Today Tyler and Snowi learn THE STORY OF MROONA AND WYRUM!! ๐ฑWe find out how Mroona and Wyrum LOVE EACHOTHER IN SPRUNKI! ๐Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like ๐ if you enjoyed!
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#sprunki #cartoon #funnymoments
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#sprunki #cartoon #funnymoments
00:00Today, we're back on Sprunky, but Snowy, you know how in Sprunky Retake you could go
00:07up here and enable the bonus characters?
00:10Yeah, they're the best OCs!
00:13I know, right?
00:14And everyone knows about Sonic.exe, we all know the backstory of Boyfriend, and of course
00:19the Mustard Guy from Sprunky Mustard.
00:22But there's one OC that's super mysterious, nobody knows the backstory of Maruna and Wyron!
00:28Oh yeah, I've seen them, but I don't know where they came from.
00:31I know, right?
00:32I have no idea where they came from, but we are gonna figure it all out today!
00:37Let's go into Phase 2 and see what they look like.
00:40Here we go!
00:41Now that we're in Phase 2, let's bring in Maruna and Wyron.
00:45Wait a second, Snowy, where did Wyron go?
00:47That's only Maruna!
00:48Yeah, that's weird, I don't see another bike for him.
00:52Yeah, that's strange.
00:54Where did they go?
00:55Guys, everyone is saying that Maruna and Wyron are like a couple and they ship them, but
01:00it kinda looks like they broke up, if Wyron's not even here.
01:04Wait a second, Tyler, do you think it's possible that Wyron is inside of Maruna?
01:09Oh my gosh, Snowy, I guess he could be!
01:11Look, there's literally stitches, and she looks like she's full, like she just ate
01:17I really wanna know what happened to them!
01:19Me too, Snowy!
01:20And today we're gonna learn the full story of Maruna and Wyron!
01:24I heard the backstory is really sad, so let's bring in Mr. Fun Computer and check it out!
01:30We can watch the Maruna tapes!
01:32Whoa, I've never seen that before!
01:35We're gonna start with their origin story and find out where they came from!
01:39Guys, hit the like button right now to play the tapes!
01:43Yeah, guys, it's the only way to start them!
01:46The likes are coming in, here we go!
01:50It's time to learn the sad backstory of Maruna and Wyron!
01:54Wait, where are you going?
01:57That's her parents!
01:58You can't come with us!
01:59What did I do wrong?
02:01Come back!
02:03Oh, why are they doing that to her?
02:06I don't know, look!
02:08I guess they don't want her!
02:10That's so messed up, her own mom kicked her!
02:13Guys, hit the like button if you'd adopt her!
02:16I never understood why my parents left me.
02:20Who would leave a little baby Sprunky out on the streets alone?
02:24I had to learn how to survive by myself.
02:27That is so sad!
02:28Hoping someone would take pity on me.
02:30I'm just a baby after all.
02:32Look, she's in the city!
02:33Watch where you're going, shrimp!
02:35Get out of the way!
02:36I'm sorry!
02:37I didn't realize how cruel people could be.
02:40Poor little Maruna!
02:43Maybe this Sprunky will be nice!
02:45Maybe they can help me!
02:46Yeah, maybe they can give her some food!
02:49I mean, they're feeding the pigeons.
02:50Why wouldn't they feed baby Maruna?
02:53Well, Maruna doesn't know how to look both ways.
02:56May I have some of that sandwich?
03:00I'm really hungry and all alone.
03:05I'm not giving no baby no handouts!
03:08Why are people so mean?
03:11That is so mean!
03:12Why wouldn't you give her anything?
03:14If asking politely wouldn't get me anywhere,
03:18I guess I'll have to find my own scraps.
03:20Poor Maruna!
03:21I feel bad for her!
03:23Yeah, but look!
03:24She found a chicken leg!
03:26That dog wantsy!
03:28Finders keepers!
03:30It's super fishy!
03:32Even the animals hated me.
03:34I guess I was just going to go hungry.
03:37Why is everyone so mean?
03:40I don't know!
03:41Who left this trash out here?
03:43Don't they know littering is a crime?
03:48Did they just call her trash?
03:50This is my life now.
03:52And I'm not sure I can survive it.
03:56I really hope this gets happy.
03:59Who's that, silly?
04:00It's Wiram!
04:01To you too!
04:03What are you doing in my dumpster?
04:06My parents abandoned me!
04:07And then someone dumped me in here!
04:08And no one's helping me!
04:09And I'm all alone!
04:10And jeez!
04:11Okay, okay!
04:12Sorry I asked!
04:13But this is how they met!
04:14You said your parents abandoned you?
04:16They just left me one day.
04:17Out of nowhere.
04:19My parents left me too, you know.
04:21Oh my gosh!
04:22I was some kind of freak.
04:24Well, you're a little freaky looking.
04:28But you also seem nice.
04:30He is!
04:31But he's nicer than anyone else has been to me.
04:33I'm Wiram.
04:35And I'm going to show you how to live on the streets.
04:37Just like me.
04:39So Maruna and Wiram were both homeless babies together!
04:42Yeah, they were both rejected by their parents.
04:46Because of that, they became friends!
04:50I'm glad they can be friends with each other.
04:52Yeah, me too!
04:53They look happy!
04:54Pro tip!
04:55The bakery closes at three.
04:57So when they throw out all the old stuff,
04:59it goes here.
05:01Get him!
05:05She won't be hungry anymore!
05:07You again!
05:09Get out of here!
05:10And don't come back!
05:11Oh my gosh!
05:12It's that same mean sprooky from the park!
05:14What's this?
05:15It's not too bad when you have a friend!
05:18Is that a wallet?
05:20What's inside?
05:22Let's see.
05:23They got money now!
05:25Twenty dollars?
05:27We're rich!
05:29Is it stealing wrong?
05:32It's not stealing.
05:33It's fate.
05:34I guess technically they found it.
05:37Hello, sir.
05:38We'll have one large pizza, please.
05:40Is he gonna be nice?
05:43You two stink!
05:45I'm sorry.
05:46We'll leave as soon as we-
05:47How am I not serving two street rats?
05:49Get out!
05:50So even with money,
05:52they're not treated nice.
05:54That is so sad.
05:55They just eat it bad!
05:56Now I get it.
05:57We can't take food for free,
05:59but we also can't pay for it.
06:01It's hard out here, Maruna.
06:03I may act tough,
06:05but it still gets me down real bad.
06:09Though it's easier with you here now.
06:12A lot easier.
06:14I don't think I would've made it this far
06:16without you, Wyrom.
06:18Hey, you!
06:19Give me that!
06:20Oh no!
06:22It's a robber!
06:23He took their money!
06:24We need that!
06:25That's all the money they had!
06:27Why would you rob two babies?
06:30It's never gonna get better!
06:34Poor Maruna!
06:35It will, Maruna.
06:36You just gotta believe.
06:38Kai looks so nice!
06:40Let's go home.
06:42You mean the tub, sir?
06:44It's home for now.
06:46We'll find a better place someday.
06:49Stick around, guys,
06:50because things will get better for them.
06:52I promise.
06:53It'll be okay.
06:54It's gotta stop soon.
06:56It's raining now!
06:58It is, too.
07:00But look!
07:01Grab it!
07:02There's a dollar!
07:04They're finding money again!
07:08Oh no!
07:09There she goes crying again!
07:12Maruna, it's okay.
07:14It's not okay!
07:17My parents left me,
07:19and I'm so sad!
07:21This is the saddest story ever, silly!
07:23I'm starting to cry!
07:24Me too, Tyler!
07:26I know!
07:28But it's not...
07:30Oh no!
07:31Who's that?
07:32Poor little creatures.
07:33Kinda sounds like Black Hat!
07:35Oh my gosh!
07:36It's Mr. Black Hat!
07:39You look hungry.
07:40Would you like a slice of pizza?
07:42Y-yes, sir.
07:44It's all yours.
07:46Dig in!
07:47Aw, that's nice of him to do that!
07:50Thank you, sir!
07:52Who are you?
07:53My name is Black.
07:55I was just passing by.
07:58How can we ever repay you?
08:01Oh, there's no need.
08:03Do you live here in this alley?
08:05Would you rather stay at a real home with me?
08:07Is he gonna adopt them?
08:11Come on.
08:12This way.
08:14Why is he being so nice to them?
08:16Well, he's a good dad because he's usually a bad guy.
08:21We get to live here?
08:24For as long as we want?
08:26Yes, my children.
08:27It's all yours.
08:29Thank you, Black.
08:31Thank you so much!
08:33You're welcome.
08:34Now go!
08:35Have some fun!
08:37Aw, that is so cute!
08:39They get to live in a home now!
08:42There is one rule.
08:44Do not ever go to the basement.
08:48What the?
08:49What's in there?
08:51Are there monsters?
08:53Yes, in a sense.
08:55You are never allowed down there under any circumstances.
08:59Got it?
09:00I wonder what's in there?
09:01Things were finally looking up for a change.
09:04Black provided anything we'd ever need.
09:07We spent years with him.
09:11He even trained us how to fight and defend ourselves.
09:14No dogs would be stealing our turkey legs again, that was for sure.
09:17I think he's a good dad.
09:19Why does he look menacing?
09:20Even with our training, we rarely went into the city.
09:23Most of our time was spent in the safety of Black's home.
09:26Away from all the horrible, croaking troops.
09:27Looks like they were growing up!
09:29They're in their awkward phase.
09:30It was a nice life.
09:31Happy birthday!
09:34It didn't look like Black is planning something with them.
09:36Yeah, he's a little size.
09:38But I always wondered what was in that door.
09:42What could Black possibly be hiding down there?
09:45Oh my gosh, we're gonna find out what's in there, Snowy!
09:47Ooh, I wanna see!
09:49Today's the day, Wyrum.
09:50I am opening that door.
09:52No, you can't.
09:53We'll get in trouble.
09:54Don't do it!
09:55Come on, Wyrum.
09:56We're adults now.
09:57It's time to take some risks.
10:00It wasn't even locked!
10:02Maybe you should've baby-proofed it.
10:05This place is creepy.
10:09We need to get back before Black notices we're gone.
10:13Oh no.
10:14Is that... ours?
10:16Is this an evil lair?
10:18Oh no, Snowy, look!
10:19I think it's sleeping gas!
10:21Where'd all this smoke come from?
10:23It was a trap!
10:24We gotta get out of here!
10:26It's like catnap fog!
10:27Ooh, I don't think so.
10:30You were always destined to wind up down here eventually.
10:34Why am I getting so sleepy?
10:38Oh no, Snowy, I don't like this.
10:40Me too.
10:42Black totally trapped them, Tyler!
10:45Oh gosh.
10:46Look, what is he doing?
10:47He's doing weird surgeries on them!
10:50Weird experiments, but why?
10:53Oh my gosh, Snowy.
10:54Wait, you know how Maroona and Wyrum are like inside of each other?
10:59That's what's going on!
11:02What are you doing?
11:05Don't move!
11:06You'll ruin it!
11:07She looks like phase two!
11:08Where is Wyrum?
11:09This is messed up!
11:10You spoiled it all!
11:12You were going to be combined, mind-controlled into the perfect servant, but instead...
11:16Oh my gosh, look at that, Snowy!
11:18Wyrum's in there!
11:19Where is he?
11:21He'll always be with you now.
11:23How is that the perfect servant?
11:25This is so scary!
11:28Oh no, I didn't consider that two Spunkies combined would have two Spunkies worth of strength!
11:33Oh yeah, didn't think about that, huh?
11:36Oh my gosh, get him, girl!
11:39You got this!
11:41How could you do this to us?
11:43You're a monster!
11:44No, my dear.
11:46You are the monster now.
11:48She's not a monster!
11:53Wyrum got him!
11:56Come on, we have to get out of here!
11:58Wait, is Mr. Black Cat dead?
12:00He looks like he was dead!
12:01I need to tell you something.
12:04I've always loved you.
12:06Ever since we were kids.
12:08You're all I have left in this world.
12:12I love you too.
12:14And now we're always together.
12:16Like Black said.
12:17Aw, that's so sweet!
12:19And also kind of creepy!
12:21Wow, that was crazy!
12:23Maybe they are the best Spunky couple.
12:25Because that is true love.
12:27Yeah, Tyler.
12:28I think they're the perfect match for each other.
12:30I disagree.
12:32Maruna and Wyrum actually broke up.
12:36That's right, we broke up.
12:38And I'll never love him again.
12:40I will get Maruna back.
12:42She'll love me again.
12:45You'll get her back?
12:47Yeah, how?
12:48Oh, I didn't realize someone was listening.
12:51Well, I have a really great plan to get her back.
12:53What's the plan?
12:55I'll tell you.
12:56But only if the viewers hit the subscribe button.
12:58You hear that, guys?
13:00Hit the subscribe button right now if you haven't already.
13:02Yeah, guys.
13:04I want to learn why they broke up.
13:06Alright, Snowy.
13:07Let's watch the next tape.
13:09This is Wyrum's plan to get Maruna back.
13:11Thank you for inviting me, girls.
13:13There she is.
13:17The love of my life.
13:20All I want is for her to notice me,
13:22but it's not that easy.
13:24So guys, he became obsessed
13:26with getting Wyrum to love him again.
13:28Oh no, look, there's Black.
13:30What is he doing?
13:32He's attacking.
13:34Nice try.
13:36Someone help! Help me!
13:38Hang in there, ladies.
13:40We're coming to save you.
13:42Look, it's Orton and Grey.
13:44They're awesome.
13:46Stop it! Stop!
13:48I've lost some music powers now.
13:50Yeah, they're totally kicking Blackhead's butt.
13:52Oh yeah.
13:56Don't ever mess with Pinky again.
13:58Got it?
14:00Don't even think about attacking Wenda.
14:02Yeah, don't mess with their girlfriends.
14:04My hero.
14:06They're the best boyfriends.
14:08I wish I had someone to save me.
14:10That's it.
14:12I know exactly
14:14how to win Maruna's heart.
14:17Oh my gosh, he's going to try to get her back.
14:19Why does he act so creepy though?
14:23Black, are you in here?
14:25I don't think he took the break up well.
14:27I'm right here.
14:31What are you doing in my lair?
14:33Here to try and take me down?
14:35I've already lost one battle today.
14:37I don't intend to lose another.
14:39No, I'm not here to attack.
14:43I need your help.
14:45Remember when Orin saved Pinky from you earlier?
14:49No need to rub it in.
14:51She loved that he swooped in and rescued her.
14:53And I was thinking,
14:55maybe next time I could save the day.
14:57And impress who?
15:01That's how we can win her heart back.
15:03You want me to stage an attack
15:05to make you look like a hero?
15:07Yes, I can do that.
15:09What a weird plan.
15:11And to sweeten the deal,
15:14I'll teach you a special song.
15:16A forbidden song that will make her fall for you instantly.
15:18All this if
15:20you can do me a favor later.
15:22A love song!
15:24Do you agree?
15:28That sounds perfect.
15:30Then follow my tune.
15:32I wonder if this is actually going to work.
15:34So I guess
15:36this song right here, silly,
15:38is going to make Maruna fall in love with Y-Rum
15:40again and they can be together.
15:43No one to save you this time.
15:45Look, it's the plan.
15:47No girls to run away with.
15:49And certainly no strong, heroic men to
15:51get away from her.
15:53Or else.
15:55Or else what?
15:57I'll take you down myself.
15:59To the rescue!
16:03You're so strong.
16:05Sing the song, you idiot.
16:07Oh, right.
16:09He forgot to sing the love song.
16:11Let's see if it works.
16:13I think it's working, Tyler.
16:15She's falling in love!
16:17Scratch! Boiled again.
16:19I'll be back.
16:21You may have protected her today,
16:23but next time, you won't be so lucky.
16:25Oh my gosh.
16:27Are you okay?
16:31Oh my gosh, it worked!
16:33Yeah, Zoey, look!
16:35She's in love with Y-Rum!
16:37Oh my gosh.
16:40I had no idea
16:42you were so brave.
16:44Brave is my new name.
16:46Thank you so much
16:48for saving me.
16:50Can I ever pay you?
16:52All I want is to spend some time with you.
16:54Is that okay?
16:56Oh, Y-Rum,
16:58I'd love that.
17:00Well, he got her back.
17:02Yeah, look at them.
17:04No way. Are they...
17:06A thing?
17:08They cannot believe that they're back together,
17:10guys, because everybody heard about
17:12the break-up.
17:14Well, they're destined to be together,
17:16I guess.
17:18Wow, are you guys...
17:24Yeah, and what about it?
17:26I bet you thought she'd never
17:28like someone like me, right?
17:30Yeah, I thought she'd never like him again.
17:32Oh, I didn't mean
17:34to imply.
17:37Yeah, so, maybe keep your opinions to yourself.
17:39Ooh, why is she being
17:41so mean?
17:43I'm happy for you guys!
17:45That was weird, right?
17:47Super weird.
17:49Guys, let us know in the comments down below
17:51who is your favorite sprunky shit
17:53out of all of the sprunkies
17:55and the OCs.
17:57Yeah, guys, I wanna know who you guys shouldn't have most.
17:59Look, Snowy,
18:01they're gonna cause trouble together
18:03like when they were babies.
18:06They're all messing with all the other sprunkies!
18:10Look, they're gonna mess with the other couples!
18:12They're bad kids!
18:14Oh my gosh, they just stole his groceries!
18:16Finders keepers!
18:20I'm really concerned. They are so different
18:22when they're together.
18:24Is there anything you and Wenda could do about it?
18:26They're bad influences!
18:28She should be here any minute!
18:30Hi, Maruna!
18:34Can you make this girls' night thing quick?
18:36I've got a date with Wyrum soon.
18:38Yeah, about Wyrum,
18:40um, we think
18:42you two should break up.
18:46You're different when you're with him.
18:48In a bad way.
18:50We miss the old you,
18:52before Wyrum!
18:54Oh my gosh, they don't wanna see him together!
18:56They're just jealous!
18:58Yeah, I can see why.
19:00Oh my gosh!
19:03You don't need to decide what I do!
19:05Wyrum's the best thing to ever happen to me!
19:07Don't ever
19:09talk about him badly again!
19:11Or else!
19:13She's so mad!
19:15Well, we did what we can.
19:17I think Mr. Black Cat's song has weird side effects, Snowy.
19:21No one understands.
19:23No one accepts.
19:25Don't talk about her that way!
19:27We're in love!
19:29You wouldn't get it!
19:33They wanna tear us apart!
19:35They're jealous of our love!
19:37I don't think so!
19:39Get a room, you two!
19:41But how do we do that?
19:45No, we need something stronger.
19:47I know someone who can help.
19:49Together forever, eh?
19:51Sorry to ask for another favor,
19:53but it's urgent.
19:55No, I can make this work for both of us.
19:57I think I know what he's gonna do, Snowy!
20:00But I think I have the perfect way
20:02to make sure you two
20:04will never be separated ever again.
20:06It's gonna be the weird surgery again!
20:08Oh no!
20:10That's amazing, Black.
20:12I'm sorry I misjudged you.
20:14We put ourselves
20:16in your very capable hands.
20:22hold still.
20:24So they ended up wanting to be like that?
20:26That's crazy!
20:29Oh my gosh, Snowy, look!
20:31Oh no, he's doing the weird surgery!
20:33That is so creepy!
20:35Oh my gosh!
20:37What's gonna happen?
20:39I think he's gonna put Wyrum
20:41inside of Maruna!
20:43That is so gross!
20:47And now she looks like these two again!
20:49Don't worry, Maruna.
20:51He's closer than you think.
20:53Is that...
20:55It's me, Maruna!
20:57I'm right here!
20:59This is perfect!
21:01Now we're really together forever!
21:03Black, how can we repay you?
21:05Well, with your combined bodies,
21:07I imagine your power has doubled,
21:09has it not?
21:13And we can harmonize like never before!
21:15So how's that gonna work when she tries to eat?
21:17I didn't think about the eating situation!
21:19And take out the Sprunkies
21:21who doubted you!
21:23That's genius!
21:26They're so powerful when they're together!
21:28All according to plan.
21:30Oh yeah!
21:32Oh no!
21:34He wants to use it for bae!
21:36Oh no, look!
21:38She's setting the house on fire!
21:40They're even worse when they're like that!
21:42Burn! Burn!
21:44What are you doing?
21:46Are you crazy?
21:48This is our house!
21:50I know.
21:52This is payback for the way you treated us.
21:54We'll never forgive.
21:56And never forget.
21:58You and Wyrom have gone completely insane!
22:00Where is he anyways?
22:02Don't worry.
22:04I'm always with you.
22:06That's creepy!
22:08Come on, Wenda.
22:10Can't you see now?
22:12Maruna and I are the best couple in the world.
22:14There's no one else quite like us.
22:18That's a good thing!
22:20Oh my god!
22:23I can't believe that!
22:25They're going to take out all of the other Sprunky couples!
22:27So they can be the only one!
22:29I love you too.
22:31They're so evil!
22:35That was terrifying!
22:39Mr. Black Hat's plan worked out in the end, Snowy.
22:41Oh my gosh, Snowy!
22:43That's why everything is on fire now!
22:45I didn't expect this to happen!
22:47Guys, while we're trying to figure out
22:49how to put out these flames,
22:52and save the Sprunky town,
22:54you should click on one of those videos
22:56that's on your screen right now!
22:58And subscribe if you haven't already!
23:02See ya!