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00:00I'm supposed to when does it start? I'm supposed to be going to the UFC. When does it start? Oh my god
00:06I'm supposed to be going 5 p.m
00:09I've bought tickets. I bought tickets and I forgot it was today. Yeah, I'm here now. I'm playing champs. Forget about it
00:16I'm here now
00:16I prioritize you lot over my own fun because no amount of fun could replicate the fun that we have
00:23I just can't be asked now to be honest of you to the cheapest and most reliable foot coins
00:28Make sure you check out you seven by and if you use my discount code Danny, you can save yourself 8% off, right lads
00:35I'm playing champs. Yeah, this is the team
00:40I'm not lads. Respectfully. I'm not I'm no longer a freeback user. All right. I am no longer a freeback user
00:47I'm a proud four back. All right, I'm a four back user again. What formation do I use?
00:51What lads if you had to tell what's the matter fellas? What's the matter these days?
00:55Tell me feed me. Is it 4 2 1 3? Is it 4 1 2 1 2 is it 4?
01:00What's the matter these days people like 4 triple 2? I'm not people mate 4 triple 2 seems like my worst nightmare
01:06I need some wingers in that bit. I feel like you largest what you're about 4 3 3 3
01:11This ain't a squad build a showdown little bro. I am you know what if it ain't broke
01:15Don't fix it back in my day a 4 2 1 3 carried me to 14 wins
01:19I'm going for to wait wait, hold on there might be an issue at this
01:23No issue, there's zero issue rude. Thank you very much. I'm I'm the proud lone user now as well
01:30So I'm using that I'll have a little bit but all I can use any right back and it will get chemistry
01:34Look, I've locked him in place at any right back. We'll get chem now. Oh
01:37Oh you can place. Oh
01:40Sorry, I need help. Wait. Sorry. What am I doing? I need bailing
01:42I unfortunately need bail right and then probably need who was I pairing up with Vinny Alaba? Oh, no Grimaldo's bet
01:50Grimaldo's just so annoying because he's so good. He's so boring and he's so hard to get chem
01:55Okay, obviously we need to go with the best striker in the world real quick. I don't mind dropping
02:01Adiemi now for reference. Alright chat. Here's the here's the baseline. This is the baseline team
02:06We now just need to get chemistry around everyone. So that screams Jeremy fring pong bloody screams fring pong. Okay. Oh
02:13Okay. Now I just need a whole lot of England going on. I think I might make Trent at DM. Is that crazy?
02:18Cuz we could obviously go for tea, but I'm thinking is that a bit too defensive?
02:23I'm thinking we get a little bit of creativity up in there with some Trent. I like that. What do we do now lads?
02:28What do we do now? I need a big I feel like I'm missing someone big from this team. Oh
02:33How does that work? How does he get chem? What? Oh my god get back in a team. I miss you so much
02:37Do I ball? I've had in dreams about you. Oh my god. How does that work?
02:43Grassroots great get full chem. Are you taking the it's I could have had him in the team this whole time
02:48Are you taking the piss? I think I'm gonna have to go van der Sar. Hold on. Hold on chat. Check this
02:57Is that the best team I've ever built in my entire lifetime is that the best team I've ever used in my life
03:05Lads jokes aside. I don't see a world where we don't get minimum 12 wins this weekend. I have two loans
03:11Oh, oh, I've got to uh, oh who the fuck cares make grow up mate. God forbid
03:17I use a card I got and I'll be it's not like I just got him
03:20I had to submit an 86 rated squad. God forbid mate. Only thing that hurts here is Romero's gone
03:26That actually really hurts that he's gone. I'm not even just trying shit. Oh my god
03:34There's no new huddle in Evo, there's no new huddle in Evo unless you're talking about the one that gives them 70 passing
03:39Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I chat, please. Please educate me. I'm just so please I'm naming and shaming these fucks
03:47Here we go. Everyone here. Hardly an Evo. What huddle in Evo? Tell me which one. Here we go
03:51There is one for a hundred and fifty K
03:54It's the clinical finisher the clinical finisher the clinical finisher this one. Yeah, the clinical finisher the clinical finisher. Yeah
04:02Please shut the fuck up
04:08Sorry, I'm gonna have to put some tactics on someone's got four two one three tactics surely
04:12This is what every pro player uses. This is what everyone uses browse tactics
04:17Here it is four two one three from team hulet. Well, that's fitting because I've got rude hulet in my team
04:23Oh shi- vergangs tactics. I'm nabbing vergangs tactics. I'm gonna be vergangs. Is that the kids? I'm gonna use the kids tactics
04:30Oh hashtag and feel free to check to copy this at home lads
04:34That's what the child uses lads, but he's actually quite good at the game, so I'll have it confirm
04:39Active, please. All right lads new team new tactics new players new
04:44Objectives going into foot champs. Ladies and gentlemen, we have not even touched it. I'm redeeming my finals entry
04:51And I'm getting in there. I reckon we play five games. Just no no reason why I will only play five games there
04:57I just feel like that's a good number
04:59Maybe even four so I can play more in front. I reckon four games, you know, maybe four games for absolutely zero reason
05:05Of course. Oh, ah, so you don't even want to give me an easy game first game because they see my team and they realize
05:12How threatening kyle fucking hudson is lock-in fellas. I need all of us locked in. This is foot champs. This is serious
05:18This is real
05:23I mean we can all score kickoff goals. Do you know what I mean?
05:26I mean we can all score kickoff goals. Do you know what I mean? I've got fucking rude. What are you gonna do?
05:31Try what are you gonna do?
05:33Do you like lads? We can all score kickoff goals
05:37We can lads we can all score kickoff goals, it's really not that impressive
05:41I was more so like worrying about actual goals. Do you know what I mean? Shoot if you got
05:49Lads if you want me to repeat myself I can say it I can say it if you
05:53Uh, there's no there's nothing to say actually oh
05:59How am I getting cooked? Oh you you lot really push the right button sometimes
06:05Yeah bail you are the biggest heap of shit i've ever encountered in my life mate
06:10Why did I defend better with a freeback? What the I defended?
06:15Rage quit by 30 minutes. Yeah, maybe by this guy mate
06:18I don't think maybe you're new to the channel
06:20But i've never rage quit a game in my fucking life mate because my mum didn't raise a bit
06:24Shut the fuck up
06:26Some new guy came in a chat. How many wins you normally get someone replied nine
06:30Or is it does he normally use this good of a team? Why are you pausing it for me? You fucking
06:35Who the fuck said that i'm new here? Why do people say this guy's good at the game who said that who said that?
06:42No one's ever said that
06:46Haha movie keeper
06:50You mate
06:51Keep pausing it for me. I promise keep pausing it for me. It ain't gonna work. You're not gonna get rattled
06:56No, i'm not gonna get right you can keep pausing it. What are you?
07:00Sending a message now. Are we she actually sent a message?
07:04He just sent a message he just sent a message
07:08What does that even fucking mean i've never seen that emoji i've never seen that emoji in my fucking lifetime
07:13The fucking deli alley emoji. What the fuck is he doing?
07:17Are you
07:25Send another one send another one send another one. Send me another one. Send me another one. Here we go
07:30What did I do man, what did I do? I don't know what I did. I don't know what I did
07:35I'm, just a humble fucking guy playing thief. Like I didn't gritty. I didn't I didn't pause
07:41I'm, just a humble guy looking to play foot champ for my viewers to entertain them
07:45I'm, not leaving when it's six one. I bought this game to play it. I bought this game to play it mate
07:51I didn't buy this game to quit after five minutes. I bought this game to play it
07:58Mate it's a stupid little kid's tactics mate. This stupid little kid needs to get back to school mate. These tactics are shit, man
08:05I don't care if it's a saturday. I still went to school on saturdays
08:09They said I needed like extra work or some shit. I still went to school on saturdays. There's no excuses
08:15Kid, yeah, try and get the ball now kid
08:23Maybe you're new to the channel
08:25But i've never rage put a game in my life mate because my mum didn't raise a bitch. What a shame
08:30That was a game with my hooli
08:33No bullshit, let's lock in let's actually lock in no bullshit
08:36Andrew have you been let out for the day or some shit mate or what?
08:39Oh, look at mate this andrew guy. Look at that this andrew guy in the chat fellas
08:43I reckon my six-year-old disabled brother could beat you. That's funny. Ha ha way your shit
08:47Whoa, maybe it's the tactics your shit. Your dog looks like that mate. Shut the fuck up your dog
08:52Literally looks like that. That's your pro shut the fuck up, man. You're an ugly ass looking dog
08:57I didn't even see this guy's team now didn't even see this guy's fucking team. Who's that maradona great news
09:02That's i'll say it calmly. So, you know, i'm not just angry. What is the point? Why is your fucking?
09:09What is the point and i'll say it calmly what is the point of having a
09:1394 rated rude hooli if he doesn't do anything i'm i'm gonna lose to this guy
09:18I know for a fact i'm gonna lose to this guy. See now now the insults have just gotten to like
09:23The I don't know what the right word to use is but first time chat
09:27I bet you bro didn't even win one foot champ. Now. What what's what what what's happening now? I didn't even win one foot champ
09:35Did I not did I not did I not
09:39You wish you had that jiggle lads you wish you had that jiggle what's hull it's play styles because he's doing cool right now
09:48I want I want my archie gray back my evo archie gray with 10 times the player
09:54He's actually so bad. Oh, don't do this rude lads. I know we're all thinking about doing him
09:58Don't do this rude hooli absolutely fucking zero point music stopped again
10:08Who's rattled now who's rattled now your fat mother, what do you mean i'm playing against a plumber?
10:14How could you ever possibly identify a plumber over a virtual?
10:19Kid, let's use yourself. For example, right you say how you can spend so much time on something and still be shit
10:25Please have a look at yourself mate because you've been alive for 37 years of life
10:30You still wouldn't live with your single mum, right? You don't have a job you you expect her to afford everything
10:35You've been around for 37 years. You've lived life for 37 years and you're still bad at life
10:40That's how we can equate it to me being bad at fifa. Okay, not everything you can just be good at straight away
10:45Oh, so two t's back. Hold on. So two t's back. You know what? I fucking mean
10:57I feel like i'm gonna throw up after that. What the fuck you saying?
11:01Oh, i've gave myself a burn there. Oh corner. Take it quickly
11:11Oh my head like my brain just felt like it came and I can't explain what just happened and now I feel a bit sickly
11:18Oh i've not been able to I ain't done a roly-poly since I was probably about six
11:22That was a lot more mass than last time our chap big update in the danny aaron's household. I broke my shower
11:28You know when carl huddling scoring against you, it's just a it's a clear sign to yeah, that's what I thought. That's what I
11:36Come on i'm back baby i'm back and i'm ready for it all over again. Come on. Hold on objective complete
11:44Oh my god, let it be the team of the acrome. Oh my god
11:46If we can get a team with the acrome tonight, it's in live. What am I doing george?
11:51I'm, not trying to be doing george, but it just kind of happens
11:54I'm gonna have george in the club for no reason how far away from it. Ah 50 games. I was gonna do it today
12:00Never mind. Wait, this is gonna be a dream chase at europa league
12:03I think
12:12Nah, that's it lads I was just checking who's got me in the background and who's actually watching that was a test
12:21Everyone that just reacted there. You're a real one. That was a test if i'm in the background
12:26You're a real one fellas. That's probably quite bad
12:31Here we go fellas
12:32Here we go. We lock in boys. We lock in my concern is how is mason greenwood 92 rated and still evolving?
12:41What other evos has he got got?
12:55My headphones are gone again, fuck's sake
13:00Even please
13:04You're losing you're losing you're losing but the only thing you are losing not your
13:14He's a speed glitch with mason greenwood for anyone watching me in the background
13:17He's just stream. He's just speed glitched with mason greenwood
13:21He did it
13:28What the fuck is happening
13:33I want to love this controller as far as I can fucking
13:39Oh for fuck's sake
13:50Ready now you
13:51Ready now when i've just pissed all over your face mate mouth wide open and everything. I'll see you mate
14:09Let's go let's fucking go
14:21Be honest who just came it's okay if you did just be honest
14:39Have a free go mate have a free go feel bad
14:43You know
14:45I'm, not liking hoola. I'll be honest with you
14:47Maybe i'm just not good at the game
14:48But I think we can all agree i'm pretty damn decent good at the game and i'm not really vibing with this whole rude
14:54hoola guy
14:57Thanks for the free win little bro, thanks for the free win
15:06You gotta thank the people in it you gotta thank the people when they when it's due
15:10Okay, all right, let's play one more fellas because then no reason as to why I wouldn't want to play after that
15:15But let's just play one more and then we'll have a rude hoola just to keep you know
15:20There's that's there's that that's not the reason why i'm only playing one more though
15:23But you know, oh you want to use a loan you want to use a low real mature buddy real mature
15:37I was about to score man. I was literally your ref you're doing too much man. I was literally about to score
15:49Anybody else than kyle hudling that wouldn't have gone in kyle hudling's got a third leg as i'm sure we can all agree
15:54He might be the first human to have a fourth leg, you know
16:00Well done mate
16:02I bro, that's just proof. This game is rigged as far. I literally moved him as much as I could and it still goes in
16:10Look, you don't even show where my
16:12Bullshit, right? How many times you want to watch a stupid replay?
16:17Oh rude
16:23Me mate, this is just
16:25Embarrassing to be fair. We end today three and one
16:29I'm, not upset. I'm, not happy, but i'm not upset
16:35Our dream are you
16:45Super kyle hudling super kyle hudling
16:54Just never really actually do something i'm actually kind of glad I haven't done hula he's wanked
17:04Oh, you know just a hat trick
17:06Oh raids quitting in the 78th minute's crazy, bro
17:10Couldn't even fuck it out ladies and gentlemen, you know what three and one is a humble humble result
17:15It's not the end of the world. Thank you guys so bloody much for watching today's stream. I will be live again tomorrow
17:21Have a good one