• ayer


00:00Stand up and say, we are not Americans, we are Canadians!
00:06Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!
00:19Bring it home! Bring it home!
00:30I love you guys too, and I need you all, the young people here,
00:34I need you to go and study the trades, get an apprenticeship!
01:04He's going to get some taxes!
01:14He's going to build some homes!
01:18He's ready to bring home the Canadian promise!
01:24This morning, little baby Cruz, Cruz here, was actually a fighter pilot.
01:33He had a fighter pilot jacket on, but now he's got a baseball jacket on.
01:38So he understands something that the Liberals perhaps do not.
01:42For three terms, they provided weak and out-of-touch leadership.
01:48Three terms, they drove up costs and crime.
01:52Three terms, they sent our jobs south and pushed our economy under the American thumb.
01:59My little boy understands something the Liberals do not,
02:02which is that in baseball and in politics, it's three strikes and you're out!
02:19They're driving up costs and crime after destroying our economy
02:23and putting us under the thumb of the Americans.
02:26The Liberals are replacing, you've got to give them points for creativity and audacity,
02:32they are replacing Justin Trudeau with his economic advisor and hand-picked successor.
02:39They are the same Liberals with the same ministers, the same MPs, the same advisors, the same policies,
02:51and even today making the same promises that they've been breaking for over ten years.
02:57And who did they choose to break with? To bring in Mr. Carney.
03:02Under the Liberals led by Trudeau or Carney, what we have is out-of-touch, weak leadership.
03:14And for Mr. Carney, someone who will not stand up for our country.
03:19Only six days after Donald Trump threatened tariffs on our country,
03:26Mark Carney decided to move his headquarters out of Canada to the United States, to New York, Trump's hometown.
03:36That's what he did.
03:41He moved billions of dollars out of the country.
03:46He admits, by the way, he is in massive multi-million dollar conflicts of interest,
03:53but he just won't tell us what they are.
03:56He knows all of his investments, but he won't tell you,
04:03even though those interests run against Canada's interests, my friends.
04:08It is time to stop putting the Liberal Party first.
04:11It is time to put Canada first.
04:14If we're fortunate enough to elect Pierre as our Prime Minister,
04:42and we get a majority Conservative government, it's going to be much better for the citizens of Canada.
04:48He'll settle the dispute that we've got with U.S. President Donald Trump.
04:53He's much more of a leader, a negotiator.
04:56He knows what the people need.
04:59He's firm, and he will make Canada first again.
05:05To bring it home. We love his platform.
05:07We believe he's covering everybody's needs.
05:11Number one for me is the safety of our children.
05:13You can have your taxes cut and everything else, and a home to live in,
05:16but if you don't have a safe city, we need jail, not bail.
05:21I think Canada is in need of a change right now.
05:23I think we've been wronged for a very, very long time by the Liberal government,
05:28and as a former Liberal myself, I grew up in a Liberal household,
05:33I believe that the definition of Liberal has changed drastically in the last nine years,
05:38and I'm very confident in what the Conservatives bring to the table in terms of bringing us forward.
