Sehri Ka Dastarkhwan & Azaan e Fajar | Shan-e- Sehr | Waseem Badami | 25 March 2025 | ARY Digital
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00The mercy of the mind is again overflowing
00:06How can I face you?
00:11I am falling, just hold me
00:16Welcome once again
00:19And our topic for today
00:21We talked about this yesterday
00:22Obviously in these days
00:23If we don't talk about it, when will we talk about it?
00:25It is the month of revelation of the Quran
00:26The sequence of Shabha-e-Qadr is going on
00:28There will be another Shabha-e-Qadr tomorrow
00:30Today I am making a possible Shabha-e-Qadr for some of our viewers
00:32Because we are talking to you
00:34So the topic is the Holy Quran
00:36As we say the greatness of the Quran
00:38Quran is a miracle
00:40What does a miracle mean?
00:42A miracle is tangible
00:44Like the shape of the moon
00:46Quran is a miracle
00:48So what does it mean?
00:50In which sense is it a miracle?
00:52The miracle of the Holy Quran is from many aspects
00:56The first aspect is its eloquence
00:58Its eloquence
01:00The choice of words
01:02If you look at this aspect
01:04The vocabulary used in the Holy Quran
01:06The words used in the Holy Quran are not many
01:08It is not as if millions of words have been used in it
01:10It is not as if millions of words have been used in it
01:12In fact with a limited vocabulary
01:14By taking it to different parts
01:16By using different expressions
01:18By using different expressions
01:20A beauty has been created in it
01:22Which a person can never ignore
01:54For example, it is said
01:56Whatever it is, it cannot be the word of a human
01:58So how can it not be the word of a human?
02:00So how can it not be the word of a human?
02:02Of course, it was his expertise
02:04Through which he used to judge Arabic literature
02:06It is possible that he did not even know how to write
02:08But the taste of his listening
02:10The depth of understanding the art
02:12That is why if you look
02:14There are some languages that the writer is non-Muslim
02:16For example, Al-Munjid is a very famous language
02:18But the compiler of it is not Muslim
02:20But the compiler of it is not Muslim
02:22So where he had to present evidences
02:24To present the evidences
02:26He has presented the verses of the Holy Quran
02:28Similarly, there are some books of Arabic grammar
02:30Which were not written by Muslims
02:32If they had to present as evidences
02:34The greatness of the Holy Quran
02:36They cannot ignore it
02:38This is its rank and status
02:40After that, I don't know how much
02:42I may have taken
02:44So basically if you look at those predictions
02:46So basically if you look at those predictions
02:48Through which the news of the future is being given
02:50So what is its source?
02:52If we look at those sources
02:54For example, the Holy Quran in Surah Rum
02:56It first announces that Rome has been conquered
02:58But then a few days will pass
03:00A few years will pass
03:02After this
03:04It will be victorious again
03:06So being conquered and being victorious is news
03:08And to check this news
03:10It is necessary to move ahead in time
03:12So that it can be checked
03:14So all the microscopes were sitting
03:16Whether this thing is true or not
03:18It was a matter of a few years
03:20So to announce in the Holy Quran
03:22We have given you Kausar
03:24So for the people who were taunting
03:26About the progeny of the Prophet
03:28It was not possible to check it
03:30But after centuries
03:32Those who are Hajjaj bin Yusuf
03:34And Banu Umayyah and Banu Abbas
03:36After those centuries
03:38If the progeny of Fatima Zahra
03:40Which is the progeny of the Prophet
03:42So the announcement of this thing
03:44Is not only from this title
03:46But it is a declaration
03:48That what Allah has said
03:50Was proved to be true
03:54In the name of Allah
03:56It was a great speech
03:58From the linguistic point of view
04:00From the point of view of the Holy Quran
04:02From the point of view of the human
04:04It is a miracle
04:06From the point of view of the human
04:08From the point of view of the human
04:10The statement of this is amazing
04:12The verse that Allah has read
04:14The verse that Allah has read
04:16It was said
04:18In the lowest part of the earth
04:20In that part of the earth
04:22The room was conquered
04:24It is in comparison to the lowest
04:26When the world was measured
04:28From the level of the sea
04:30The world's lowest place
04:32On the earth is the same
04:34And the Quran
04:36Is declaring it
04:38So you see how the Quran
04:40Is saying such things
04:42When research is done
04:44It comes out accurate
04:46There is a famous scientist
04:48From the 19th century
04:50Everyone knows him
04:52He was an astronomer
04:54And a mathematician
04:56Along with being an astrophysicist
04:58He was also an expert in mathematics
05:00He said about the universe
05:02That whoever has made the universe
05:04Is a great mathematician
05:06This is his statement
05:08When he saw the universe
05:10Everything is calculated
05:12Everything is mathematical
05:14Everything is calculated
05:16Everything is calculated
05:181400 years ago
05:20When we look at the Quran
05:22What does the Quran say
05:24Everything is calculated
05:26Everything is calculated
05:28Everything is calculated
05:30In the Quran
05:32Allah says
05:34Allah says
05:36Allah says
05:38And the sun
05:40Its rotation is fixed
05:42Its phases are fixed
05:44The way the Quran is saying
05:46About the sun
05:48This has been researched
05:50The man went to the sky
05:52Traveled the cosmos
05:54Invented a telescope
05:56Then he saw these things
05:58Then he found out
06:00The solar system
06:02The solar system
06:04If it is even a millimeter away
06:06From its orbit
06:08It will be completely destroyed
06:10With such calculations
06:12Galileo said
06:14He is a great mathematician
06:16So Allah
06:18The minute calculations
06:20He does
06:22He runs the system
06:24He is the creator
06:26And the creator
06:28The one who created the universe
06:30This is the miracle
06:32What to say
06:36In the name of Allah
06:40In the Ummah
06:48The reason for this
06:50The first day
06:52Whoever turns away from the Quran
06:54His life will be in trouble
06:56Whoever turns away from the Quran
06:58Whoever turns away from the Quran
07:00Allah will give him peace
07:02Allah will give him peace
07:04Allah will give him peace
07:06We have been listening to Surah Ar-Rahman
07:08Since childhood
07:10I wish I could understand the first three verses
07:12Then all our tensions would be over
07:16Allamal Quran
07:18Khalaqal Insan
07:20Rahman is the one who taught the Quran
07:22Then he said
07:24Khalaqal Insan
07:56When death comes
07:58The one who is martyred
08:00And on the Day of Resurrection
08:02You will have light and blessings
08:04And the day when there will be no one to give you water
08:06Drink water from the hands of the Prophet
08:08You will have all these blessings
08:10What to do for it
08:12Fardusul Quran
08:14Embrace the Quran
08:16Allah will give you all the blessings of the world
08:18What to say
08:22In the name of Allah
08:24Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you
08:26There will come a time
08:28When science will investigate
08:30Because the language that we do not understand
08:32When we listen to someone's language
08:34It does not affect us
08:36But the one who does not know Arabic
08:38He is listening to the Quran
08:40In a good way
08:42Sometimes his heart
08:44Is jumping out of happiness
08:46Sometimes his eyes
08:48Have tears
08:50When the mention of heaven comes
08:52Then he is happy
08:54When the mention of the torment of hell comes
08:56Then his heart
08:58Jumps out of happiness
09:00Sometimes science will investigate
09:02That there is something in his words
09:04There is a miracle
09:06Which is buried in the human heart
09:08Then you see
09:10Or whatever
09:12Pick up the verses of the Quran
09:14All the experts of Arabic
09:16The experts of eloquence
09:18They all say
09:20That the verse of the Quran
09:22Wherever the word is
09:24You pick up another Arabic word
09:26From the whole world
09:28It does not sit there
09:30The way the word is
09:32Wherever the word is
09:34Allah has kept it
09:36Then you see in the same way
09:38That Allah has put so much effect
09:40In it
09:42That the great pharaohs come
09:44They read
09:46They read
09:48They read
09:50And they say
09:52Take the founder of Islam
09:54I also want to enter Islam
09:56Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari
09:58Listen to the initial verses of Surah Hameem
10:00Enter Islam
10:02Udba bin Rabia
10:04To take the exam
10:06It was the source of corruption
10:08But when the Prophet
10:10Read some verses
10:12He went with his companions
10:14He did not return
10:16He did not return with that attitude
10:18He said, leave them
10:20I have heard a lot of these words
10:22This is not magic, this is not magic
10:24This is not anything
10:26This is the word of creation
10:28What to say
10:30Thank you very much
10:32Thank you very much
10:34Let's go to the morning call
10:46In Karachi and its provinces
10:48The time of Sahari is over
10:50The people of other cities
10:52According to their local time
10:54Intend to fast
11:00Pray for fasting
11:08I intend to fast
11:10For the month of Ramadan
11:16God is great
11:22God is great
11:26God is great
11:32God is great
11:38I bear witness that there is no god but God
11:46I bear witness that there is no god but God
12:00I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
12:12I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
12:16I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
12:20I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God
12:28Come to prayer
12:40Come to prayer
12:46Hayya ala al-falaaha Hayya ala al-falaaha
13:07As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla
13:35As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla
14:03As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla
14:30As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla
14:58As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla As-salatu khayrun min al-mawla
15:19Please remember all of them in your prayers.
15:21All of them work very hard in their respective departments.
15:24Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to present them to you.
15:27I am a small part of this big team.
15:30All of them are very hardworking.
15:32I request all of you to remember all of them in your prayers.
15:35May Allah make this publication a means of improvement for all of them
15:38in this world and especially in the hereafter.
15:41This is the verse of Surah Muminoon, verse 39.
15:43We conclude with this.
15:44This is the prayer of Hazrat Hud.
15:47This is the verse of the Quran.
15:48This is the prayer of the Prophet.
15:49It is a small prayer.
15:50In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
15:52O my Lord, please help me in this situation
15:56that they have rejected me.
15:58O Allah, I am yours and we are all yours.
16:00Protect me and help me.
16:02With the condition of health, safety and life.
16:04This is a special prayer request.
16:06I will make a special request to all of you.
16:08Please remember me in your prayers.
16:10May Allah protect you all.
16:15With the condition of health, safety and life.
16:17See you at 2pm.
16:19Till then, Allah Hafiz.