with the information once it comes in and I don't want to just blab
00:49:47off I'm gonna be about to get the only thing I'd ask and you probably say is if
00:49:51I hear your name I'm gonna tell you oh good so I'm gonna talk to Kristen all
00:49:54right perfect
00:50:01I've been so excited to catch up with you tell me back together and haven't
00:50:07even been able to chat no no okay so I spoke to AJ and that's really good
00:50:12he's at lining up with boy but tonight yeah so AJ wolf I don't overly trust it
00:50:22yeah no he's gonna manipulate the game whenever he can so so he like from the
00:50:26get-go so I want to go with you through to the end blah blah and but he does
00:50:30the same speeches to everyone but for now I'm happy
00:50:35okay and are you talking to Paulie is dangerous he will talk he will make
00:50:46stuff up if he knows that he's next I know exactly how it was going at the
00:50:50original brawn and that's six until there was gonna be a fracture with
00:50:55Paulie and then they were happy to go in there sick so I've just been patient
00:50:59patient patient and I've said a word but I've not forgotten that they weren't
00:51:03doing us any favors so I've got no problem if it's gonna go that way there
00:51:09seems to be a number of possibilities tonight and the votes going to be a
00:51:14balance between Paulie and Zara so we could stick with the og brawn that seems
00:51:22safe but there's also opportunities with people like AJ however I'm certainly
00:51:28wary of the games AJ can play so buyer beware
00:51:43you'll be fine tonight like you I hope so even if they do go for you if our
00:51:48plan works we have majority yeah I just hope so that everyone the majority sticks
00:51:52I hope they're all yeah I don't see why wouldn't it so it's a name we all agree
00:51:55on yeah do you miles know that I'm in on the plan with you guys does he know
00:52:00where the numbers sit yeah he knows I know it's yeah miles
00:52:08we're giving you me it's Paulie and Jesse giving you a thumbs up yeah he's
00:52:17on he's really conspicuous I wish is good about post merge I've really turned
00:52:23this around and it just seems to be a surreal experience on my side tonight
00:52:28I'm going into tribal with an alliance of numbers which is something that I
00:52:32haven't had for a really long time my mood is high my motivation is real and I
00:52:42feel unstoppable
00:52:48I'm going into tribal tonight and I have a group of people set on a common goal
00:52:52getting Zara out she betrayed Laura at the last Tribal
00:52:57Council and she's come up as a common name that a lot of people can agree on
00:53:02this is one of those rare times where we can probably pull it off with the
00:53:06majority without upsetting any of our alliance so I'm not feeling nervous at
00:53:11all I am dumbfounded at how well merge has
00:53:17worked for me my alliances are solid my foundations are solid and I think right
00:53:22now until the rest of the game I'm probably gonna be on top tonight Jesse
00:53:29should be going home but Paulie is the greater evil so I'm hoping I've done
00:53:33enough work to get him out but either way someone's gonna get KO'd here
00:53:51experience the game like never before with extended tribal councils unseen
00:53:56moments interviews and more over on template
00:54:17it is a bit crowded
00:54:30Paulie that's you what happened well Jonathan I didn't realize how clumsy I
00:54:36was until I came out to the jungle of Samoa and unfortunately for me on the
00:54:40way to tribal tonight I clopped a torch to the head that one's on me so sorry I'm
00:54:46I'm guessing it was an accident I slept on a rock well all right well I'm glad
00:54:54you're okay thank you so Zara here we are your first tribal after merge how
00:55:02you feeling post merge there there's just a lot of people it's like we ran
00:55:10one marathon and we crossed the finish line but instead of giving us a medal
00:55:14they said hey now you've got another marathon to get straight back into AJ
00:55:22what's your experience of merge so far merge has been so much fun so far I met
00:55:29some people that I hadn't met before we talked about a bunch of things so I felt
00:55:36like I knew everyone by the scramble and it was a lot of fun okay are you open to
00:55:41working with people that you've only just met absolutely I think everyone
00:55:47should be an open book at this point merge you haven't even started the game
00:55:51yet so if you're a closed book I would be a little bit worried AJ do new people
00:55:57equal new opportunities in this game for sure I think new new people always
00:56:02bright in your eyes and you see the best in them at the beginning but sometimes
00:56:07you see the worst Logan is it hard to distinguish where the friendship ends
00:56:15and the game begins I think that some people it could be hard but I think I
00:56:20have a different mentality I think the friendships that we have are not the
00:56:25same as gameplay we're all here to play the game of survivor it's not friend
00:56:32island so Kristen do you think that the groups that are forming in this tribe
00:56:38now are they completely new or are they based on old connections I think it's a
00:56:43bit of both I think the tribal lines have definitely dissolved we are now 13
00:56:50new people using a bit of relationships we have formed in the past ones that we
00:56:56are currently forming and there's gonna be new relationships form so I think
00:57:00it's a big mixed bag so sorry you're the only person who's been on a tribe
00:57:06with everyone here at some point does that put you in a unique position of
00:57:10power tonight position of power but it was certainly interesting that I did
00:57:15already know everyone I didn't have to rush around introducing myself I felt
00:57:22like it was a good thing that I'd already had previous conversations and
00:57:26gotten to know people Jesse on the other hand could having so many
00:57:33connections make you a threat in this game I suppose it could yeah if you if
00:57:38you have too many connections you could be a threat
00:57:44yeah but Paulie those old connections can keep you safe in this game well yeah
00:57:49I mean they definitely can but I don't know if they can necessarily win you the
00:57:53game in the end I think if you're unwilling to move forward with new
00:57:58alliances makes you look predictable and when you're predictable you're out the
00:58:06door quick smart you've got 13 amazing stars here to play with I mean why
00:58:11wouldn't you want to get your hands dirty with this bunch with miles with so
00:58:17much going on right now what are you considering tonight obviously it was a
00:58:23tricky road for me to get here and there's been a few key people that have
00:58:26really helped me get here and those people are pushing for certain people
00:58:33and that's who I'm going with so Jesse it seems the vote tonight is about trust
00:58:39where's your level of trust oh my level of trust is through the roof with the
00:58:43people I'm working with I've had some great conversations and I'm putting my
00:58:47hundred percent trust in in the crew out of the Richter scale okay local
00:58:57what's the vote about tonight for you
00:59:01I think this vote is about solidifying who I'm working with in the next few
00:59:22all right well I think it's time to see where that trust is gonna land it is
00:59:36time to vote
00:59:39all right well it is time to vote Kate you're up
01:00:03my first big move is gonna be on you
01:00:57keeping my alliance strong
01:01:20I lied it is about vengeance
01:01:34I'll go count the votes
01:01:51if anyone has an idol and you want to play it now be the time to do so
01:01:57I'll read the votes first vote Zara
01:02:18Zara that's two votes Zara
01:02:30Jesse we're tied two votes Zara two votes Jesse
01:02:36Jesse that's three votes Jesse two votes Zara
01:02:46Jesse that's four votes Jesse two votes Zara
01:02:53Jesse that's five votes Jesse two votes Zara
01:03:01Paulie five votes Jesse two votes Zara one vote Paulie
01:03:30Paulie tied again five votes Jesse five votes Paulie two votes Zara one vote
01:03:4211th person voted out of brains versus brawn
01:03:50Jesse thanks guys all good all good
01:04:01going home yes play hard for me yes
01:04:09please rock and roll
01:04:15yeah all right Jesse the tribe has spoken
01:04:20shaka brah hi Jesse we love you
01:04:33well first half of this game might have been a marathon but up to tonight one
01:04:38thing is clear the second half is gonna be a sprint grab your torches head back
01:04:44to camp good night
01:04:52tomorrow night could anyone guess whose name I want to write down there is Paulie
01:04:58a dead man walking my head is on the chopping block but I'm gonna use every
01:05:03ounce of fight that I have in me I'm ready to battle and I still have my eye
01:05:11with two idols up for grabs I know for a fact will miles make his move any of
01:05:20those two public idols essentially belongs to me because I can steal it at
01:05:24any time I was completely blindsided tonight I think by my own Alliance so
01:05:33I don't know where I went wrong maybe I was a bit of a threat
01:05:41to the what's our tribe called again Molossi is it Molossi sending a message
01:05:49to the Molossi tribe no hard feelings you guys got me play hard for me sorry
01:05:54but there's only room for one hunk on this island
