• 19 hours ago
Trump denies any knowledge of cabinet texting airstrike plans to journalistSource: CSPAN
00:00Your reaction to the the story the Atlantic that said that some of your top
00:04Accounting officials and aides have been discussing very sensitive material through signal and included in Atlantic report for that
00:11What is your response to that? I don't know anything about it. I'm not a big fan of the Atlantic
00:16It's to me. It's a magazine that's going out of business
00:18I think it's not much of a magazine, but I know nothing about it. You're saying that they had what they were using signal
00:28Having to do with what
00:30Having to do with what what were they talking about with the hoodies the hoodies. You mean the attack on the hood? Yes
00:37Well, it couldn't have been very effective because the attack was very effective. I can tell you that I don't know anything about it
00:42You're telling me about it for the first time
