• 2 days ago
If you’re seeing this, it’s not too late, just… DON’T let them see you…!
💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_

====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Katelyn: Lizzy Hofe
★ Travis: P.M. Seymour
★ Michi: Riley Morrigan
★ TV Announcer: Lee Mendez

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau
00:22What? What happened?
00:24Where? Wait.
00:26Where did they go?
00:28Why is the TV in the basement now?
00:30Wait, what?
00:32Why is the TV in the basement?
00:34What's going on?
00:36The alternates are everywhere.
00:38It can be anyone or anything.
00:40Avoid outdoor spaces.
00:42Remain calm.
00:44Find allies.
00:46Arm yourselves.
00:48Stay alive.
00:50Wait, no.
00:52I have to get out of here.
00:54I can't let those alternates see me.
00:56They were my friends before, but they weren't.
00:58But they had no faces.
01:00Okay, I have to find a way out of here.
01:08That's not me. That's something different than me.
01:10I need to get out of here.
01:12Okay, this is clear. Stay away. Go!
01:14I thought this was...
01:18Is this really you?
01:22Don't let them see me.
01:26Last time I remember, you had no face.
01:28They were in the basement.
01:30I don't know anything. I just woke up here.
01:32Half-Mouth Kim?
01:34Wait, that's Zane.
01:38Help me.
01:40What? He's still alive.
01:42We have to help him. Now. We have to do something.
01:44But he could be one of them.
01:46I don't even know who's who or what anymore.
01:48We just need to...
01:50I don't know.
01:52Where are you?
01:54Be quick about it.
01:56Half-Mouth hurry, please.
01:58Are you okay?
02:00Oh no, what happened?
02:02What is that?
02:04Okay, it's fine.
02:06We're getting out of here. Go.
02:08Stay quiet.
02:12Get the door.
02:14Get the door.
02:18I thought I was dead for sure.
02:20We need to survive this, okay?
02:22Yeah, even if all you have are gross maroon bars.
02:24Oh, wonderful.
02:26We've got plenty of those, I think.
02:30What was that?
02:32I don't know.
02:34Stay calm.
02:36It's like the power went out.
02:38The power did go out.
02:40That means my cameras are useless.
02:44Hello? Anyone?
02:46KC? Oh no, KC, where are you? Are you okay?
02:48She's alive.
02:50Come in, KC, come in.
02:52I'm alone.
02:54She's alone? We need to get to her.
02:56But it's dangerous outside.
02:58It's dangerous everywhere right now.
03:00We can't just stay here, okay?
03:02You've got a point.
03:04Let's check out the school.
03:06Come on.
03:08Let's go before that other weird
03:10alternate me comes back.
03:14Come on, quiet.
03:16This way, come on, we're doing good.
03:18We just got to get to the school.
03:20It's right up here.
03:22Wait, a McDonald's?
03:24This isn't right.
03:26Yes, it was.
03:30You mean the alternates?
03:32Let's see.
03:34I guess we can at least grab something to eat while we're here.
03:36Not a bad idea.
03:38We just have maroon bars, but I don't think anybody's working right now.
03:40Come on, let's make it quick.
03:42Get some supplies and head out.
03:44Sounds good to me.
03:46Just be quiet, all right?
03:48Yeah, I'm going to go check out the kitchen.
03:50Got to get something to eat that isn't a prune bar.
03:54Prunes are useful, leave them alone.
03:56All right, old man.
03:58Got to find some other food we can take with us, Kim.
04:00Got it.
04:02I'm going to go check the office, see if the security cams are working.
04:04Yeah, you do that.
04:06There's this and a med kit.
04:08This will come in handy.
04:10Let's see, there we go.
04:12What is this?
04:14Come take a look at this.
04:16Take a look at what?
04:18You're not going to believe how big and tasty this burger looks.
04:22It is a big burger, but it's been sitting here a while.
04:24Aw, come on.
04:26I bet it's fine.
04:28I think it's just one of those Tofurky burgers.
04:30The what?
04:32Yeah, I'll try it out for us.
04:34What is that?
04:36How is food an alternate too?
04:38Okay, just calm down.
04:40I have an idea.
04:42Grab this.
04:46Did it work?
04:48Oh my gosh.
04:52Kim, no.
04:56All right.
04:58What is that smell?
05:00You don't want to know.
05:02Okay, well, I checked the office and the cameras aren't working.
05:04Nothing's working?
05:06Here, use this.
05:08Are we still in?
05:10I don't like the sound of that.
05:12It's right there.
05:16It looks even worse than before.
05:18It still kind of looks like you, though.
05:20I don't like that thing.
05:22Is she coming this way?
05:24Let's keep getting out of here.
05:26Oh gosh.
05:28Look out.
05:30Let's go.
05:34Go, go, go.
05:37Oh my gosh.
05:41Jump, jump, jump for your life.
05:45Are we good? Are we safe?
05:47I don't know.
05:51It looks way bigger than it looked on the outside.
05:55What happened to this place?
05:57What the heck just happened in here?
05:59Let's keep moving.
06:01Something is going on with our environment.
06:03I guess we are alone.
06:06Alright, there's got to be another way out.
06:08Like an emergency exit?
06:10Maybe. Come on, let's keep looking around.
06:14Man, this place is huge.
06:16All these slides look the same.
06:18Wait, what is that?
06:20What is what?
06:22A burger? I'm going to kill it.
06:24No, wait, Kim.
06:26No, that other burger tried to eat us.
06:28It's an alternate.
06:30Guys, watch out, there's another one.
06:35Okay, this feels weird.
06:39Kim, I guess...
06:41Yeah, she's got something going on.
06:43But where are these coming from?
06:45Sure, it kind of looks weirdly placed to me.
06:48Kim, I think this is a dead end.
06:50You know, I'm starting to think this is a trap.
06:53Seriously, Kim, it looked like one.
06:55I was hangry.
06:59Is this more of an alternate situation that we're experiencing?
07:01I don't know.
07:04Oh, that's where you draw the line?
07:06Maybe we should try to find some higher ground
07:08and get to a better view of this place.
07:09We can try to spot the exit, okay?
07:11Just keep your eyes peeled for burgers
07:13and weird alternate things.
07:22Wait, up there, guys.
07:25Come on, we should be able to...
07:27What the...
07:29That thing's alive!
07:34Just keep jumping!
07:36Go down!
07:42Made it!
07:43Are you guys good?
07:47I don't think that thing's coming over here.
07:49Are we underground?
07:51Feels like it.
07:52Oh, a doll. Wonderful.
07:57Oh no, it's coming after us!
07:59Just keep...
08:01What do we do?
08:03I don't know. Maybe we throw it.
08:05I'll throw it at him.
08:11Did that do anything?
08:13Okay, nope. It just alerted it to my position.
08:15Alright, we gotta keep moving.
08:17Yeah, hang on. Wasn't that weird cutout from earlier?
08:19Yeah, it was.
08:21Things are a little different.
08:23We need to find a way to identify them.
08:25How? They're literally everywhere and everything.
08:29Hey, check out this weird poster.
08:33Trust nothing.
08:35I see.
08:37Well, it's accurate, I guess.
08:41Kind of like that TV broadcast, don't you think?
08:45I guess we can't trust anything anymore.
08:47Yeah, fair.
08:49If we hadn't lost the cameras, we wouldn't be in this mess.
08:53Are you forgetting about that giant Aphmau arm monster in your house?
08:57Look, look. I know we're tense right now.
08:59Let's just find a way out of here first before we argue.
09:01Yeah, fine.
09:03Yeah, alright.
09:05Alright, come on. Let's see.
09:09Oh, an exit!
09:13Sweet freedom!
09:17This room feels weird.
09:19A rubber duck.
09:21Aw, it's cute.
09:23Did you learn nothing from the burgers and the poster?
09:25Okay, but let's-
09:27Oh, right. I guess I'll punch it then.
09:29Where'd it go?
09:31What the-
09:33There it is! I got it, guys!
09:35Kim, stop! Kim, it's the same thing like the burger.
09:37It's definitely an alternate.
09:39It's over there!
09:41Looks like it's leading us somewhere.
09:43Come over here!
09:45Where is it leading us?
09:47Certain doom, more likely.
09:49Don't be ridiculous, Zane. Have you ever met an evil rubber ducky?
09:51No, and I don't plan to.
09:53Okay, just-
09:55There you are!
09:57Got you this time!
09:59Kim, I don't think you should touch it.
10:01Yeah, not a good idea.
10:03It's the worst that could happen.
10:07Okay, I guess you got it.
10:09Good for you.
10:11What's this giant duck doing here?
10:13That was not fair.
10:15Let's keep moving.
10:19Just move. Don't look back.
10:21Come on, guys!
10:23Don't look back!
10:25Go, go, go, go!
10:29Why is it stopping?
10:31It's looking at you, Kim.
10:33Try looking away.
10:35Kim, turn around.
10:37Okay, keep calm.
10:39It's probably after her because she killed the little one, you know.
10:41Yeah, but it moved.
10:43And she turned around.
10:45It probably could just block its line of sight.
10:47Maybe, but let's see.
10:49This way.
10:51Okay, Kim, you stay there.
10:53Watch it. Don't take your eyes off it.
10:55Is it just going to leave me with a scary duck?
10:57We're going to find something we can do to help you.
10:59Come on, let's keep moving.
11:01I'm going to check these doors real quick.
11:03Look over here.
11:05Come on, give me something to use.
11:07A stapler and paint.
11:09Wait a minute. I think I have an idea.
11:11Um, Kim? I found a bucket.
11:19Really? That was your plan?
11:21I don't know. I tried whatever I could, girl.
11:23That was pretty smart, actually.
11:25Wait, really?
11:27It worked!
11:29It's working.
11:31All right.
11:33Just don't mess it up, okay?
11:35Just move slowly.
11:37Follow me. Let's go.
11:39Don't look back. We're okay for right now.
11:41Let's get out of here before more alternates show up.
11:45Okay, okay.
11:47I'm glad there's help needed,
11:49because we need help, too.
11:51Tell me about it.
11:53This place. This looks normal, right?
11:57Oh, maybe we just stay in the normal room.
11:59How do you think they got up there?
12:01I don't know, okay?
12:03But this place is different.
12:05Okay, just let's take a breather.
12:07I was thinking about Casey.
12:09How do you think she's doing?
12:11I understand. Casey's a priority.
12:13We haven't heard from anyone else.
12:15Is the world being weird?
12:17Are we the ones who are...
12:19Let's keep moving.
12:21We have to keep going.
12:23Even if there's scary help symbols everywhere.
12:25Huh? What the...
12:29Half, can you just put that thing on mute?
12:31No, wait. Uh, hello?
12:33Wait, wait, wait!
12:35What if Casey needs help? We can't mute it!
12:37No, we're not going to mute it right now.
12:39It could be somebody else on the phone.
12:41Walkie-talkie, whatever, I can't think.
12:43Oh, a doll!
12:47Geez, I hope these aren't all alternates.
12:49I don't think so. The other one wasn't.
12:51That's weird for sure.
12:53Oh, oh, oh, careful.
12:55There's a thing! There's a Michi!
12:57Michi, alternate!
12:59Oh, no.
13:01Oh, not now, not now!
13:03Walkie-talkie, stop!
13:05I think it definitely heard us.
13:07Oh, lordy!
13:09No choice here.
13:11Just keep moving. Grab the dolls. Let's go.
13:13Come on. Okay.
13:15Okay, let's keep going.
13:21Okay, we got a couple of dolls.
13:23Oh, she's over there.
13:25Careful, careful, careful.
13:27Stop making noises.
13:29Hurry up, she's freaking out!
13:31No. No, no, no. She definitely heard that.
13:35What do we do?
13:37Dolls, do something! Anything!
13:39Go for it!
13:43We did it!
13:45Yeah, take that, monster!
13:47Oh, okay.
13:49I think you actually did it.
13:51That takes care of that. She's gone?
13:53Do you see that back there?
13:55See what?
13:57Wait. We've got
13:59this place we can go to.
14:01I guess we can keep moving.
14:03We gotta find our way out of this McDonald's office thing.
14:05Right. Let's take some of these just in case.
14:07They seem to be pretty helpful.
14:09Just in case, huh? Yep.
14:11Let's see. We got the exit.
14:13Maybe? Exit?
14:17It's not working?
14:19It's locked.
14:21Okay, let me give it a shot. I just did the same thing.
14:23Well, I thought if I did it with a little more
14:25zest at it. Step aside!
14:27Mama's coming through!
14:31You did it!
14:33It did work! You did it!
14:35I'm so proud of you, Kim! You're welcome.
14:37I'm actually glad you thought of that.
14:41Kim! Kim! Watch out!
15:03Kim! No! Kim!
15:05Aph, we gotta go!
15:07No! Kim, please!
15:09KC, hang on!
15:11Oh no!
15:13Where did she go?
15:15What's happening? Kim!
15:17I'm not waiting to find out what's going on, Aphmau.
15:19We gotta go!
15:23I'm sorry!
15:25So we really have just left Kim there?
15:27I mean, what else could we have done, Aph?
15:29We can't really fight those things.
15:31I know, but I just...
15:33I tried to warn her.
15:35That alternate just... They were too strong.
15:37Yeah, I guess all we can do now is keep moving
15:39and try to find the others.
15:41I know, but... Fine, fine. Let's...
15:43Huh? Aphmau?
15:47Can you help me?
15:49KC, come in! Over!
15:51Where are you? Uh, over and out.
15:53I'm at
15:55TV station! Please!
15:57It's dark!
15:59Oh god, please!
16:03Don't worry, KC! We're gonna get you out of there!
16:07Do you think she's really at the TV station?
16:09She sounded like she wasn't sure.
16:11Besides, what is KC, of all people, doing at a TV station?
16:13I don't know,
16:15but we need to find a way to get there.
16:17You're right, you're right. Let's just follow the road.
16:19It must lead somewhere.
16:21Well, as all roads tend to.
16:23I know, I just... Sorry, I'm just...
16:27A gas station.
16:29We gotta get something in there that can help us!
16:31I hope at least something good's on the horizon.
16:35Wait, look!
16:37Oh, wait, let's turn left.
16:39Perfect! Uh-oh.
16:41What was that?
16:43I don't like that noise!
16:45Please, close the door!
16:47Please no, please no!
16:49Not again!
16:51I can't do this again!
16:53It must have followed us!
16:55I don't think so.
16:57Um, but...
16:59Do you think she heard us?
17:01While we're here, we can grab something to eat at least.
17:03Dane, come on!
17:05I mean, it makes sense, but still.
17:07Look, I have been living off prune bars for weeks.
17:09This is refreshing to me.
17:11Okay, alright.
17:13Um, let's see.
17:19Oh no.
17:25Don't get too close.
17:27Oh no.
17:29Go back, go back, go back.
17:33Oh no.
17:35Huh? Okay.
17:39Alright, let's finish collecting supplies and get out of here.
17:45What? What'd you find?
17:47Looks like there's a power station right through the woods that leads to the TV station!
17:49Really? How perfect!
17:51Alright, um...
17:53Now we just have to get past her.
17:57Wait, hang on.
17:59What if we distract her?
18:01And how are we going to do that?
18:03Um, let's see. You just run outside and make a distraction.
18:05You know, maybe use this.
18:07Come on.
18:09Ew, gross!
18:11Great, so you want to use me as bait?
18:13Not as bait!
18:15Look, would you rather be bait or dead, okay?
18:17Fine, bait.
18:19I'm not leaving anyone behind.
18:21Not if I can help it, not like him.
18:23Alright. Wait, wait.
18:25There's an oil truck. Alright, keep it busy.
18:27I have an idea. Okay, I'll follow your plan. Just give me the signal.
18:29Yeah. Alright.
18:31Just, uh, follow my signal. You go first.
18:33Okay, I go. Okay.
18:35Good luck, Zane.
18:37Hey, ugly! Look at me over here!
18:39You've got those freaky arms, well take a look at
18:41my arms waving around!
18:43Okay, just keep going.
18:45Oh, if she notices me!
18:47How do I use this?
18:53Aph, I can't keep it distracted when you make
18:55noises like that!
19:03Oh no. Zane, stand back!
19:09Lighter in!
19:11Got it!
19:13This is revenge for Kim!
19:15Zane! Hurry! Get down, Aph!
19:17No, no!
19:23Did that work?
19:25We really avenged Kim?
19:27I did, I think.
19:29Let's just keep moving before one of those
19:31alternates show up, okay?
19:33Fine by me. Let's go. This way.
19:35Come on, hurry.
19:37Looks like we're not far now.
19:39The power station's just beyond this path.
19:41I hope. But the woods look
19:43different. Hey, uh, yeah, by the way, back
19:45there, how did you know to use the radio?
19:47What? It went off on its own.
19:49I didn't do anything.
19:51That means she responded to it.
19:53Huh. I know.
19:55Interesting. I just wish I had
19:57put the connection together sooner, then maybe Kim would
19:59still be here. There's nothing we can do
20:01now, Aph. We just need to get to KC.
20:03Agreed, but-
20:05What was that? Please no.
20:07Please not again. My little heart can't-
20:09Can't be anything good, that's for sure.
20:11There's a deer?
20:13Oh no.
20:15What do you think you're gonna do about it?
20:17I mean, maybe I can help the deer?
20:19Does it hurt?
20:23Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope.
20:25Stay with my deer.
20:27I don't know what to do.
20:29Kill it! Kill it!
20:31Stupid thing, that was my last arrow.
20:35You're alive! Aphmau?
20:37Oh my gosh. You mean, we're not alone.
20:39Oh, you guys are back! What are you guys doing?
20:41Yeah, apparently not. Just, um,
20:43we're surviving.
20:45Surviving, yeah. Wait a minute, how do we know
20:47you two aren't alternates?
20:49Really, Zane, again? Aph, we can't
20:51be too careful! No, no, no, no, I
20:53get it. We saw the broadcast on TV.
20:55Yeah, when the power went out, we thought
20:57going to the power plant would be the safest bet
20:59to head to. We were hoping we'd find any
21:01survivors there. We're heading there, too.
21:03We think KC's trapped near there.
21:05Makes me think.
21:07Wait, oh, oh, oh,
21:09oh, oh, I don't
21:11like that.
21:13That's a normal deer, but these are...
21:15I'm betting they're not
21:17all friendly, especially after you killed their
21:19family member! Yeah, come on, we should
21:21stick together, especially since our ammo
21:23is out. Yeah, I have an axe.
21:25If they didn't get any closer, I'll get them. Keep going,
21:27I got the rear. Come on, guys.
21:29Just don't leave me alone,
21:31okay? Come on, move faster,
21:33let's go.
21:35Wait, the radio. Hello?
21:37KC? Hello?
21:39What was that? It's our radio.
21:41Uh, KC, we're here.
21:43Keep quiet.
21:45I'm trying, Zane, but I need to talk to KC.
21:47I think something's...
21:49Just hang on, KC,
21:51we're almost there.
21:53They're not happy, KC.
21:55Shh, I heard something. Oh, great.
21:57Go, go, go, go, go. Static must be spooking them.
22:01Go, go, go, everyone up the hill now!
22:03Go! Quick, Zane, come on!
22:05I'm running! Go, go, go!
22:07Let's see if I can get the door open.
22:09The door's locked.
22:11What do I do? Get out of the way, let me see.
22:13I'll hold them off.
22:15That's not how you do it.
22:17What is that thing?
22:21Travis, the door!
22:23Wait a second.
22:25It's still locked.
22:27Guys, guys, over here!
22:29Go, go, come on!
22:31Come on, this way, this way, this way!
22:33Open it up, go, go, go!
22:35Let's go! Go!
22:41What are you doing?
22:43Making sure that thing doesn't get in.
22:47Oh, there she is.
22:53Come on, let's go!
22:55Okay, I think she's gone.
22:57That was the scariest one I've seen yet.
22:59Did you see the way it attacked that deer?
23:01At least we're inside now, okay?
23:03Right, and that means we can get to KC!
23:05Hey, I'm worried too.
23:07But let's not rush him too fast, alright?
23:09Come on, you heard her on the radio!
23:11Something was just outside her door!
23:13Keep your voice down.
23:15We just need to be careful, alright?
23:17Then we need to hurry!
23:19I know.
23:23What's got him so upset?
23:25Something about KC?
23:27We already lost Kim and Pierce.
23:29We can't lose another friend.
23:31Well, let's make sure that that doesn't happen.
23:33Yeah, we need to.
23:39Wait, another help.
23:41Zane, please, let's regroup.
23:43Good, let's keep it that way.
23:47All these scribbles on the wall...
23:49Look at all of them.
23:51Who's counting down tabs?
23:53Maybe someone was trapped?
23:55Maybe someone was trapped?
23:59Wait, guys, look!
24:01What is it?
24:03Looks like some kind of access tunnel.
24:05This is it! If we can get through here, we can get to KC!
24:07But we don't know if KC's there.
24:09Okay, come on!
24:11Are you serious?!
24:13Looks like it isn't powered.
24:15I can see that, Travis!
24:17Zane, please, calm down. Let's work together.
24:19We've made it this far, okay?
24:21Yeah, if we don't all go insane first.
24:23Insanity is perfectly fine!
24:27Look, you do seem a little bit more on edge.
24:29Wouldn't you be if you were in my position?
24:31I am in your position, Zane!
24:33This is my friend too, okay?
24:35Look, I'm trying to help, alright?
24:37No, you're right.
24:39I'm sorry.
24:41It's fine. I get it.
24:43Let's just go to the power station and see what we can do.
24:47Yeah, we're with you.
24:49Maybe it'll power the little doors to open things up.
24:51This place is not up to code.
24:55Just be careful going across.
24:57Alright, let's see.
24:59I haven't looked through there yet.
25:03This place still has power.
25:05Guess it's got a generator.
25:09Hey, Aph, maybe over here?
25:11What is it?
25:13I'm betting the controls are somewhere overlooking the place.
25:15Overlooking the place?
25:21What is it?
25:27Oh boy.
25:29Well, there's four of us.
25:31Let's just attack him.
25:33With what?
25:35Here, you can have the axe.
25:37I'll take the lighter.
25:39A lighter?
25:41How's a lighter going to help?
25:43It's more useful than you'd think.
25:45Yeah, come on. Let's see.
25:47Behind you.
25:49Here we go. And...
25:51Now! Go!
25:55Now what is it?
25:57I don't think it's going to attack us.
25:59Uh, you who?
26:01Or it doesn't care?
26:03So it's not trying to kill us.
26:05Maybe it's just doing its job.
26:11I thought I was going to kill you.
26:13Well, we have a job to do.
26:15Getting that power back on, so...
26:19But nothing's lit up here.
26:23Hey, a battery.
26:25Maybe we gotta put this over...
26:27Oh, this way.
26:29Let's see.
26:31Did that do anything?
26:33Huh? What was that?
26:37Okay, we just need to find that one then.
26:39What the... Oh, that's Pierce's head!
26:41What was that?
26:43Oh my gosh!
26:45What the... Um...
26:47Wait, what? The walkie-talkie?
26:49I see!
26:53Let's just get the battery and get the power back on and see what happens.
26:55Right before that head becomes...
26:57One of ours.
26:59Exactly. Come on, move, now!
27:01The conveyor belt had to drop the battery out somewhere.
27:03Along with Pierce's head.
27:05Let's look around. Just be on your toes.
27:09This place gives me the creeps.
27:11This way. Maybe there's another room.
27:15Ugh, gross!
27:19Hang on. Hang on.
27:21You got it.
27:23Okay, just keep our voices down, okay?
27:25Yeah, yeah.
27:27Hey, wait, look up there!
27:29More of those doll things.
27:31There's a tunnel.
27:33What is that?
27:35Wait, the battery! It's right there!
27:37Ah, that was easy.
27:39Well, who's gonna go down and grab it?
27:41Not it!
27:43Not it!
27:45Thanks, guys.
27:47Hey, you got this!
27:49You know, I know we just found each other, but I believe you.
27:51Thanks, I appreciate that.
27:53Just hurry up, please!
27:55You guys are lucky.
27:57I like to keep a level head as much as possible.
27:59Maybe I can get some dolls to help fight those things.
28:01We're up here watching.
28:03I know, I know.
28:05You see it?
28:11Come on, hurry!
28:15Wait, what's happening?
28:19What is it doing?
28:23Did that thing hatch?
28:25Into what?
28:27Oh, heck no.
28:29What is that thing?
28:31I don't wanna do this anymore.
28:33That was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen.
28:35Okay, I'll take the battery.
28:37Thanks, guys.
28:39Yeah, good idea.
28:41I'm traumatized.
28:43Where do you all think that Pierce thing went to?
28:45I don't know.
28:47There's no time to wander about that.
28:51It's working! It worked!
28:53Yes, I did it! Light!
28:55We did it!
28:57Alright, this is good.
28:59The power's on, that means...
29:03Okay, let's move.
29:05Maybe she's good, just keep an eye out.
29:07Hang on, KC, I'm coming!
29:09Don't worry, we're almost there, KC!
29:11Wait, look out!
29:15Travis, are you okay?
29:17Hang on, hang on!
29:19Come on!
29:21Thank you, Katelyn.
29:23Yeah, of course.
29:41Katelyn, no!
29:43I'm so sorry!
29:45We have to go now!
29:47No, no, no, no!
29:49Travis, come on, hurry!
29:51Katelyn, she's...
29:53I know, it's okay, come on!
29:55We gotta come back before that thing comes back, now!
29:59Travis, we have to go!
30:01We have to go!
30:03Come on!
30:07Get the door, now!
30:09I can't believe it.
30:11I know, Travis, I know, I'm sorry.
30:13Oh, no.
30:15I can't believe it.
30:17She's actually gone!
30:19She was so brave.
30:21You two were together for...
30:23No, no, it wasn't like that.
30:25But I wanted it to be.
30:27I've lost people, too.
30:29We have to get out of here.
30:31I don't want to lose anymore, okay?
30:33Yeah, yeah.
30:35Just keep on our toes, guys, please.
30:37Right, well, which way do we go now?
30:39We're not the only ones who came down here, obviously.
30:41Let's follow the markers this time.
30:43Yeah, I think I can agree with that.
30:45Zane, what do you think?
30:51Please, this is funny, Zane.
30:55No, it's hilarious!
31:01Just look at all these alternates.
31:03All these alternate people.
31:05And all these places.
31:09Zane, we need you to listen to me, okay?
31:13You listen to me!
31:15This is all a dream, isn't it?
31:17Just one bad dream that we'll never wake up from.
31:19He's losing it.
31:21I know he is.
31:23We didn't come this far to give up, okay?
31:29I'll be with you soon!
31:31Zane, please wait!
31:33Oh my gosh.
31:37Oh no, it caved in.
31:39What is going on?
31:41Hang on, let me get over there.
31:43Nothing is happening.
31:45This will take forever to get out.
31:47Oh no, is he dead?
31:49Hey, Aph, it's like you said, right?
31:51We have to keep going.
31:53That's what Caitlyn would have done.
31:55Yeah. Come on, let's go.
31:59We need to get out of this place.
32:01Follow the markers, then?
32:03Yeah. Um, let's move.
32:05This way?
32:07Okay. How many tunnels do you think there are?
32:09I don't know. This way, though.
32:11The arrows are pointing to this door.
32:13Which could be a good thing or a terrible thing.
32:15But it's a supply room.
32:17Okay, but what is this place?
32:19It looks like it's been cleaned out.
32:21But not everything. We do have a crowbar here.
32:23Crowbar? Nice. I guess.
32:25We could use this for defense.
32:27Um, what is this?
32:29What is that? Hairspray?
32:33What, you plan on styling your hair?
32:35No, but I do think I could send the alternates out
32:37and style if I use it correctly.
32:39Come on.
32:41Okay. Keep moving.
32:43Sounds good to me. Right behind you.
32:45Oh man, this place really does go on forever.
32:47Seriously. Wait a minute.
32:49Do you see that?
32:51Yeah, I do. But what's that thing on the ground?
32:53I'm not sure. Let's see.
32:55There's more over here.
32:57I don't like this. Be careful.
32:59I don't like it either.
33:01But we need to keep moving.
33:03There's more of it. Wonderful.
33:07Okay. It looks like jumping across is our only option.
33:09Yep. Looks like it.
33:11Come on. Just go slow, okay?
33:13Or as slow as we can.
33:17Focus. You okay?
33:19It just doesn't
33:21look like normal water.
33:23You'd make a point.
33:27It's alternate water.
33:29Now we have no choice. We just gotta keep moving. Go, go, go.
33:31I'm coming. Just go, go.
33:35Help me. No.
33:37I got you. I got this.
33:41You okay? Okay. I'm coming across.
33:43Go. Let's go.
33:45Watch out for the tentacle. Thank you. Whoa. Look out.
33:47Travis, come on. Come on.
33:49Coming. Go, go, go.
33:51Go in. In.
33:53Oh, we made it.
33:55No. Okay.
33:57We're good. That was terrifying.
33:59This place is the worst.
34:01I'm sick of it. What's next?
34:03The pipes aren't gonna come alive?
34:05No. I hope not.
34:07You're okay, right? Yeah. I'm good.
34:09You good? I'm good.
34:11Let's keep it together, okay? We gotta keep moving.
34:13Okay. Casey might be somewhere nearby.
34:15This way.
34:17Come on. Maybe if we find Casey,
34:19we can find some others.
34:21This place looks like it was hit pretty hard.
34:23Yeah, but a weird spot for the TV station
34:25to be in.
34:27I don't know. Let's just look around.
34:29Maybe there's, like, some camera footage or something.
34:31There's gotta be a clue. Yeah, but wait.
34:33Cameras. I wish we had those.
34:35Um, let's see.
34:37Nothing here. Uh,
34:39where? Hello? Casey?
34:41Nothing. There's just papers
34:43and locked doors. Really?
34:47I can try using the walkie-talkie again.
34:49I mean, if you think it's worth a shot.
34:51It might draw people to us, but still.
34:53Are you sure
34:55we want to do that? We have no choice.
34:57Alright. Hello?
34:59Casey? You there?
35:05Casey, we're in the TV station.
35:07We're in the lobby.
35:09Oh my goodness!
35:11On the top floor!
35:15Top floor. She has to be here.
35:17She's gone. Okay, come on.
35:19There's an elevator right over here.
35:21Wait, wait, wait. I don't trust anything right now.
35:23If something like a spider head
35:25comes after us, at least there's multiple doors
35:27through these stairs, right?
35:29Come on. Let's go this way.
35:31Okay, you're probably right.
35:33Come on. Let's go.
35:35Um, so far so good.
35:37Keep your eyes peeled. I'm watching behind us.
35:39Yeah. Oh!
35:41Okay, don't make him feel for too long.
35:43What are those things?
35:45Those things are so creepy.
35:47But they're not moving.
35:49They're just standing.
35:51I don't like them at all. They're mannequins.
35:53But still.
35:55This place is giving me the creeps.
35:57Oh, come on.
35:59The dolls don't scare me as much, but
36:01just keep moving.
36:03Let's move fast and
36:05keep going.
36:07It's getting worse. Maybe we should
36:09turn back. I don't know.
36:11We've come too far. We can't go back now.
36:15Alright, let's keep going.
36:17I have no choice.
36:19Oh, they're on the wall. How wonderful.
36:21They're on the ceiling now.
36:23The bushes and everything.
36:27We must be getting close to...
36:29Travis, be quiet.
36:31Travis, be quiet.
36:33Let's just get past it.
36:35Oh, it's worse.
36:37Okay, maybe not that way.
36:39Travis, I think we have to use the elevator now.
36:41At least that's not moving.
36:43I can think of a plan.
36:45No, no. Elevator.
36:47Get in. Get in. Get in.
36:49Move. Move.
36:51Close it. Close it. Close it.
36:53Oh, my God.
36:57This is not...
36:59I'm getting tired of this day.
37:01It's actually getting to me, too.
37:03Come on. Let's make it to our floor.
37:05Just be prepared for anything, okay?
37:07Okay, let's just open this up.
37:09It won't open.
37:11Oh, no.
37:13Glad you grabbed that.
37:15Got it. Hello?
37:17Hello, anyone here?
37:19Hello, we're at the top floor.
37:21Wait, Aphmau, there's someone there.
37:23Sir, help us out.
37:25Wait a second.
37:27I think they're dead.
37:29No, he doesn't. He's the guy from broadcast, too.
37:31Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
37:33No, no.
37:35I don't like this.
37:37It looks like the alternate
37:39got him here, too.
37:41This really is the end of the world, isn't it?
37:43No, not yet. Not as long as we're alive.
37:45What are you doing?
37:47We have to use the cameras.
37:49Maybe Kase is still in here somewhere. It's our only chance.
37:51Okay, I guess.
37:53We need to figure this out.
37:55Lobby's there.
37:57The elevator's clear, too.
38:01Let's see.
38:03Nothing in the hallway.
38:05It's just the creepy mannequins.
38:09Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
38:11Oh, God. Oh, God.
38:13She's coming.
38:15What are we going to do, Aphmau?
38:17The only thing that we can do.
38:19We have to send out a broadcast for help.
38:21Oh, man.
38:23I can't believe it. Why isn't Kasey here? It's fine.
38:25We have to broadcast again. Just let people know.
38:27Okay. Do you think we're going to have enough time?
38:29I don't know, but we need to do something, okay?
38:33We need to make this work, and we need to bring people together.
38:35Just get ready to hit record.
38:37Okay, yeah, ready. You good?
38:39Please work, please work, please work.
38:43Kasey? Aphmau, over here!
38:47Wait, don't...
38:57Wait, wait.
38:59Aphmau, look!
39:01Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
39:03Aphmau, help me! Aphmau, it's so dark!
39:05Aphmau! You lured us here, you monster!
39:07Aph, what are we going to do?
39:09I don't know. I have an idea.
39:11I'm going to lure it over here, okay?
39:13What? Come on, come on, come on, this way.
39:15Okay, I see, I see.
39:17That worked.
39:19All right, hit record.
39:21Let's do this!
39:23Help! Please! If anyone can hear us,
39:25we're humans surviving and we're at the radio station.
39:27You're not alone out there. Please, band together
39:29and fight back. Please!
39:31Help! Please!
39:33If anyone can hear us, we're humans surviving
39:35and we're at the radio station.
39:37Please, band together and fight back.
39:51Hmm, have you noticed that snow
39:53kind of looks like vanilla ice cream?
39:57Doesn't taste like ice cream.
39:59I scream, you scream, we all scream
40:01for ice cream.
40:05It worked! Let me try!
40:09Yeah! Step aside, ladies!
40:17Craving something sweet?
40:19Ice cream meows are the perfect treat,
40:21and they come in all sorts of sizes.
40:23Scoop up our new ice cream collection today,
40:25available at stores near you.
40:27Which flavor will you find inside?
40:29Grab yours at Amazon, Walmart, Target,
40:31Meijer, and Smiths in the UK.