• 4 days ago
When Calls the Heart S12 Episode 12 - Through The Valley


00:00Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:07Oh, my baby.
00:08My last foster family didn't give me permission to go to school.
00:12I know what it's like to not have your parents around.
00:16This curriculum frees students to follow their interests and pursue real life applications
00:21of what they've discovered.
00:22Welcome to Schwarzman, Angela.
00:23But I'm not ready.
00:24Just try it.
00:25Jake buried it right here.
00:26It's on his mouth.
00:27So how come there's nothing in there?
00:31Sonny Garrison, you're under arrest.
00:35We called, and our prayers were answered.
00:39Hey, great catch.
00:42Every year, the arrival of spring feels like a miracle.
00:49This year, more than ever.
00:52As the months pass by, little Jack grows stronger every day.
00:56It's almost like the ordeal of diabetes is behind us.
00:59But I must remember, this is our life now, a life we're blessed to have.
01:09As the school year draws to a close, the students' works are coming to fruition in a wonderful
01:13array of final projects.
01:15And with graduation drawing near, Timmy finally found the courage to confess his feelings
01:19to Emily.
01:20All feels full of life and possibility.
01:23And thanks to his daily dose of insulin, my little Jack has a future as bright as any
01:29Look at me, Mama!
01:30Be careful, you two!
01:31So are you excited to show everybody what you've been working on all year?
01:37That's very sweet, but the children did all the work.
01:40Does Allie feel ready?
01:41Oh, she's been practicing all week.
01:43I can't believe summer is almost here.
01:45I know.
01:46What will we do with all our free time?
01:49I can think of a few things.
01:53Actually, I meant that we all deserve to have some fun.
02:02There's a word I didn't think I'd hear for a while.
02:05I know.
02:06I'm almost afraid to say it, but let's have some fun.
02:11Well, I should get back and finish setting up for the presentations.
02:16What if I walked you back to school?
02:18What about work?
02:19Ah, work will be there.
02:21Where you go, I go.
02:23Now, I can't, or do not wish, to go to print until I have answered all of your questions.
02:52Until I have answered the ultimate question.
02:55Where is the gold?
02:57Well, you may have to accept we may not find it.
03:01We're so close.
03:02And isn't it obvious?
03:03Ernie Martell must have taken the gold and hidden it without the Garrisons knowing.
03:07That's just a theory.
03:09It's the only one we have.
03:10It's the only one that makes sense.
03:12And it is our only connection to his niece, Edie.
03:16Nathan and I already questioned her.
03:18She couldn't give us anything.
03:22Or wouldn't.
03:23Perhaps a different interviewer might get her to remember things she may have forgotten.
03:32You're gonna need a cover story.
03:34I am reporter and editor-in-chief Rosemary Coulter doing a profile piece on Hope Valley's newest law office.
03:43It's not really a law office.
03:45She's actually asked to borrow a desk of mine until she finds a place of her own.
03:49This is perfect.
03:50You wouldn't mind giving us a little privacy this afternoon, huh?
03:54That could be arranged.
03:58Do you mind if I leave early for my final presentation for Mrs. Thornton?
04:02No, not at all.
04:03I'll see you there, actually.
04:04Oh, yeah, that reminds me.
04:06I need you to sign this.
04:08Because of your help exposing McGinty's scheme and taking down the Garrisons, I'm recommending that you graduate with honors.
04:13We'll be sad to see you go.
04:15But I haven't handed in my last exam yet.
04:17Oh, I don't think that's gonna be a problem.
04:19In fact, I just got word on your new post.
04:21Fort McNeil.
04:22It's beautiful.
04:23Fort McNeil?
04:25Anyways, we'll miss you, kid.
04:29Uh, yeah.
04:31Thank you, sir.
04:32Me too.
04:37Tell me, how did you end up here in Hope Valley?
04:40Well, my uncle left his ranch to me when he passed.
04:44Well, that must have been quite a change from life as a big city lawyer.
04:48It certainly had its surprises.
04:51Is this a map of the ranch?
04:56My uncle Ernie drew it.
04:58He used to say the ranch was where wishes came true.
05:01Have they?
05:03I think he just meant all those wonderful summers I spent with him.
05:06Ernie knew how to make things magical.
05:12Um, I think I now am just trying to bring my two lives together.
05:17Branching in law.
05:19I see.
05:25When we first started this experiment, I didn't really know where we were going exactly.
05:30But I learned there are treasures to be found when we leave the classroom
05:34and discover the world with our curiosity and our hearts to guide us.
05:39So I'd like to say congratulations to all of my students
05:43and thank you all so much for coming out to support them.
05:51This is really Allie's project. I just helped with some of the mapping.
05:54He's being modest.
05:56Oliver helped me figure out cattle were causing problems with the fish supply.
06:00But Allie's the one who convinced you to actually do something about it.
06:03You could have done that too.
06:05Not like you. The way you talk circles around the garrisons?
06:12Anyway, I was just glad to help.
06:17So it turns out plants are just like people.
06:20When they hear happy sounds, they do better.
06:23Oh, that's wonderful.
06:25Well done, baby girl.
06:26Thanks, Mama. Thanks, Daddy.
06:28My last ever Hope Valley homework assignment.
06:34Uh, why don't we go see what Cooper's up to?
06:37Nice job, baby girl.
06:39I think Minnie's having a hard time with Angela leaving.
06:42I know.
06:43We saw her tearing up last week.
06:46Graduation can be hard for some parents.
06:49Maybe there's something we can do.
06:51Let's think about it.
06:56Mrs. Thornton.
06:58This is incredible.
06:59Well, thank you, Governor.
07:01I think we need to find a way to get this into public education.
07:04Well, I haven't had any problem convincing other teachers.
07:08It's the administrators who are skeptical, if you'll recall.
07:11Might have some ideas.
07:17I heard those presentations this morning were spectacular.
07:21They really were terrific.
07:23Mine was about insulin.
07:25Oh, and that is a topic you know all about, isn't it?
07:30Can I get a comic, Mama?
07:32Yes, go ahead.
07:35So, what can I get you ladies?
07:38Actually, we wanted to do something special for Angela.
07:42Oh, sweet, dear Angela.
07:44Minnie's going to miss her so.
07:46I know, but we thought it could also be a surprise for Minnie to tell.
07:50Well, it's a bit of a group project.
07:52Get the ladies together.
07:54And a gent?
07:57Well, I have to think of six special things about Angela, things she cares about.
08:01We'll do some research and give everyone their assignments.
08:03Count me in.
08:05And I'll let Molly know as well.
08:07Summer tab?
08:08You got it.
08:10Oh, Elizabeth, I have mail for you.
08:15Oh, Jack, it's a letter from your grandma.
08:18Who is Charlotte Thornton?
08:21Let's see.
08:22Well, resourceful as ever.
08:25It seems she's running a boarding house in Cape Fullerton.
08:28Always full of surprises, isn't she?
08:31Yes, she is.
08:33Now, did you find a comic book that you like?
08:36Captain Billy.
08:38That's a good one, I've read it myself.
08:40And then she goes on and on about how well equipped the hospital is in Cape Fullerton,
08:45with the best doctors and a brand new insulin lab right there in town.
08:49Oh, oh, and doesn't it seem like something you should consider, Elizabeth?
08:53Meaning what exactly?
08:55Meaning now that she's moved to the big city,
08:57I am putting her grandson at risk by not dropping everything to follow her.
09:01Charlotte Thornton is many things, but a big city snob she is not.
09:05Look how she's signed off.
09:10My parenting leaves her concerned.
09:12No, Elizabeth, I don't think she is doubting your parenting.
09:15I think she just wants to make sure that Jack is getting the best care he can.
09:19Which he is!
09:20We set up a clinical trial with shipments directly from Toronto.
09:24I know, and it's working beautifully.
09:26I think you just need to explain that to her.
09:28Well, I don't appreciate having to defend how I'm caring for my son because...
09:35Because what if she's right?
09:38Right about?
09:42What if moving, saying goodbye to our life here,
09:48means that little Jack gets the best doctors and the latest equipment,
09:55and shouldn't I be willing to do that?
10:02Maybe we should talk to Faith and see what she thinks.
10:05I already showed Faith the letter.
10:08And she said that taking little Jack away from his home
10:13and disrupting all of the things that have been working doesn't seem necessary.
10:19But she also acknowledged that things can change.
10:22Well, then, other than Grandma Thornton's concern,
10:29I think we file this letter away as useful information when the time comes.
10:34If the time comes.
10:43Of course.
10:50Uh, her favorite dessert? Strawberry rhubarb pie.
10:53I thought it was ice cream.
10:55Okay, what about Angela's favorite musical instrument?
11:03Mom, what's Angela's favorite dessert?
11:05Strawberry rhubarb pie.
11:07What's this for?
11:08School questionnaire.
11:09Valley Voice.
11:11The school questionnaire for the Valley Voice's secret article.
11:16It's a surprise.
11:20Have you two done your questionnaires?
11:22My question what now?
11:24Ow, why'd you kick me?
11:26Uh, we're gonna go out and play.
11:28We just played.
11:31Anyway, I think we have all we need for this not yet fully distributed sort of secret school questionnaire for the Valley Voice.
11:57So, any luck finding new clients?
12:02Client? Singular? You have to start somewhere.
12:07I have run out of allies in Capital City.
12:12And there happens to be the finest lawyer living right under this roof.
12:17Care to join my sinking ship?
12:20Your Honor, I'd be honored.
12:26May I?
12:27Of course.
12:31I will accept this as payment.
12:36There. I am now officially retained as your principal legal counsel.
12:44Now that our conversations fall under attorney-client privilege, I wonder if I could share something with you.
12:52In confidence.
12:54You have my word.
12:55It's about my Uncle Ernie.
12:58I'm worried he may have been mixed up in something not entirely legal.
13:03Such as harboring stolen coins?
13:08Wild guess.
13:10I think he may have meant for me to find them after he died.
13:14And you'd like my help to find hidden treasure?
13:18So that we can return it to its rightful owner, not to abscond with it.
13:24Although the thought of living on the lam with a pot of gold does sound...
13:34In the name of righting a wrong, I am at your service, Miss Marteau.
13:49Now I won't say that it was a breakthrough per se, but I did notice when I interviewed the good niece Edie, something sparked her memory.
13:57What was that?
13:58It was a look on her face, a flash of a memory, a whiff of... guilt?
14:04It's not exactly evidence.
14:05Well, it's intuition.
14:06Make some room here.
14:09I sensed it around the time that Edie said that Ernie told her, the ranch is where wishes come true.
14:16I mean, surely he didn't mean a one-room cabin with a view of a dusty cattle pasture.
14:20Now Ernie, if he looks out that window of the cabin, he can see about half a mile in that direction.
14:26That's the old north road. That's where the Garrisons thought that they'd find the gold.
14:30Exactly, which is where I believe they buried it. Now, Ernie could have seen Jake's lantern that night.
14:36Well, this was your theory all along.
14:38Now, if I'm Ernie, I see that lantern, I might quietly sneak up on them.
14:42He would have seen the gold, he would have heard the entire plan.
14:44And if he's smart, he waits till they're gone, digs it up and buries it somewhere else.
14:48So the question is, where is that somewhere else?
14:52Not too bad there's not an X marked on this treasure map.
14:55Unfortunately, this silly map has taken some liberties with scale. I mean, the wishing well is bigger than the cabin.
15:01Didn't Edie say how the ranch was where dreams come true?
15:06She did.
15:07No, no, no, no, no. She said it's where wishes come true.
15:12Wishing well.
15:22I think we just found our gold.
15:30Come in.
15:34Pembroke Falls. It's an easy hike, there's a nice pool with no swimming in it.
15:39Is this what you're thinking about on rounds?
15:42Among other things.
15:46How's little Jack doing?
15:48How's little Jack doing?
15:50Worn out from his presentation, he went right to bed.
15:54Wait, I thought the school was over.
15:55No, these are final grades.
15:57I finally have evidence that my curriculum has been effective.
16:01Everyone improved over the year, except for poor Oliver.
16:05Why, what happened?
16:06I don't know. He was doing so well until his final exam and then it's like he regressed back to the beginning of the year.
16:13This is what happened on his latest report.
16:15What do you think's going on?
16:17I think it's pretty obvious what's going on.
16:20He's torturing his career so he can stay around here and moon after Allie.
16:23I'd say that's a pretty big leap.
16:26You know, there aren't many things that a young man will put his life on hold for, but following a girl, that's one of them.
16:34I don't have the heart to tell him that the feeling is not mutual, though.
16:38Well, what is your evidence, Constable?
16:42You saw her with Wyatt. She doesn't look at Oliver like that.
16:46They're friends, which is better than having a crush on a boy who doesn't appreciate her.
16:53But you're right. Oliver shouldn't be putting his life on hold for anybody.
17:02Nobody should.
17:05You okay?
17:07You seem like-
17:08It's just graduation.
17:10I think it's hitting me harder this year for some reason.
17:13How fast time goes and how much things can change in a year.
17:20Come here.
17:24Just come here. Give me your hands.
17:26I used to do this with Allie when she was younger.
17:30Breathe in.
17:34Breathe out.
17:38I breathe.
17:40You breathe.
17:43One breath.
17:46One heartbeat.
17:54I love you.
17:58It's you.
18:00You're what I think about on rounds.
18:05You're what I think about all the time.
18:08Tonight I-
18:10I rode up the West Ridge and I looked out over the valley at sunset.
18:15And this grateful calm just came over me.
18:20Because no matter what happens, this land will always be here.
18:26And our life will always be here together.
18:30In Hope Valley.
18:37In Hope Valley.
18:55Hi, Oliver.
18:58Hi, Mrs. Thornton.
18:59I wanted to give you your final exam.
19:04Oh, I-
19:07You weren't expecting to pass?
19:09I didn't think I did very well.
19:11Maybe because you were trying to fail.
19:14Both this test and your Mountie exam.
19:17Why don't you tell me what's going on?
19:19I do want to be a Mountie, but I was just starting to feel normal and-
19:28I never got to be a kid.
19:33Everyone deserves a chance to be a kid.
19:37And it's okay if you want to take some time before heading out into the world.
19:42I can't believe I ruined my Mountie test too.
19:44I bet if we put our heads together with Constable Grant we can find a solution here.
19:48You think?
19:49A childhood is-
19:51It's a precious thing.
19:53And you're wise to treasure it.
19:56When I thought that little Jack might never have a chance to-
19:59Run around or be silly or play baseball with his friends.
20:05It was just about the most heartbreaking thing I could think of.
20:09I'm really glad he can.
20:11You can too.
20:14You want to know a secret?
20:17Even when you are a boring grown-up like me, you can still play and be silly.
20:23So, Oliver,
20:30You're it.
20:42Ernie always used to say when I came back that the ranch would provide if I just knew where to look.
20:48So, where to look?
20:50There's not much, is there?
20:55I don't suppose this counts as treasure?
20:58Uncle Ernie used to put his pennies in there when he came home.
21:02In the summer, every morning, I would take one and drop it in the wishing well.
21:07He used to say that there were water pixies that lived in the well.
21:11Is that a-
21:16A double eagle coin.
21:19Are there any more?
21:21No, I think it's just the one.
21:24In a jar for the wishing well?
21:27I don't think so.
21:29I don't think so either.
21:31I don't think so either.
21:33I don't think so either.
21:35I don't think so either.
21:37I don't think so either.
21:38In a jar for the wishing well?
21:42Was it a message?
21:44I mean, it doesn't seem accidental.
21:48Where's this well?
21:53This was it.
21:57At least you didn't fill it with concrete.
21:59Well, look who we have here.
22:02Seems like we have company.
22:04This isn't what it looks like.
22:05Well, it seems pretty clear to me that you figured out the clues,
22:09and Miss Martell decided to withhold it from an official investigation.
22:12It's not an official investigation.
22:14Well, not yet.
22:16We're not trying to steal anything. We're simply trying to find the gold.
22:18So that we can return it to its rightful owners.
22:22Then we all want the same thing.
22:29Put your back into it, Bill.
22:34Don't worry, Rosemary. We got it.
22:41Oh my!
22:43It actually worked.
22:45Let's find out.
22:54Let's get this back to the jail.
22:56I have some tools to pick the lock.
22:58Give me a hand.
23:00Right there.
23:02So I know how we got there.
23:05But how did the three of you figure this out?
23:07Well, the clue was hidden in plain sight.
23:11Treasure map. I'm a trained law enforcement officer, and we used a literal treasure map.
23:16Got it.
23:22After you.
23:34Oh, Ernie.
23:36He was just as much a thief as the Garrisons.
23:38Well, we don't know what happened.
23:40You know you get a finder's fee once we turn this in?
23:43You could use that to pay back whatever your uncle might have borrowed.
23:49Wait a minute.
23:52This map...
23:54Do you have any matches?
24:03A secret message?
24:06Invisible ink.
24:08Lemon juice.
24:12Of course. It's a treasure map with a secret message.
24:15Ernie used to leave these for me all the time. I never even thought to check here.
24:18Well, what does it say?
24:22It's for me.
24:24It's the story of how he found the gold.
24:26He saw the lanterns and then stumbled on Jake Garrison and his gang.
24:29He dug up the gold and he reburied it at the well.
24:32He used it to keep the ranch and put me through law school because...
24:39Because of all...
24:44Because of all the Martells, dearest Edie, you are the brightest with the biggest heart.
24:50I count on you to use this to do great good in the world.
24:54Love you forever, Ernie.
24:56Love you forever, Ernie.
25:01It's quite a bequest.
25:18What's all this?
25:20We know you're going through a lot.
25:22We've been there.
25:23We wanted Angela to have something special while she's away at college.
25:26So you'll know that she's taken care of.
25:29Something to keep her warm and remind her of home.
25:36We each made our own panels.
25:38From Angela's answers.
25:45The questionnaire.
25:48There are different textures so she can feel the patterns.
25:52This one says, Hope Valley in embroidered braille.
25:56I made it.
25:58It's Angela's story.
26:04I've been trying not to think about it.
26:08But I just can't believe my baby's leaving.
26:12You were there for me.
26:14And we are all here for you.
26:22All of you.
26:29Angela's gonna love it.
26:32And I love it.
26:37And I love you all.
26:39I love you.
26:48Angela Canfield.
26:50Timothy Lawson.
26:52Emily Montgomery.
26:54I can still remember your sweet little faces looking up at me when I was a new and nervous teacher.
27:00In fact, one of you was even here when we held school in this very saloon.
27:06Well, no matter where your futures take you, just remember, you will always have friends here to come home to.
27:14Congratulations to you all.
27:36There you go.
27:38I think it's time.
27:42Right, yes, time.
27:44Michael, where is that lovely wife of yours?
27:48What is going on?
27:51Your guess is as good as mine.
27:53May, Mike, I will never be able to put into words just how much I appreciated you giving up your second honeymoon for little Jack.
28:02We all put in to help pay for your third honeymoon.
28:07Golly, and then some.
28:10I don't know what to say.
28:12How about we're going to Miami?
28:15We're going to Miami!
28:22I had a little chat with Mrs. Thornton.
28:25Oh, I, uh, let me let you in on a little secret.
28:27Yeah, Mountie, too.
28:29Another Mountie.
28:31When you tell people what's wrong, they can help you.
28:35I really am grateful for everything you've taught me, sir.
28:40I'd like to think that I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
28:43So if it's okay with you, um, turns out I need a deputy.
28:49Comes with the promotion, I guess.
28:51That would mean you have to stick around here, though, for another year.
28:54Are you interested?
28:55I'd be eligible.
28:57Well, depends on how you're doing your final test.
28:59Do you want to take it again?
29:04Come on, let's dance.
29:15You know how we said it wasn't mutual?
29:20I'm not so sure about that.
29:26Constable, Governor, Mrs. Thornton.
29:31Thank you very much, Governor.
29:33But now that it's summer holiday, maybe we can drop the formalities.
29:36Well, they may be on holiday.
29:38You, however, will need to get ready to present your curriculum for the education conference next month.
29:47Lucas, that's...
29:49That's incredible! How did you...
29:51Well, shockingly, I suppose I still have some influence.
29:54It's over three days in July, and you should all come.
29:57Because I know if a room full of teachers sees what I saw yesterday,
30:01those administrators will have no choice but to support you.
30:06Thank you so much.
30:08Can I think about it and get back to you?
30:11Of course.
30:13You really should do it.
30:16What's there to think about?
30:18I'm just not sure.
30:19Not sure.
30:21With little Jack, I just...
30:23I don't know if I should be away for three days.
30:25Well, I can handle him for a few days.
30:27And I think if we've learned anything in this whole ordeal is that you can...
30:32You can lean on me a bit more.
30:34In fact, why don't you start by leaning on me in the dance floor?
30:39Where you go, I go.
30:58I'm afraid our games table is booked for the evening.
31:01I can see that.
31:03Rain check, I suppose.
31:05As a matter of fact, I...
31:10I think it would be a shame to miss the fun,
31:12and I'm wondering if perhaps you'd consider a dance.
31:17I don't know.
31:19Tests the limit of attorney-client privilege.
31:24Well, you could always just fire me.
31:27You're fired.
31:29At least for the duration of the dance.
31:31My, my.
31:45There you go.
31:47Thank you, sir.
31:49You're welcome.
31:52Congratulations on Angela.
31:55You and Minnie did a great job.
31:57Thank you, my friend.
31:59It means a lot.
32:04I made this for you.
32:07I hope I did okay with Braille.
32:11A world without Angela.
32:12A world without Angela.
32:14It's a poem about everything I'll miss.
32:19Because I'm going to miss you.
32:21A lot.
32:27You'll come visit?
32:29Will you write me once a week and tell me everything?
32:32Once a day.
32:34And you're going to be sick of my letters.
32:38All right, let's dance.
32:42Let's go.
32:58Oh, I love this song.
33:00I was hoping you would say that.
33:02Oh, shit.
33:04Oh, I'm coming.
33:06I'm coming.
33:11Let's go.
33:27Keep dancing.
33:34Keep dancing.
33:40It's called Pembroke Falls.
33:42My Auntie Nathan said it's just a short hike away,
33:45and then there's a great big swimming hole.
33:47What do you think about that?
34:07Wake up.
34:09Wake up! Wake up!
34:11Help! Help!
34:14Jack! Jack!
34:22I checked with the lab in Buxton.
34:24They've been getting calls over the last few hours
34:26from patients experiencing symptoms.
34:28What does that mean?
34:30Is the insulin not working?
34:31They think this week's supply
34:33wasn't properly refrigerated in transit.
34:35So it seems that the injections Jack's received
34:38over the past day or so haven't been effective.
34:40What do we do?
34:42They're rushing another shipment from Toronto,
34:44and we've been calling around trying to find
34:46an emergency supply that might get here sooner.
34:48Cape Fullerton.
34:49The new insulin lab?
34:51We'll try there.
34:56Unless we should just be going tonight.
34:58That might be your best option.
34:59Best option for tonight?
35:01Or for the future?
35:06I want to tell you that there is nothing
35:08we can't do for little Jack here.
35:11But after you showed me that letter from Charlotte,
35:13I called this new lab.
35:15And the truth is,
35:17they just have things we don't have yet.
35:19Like blood glucose testing,
35:21which would have told us there was a problem.
35:23And now that we know how crucial refrigeration is
35:25for Jack's condition,
35:26maybe, for now,
35:28it is best for you to be closer to a lab.
35:31If you can.
35:35If it was Lily, would you go?
35:37I would.
35:43I will check on the train schedule,
35:45and I will get you to the station.
35:49And I'll call ahead to let them know you're coming.
35:54And I'll call ahead to let them know you're coming.
35:59He's going to be okay.
36:13We are going on an adventure
36:15to Cape Fullerton tonight
36:17so you can feel better right away.
36:19And then are we staying there?
36:21We'll see.
36:22Just for some time.
36:24Okay, Mama.
36:29I have to tell Nathan.
36:31He's on rounds.
36:33I will find him.
36:53I brought you some food for the trip.
36:55Thank you, Minnie.
36:58The men are out looking for Nathan.
37:00They'll find him.
37:03I thought we'd be okay.
37:06But I could trust this medicine.
37:11It's never really over, is it?
37:14The miracle isn't that simple.
37:16It's the journey.
37:18It's the journey.
37:20It's the journey.
37:22It's that someday it all goes away.
37:26The miracle is that you learn you can handle it.
37:30I never thought Angela's life
37:32would look like other girls.
37:35But she is soaring.
37:38And so will Lil' Jack.
37:40I'm sure of it.
37:43It's just...
37:47He already lost his father, you know?
37:49And I know there's no answer.
37:54But I just keep thinking, why?
37:57Why, God, did you give me your hardest battles?
38:03It's because you are his strongest soldier?
38:10I don't want to be.
38:12You can carry more than you can carry.
38:15I don't want to be.
38:16You can carry more than you think.
38:19And you will.
38:21For him.
38:28That's the taxi.
38:31We'll be here for you.
38:37Thank you, Minnie.
38:47No Nathan?
38:50Would you give him this for me, please?
38:52Yes, of course.
38:54Honey bear.
38:56Honey bear, it's time to wake up.
38:58Time to go.
39:00Who's coming?
39:02Just you and me tonight.
39:04Let's go.
39:32Dear Nathan,
39:34I'm so sorry to leave like this,
39:36without seeing you,
39:38without saying goodbye.
39:40I'm sure you'll hear the whole story,
39:42and I'll call as soon as we're settled in Cape Fullerton.
40:09I don't know how long we'll be gone,
40:11but I could never ask you to uproot your life in alleys.
40:14Not like this.
40:25Hey, where is she?
40:27You just missed her.
40:29Mrs. Coulter said to give you this.
40:38My brave little boy.
40:49Sir, can you please stop the taxi?
41:04Family sticks together, right?
41:06Oh, Allie.
41:08But how can you...
41:10We'll figure it out.
41:14Take us to the station.
41:16Let go.
41:24I know everything seems uncertain tonight,
41:27but no matter what,
41:29somehow we will return to Hope Valley.
41:46Hope Valley
41:48Hope Valley
41:50Hope Valley
41:52Hope Valley
41:54Hope Valley
41:56Hope Valley
41:58Hope Valley
42:00Hope Valley