Surrogates (2009) is a sci-fi thriller starring Bruce Willis, set in a future where humans live vicariously through robotic avatars, known as surrogates, while remaining safely at home. When a mysterious crime threatens this seemingly perfect system, an FBI agent (Willis) must venture outside and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy. With a gripping storyline, futuristic technology, and intense action, Surrogates explores themes of identity, control, and the consequences of a world reliant on artificial bodies.
Surrogates 2009, Bruce Willis movie, sci-fi thriller, futuristic film, artificial intelligence, cyberpunk movie, robot technology, virtual reality, action mystery, dystopian future, best sci-fi films, high-tech thriller, conspiracy movie, futuristic society, sci-fi action film
Surrogates 2009, Bruce Willis movie, sci-fi thriller, futuristic film, artificial intelligence, cyberpunk movie, robot technology, virtual reality, action mystery, dystopian future, best sci-fi films, high-tech thriller, conspiracy movie, futuristic society, sci-fi action film
00:00:30Look at yourselves
00:00:34Unplug from your chairs get up and look in the mirror
00:00:39What you see is how God made you
00:00:43We're not meant to experience the world through a machine
00:01:00What you're telling me is that the monkey is operating this arm with nothing but his thoughts absolutely
00:01:10There are 100 sensors each listening to a different brain cell or neuron
00:01:19Physically disabled people will be able to operate
00:01:22Fully synthetic bodies it provides a tremendous amount of hope for the future
00:01:32Of the technology that we have at a time of war we're gonna start seeing this more and more as
00:01:37manufacturing capacity expanded from military and industrial use
00:01:41Surrogates became affordable to the general public causing a revolution in how we live
00:01:47The ability to leave your home without risk of disease or injury
00:01:50To have perfect looks without trips to the gym or plastic surgery
00:01:54There is no question that at some point there will be persons like anyone else
00:01:58They will not be human, but that there will be part of our community
00:02:01There's no question in my mind
00:02:02The decision came down five to four that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the use of surrogates in daily life
00:02:14Right now we are witnessing an event that is of an evolutionary significance
00:02:20According to VSI the industry's leading manufacturer over 98% of the world population
00:02:26uses surrogate in all facets of their daily life
00:02:32One of the myths of profound changes of the things that were once unimaginable have become inevitable
00:02:37Since the global embrace of surrogacy crime rates have dropped to record lows
00:02:42We have witnessed an incredible reduction in violent crime
00:02:45We have witnessed an incredible reduction in violent crime
00:02:48communicable disease and discrimination
00:02:50Problems that have plagued societies for centuries solved almost overnight.
00:02:55We are the creators
00:02:57We will be making them do everything for us all in one machine
00:03:04But there is a minority who actively oppose surrogates and are moving to limit their use
00:03:09Many people will see this as the invasion of the inhuman
00:03:16They've established reservations or surrogacy free zones in major cities around the country
00:03:26They're led by Zaire Powell or as he is better known to his followers the Prophet
00:03:31Those machines walking around out there, they're alive
00:03:35You have been sold a lie
00:03:50You're going to love Tosca
00:03:52All right, but don't tell me how it ends
00:03:54The way they all end, everyone dies
00:03:59I'm so sorry
00:04:02I'm so glad you could come back east for a visit
00:04:06Well, anything for a break from exams
00:04:09We're almost there
00:04:11Listen, thanks for lending him to me
00:04:14Have a wonderful time
00:04:16I love you
00:04:17I love you too, Dad
00:04:20You know, Armando, I'm not really in the mood for opera
00:04:25Fort Point?
00:04:27You read my mind
00:05:20I got those goodies for ya
00:05:22All the good things I've got
00:05:24I got those goodies, goodies
00:05:26I want you to shake em'
00:05:28I got those goodies, goodies
00:05:30I want you to shake, shake, shake, shake
00:05:32I got those goodies, goodies
00:05:34I want you to shake em'
00:05:36I got those goodies, goodies
00:05:38I want you to shake em'
00:05:50I got those goodies, goodies
00:05:52I want you to shake em'
00:05:54I got those goodies, goodies
00:05:56I want you to shake em'
00:05:58I got those goodies, goodies
00:06:00I want you to shake em'
00:06:02I got those goodies, goodies
00:06:04I want you to shake em'
00:06:06I got those goodies, goodies
00:06:26Get lost, meatbag
00:06:50No, no, no
00:07:13I'm Agent Peters
00:07:15This is Agent Rear. FBI
00:07:17Yeah, some jackass on a motorcycle wiped out a bunch of units.
00:07:22So what do you need us for?
00:07:24Well, I was gonna file it as just a vandalism report, but it turns out this unit's unregistered.
00:07:36Looks like he's gonna need new optics.
00:07:38No shit.
00:07:48Identity chip's completely fried.
00:07:51What do you got on the girl?
00:07:53Registered to a Cameron McAllister. I was listening.
00:07:56Did she file a report?
00:07:58No, that's just it. No calls, no nothing.
00:08:18Come on. Let's go talk to her operator.
00:08:36Maybe nobody's home.
00:08:40My Surrey's in for an upgrade. They gave me this crappy loaner. Could you...
00:08:57Cam's a good tenant, you know. Pays the rent on time, never leaves the apartment.
00:09:28Oh my God!
00:09:32Don't touch anything, please.
00:09:40I'll call it.
00:09:43You sure this is Cameron McAllister?
00:09:53This is Agent Peters. We tracked down the blonde's operator.
00:10:01You better send a coroner.
00:10:09You ever seen anything like this?
00:13:10Good morning.
00:13:12Oh, where's your...
00:13:14In the charger.
00:13:28You told another all-nighter?
00:13:31Yes, I did.
00:13:35What do you think about taking a break?
00:13:38A break?
00:13:40Get some vacation time saved up.
00:13:42How about Hawaii? Bridget said you got an amazing deal.
00:13:46Hawaii would be great.
00:13:47She had this totally buff Surrey in Maui. She took it surfing, parasailing, deep-sea diving.
00:13:52You know that rental place on Boylston?
00:13:54I was thinking about us. You and me going away someplace together.
00:13:58And leave our units at home? Are you kidding?
00:14:03We could take a drive out to the Cape. We haven't done that in a while.
00:14:06We could talk about this another time.
00:14:08You know, I should get to work. The shop's been really busy. Everyone wants me to look for somewhere.
00:14:15Yeah, I was just thinking that...
00:14:19It just feels like we...
00:14:22haven't really spent much time together lately.
00:14:25We're together every day.
00:14:29Surrey, it's not the same.
00:14:33It's better.
00:14:51Yo, Cantor!
00:14:53He's been in there all weekend.
00:14:55He's gonna miss the psych final.
00:15:03Somebody call the cops!
00:15:06We are confronted with an unprecedented situation.
00:15:10Two people have died while connected to their stem chairs.
00:15:14According to the pathologists, their brains were liquefied in their skulls.
00:15:19Whatever happened to their surrogates killed them.
00:15:24Sir, how is it even possible?
00:15:27We don't know.
00:15:29I'm imposing a total media blackout.
00:15:32No one from this office is going to be responsible for setting off a nationwide panic.
00:15:37The public cannot be allowed to get the idea that using a surrogate can be fatal.
00:15:46Tuxedo Boy's last moments.
00:15:51Get lost, mean bag.
00:15:54Looks like we got ourself a witness.
00:16:10What is that?
00:16:15It's some kind of weapon.
00:16:17Anything yet?
00:16:19Hang on to yourself.
00:16:21I think we may actually have a homicide here.
00:16:24Hey, man, look at this. Are you serious?
00:16:26No, we don't know that for sure.
00:16:28Yeah, but what if it is a homicide?
00:16:31When was the last one?
00:16:33This could be huge.
00:16:38Yeah, Lee, go.
00:16:40Got you next to Ken. I hope you're sitting down.
00:16:43Kid's father is Lionel Cantor.
00:16:45As in the inventor of surrogates, Lionel Cantor.
00:16:51Jared Cantor, son of Dr. Lionel Cantor, was found dead in his Southern California dormitory this morning.
00:16:57Cause of death remains unknown.
00:17:00A college sophomore, Jared was the only son of the man known around the world as the father of surrogacy.
00:17:06The former chairman of VSI shaped it into one of the largest corporations in the world.
00:17:11However, a split between Cantor and his VSI partners over the direction of the company led to Cantor's firing seven years ago.
00:17:19Publicly humiliated and forced out of the company he helped to build, Cantor has since remained absent from the public eye.
00:17:28Dr. Cantor is expecting you.
00:17:30He actually lives here?
00:17:32I didn't say that. You'll be speaking with one of his surrogates.
00:17:38I work for Dr. Cantor.
00:17:41It's private, I'll fetch this way.
00:17:49Please, wait in here.
00:17:55Nice place.
00:17:57It should be.
00:17:59It's a piece of every surrogate they sell.
00:18:10I'm sorry.
00:18:12I'm sorry.
00:18:14I'm sorry.
00:18:16I'm sorry.
00:18:18Dr. Cantor.
00:18:19That's right. You're with the FBI.
00:18:23Yes, we are.
00:18:25This way.
00:18:27I can't help but notice the similarities between your surrogate and the one your son Jared is using.
00:18:33I never really knew Jared as a child.
00:18:37He grew up with his mother in California who kept him from me.
00:18:41When he went to college, I encouraged him to borrow my surrogates whenever he wanted.
00:18:44How did you manage to do that? A surrogate has to be coded to your neural signature.
00:18:48I'm not exactly your average V.S.I. consumer.
00:18:56This was just a way for me to spend time with my son.
00:18:58It's a felony to inhabit a surrogate registered to another operator.
00:19:02No offense, Dr. Cantor.
00:19:04We're just trying to straighten out our facts.
00:19:06What is this?
00:19:08Some kind of good cop, bad cop routine?
00:19:10You're trying to handle this?
00:19:12Bad cop routine? You're trying to handle me?
00:19:14Because I'm not going to be handled.
00:19:16Dr. Cantor, I know how you must feel.
00:19:19Do you?
00:19:21Yes, sir.
00:19:23I lost a son myself.
00:19:36Do you have any idea why someone might want to harm Jared?
00:19:45Or yourself?
00:19:52Oh, my God.
00:19:55If it was me they were after,
00:19:58I'm responsible for my son's death.
00:20:00I'm responsible for my son's death.
00:20:10Well, I guess the interview's over.
00:20:37Robotic surrogates combine the durability of machines
00:20:40with the grace and beauty of the human form
00:20:43to make your life safer and better,
00:20:46whether your budget allows for simplified generic or future models.
00:20:50Get ready to live your life without any risk or danger.
00:20:54You can live your life without limitations
00:20:57and become anyone you want to be
00:21:00from the comfort and safety of your own home.
00:21:03B.S.I., where it all began.
00:21:06Do what you want. Be what you want.
00:21:10Agent Skirrin Peters, I'm Victor Welch,
00:21:13V.P., Corporate Relations.
00:21:15Please, sit.
00:21:16Thanks for taking the time to see us.
00:21:19No problem.
00:21:20You, uh, you must know Andy Stone.
00:21:23Our immediate superior.
00:21:25Do give him our regards.
00:21:27We're from the legal department.
00:21:28Hope you don't mind if we sit in.
00:21:30Not at all.
00:21:31The two of you might be interested in a free software upgrade
00:21:33offering all law enforcement officials.
00:21:35Better night vision for your synth units.
00:21:37Improved pursuit capability.
00:21:39Any idea how a surrogate's head would explode from the inside?
00:21:46Mr. Welch isn't qualified to answer that question.
00:21:50What did the operators say?
00:21:52Not much.
00:21:53They're dead.
00:21:55If you're trying to imply a link between V.S.I. products
00:21:57and an operator's accidental death...
00:21:59I'm not implying anything.
00:22:01I just want to know how an operator can be killed by signals from a surrogate.
00:22:05The idea itself is absurd.
00:22:07If it were possible, it would defeat the entire purpose of surrogacy.
00:22:10Surreys have jumped from bridges, been shot,
00:22:13even blown to bits without the least bit of harm to their operators.
00:22:17The fail-safes always kick in.
00:22:19I can assure you V.S.I.'s products have the most stringent safety standards
00:22:22in the industry.
00:22:23What about a human head?
00:22:25What would cause one of them to blow up?
00:22:28Agent Greer, we're not doctors.
00:22:31Honey, I don't know what you are.
00:22:34I mean, for all I know, you could be some big fat dude
00:22:37sitting in a STEM chair with his dick hanging out.
00:22:54Interesting technique.
00:22:56I hate wires.
00:23:04What are you doing?
00:23:24Mr. Steinberg?
00:23:26Seth Steinberg?
00:23:32Hello. Sorry.
00:23:34I was in the can.
00:23:36This is Agent Peters. I'm Agent Greer with the FBI.
00:23:43An identity chip this damaged?
00:23:45Every circuit must have fired off at once.
00:23:49Have you ever seen anything like this before?
00:23:52Last week, a truckload of G.I. Joes did come back for reconditioning.
00:23:56And a couple of the surferies were missing optics.
00:23:59Mind if we take a look at them?
00:24:16Here we go.
00:24:23Come on.
00:24:30No bullet holes. No blast damage.
00:24:33No scratches. No dirt. No mud.
00:24:36Mind if I check out the identity chip?
00:24:41Why not?
00:24:43Didn't come back with one.
00:25:03I'm down. I'm down.
00:25:05Damn things aren't free, Pulaski.
00:25:07Take the snipers from behind this time.
00:25:09Yes, sir.
00:25:11Back on line.
00:25:23Follow me.
00:25:25Keep an eye on Bravacom.
00:25:27It'll kick some ass, sir.
00:25:29Agent Greer, you're wasting your time with these questions.
00:25:32Why on earth would the Defense Department want to develop a weapon that could wipe out our own troops?
00:25:37So no such weapon exists.
00:25:39If it did, I'd know about it.
00:25:41And the soldier that we saw?
00:25:43We routinely remove motherboards and optics for analysis.
00:25:47Excuse me.
00:25:50If you'll excuse me, we're in the middle of a peacekeeping operation.
00:26:00Check your screen.
00:26:03Miles Strickland.
00:26:05Miles Strickland, meatbag.
00:26:07I did a run on criminal records for Motokizi drivers in black Arai helmets, and guess what I found?
00:26:12He's already in the system.
00:26:14He was arrested a month ago for multiple counts of armed robbery.
00:26:18And what's really weird about this, after he was busted, they let him off.
00:26:23Someone on the inside's protecting him, but I put out an APB anyway.
00:26:49Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:26:57Recognition search. Caught your dreadie.
00:27:00Dorchester, corner of Park and Adams. Not far from the reservation.
00:27:04Boston PD is on its way.
00:27:07Stay here. Keep tabs on him.
00:27:09Wait a minute. Where are you going?
00:27:13That wasn't too difficult.
00:27:15I put his face in the system and bingo.
00:27:17Found him in an alley.
00:27:19K-33 over there brought it to my attention.
00:27:21Thanks, Jerry.
00:27:24He was one of our best watchers.
00:27:26He's semi-retired, so he gets to work out of his beach house in Maine.
00:27:30Pretty sweet, huh?
00:27:31Yeah, it's a nice setup you have here.
00:27:33Yeah, we can access every survey on the grid here.
00:27:36Touch of a button, I can tap into anyone's feed.
00:27:40It's kind of like being inside God's head.
00:27:43Oh, boy. I felt that one coming.
00:27:47I'm Bobby Saunders, by the way.
00:27:50Jennifer Peters.
00:27:52Yeah. Yeah, you are, aren't you?
00:27:56Can I ask you a question?
00:27:58Why no surrogate?
00:28:02They've been trying to puppet me for years.
00:28:05But they ain't built a machine that can handle this big puppy yet.
00:28:08Excuse me a second.
00:28:11We have an assault battery in progress.
00:28:13I need warrants to shut them down immediately.
00:28:16Charlie 4-6-3-Niner, Sierra 7-8-5-5.
00:28:21Let's see if they have a security camera in the hotel.
00:28:26Excellent, there is one.
00:28:30Warrant received.
00:28:32Agent Peters?
00:28:34Watch this.
00:28:36Boom. Boom.
00:28:39Since when have you been able to cut off operators?
00:28:41It's brand new software.
00:28:43I call it buffering.
00:28:44Let's me disconnect anyone from their surrogate.
00:28:46That can't be legal.
00:28:48It's the gray area.
00:28:50They don't ask, we don't tell.
00:28:52It's pretty cool, huh?
00:28:54Aw, come on.
00:28:56Relax, we're the good guys.
00:29:00All units, suspect is on the north side of Fort Lauderdale.
00:29:12Latest hit on the bike.
00:29:14Heading east on South Hampton, half a mile from the res.
00:29:17Be careful, you're heading straight toward dread territory.
00:29:20We don't have jurisdiction to fly over there.
00:29:22It's restricted airspace.
00:29:25Are you there?
00:29:29I'm there.
00:30:25Stop right there! Freeze!
00:30:30What was that?
00:30:35Hang back! Hang left!
00:30:59Hang back!
00:31:29Hang back!
00:31:59Hang back!
00:32:01Hang back!
00:32:28It's a surrogate!
00:32:42It's a machine!
00:32:46Stop it!
00:34:14I ain't done nothing. I ain't done nothing.
00:34:18Give me the bag.
00:34:21Throw it over here.
00:34:24Throw it over here, now.
00:34:55You're an abomination.
00:34:57Oh, God.
00:35:25Help me!
00:35:32Lionel Cantor is on the phone. He's called for Greer a half dozen times.
00:35:35I can't deal with this right now.
00:35:37He's pretty upset.
00:35:38Just tell him someone will call him back.
00:35:41You gotta believe me. I tried to stop him.
00:35:43You didn't try hard enough. You're done for the day.
00:35:45Clock out.
00:36:17Oh, you're kidding. Turquoise?
00:36:20I wouldn't carry a purse that color, much less a whole new skin.
00:36:23Oh, no.
00:36:25Oh, my God.
00:36:31Oh, my God. Bridge, call an ambulance.
00:36:49Miles Strickland, is it?
00:36:53Why are you...
00:37:02What's going on?
00:37:04Who was it?
00:37:06Who gave you the weapon and paid you to use it?
00:37:10I don't know.
00:37:12Miles, you can't lie to me.
00:37:14I'm not lying. I swear to God, sir, I'm not lying.
00:37:17He never told me his name.
00:37:19We talked on disposable cell phones.
00:37:21I never saw his face.
00:37:23I couldn't tell you who he was if my life depended on it.
00:37:27A police chase through Dorchester
00:37:29concluded with an FBI helicopter crash-landing
00:37:32inside Boston's Dread Reservation.
00:37:34Residents of the reservation are outraged
00:37:37over what they are calling a gross violation
00:37:40of their territorial sovereignty.
00:37:42Human Coalition leader, the Prophet,
00:37:45responded to the incident in a statement made earlier today.
00:37:48They've attacked us, declared war on our way of life,
00:37:52and left us with one last chance.
00:37:55They left us with one option, revolution.
00:37:58We did not throw the first stone, but we will throw the last.
00:38:14How's the headache?
00:38:16Still there.
00:38:20Thanks for being here.
00:38:22Of course.
00:38:25A world where every child and every parent is secure.
00:38:29Make every childhood a happy one.
00:38:33Surrogates for Kids.
00:38:35Exclusively from VSI.
00:38:37Where it all be...
00:38:43Not a knock.
00:38:45Andy, hi.
00:38:47Oh, my gosh.
00:38:49We haven't seen you forever.
00:38:51Well, I should let you guys talk.
00:38:53You okay?
00:38:55I'll be fine.
00:38:57I'll see you tomorrow morning.
00:39:07How bad?
00:39:09The doctor said you're lucky to be alive.
00:39:11Good thing you're unplugged.
00:39:14You gotta go get him.
00:39:16Strickland's got that weapon.
00:39:18You just get a court order and...
00:39:20I don't need any court orders.
00:39:22You've been suspended.
00:39:23For what?
00:39:24Tom, you violated our treaty with the Dreds.
00:39:26Forget the treaty.
00:39:28You killed five cops.
00:39:29Look, I'm gonna take care of this case myself personally, all right?
00:39:32Now, I'm afraid the Bureau won't be able to supply you with a new surrogate
00:39:36until after the official inquiry.
00:39:38Same goes for your gun and your badge.
00:39:41Don't think about this now.
00:39:44You killed five cops, Andy.
00:39:50Take some time to heal.
00:40:31Sorry I'm late.
00:40:32That's okay.
00:40:36You look a lot like your scent.
00:40:40Should we go?
00:40:44Come on.
00:40:47How long has it been since you've been out without a surrey?
00:40:51I can't even remember.
00:40:57I can't believe they didn't give you something for the anxiety.
00:41:01Come on.
00:41:16Look, this isn't gonna work.
00:41:18I'm fine.
00:41:19I have an idea.
00:41:30I'm sorry.
00:41:44Come on, this is a really bad idea.
00:41:46It's gonna be all right. I'm sure we'll find you something decent.
00:41:50Now we're gonna have you back on your feet in a sec.
00:41:55Sync looks good.
00:41:57It's responding well to the signal, right?
00:42:00Feels numb.
00:42:02It's only a base model.
00:42:04It comes with vision and hearing.
00:42:06You want other senses, they're extra.
00:42:08Of course, I feel like seeing your own face when you look in the mirror.
00:42:11No problem.
00:42:12I'm gonna scan your head,
00:42:14catch the thermometer,
00:42:16No problem.
00:42:17I'm gonna scan your head, catch the thermoplastic,
00:42:19and you're good to go in less than an hour.
00:42:21Hey, and no charge on the improvements.
00:42:23I'm sure you wouldn't mind taking yourself back five, ten years, huh?
00:42:27What do you think of that?
00:42:29I think we're done here.
00:42:48Come on, you can't come out here by yourself.
00:42:50It's not safe. Come on.
00:42:51I'm fine.
00:42:52Let me take you home.
00:42:53I'm not going home.
00:42:54Tom, you gotta forget the case.
00:42:57Gaston is gonna run things his way,
00:43:00and as far as we're concerned, it's over.
00:43:02It's not over until we get that weapon back.
00:43:06Then you gotta let me help you.
00:43:11I'm not gonna let you win.
00:43:13Take care of your son, Peters.
00:43:35Come on.
00:43:37Come on.
00:43:39Come on.
00:44:04Death came for Miles Strickland.
00:44:08As death comes to all men.
00:44:12But for Miles, it's not an ending.
00:44:17It's a new beginning.
00:44:21When you sacrifice your own personal desires for a greater cause,
00:44:27a greater good,
00:44:30you never die.
00:44:32You never disappear.
00:44:35That is what it means to be human.
00:44:39There is no alternative.
00:44:41You can try to escape by living through a puppet,
00:44:45through a machine.
00:44:47But deep down inside, you know you're living a lie.
00:44:53Here, inside these walls, we understand the truth.
00:45:00We sacrifice many modern pleasures and conveniences
00:45:04to feel truly connected.
00:45:07Not with machines,
00:45:11but with ourselves.
00:45:18This is the human condition.
00:45:20This is what gives life meaning.
00:45:23My friends,
00:45:25soon the day will come when surrogacy must end.
00:45:29That day, I promise you, is close at hand.
00:45:33The day we get a second chance.
00:45:55Excuse me.
00:46:13Excuse me, sir.
00:46:14Can I help you?
00:46:16I'd like to speak to the prophet for a minute.
00:46:18You and everybody else, but no.
00:46:20What are you, some kind of cop or something?
00:46:22You got no jurisdiction here.
00:46:23Can I talk to you about Miles Strickland, please?
00:46:35It's different when you actually feel the pain, isn't it?
00:46:41What happened to Strickland?
00:46:45Was he a friend of yours?
00:46:47He had a weapon, a very dangerous weapon.
00:46:52My people will do anything to get this back.
00:46:58Well, if I happen to come across such a weapon,
00:47:03I promise to have it delivered to your door.
00:47:07Show him to the gates.
00:47:40Agent Greer, may I offer you a ride?
00:48:00You'll have to excuse my appearance.
00:48:03It's not safe for me to use my usual surrogates.
00:48:07Dr. Cannon.
00:48:08This is one of ESI's newer models.
00:48:11How long have you been following me?
00:48:13Long enough to know you're getting nowhere
00:48:15solving my son's murder.
00:48:20You lost a child, Agent Greer.
00:48:27Car accident.
00:48:35It was just an accident.
00:48:38I'm sorry.
00:48:44I can think of no worse tragedy than a parent outliving a child.
00:48:53All I can tell you is that the man who killed your son is dead.
00:48:58His name was Miles Strickland.
00:49:01Lived on the rez.
00:49:04He was killed by his own people.
00:49:06And that's it?
00:49:08Case solved?
00:49:10One man didn't act on his own.
00:49:14Whatever killed my son was an extraordinarily sophisticated technology,
00:49:19far beyond the capability of the Dreads.
00:49:22We're talking about a billion-dollar weapons project.
00:49:26Who the hell spends money like that?
00:49:38Focus on the weapon.
00:49:40Where did you hang from?
00:49:58Do me.
00:50:06This is intense.
00:50:18Hey, Maggie.
00:50:20No, thank you.
00:50:21Come on, I take the edge off.
00:50:38I thought you were still in the hospital.
00:50:42Didn't see that.
00:50:43What happened to you?
00:50:46Tom, I don't want you going now without your surgery ever again.
00:50:52Very nice.
00:50:54Okay, don't start.
00:50:55I'm sorry.
00:50:56Those guys, they're friends of Bridget's.
00:50:57She brought them over.
00:50:58She wanted to go to this party.
00:50:59I didn't even want to go.
00:51:01I thought you were jacking.
00:51:03I don't.
00:51:05I don't do it, Tom.
00:51:07And what does it matter if I did?
00:51:08Why are you being like this?
00:51:10Okay, go have a good time.
00:51:11I'm sorry.
00:51:40Stop it.
00:51:50Stop it.
00:52:00Stop it!
00:52:13Tom, what was that?
00:52:17What do you want from me?
00:52:25I don't want you.
00:52:28You're my wife.
00:52:31I am your wife, and you won't see it.
00:52:35No, you don't.
00:52:37No, you're not.
00:52:42Not this.
00:52:44Not this thing.
00:52:51I just want you.
00:52:54And I want the woman that's in that room.
00:52:57My wife.
00:53:02Things have changed, Tom.
00:53:04You don't. You've changed. You're just scared.
00:53:06You're just scared. We could go talk to somebody.
00:53:11Maggie, don't go away.
00:53:27Don't go away.
00:54:14Agent Greer? Is that... Is that you?
00:54:19You... You look terrible.
00:54:21Thanks. You, too.
00:54:27You look terrible.
00:54:58Identity chip's completely fried.
00:55:01What do you got on the girl?
00:55:03Come on. Let's go talk to her, Al.
00:55:06We can access every story on the grid.
00:55:09Touch of a button, I can type into anyone's feed.
00:55:13Transfer to remote operator.
00:55:43Come on.
00:55:57Well, we'll check it out.
00:55:59This thing killed five cops.
00:56:01One of my men. It almost put me in the ground.
00:56:04I know it's a weapon. I want to know what kind.
00:56:07You're asking me to compromise highly classified information.
00:56:10I know what it is.
00:56:12Where is it?
00:56:22It's called an OD.
00:56:25Overload device.
00:56:28The idea was to end the battle with one shot.
00:56:32You beam a software virus straight to the CPU.
00:56:35Disables the series instantly.
00:56:38You know the virus would defeat the built-in fail-safes.
00:56:42Kill the operators.
00:56:44Who makes it?
00:56:47The SI.
00:56:50After the test,
00:56:53the project was scrapped.
00:56:56Every unit was destroyed.
00:56:58Except for this one right...
00:57:02Where is it?
00:57:04Right now it's in the hands of the human coalition.
00:57:06How long have they had it?
00:57:08A day, maybe two.
00:57:11This is out of your hands.
00:57:13Military will handle this.
00:57:22You called for us?
00:57:24Take this to the federal building downtown.
00:57:28A woman will meet you there.
00:57:30Agent Jennifer Peters.
00:57:33Her and her alone.
00:57:45What are you doing?
00:57:47Just a background check on VSI.
00:57:49Structural stuff.
00:57:51Those are internal financial records.
00:57:53Talk to Jenkins in corporate.
00:57:56Sixth floor.
00:57:59Don't forget the cheekbones.
00:58:02Okay, honey, face off.
00:58:28Hiya, Tom.
00:58:32How's that?
00:58:33Smile muscles need to set.
00:58:41Sorry about last night.
00:58:43I'm at work, Tom.
00:58:45I didn't come here to argue.
00:58:51See, I feel like I'm going crazy.
00:58:55I just...
00:58:58I love you.
00:59:01I love the smart, beautiful,
00:59:05intelligent, funny woman,
00:59:11I can't sleep.
00:59:14When I do, I have these dreams of her.
00:59:24And I can't stop thinking about him.
00:59:27Tom, don't.
00:59:30Don't you ever think about him?
00:59:32Of course I think about him, Tom.
00:59:34You say you don't sleep.
00:59:36You say you have nightmares.
00:59:37Well, that girl who you say is funny and charming and witty
00:59:41and has a great smile, she doesn't smile anymore.
00:59:44I don't believe that.
00:59:46The only reason I can get up in the morning and get out of the house
00:59:48is because this is who I am now.
00:59:50That's okay, Maggie.
00:59:51No, no, no.
00:59:55Maggie, wait.
01:00:23I love you.
01:00:54Brothers and sisters, gather close and prepare yourselves.
01:00:58The day of the resurrection is upon us.
01:01:01Today we make history.
01:01:03Today we launch the revolution.
01:01:05Medical now!
01:01:11You all know what we're looking for.
01:01:13Remember, do not fire unless absolutely necessary.
01:01:18Biologicals, too.
01:01:23Don't drop me. Over here, over here.
01:01:29Over there!
01:01:38Cease fire!
01:01:40Cease fire!
01:01:53My God.
01:01:56My God.
01:02:20I couldn't figure out why the cops let Strickland off,
01:02:23so I started going through the payroll records.
01:02:26You won't believe this.
01:02:28For the past 16 months...
01:02:29Working for us.
01:02:31That's right, which means Stone's got to be dirty.
01:02:35Looks like he hired Strickland to kill Cantor.
01:02:44Hey, Tom, thought you were on leave.
01:02:47Well, yeah, I am.
01:02:49Actually, I'm just suspended pending further investigation,
01:02:52but I just cleared my desk out.
01:02:54You should be home recuperating, okay?
01:02:57Not walking around here in the flesh.
01:02:59I was home, then I came here to clean out my desk
01:03:02and, you know, before the medication kicks in,
01:03:05hopefully I can find a box and...
01:03:10Victor Welch wanted me to say hello.
01:03:13I'm sorry?
01:03:15Victor Welch, V.S.I., the good-looking kid.
01:03:17Very excited you're coming over there,
01:03:19finally moving into the private sector.
01:03:21You must be excited.
01:03:22Why don't you come in my office?
01:03:24You're not looking too sharp.
01:03:25I got a minute.
01:03:27You know, it's a good move for you.
01:03:29It's a really good group over there.
01:03:31Smart, talented,
01:03:33great legal department,
01:03:35great working environment,
01:03:38and you got to be happy
01:03:40with those first-year stock options, huh?
01:03:43What are you talking about?
01:03:45Miles Strickland.
01:03:47The guy I was chasing?
01:03:49The guy you hired to kill Cantor.
01:03:51Tom, you got it all wrong.
01:03:53You gave him the weapon.
01:03:54V.S.I. makes them.
01:03:56They give one to you, you give it to Strickland
01:03:58so he can go out and kill Cantor.
01:04:00The only problem is, he killed his son by mistake.
01:04:02Something is wrong with you.
01:04:04Why are you doing this?
01:04:06Did money tell what it is?
01:04:08You need help.
01:04:17All right.
01:04:47This is Stone.
01:04:49That son of a bitch Greer
01:04:51disabled my unit.
01:04:53Stop it!
01:04:57Go, go!
01:04:59Move it!
01:05:01Move it!
01:05:03Move it!
01:05:05Move it!
01:05:07Move it!
01:05:09Move it!
01:05:11Move it!
01:05:13Move it!
01:05:15Move it!
01:05:17Move it!
01:05:19Move it!
01:05:21Move it!
01:05:23Move it!
01:05:25Move it!
01:05:29No wonder V.S.I. wants Cantor dead.
01:05:31He's in bed with the prophet.
01:05:33He's funding the anti-surrogacy movement.
01:05:35He's given them millions.
01:05:37Crazy bastard who invents surrogates
01:05:39and does everything he can to destroy them.
01:05:41It doesn't connect Stone to the murder.
01:05:43It connects him to the weapon.
01:05:45He needed codes to use it.
01:05:47I want you to look for access codes.
01:05:49We get the codes,
01:05:51we nail Stone.
01:06:01Good job, Agent Greer.
01:06:05This is Agent Peters.
01:06:07I've found Greer.
01:06:09He's been in an accident at Market and Hanover.
01:08:11Get out of the car!
01:08:13He's gone.
01:08:15Scanning for an identity chip.
01:08:17He doesn't have one. He's a meat bag.
01:08:19There's an exit in back.
01:08:23There's an exit in back.
01:08:49Where are you going?
01:08:53Bobby, it's Greer.
01:08:55I need a remote shutdown.
01:08:57Agent Peters has been hijacked.
01:08:59You've got a disconnector.
01:09:03Hello, Bobby.
01:09:05Peters, have you gone insane?
01:09:07Why don't you put the gun down, huh?
01:09:09What are you trying to prove?
01:09:11You're stabbing into the entire Surrey network.
01:09:23Maggie, get offline right away.
01:09:25As soon as you get this message,
01:09:27something's going to happen to the surrogates.
01:09:29She'll only speak to you, sir.
01:09:31Why don't you just move in and take her down, huh?
01:09:33She has a human hostage.
01:09:35Oh, that slob Saunders.
01:09:59Peters, it's me, Andy Stone.
01:10:01That's far enough, Stone.
01:10:06I know who hired you to kill me.
01:10:10I hope my own partners at V.S.I. paid you well.
01:10:14Did you feel even a second of remorse
01:10:17when you found out you'd murdered an innocent boy?
01:10:20I can't.
01:10:22I don't believe it.
01:10:26How about you tell me something, Doctor?
01:10:30What did you expect V.S.I. to do?
01:10:32Just stand by while you tore down everything they built?
01:10:35You left us no choice but to take you out.
01:10:38You created this technology, you changed the world,
01:10:40and now you want to destroy it?
01:10:42So what?
01:10:44So you can take us backwards?
01:10:46So we can all live like dreads?
01:10:50So we can live like human beings.
01:10:55Really, Doctor?
01:10:57You should learn how to live with your regrets.
01:11:01Now give me the gun.
01:11:33That's for my son.
01:11:36I need to see your boss.
01:11:38I need to see Dr. Kanner right away.
01:11:40Oh, good. Listen to me.
01:11:41I gotta see your boss, Dr. Kanner.
01:12:07Device connected.
01:12:14Over here, Officer. This way.
01:12:33Warning. Commencing upload.
01:13:03Warning. Commencing upload.
01:13:33Warning. Commencing upload.
01:14:20Hello, Tom.
01:14:25Nice to finally meet you...
01:14:27in the flesh.
01:14:36Lie on the floor, face down.
01:14:40It's a little different when you have to kill somebody with your own hands.
01:14:43When you have to squeeze the trigger.
01:14:45You don't have a machine to do your dirty work.
01:14:49Feel that?
01:14:51The accelerated pulse.
01:14:53The heightened awareness.
01:14:54Savoring each breath as if it were your last.
01:14:57That's what you've been missing.
01:14:59That's what everybody's been missing.
01:15:01So you killed millions of people?
01:15:03I changed the course of human history when I invented surrogates.
01:15:07Now I'm gonna change it back.
01:15:09You can't change what's been done.
01:15:13You and I know that better than most people.
01:15:16My son's death will not have been in vain.
01:15:20Not if it heals mankind.
01:15:23Heals mankind?
01:15:25That's what you want to do? You want to kill everyone?
01:15:28And that's going to heal mankind?
01:15:30They're already dead.
01:15:31They died the minute they plugged into those machines.
01:15:33This is not the solution.
01:15:35That's the way it is!
01:15:36That's not the way it is!
01:15:37I had a vision.
01:15:38I was going to empower the powerless.
01:15:40To enable others like me to walk, to feel.
01:15:44To live a normal life.
01:15:45Listen to me! They're going to call you a murderer!
01:15:47That's what you're doing!
01:15:48Surrogacy is a perversion.
01:15:50It's an addiction.
01:15:52And you have to kill the addict to kill the addiction.
01:15:56Upload complete.
01:15:58You're too late.
01:15:59What I've done can't be stopped.
01:16:01Now you're going to be a witness
01:16:04to the rebirth of humanity.
01:16:07That's my gift to you.
01:16:10No! No!
01:16:36Selecting all surrogates.
01:16:39How do we make it stop?
01:16:43Bobby, it's Greer. Tom Greer.
01:16:45How do we shut this thing down?
01:16:49All database selected.
01:16:53It's trying to kill everyone.
01:16:54Listen, that thing has just uploaded a virus into the system
01:16:57that's going to kill anyone who's using a surrogate.
01:17:00It's already started.
01:17:02Bobby, we need to unplug everyone. Now!
01:17:05Oh, shit.
01:17:12I... Okay.
01:17:13Move over to the terminal to the left.
01:17:15Type in password RED253.
01:17:18We can't unplug it, but maybe we can buffer the operators.
01:17:21Oh, God. Okay, we got ten seconds.
01:17:27Okay, look, there are three boxes.
01:17:29Type in Tango in the first.
01:17:31X-ray in the second.
01:17:32Seven, seven, two in the third.
01:17:34Hit enter.
01:17:38Hit enter! What happened?
01:17:40Ah, shit!
01:17:41Shift and enter! Shift and enter!
01:17:54He just saved about a billion lives there.
01:17:58Okay, now we got to keep the surrogates from getting fried.
01:18:01Please go back to the first terminal. Hit the enter key.
01:18:04Hit the enter key, please!
01:18:07Good. Now press yes.
01:18:15So that's it?
01:18:17Everyone's safe?
01:18:19All the people?
01:18:20Yes, yes, of course, yes. All the operators are safe.
01:18:22But if you don't press abort, all the surrogates are going to be destroyed.
01:18:29We don't have a lot of time, man. Hit yes.
01:18:32Hi. Hello. Hit yes, Greer.
01:18:36Greer, I'm talking to all the surrogates.
01:18:47No! No!
01:18:49Greer, what are you doing?
01:18:51No! No!
01:18:53Greer! For God's sake, what are you waiting for?
01:18:56Press the freaking buttons, huh?
01:18:58No! Please!
01:19:33Transmit complete.
01:23:18Please bear with us as we're still trying to piece together exactly what has occurred
01:23:27grid in every major city on the eastern seaboard possibly in the entire United
01:23:32States describing an identical failure in those cities this is unbelievable
01:23:37reports of human casualties the damage appears limited only to surrogate you
01:23:42are no statements from VSI they have not responded to requests for information
01:23:46London Beijing all reporting the same thing so still no official word when or
01:23:51if surrogate services can be restored it appears at least for now that we are on
01:23:58our own
01:25:21the dog begins to rise save your breath it's far from over leave the lost and
01:25:32dead behind now's your chance to run for cover I don't want to change the world I
01:25:43I just wanna leave it colder light the fuse and burn it up
01:25:51take the path that leads to nowhere
01:25:58lost again
01:26:00but I'm not giving in
01:26:04I will not bow
01:26:06I will not break
01:26:08I will shut the world away
01:26:13I will not fall
01:26:15I will not fade
01:26:17I will take your breath away
01:26:32watch the end through dying eyes
01:26:36now the dark is taking over
01:26:41show me where forever dies
01:26:45take the fall and run to heaven
01:26:50all is lost again
01:26:54but I'm not giving in
01:26:58I will not bow
01:27:00I will not break
01:27:02I will shut the world away
01:27:06I will not fall
01:27:08I will not fade
01:27:11I will take your breath away
01:27:15and I'll survive
01:27:19I have lost the will to change
01:27:24and I am not proud
01:27:26cold-blooded fate
01:27:28I will shut the world away
01:27:34I will not fall
01:27:36I will not break
01:27:38I will shut the world away
01:27:46I will not fall
01:27:48I will not break
01:27:50I will take your breath away
01:27:54and I'll survive
01:27:59I have lost the will to change
01:28:03And I am not proud, cold-blooded fake
01:28:08I will shut the world away
01:28:33I am not proud, cold-blooded fake
01:28:38I will shut the world away