• 13 hours ago
What sabotage ideas do you have?

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Video uploaded by
00:00Sidemen among us part 9 million now recently the sidemen actually recorded a couple uh among us
00:07videos that i was not in so at some point i will be reacting to those they'll be on stream and over
00:12on mini mints clips but today we're looking at the best moments from the last month let's go
00:17okay we got Lachlan as a sheriff oh no wait there's someone on the other side of the door
00:21it could be him all right i'm just gonna start hitting shit just to confuse people
00:25oh this was ridiculous this was a joke wait got him who teleported me there that was
00:35that was such a ridiculous teleport lannan did one of the best among us moments of all time
00:41like skill wise but i will not accept the fact that it was accidental there's no way he could
00:46have known who was stuck with who are you guys so he was aiming to kill beds wait there's someone
00:51could be him all right i'm just gonna start hitting shit just to confuse people he was
00:54aiming for beds so Lachlan knew big brain from Lachlan Lannan big lucky brain i think
01:00what wait got him ridiculous teleported me there that was insane that was ridiculous
01:10did you kill what just happened i just teleported to beds and killed him just killed him
01:16so casually like yeah i just teleported to him you know as if he did the teleporting
01:22the aussie link up lights right the cool lights that'd be really funny when i say this by the way
01:26not an insult to harry i do it as well if you have anything like the the mage
01:30the bomber there's like one other as well everyone just calls lights and then just
01:34plants a bomb or whatever it is on that on that section it's so obvious there's also nothing they
01:39can do jesus wait no no what no
01:54what is that i thought i could plant it then vent away and then trick them all to come in here
02:01does he get the option to to vent
02:03jesus wait he couldn't vent no what it's quite funny sometimes when a bomber kills himself
02:10because you don't know whether they were the bomber or not like we might have gone
02:14into the meeting and had no idea that harry did that no it wasn't me all right shaggy
02:26different shaggy i forgot about that i always get called out for this when
02:31like so harry's out lachlan's the last imposter left and he's still saying no it wasn't me
02:39like he's out realistically at that point he could just go ah well done guys you won puppet master
02:47why is there another jay-jay as well hang on a minute wait i'm being controlled i'm being controlled
02:52what right what the hell jay-jay was puppet master he controlled harry and then someone's
03:01come in as jay-jay and killed jay-jay while controlling harry's go baby mimic wait mimic
03:08oh my god i can mimic people oh sweet let's go
03:16does he just do it he's just he just does it in front of everyone
03:26he got so lucky as well everyone saw him change harry should have seen him change
03:30well i guess harry might be doing the task hang on a minute he was just allowed there
03:35was two jay-jays there was two jay-jays i'm going on tiktok i guarantee we're getting nothing
03:40out of it
03:52it's so true though meetings are so pointless unless someone literally sees them kill meetings
03:57are pointless i saw josh kill bro but i also saw josh run up to the top of electrical now you're
04:03actually clever that you could i guess maybe i don't know how the roles work maybe you could
04:06clear yourself but fuck if i know i've heard of josh don't vote on seven though you're screwed
04:24i don't know who did this one i'm gonna guess ethan because he picked them up i feel like
04:27whenever ethan compliments them he's normally that role like if he goes ah the killer is so
04:32smart he's normally the killer look the mage runs into electrical so i'm just gonna do it
04:37drops it i'm lucky a little bit i think i've killed simon and
04:43ah what what the fuck was that what was that gunshot what's happened
04:48i think i've just killed two people oh my gosh
04:55oh yeah i heard that i heard the gun yeah yeah i heard it i heard yeah he's just realized
05:00something let me check how does that role work again
05:07anyway uh and he just shouldn't have done that he just shouldn't have placed it he could have
05:11got the kill vick would have gone up and got a kill he could have got a double kill and escaped
05:14this map was a ball lake i want to play more custom maps so they need to be simple it basically
05:19just needs to be a square or rectangle with different sections that go round it'd be quite
05:26but the killers can vent anywhere and then another one should be what we have but every
05:32room connects like you can leave every single way i don't know if that makes any sense middle room
05:37and you can go up right but that room also goes into here that room goes into here it's just that
05:42they're kind of cooked but they didn't cook oh i didn't see him there
05:47god this is
05:54yeah sam i just reported the body i just saw i did oh but i know what's going on man
05:59let's just shoot someone i'm shooting are we literally vibe voting now we're fine
06:07that's how you know that the lobby is not going well the map is not going well if
06:12we immediately go to vibe voting i voted josh here for no reason
06:16but so did everyone he got a jester win
06:30fair enough you know we vibe voted two people voted for him to vote for someone else and then
06:34very even what is it very dark which this is how dark it is normally what's up harold
06:39dedgy oh oh
06:55it's just so good to have in a lobby because he laughs so much and his laugh is so funny it's
07:01oh i love him man kill simon from the start what why up here by the way does airlock work you know
07:07what sometimes i'm genuinely happy to just die first everyone's like oh he's the sweat of the
07:11game so if i stay alive longer there's more pressure to be like i have to get it right
07:16whereas if you just kill me off first it's it's cool oh for fuck's sake
07:21uh why i hope i just didn't kill someone yeah i think you just died motherfucker
07:30why would you do that the airlock is a good sabotage i want to i want to have like
07:35more sabotages in in the game what can we i'm gonna make one up right now a sabotage where
07:43the button kills people if you press the button you kill people for the next like
07:4930 seconds or something like that but you can't you can't sabotage anything else while that
07:53sabotage is active if you have any ideas by the way let me know in the comments down below and
07:56as as i always say i will let the team know and we will potentially be able to make those happen
08:04all right so i need to kill i need to kill simon i need i need that stone bro
08:08oh shit
08:28what was so frustrating about this was the thanos role was so hard and she finally got a stone and
08:32we were happy and then ethan killed him and admittedly the moment is funnier than you know
08:37thanos winning but it was just like we could not make this happen thanos was so underpowered for
08:42how hard the role is josh he's gonna get ya josh he's i'm gonna eat ya if someone get your booty
08:46out and eat it right hey i don't know if it's worse or better that there is prox chat in this
08:51because if there's if there is then he's saying it to me a little bit weird there's not roger
08:55says this on his own wait let me get my booty for you
08:58boring day in it bit meh i got a weird role guys i got a weird role simon simon hey simon
09:05i got a weird role hey bud it says you're a legend what's that mean yeah i can tell that
09:10you wouldn't know what that meant i should have just eaten him there i would have given it away
09:16yeah i can tell that you wouldn't know what that meant
09:19i should have just eaten him there i would have given it away but
09:22fuck it that's funny hey chip put it in put it in chip
09:36at least he got in video oh generational kill from joe eat after please i don't honestly i
09:41can't eat people how can i prove that i'm not i'll do med base scan come on
09:46cannibals are still normal people come on then well i haven't got the task but like
09:55it might be you boys he's actually not he's actually not me i'm i'm actually crewmate
09:59so so few brain cells in this lobby man oh we got an imposter and a cannibal running together
10:04wow you got ethan as well screaming man
10:24i didn't know that was physically possible but i guess it has to be because of like
10:28desync right oh among us 3d i said this before i think this was so amazing for a video we could
10:37do it again at some point when the actual i think it was only in beta when it fully comes out we
10:41could do another one i just don't think it's it can't overtake the original we've got a rock
10:46wow oh yeah you won best of three best of three rock paper scissors shoot
10:52all right one one we open all right so this is decided now rock paper scissors shoot
10:58i won i won i won now it's what happens now sorry and now i'm gonna i'm gonna slice you now no no
11:06i'm gonna slice you now why is he recording on a potato
11:09that's in the sidecar studio why is it so bad for mankind
11:13rock you're a bad paper scissors shoot show
11:20okay wait wait let me just see something great i need to
11:25ethan me and lux all did this if you click a sabotage while in range of killing you kill them
11:33you ready yeah yeah yeah rock paper scissors shoot shoot
11:42can we just confirm something yeah he lost who won that firstly well confirmed that it's you
11:47thank you i think he ended up getting voted out there lux is um he's he's something he's
11:53something special in in this game oh yeah as i said let keep letting me know things to add into
11:57among us and i will try and make them happen for the sidemen lobbies down in the comments down
12:01below thank you guys for watching peace
