• 2 days ago
When Calls the Heart S12 Episode 10 - Having Faith


00:01Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:03I go on one little stakeout,
00:05and you find more trouble than the jail sees in a year.
00:10Diane DeMarco loves trouble.
00:12The path is permanently blocked.
00:14We can't leave.
00:16If I didn't know anything, we...
00:17Hopefully we'll do better on this case.
00:19I think we're off to a pretty good start.
00:21Your uncle was in possession of some gold coins.
00:23Oh, Ernie, what have you gotten us into now?
00:26I will be signing an executive order.
00:28You're declaring war.
00:31And that's when Algie the Great says,
00:34Algebra Zam, reveal your true identity.
00:38So, solving for X, the answer is...
00:45That is really coming along.
00:47We were thinking, for our final project,
00:49we could do a whole series on books,
00:51like a comic book version of Great Expectations.
00:55Or Macbeth, with lots of blood.
00:58Have you given any thought to how this project
01:00might make a difference in your community?
01:02Uh, maybe it can help kids learn tricky subjects
01:05in a more fun way?
01:07And it makes adults less suspicious of comics.
01:10Okay. Keep going.
01:13Now, who is next?
01:16Let's see.
01:19Would you like to share what you've been working on?
01:21I don't really have anything yet.
01:23Oh, well, that's okay.
01:24It's lunchtime anyway.
01:25Everyone, enjoy!
01:29Emily, would you stay for a minute so we can talk?
01:40Is it time for school, Mama?
01:44Oh, my goodness, honey bear.
01:46Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air?
01:49Hey, Algie, want to go play baseball?
01:52I'm so sorry, Mrs. Thornton.
01:54I did have ideas, but none of them seemed right.
01:57Well, let's think.
01:58You've been busy this year
02:00with Mr. Gowen's hazelnut business.
02:03But that's a business.
02:05I don't see how that affects the community
02:07besides giving them nuts to eat.
02:09How about we meet at the orchard after school?
02:11I'm sure if we put our heads together,
02:13we can come up with something.
02:16Still okay for lunch?
02:22So how was your morning?
02:24Oh, it was pretty good.
02:26Actually, I got some interesting news.
02:29Apparently, I've been promoted to chief constable.
02:33Nathan Grant!
02:35It's more of a change in title than anything, really.
02:39That is so cool.
02:41It's more of a change in title than anything, really.
02:44That is amazing, and quite the recognition
02:47after all your daring do with the garrison.
02:49Honestly, I'm surprised Hargraves approved it.
02:52How was your morning?
02:53It was good.
02:55The children are doing amazing work on their final projects.
02:57Although I'm a bit concerned.
02:59Little Jack fell asleep in class today.
03:01You think he's coming down with something?
03:03He wasn't warm.
03:05I suspect he's staying up late reading comic books.
03:08Well, I was going to ask him
03:10if he wanted to go for a pony ride on Saturday.
03:12Get away from those comic books, get some fresh air.
03:14I think he'd love that. I'll ask him.
03:17Tell me more about your promotion.
03:25Morning, Governor.
03:27I see you got the summons.
03:32Illegal abuse of office, profiteering, and fraud.
03:37I'm being sued for creating a park.
03:39I know. It's ridiculous.
03:42So you had nothing to do with this?
03:44I no longer represent Arthur Jeremiah McKinty.
03:48You finally cut yourself loose?
03:51Well done.
03:53What about your loan?
03:55He's just letting it go?
03:57I have three days to satisfy my debt, or the ranch is his.
04:02Edie, I don't...
04:03Please, it's not your concern.
04:06I'll find a way.
04:10We just need to figure out how to keep this from blowing up.
04:15He's already blown it up.
04:18The question is, how do we respond?
04:34Bill! Bill!
04:36We have so much to discuss.
04:39Two garrisons in prison, both under interrogation.
04:42The Valley Voice is standing by and ready to share.
04:44Yeah, well, I...
04:45Of course, the question on everybody's mind, where is the gold?
04:48Well, ain't that just a question?
05:05Inspector Georgia McGill, Financial Crimes.
05:08Bill calls me Georgie.
05:10Oh, I have heard so much about you.
05:13Apparently, you and Bill have quite the history.
05:16Not to mention, trapping Sonny Garrison by pulling out that coin during the interrogation.
05:21Brilliant maneuver.
05:23And you are?
05:24Rosemary Coulter, Valley Voice.
05:26Oh, a journalist.
05:28Who knows classified information about an open investigation?
05:31Well, not full detail, just...
05:33He was very withholding.
05:35We appreciate that, love, but this is police business.
05:37Protocol, Bill.
05:41Bill, I swear, if you are doing this to me again,
05:44shutting me out by trying to protect me,
05:46just when a story is starting to get good...
05:48It's not like that at all.
05:50Now, you'll know what I know when I know it.
05:54All right.
05:55Remember, we're a team.
06:02Oh, Rosemary.
06:03This is police business.
06:05Sorry, gotta go.
06:10Take a look at this.
06:13They're suing you over a park.
06:16Well, we knew McGinty was against shared land use,
06:19but I didn't think the ranchers were gonna go this far.
06:21He's got his hooks in them.
06:23I'm assuming this is one of Miss Martell's brilliant ideas.
06:26She no longer works for McGinty.
06:28So, she finally chose a side. Good for her.
06:30And she's gonna pay the price for it.
06:32So I'm going up there.
06:33Heck, yeah, you are.
06:34Hold on.
06:35There's no point in making this worse.
06:37I'm not gonna take this lying down.
06:39And then, at least, let me go with you.
06:41Keep things civil.
06:42That's a good idea.
06:52And we're making hazelnut cookies,
06:54hazelnut butter, hazelnut brittle.
06:56That's a new one.
06:57Mm, sounds delicious.
06:59Does it bring your teacher to work day?
07:02We are looking for ideas for Emily's final project.
07:05She's got plenty of ideas inside us there.
07:08It's gonna make sure that we have a real surplus next year.
07:10I put it on the roots of the trees.
07:12It protects them over the winter.
07:14We had an early frost this year.
07:16Could have lost a lot of the saplings,
07:18but we're looking real good now.
07:20Well, that was a very clever idea.
07:22I read about it in Agricultural Business Magazine.
07:25Where did you get all of it?
07:27From Mr. Coulter.
07:28He was happy to give it away.
07:29He says he's just dumping it.
07:31So you are helping Mr. Coulter avoid polluting
07:33and finding a use for the waste.
07:36Yeah, and she's helping us with our trees, too.
07:39That sounds like a project that's making a difference in your community.
07:42I guess it does, but how do I connect that to math and history and literature?
07:47Let's see what you come up with.
07:49Okay, I will.
07:52This could be good.
07:58She's a bright girl.
08:00She has an excellent mentor.
08:02I think you meant teacher.
08:09And a smidge of nutmeg.
08:11What is a smidge?
08:13A little more than a pinch.
08:15What are you making?
08:16Butter charts.
08:17Or torts, from the Hickam family cookbook.
08:19Us Hickams are really better known for our cooking than our handwriting.
08:23Any chance that says walnuts, and any chance you have some dispairment?
08:26Joseph doesn't care for them, so I don't keep them around.
08:33But that's delicious, even without the nuts.
08:36It is just butter, sugar, and flours.
08:38It's hard to mess that up.
08:39I thought it reminded me of something.
08:44My grandmother's mooncake recipe.
08:46It's basically the same ingredients,
08:48only with lotus paste and almonds instead of walnuts.
08:53She'd make it every fall for the harvest festival.
08:55So why don't you make both?
08:57Mooncakes and butter torts? Or tarts?
09:00Are we mixing our traditions into one tradition?
09:03Our own fall welcome dinner.
09:06Sounds wonderful. Count us in.
09:09What sounds so wonderful?
09:11Mike and May are making mooncakes and butter tarts as part of our harvest celebration.
09:15Yeah, it's more of a little dinner.
09:17Oh, I can make moon spell cookies.
09:19They're from Samhain, the Gaelic harvest festival. Let me know when it is.
09:22Well, maybe Joseph and I can think of something to make.
09:27Are we throwing a harvest festival?
09:29I was hoping for something a little more private.
09:31We haven't had a lot of alone time lately.
09:34Well, you know, my family used to throw a togetherness meal the night before the festival.
09:39Maybe we can do that instead.
09:41Just the two of us?
09:42That sounds wonderful.
09:44And then we can get the nuts from the mercantile and anything else we need.
09:48Oh, dear. Can you read that?
09:53No, sorry. Raisins.
10:04Oh, there.
10:08Mr. McGinty.
10:09Constable. Governor.
10:13To what do I owe the pleasure?
10:15I think we both know.
10:17You haven't come all this way about a lawsuit.
10:20From what I hear, the governor spent plenty of time on the wrong side of the law.
10:25I wouldn't take it upon yourself to preach to me about the law, A.J.
10:29I know what you did to those ranchers.
10:31And now you think you can just outright steal Miss Martel's ranch.
10:35She reneged on her contract.
10:37A contract negotiated in bad faith.
10:40Constable, I'd like a restraining order against Governor Bouchard and Edie Martel.
10:46On what grounds?
10:47Neither the governor nor Miss Martel are to set foot on the Martel ranch after I reclaimed it.
10:55What do you have against him?
10:56Easy, easy, easy. He's not worth it.
10:59Thank you, constable.
11:01I was shaking in my boots.
11:04The very boots your daughter mysteriously recognized.
11:09What are you talking about?
11:10Your daughter has a habit of poking into places she doesn't belong.
11:14Trespassing comes with a hefty fine.
11:17Trespassing? Allie, Allie wouldn't trespass.
11:20Oh, yeah? What about all those maps her and her boyfriend made showing all sorts of details of my private property?
11:29I believe $25 to be paid to the injured party.
11:33Leave Allie alone.
11:36You want to add attempted assault to the family charges?
11:44I take cash or a check.
11:48I'll expect it within the week.
11:54Get off my land.
12:06So it's true. You knowingly went on his land.
12:09We were doing research. We needed to test the stream.
12:13Wait, we?
12:14Oliver didn't want to do it. It was all my idea.
12:18Good, at least one of you had some sense.
12:21Allie, I know that you thought that this was okay and that nobody would see, but this McGinty, he can cause a lot of trouble.
12:31I'm so sorry, Dad.
12:34I'll pay the fine. I'll make it right. I promise.
12:40Allie, I didn't...
12:50Oh, I'm afraid we don't have any lotus paste, and we're all out of walnuts and almonds.
12:55We could special order them, but it might be a few weeks.
12:58What are you making?
13:00It's a dessert served at the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival.
13:03We're starting our own fall tradition. Just us, though.
13:07And, well, I was going to make butter tarts, torts. We're having trouble reading the recipe.
13:12I thought Molly said you were organizing a harvest festival.
13:16She did?
13:17She said everyone should make their favorite fall treat.
13:20Minnie sent me to get ingredients. She has several ideas she'd like to try out.
13:23So where's the big event?
13:25No, it's really more of a small dinner.
13:27Yes, a togetherness meal, like maybe just the two of us together. It's nothing special.
13:33You know, Hope Valley has plenty of hazelnuts.
13:36Oh, that might work for mooncakes.
13:38Oh, well, maybe I could put the hazelnuts in my butter tarts, or torts.
13:42And I think I could use hazelnuts in our recipes as well.
13:48We could have a whole hazelnut harvest festival togetherness meal.
13:54What do you say?
13:55In the spirit of togetherness.
13:57Amen to this.
13:59I will put up some flyers around town. We'll tell everyone to make a family recipe.
14:04We've got to get to thinking.
14:11Now, Auntie Nathan thought you two could go riding this Saturday morning. What do you think?
14:17Well, that didn't sound very convincing.
14:19What's going on, honey bear?
14:21Cooper and Toby said I could play baseball with them Saturday.
14:24And I'm not sure I want to go riding.
14:27Well, you can play baseball if you'd rather do that.
14:30I don't want to hurt Auntie Nathan's feelings.
14:35I think you are a very sweet little boy.
14:38But you don't have to do things just to make someone else happy.
14:41Can I have a cookie instead of these apples?
14:45Sometimes you have to do things to make your mother happy.
14:48Sometimes you have to do things to make your mother happy.
14:50And eating healthy snacks is one of them.
14:55Emily, your book arrived this afternoon.
14:57Rush order. Must be important.
14:59It's a book on the uses of sawdust.
15:01It's for my school project.
15:03You can do all kinds of stuff with it and people just throw it away.
15:06You know, Elizabeth said you have a real mind for business.
15:10Bet you could turn that into a career, eh?
15:12Who needs college?
15:14What do you mean?
15:16Well, all the applications went out yesterday.
15:19Angela was in here just under the wire for Schwarzman School.
15:23Oh, right.
15:26Of course.
15:32I've just come from Granville Prison.
15:35Sonny is very willing to make a deal.
15:37And he was very forthcoming.
15:39Especially about your involvement in the 1907 robbery.
15:43My what?
15:44I didn't do anything. I was only the lookout.
15:50You just confessed to being an accessory to a crime.
15:53And that's the same thing as doing the crime.
15:56Dang it.
15:58You tell us where that gold is and I might be able to make this easier on you.
16:02I wish I knew. I just had the map.
16:05Jake slipped it to me in prison and told me to keep it safe until he got out.
16:09But then he died.
16:10What did Ernie Martell have to do with this?
16:13If you had the map, why wait all these years?
16:16It wasn't like that.
16:18The night of the robbery, Jake blindfolded us and we went out into the woods with a lantern.
16:23Dug a hole and buried the gold.
16:25Only Jake knew the way there.
16:27He didn't trust his own brothers with it.
16:29Would you?
16:32Man, I can't believe I'm going to prison and we still don't have the gold.
16:37Come in.
16:41Do you have a minute?
16:42For you, Allie? Of course.
16:47I just wanted to see if it's not too late to change my final project.
16:51What about your wolf project? You've been working on that for months.
16:57I know, but it's causing all these problems for my dad.
17:03It's causing all these problems for my dad and the park and I just want it to go away.
17:11What kind of problems?
17:14I trespassed on Mr. McKinty's land when we, when I did the water tests.
17:21He figured it out when he saw our maps and now I have to pay a fine.
17:28Did you cause any damage or?
17:30No, but I knew I shouldn't have gone there.
17:35Now he's suing the governor and my dad's in trouble and maybe the park will be in trouble too.
17:41Hold on. Aren't the ranchers the ones who are polluting the stream?
17:46Yes, but I did trespass.
17:49And it's important that you take responsibility for that.
17:53I'll tell you what. Let's go talk to your dad together.
17:56We'll find a way to pay the fine.
17:57And let's also talk about Mr. McKinty taking responsibility for what he's doing.
18:02Sound good?
18:06Alright, let's go.
18:11Me? A soloist in the choir?
18:14I couldn't.
18:16But if you're serious, I could.
18:18I have been practicing a little take of Hallelujah.
18:24Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
18:33For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah.
18:41That's it. Thank you. Wonderful. You're in.
18:45Oh my gosh. Just like that?
18:47Well, things move fast here in Hope Valley. There's a lot going on.
18:50There's Ava and there's the Garrisons.
18:53Speaking of the Garrisons, I heard you spoke with that cousin that showed up.
18:57Oh. Sure did.
18:59Did you, by chance, happen to pick up on where the Garrison's hidden stash of gold is located?
19:10Here, come.
19:11That is not helpful.
19:13May I get you a cup of tea?
19:17Make that two teas, please, Mike.
19:19Oh, gladly.
19:21May I just say, thank you so much to the both of you. I will not let you down.
19:26Our next soloist.
19:28Oh, he seems so happy.
19:30Well, it's nice to be included.
19:33I tend to agree.
19:34It is not nice to be excluded.
19:38No, it's not. Is there something you'd like to share? I'm all ears.
19:43Minnie, I'm being boxed out of my own investigation. Bill and this Inspector McGill.
19:48All in the name of police protocol.
19:51Well, if it's protocol, at least you know it's not personal.
19:55Isn't it always?
20:00You said it's your investigation. Anything stopping you from doing it on your own?
20:05No. I guess there isn't.
20:08Minnie, you are a genius. Thank you. Oh, enjoy the tea.
20:17So, tell me about your solo.
20:19Oh, a solo.
20:21Well, I played my cards pretty close to the vest, so I don't think Rosemary picked up on it, but I had been hoping for this opportunity.
20:29I was thinking Hallelujah from Handel's Messiah.
20:35Allie told me about the trespassing charge.
20:39And this is all because of my school assignment.
20:41If I hadn't encouraged her to go out and explore without supervision...
20:45That's not... No, I knew I wasn't supposed to trespass.
21:01I wasn't supposed to trespass.
21:03Yeah, I'm with Allie on this one.
21:07It was me too.
21:11I was there.
21:13Yes, and that's a different matter.
21:17But, but I'm sorry to interrupt. Mr. McGinty's using one small violation to hide a bigger one.
21:24What do you mean?
21:25Our maps showed access to another pasture.
21:28One where the cattle wouldn't have to cross the stream.
21:32Yeah, no, we know that.
21:34But access to that pasture was blocked with fallen trees.
21:37Well, I can prove those trees didn't fall there.
21:39They were chopped down and moved from someone else's private land.
21:43How do you know?
21:45Because they're ash trees.
21:48Allie, you're a genius.
21:51I missed something.
21:53I think I did too.
21:54Ash trees only grow in one area. Lee Coulter's property.
21:58It's part of my final project.
22:00And you can prove this?
22:02I can.
22:03Oh, and also, the Mouncy Handbook allows trespassing if it's in legitimate pursuit of uncovering a crime. So...
22:22Oh, hi Rosemary. Uh, is Lee in by chance?
22:26He should be back in a few minutes.
22:29You're welcome to come in and wait.
22:36About Georgie.
22:37Last name McGill.
22:3925-year career as a civilian investigator with the Financial Crimes Division.
22:44A record 39 high-profile convictions.
22:47Graduated with the highest honors from the Forensics Academy.
22:52You see, Bill, I can do my own research.
22:54I see.
22:56I wasn't trying to shut you out.
22:57We needed to interrogate Woody.
23:02We didn't get anything we didn't suspect already.
23:04The Garrisons did not know Ernie Martell.
23:07And do we know where the gold is?
23:09Oh, we're still working on it.
23:12Hey, Bill.
23:13Oh, Lee. Uh, have we got a minute?
23:16There's something I need to talk to you about.
23:17Of course.
23:18Well, I have a lot to do, so I will leave you two to talk.
23:28Everything alright?
23:29It's hard to tell.
23:31A.J. McGinty.
23:32You ever done business with him?
23:36Well, I wouldn't trust McGinty with a ten-foot pole.
23:39Far more trouble than he's worth.
23:41It's been brought to my attention that someone is stealing your trees.
23:46And that someone goes by the name of A.J. McGinty.
23:51I'm listening.
23:56Mrs. Thornton?
23:59Are you okay?
24:00Sorry to bother you.
24:01You're no bother. What's the matter?
24:03I missed the deadline to apply for Teacher's College.
24:06I was so distracted I completely forgot.
24:09Oh, dear.
24:10Well, maybe we can contact the school.
24:12They might make an exception.
24:20Why don't you tell me what it is about teaching that excites you?
24:23Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm good with kids.
24:28I think I just wanted to be like you.
24:39Can I tell you something?
24:42This isn't where I was supposed to end up.
24:45My family had a very different plan for me.
24:48And it wasn't easy to follow my heart and take a different path.
24:52But I am so glad that I did.
24:55And your future should be yours to decide.
24:59If I've learned anything this year, it's that you have a mind for business.
25:04You figure things out that no one else sees.
25:07Maybe you could assist some of the local businesses in town.
25:10See how they work and come up with your own ideas.
25:14That sounds interesting.
25:15But changing my mind would be embarrassing.
25:19I don't think following your heart is embarrassing.
25:23I think it's exciting.
25:30Judge Avery.
25:32Thank you for coming.
25:34What are you doing here?
25:35I'm just observing.
25:38You two know each other.
25:39What's this about?
25:42Does this mean anything to you?
25:44Why would it?
25:45It's the branch of an ash tree.
25:48Ash trees.
25:49Lots and lots of ash trees.
25:51All chopped up and stuck in a gully.
25:53Conveniently blocking access to the old pasture.
25:59Why would anyone bother to do that?
26:02You can drag this thing out as long as you like, but the jig is up.
26:06We have proof.
26:07And an eyewitness willing to testify to being blackmailed.
26:11And I think that's enough.
26:12An eyewitness willing to testify to being blackmailed.
26:14And I think those cattlemen will probably believe her,
26:17given that you tried to pull the same thing on them.
26:20Now I personally would love to try this.
26:24You won't touch me.
26:26Because I'll take those kids down with me.
26:29Hey, fellas.
26:30Sorry I'm late.
26:31Late. Perfect timing.
26:33I was just about ready to ask Arthur if he was aware that there's only one place in our valley where ash trees grow.
26:40And that's the private property of Colter Lumber.
26:43Now, Lee, did you by chance sell the logging rights to your land to this man?
26:49Interesting that you would ask, Bill.
26:50Because I don't remember doing any such thing.
26:54Although I'd be happy to if we can come up with a fair price.
26:58Now, Lee, this man stole from you.
27:00You have a right to press charges.
27:04Yes, I do.
27:05But I don't think anybody here wants to get tied up in a bunch of lawsuits.
27:09Or have the Mounties brought in.
27:12So, I think if you three put your heads together and come up with a deal,
27:18I'm sure I'll be good with it.
27:20All right?
27:21Great doing business with you.
27:22Thanks, fellas.
27:28Let me guess.
27:29You want to make the trespassing go away.
27:31Myself, I'd like to see it all go away.
27:35The trespassing, loans, foreclosure, and Martel Ranch.
27:41Then you can just walk away without a worry in the world.
27:48That's a better deal than you deserve.
27:58Hi, everybody.
28:00Hi, everybody.
28:01Welcome to our first ever Hope Valley Hazelnut Harvest Festival.
28:10I would first like to thank the Hickams, Michael and May,
28:13for coming up with such a wonderful idea.
28:16There are many harvest festivals around the world.
28:18There's the Feast of Saint Martin in Bavaria, called Oktoberfest.
28:22There's also the Hindu tradition called Diwali,
28:25which is about the spiritual triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance.
28:31Now, whatever our faith, community and friendship are the food for our souls.
28:38Can I get amen?
28:42Let's eat.
28:43Thank you, Michael.
28:45I know I talked you into this.
28:47I hope it's okay it isn't just the two of us.
28:50I love being here with everyone.
28:52It's just...
28:55I was looking for more of a private moment to give you this, but...
28:59What the heck?
29:07We're going to Niagara Falls.
29:08What do you say?
29:10You want to give our honeymoon a second chance?
29:16I haven't made these in an age.
29:18Try one.
29:19Try one.
29:28Oh, delicious. What are they?
29:30They're called moon spell cookies.
29:33Well, they're working.
29:46You okay?
29:49It's just hard to celebrate when there's so much to worry about.
29:57I want to say that about this whole McGinty situation,
30:02I played my part too.
30:07If I kept my cool when he threatened you, it might not have gone this far.
30:12You defended me?
30:16I knew that your heart was in the right place.
30:19Thanks, Dad.
30:24Hello, everyone.
30:25Hi, Bill.
30:27You are officially in the clear.
30:31All charges have been dropped.
30:38I hope it was more stick than carrot.
30:41Well, the stick did the job.
30:43Thanks to Oliver's evidence, we had him dead to rights.
30:51You see, it might take time, but justice always wins out.
30:57Sometimes it takes a bit of a nudge.
31:01Excuse me. Rosemary.
31:04Inspector McGill.
31:06Call me Georgie.
31:08I hope it's all right that I've come. Bill invited me.
31:10Yes, of course. Welcome, Georgie.
31:13Is this your little girl?
31:15Yes. Yes, this is Goldie, and this is my husband, Lee.
31:20Hello. Oh, she is a cutie.
31:23I just wanted to thank you.
31:26Bill's been telling me how much you helped with the Garrison Gold case.
31:30Oh, he has, has he?
31:33Well, I hope he also told you that everything we did was completely,
31:36he also told you that everything we did was completely,
31:39journalistically, legally, by the book.
31:44Oh, mostly.
31:46And I understand you might have made it into the book.
31:49The DeMarco Maneuver, he's calling it.
31:52Creating a new character out of whole cloth.
31:55My hat is off.
31:57Well, I...
31:59The DeMarco Maneuver, that's what he called it.
32:02I like it.
32:03You know, we would not be where we are now if it wasn't for your help.
32:08Can I quote you on that?
32:10Oh, yes.
32:14Ned, get a seat.
32:20Hey, Jack.
32:22Come here.
32:26I've got something for you.
32:28I hear you like baseball.
32:31This used to belong to me when I was your age.
32:34And I want you to have it.
32:36Thanks, Mountie Nathan!
32:39You're welcome.
32:41I thought we could practice throwing and catching later this...
32:49Look what Mountie Nathan gave to me!
32:53Nice try.
32:54Nice try.
32:56Well, it didn't come with any obligations.
33:01I know it might not feel this way, but the fact that he was willing to run off like that...
33:08just means that he's comfortable with you.
33:12Well, I take it with pride.
33:17Speaking of pride, I really admire what you said to Allie.
33:21It's not easy to take responsibility like that.
33:25And it's very appealing.
33:38It's a lovely town you've got here, Avery.
33:41You put on quite a show.
33:44Who would ever want to leave?
33:47I have a train to catch.
33:48Hargraves wants a debrief.
33:50I'm sure he'd love to hear your take, if you wanted to come with me.
33:58I can't.
34:01You have a life here.
34:03Friends, a partner in crime solving.
34:05Oh, she is a spitfire.
34:09You know, even when we were back in school,
34:13you always treated women with such respect.
34:16It's one of the many reasons why I...
34:21You what?
34:25Why I felt the way I did.
34:30The way I... I do.
34:36Anyway, the case is still open, so chances are I'll be back at some...
35:00Chargey, I...
35:02You too.
35:09Good night, Bill.
35:16Good night.
35:30No wonder.
35:32No wonder you've been acting so odd and trying to push me out.
35:38Well, you're in love with Georgie.
35:41Well, I don't...
35:46Well, maybe you're right, I...
35:48Of course I'm right.
35:50So when do you think you're going to get to see her again, hmm?
35:53Well, I guess it depends on how this case goes.
35:56Well, I guess we're going to have to solve it so you can impress her.
35:58She'll have to come back.
36:00Now, I want to know everything and start at the beginning.
36:03I want to know what Woody said verbatim.
36:05Maybe I can sniff something out that the two of you missed.
36:07You know, impress Georgie, hmm?
36:10What do you think?
36:13Smitten, Bill.
36:14I don't know what to tell you.
36:16This Georgie McGill brings something out in him.
36:19Now, I'm too discreet to speak out of turn.
36:23But I may have witnessed a moment between the two of them.
36:31I'm happy for him.
36:33Oh, look who it is.
36:35Perhaps now you will give me a statement on this McGinty kerfuffle.
36:38Oh, um...
36:40Mrs. Thornton!
36:42It's Little Jack.
36:44What do you mean he disappeared?
36:46Well, uh, we were playing baseball,
36:48and Jack chased after a fly ball when it went into the woods.
36:51And then he was just gone.
36:53Well, we looked everywhere.
36:55Jack doesn't wander.
36:57Show us where you last saw him.
36:59I'll go get help.
37:09Okay, okay.
37:22Jack, where are you?
37:32He's still breathing.
37:34He's still breathing.
37:36We should get him to the infirmary.
37:38It could be dehydration,
37:41but I still want to run some tests to be sure.
37:45Is there anything else you can tell me?
37:48Any unusual behavior?
37:50I mean,
37:52he's been drinking a lot.
37:54Fell asleep in class.
37:56Although, that's not unusual behavior for children his age.
38:07How are you feeling?
38:09I'm hungry.
38:11Can we go home and have dinner?
38:13He's always hungry.
38:17I'm sorry I got lost.
38:20You don't have to be sorry, honey bear.
38:26Here is some aspirin.
38:28Thank you, Mae.
38:30So, Jack,
38:32since you're feeling much better,
38:34I'd say there's no sense in keeping that appetite waiting.
38:38Get your shoes on.
38:44where was he when you found him?
38:46He was in the woods.
38:48Your kid said he was chasing after a fly ball.
38:50Looks like he collapsed.
38:55Elizabeth, I should have the test results late tonight.
38:58I'll let you know right away.
39:00Thank you so much.
39:02Of course.
39:04Say thank you.
39:12You think it's dehydration?
39:14That would be my best explanation at this point.
39:17What else could it be?
39:19Heat stroke?
39:23Oh, no.
39:25He doesn't have all the symptoms,
39:27but I still think we should get those samples to Buxton right away
39:31so that they can start running those tests.
39:33I can go.
39:36All right, honey bear.
39:38You go rest on the sofa while I clean up.
39:43What about dessert?
39:45You ate so much dinner.
39:47How do you have room for dessert?
39:50I'll see what I can put together.
39:54Is there anything else you want to tell me
39:56about today?
39:58About how you were feeling
40:00when you went looking for that baseball
40:02or other times?
40:03Sometimes I get dizzy.
40:05It's a little scary.
40:07I bet it is.
40:12I won't let anything happen to you.
40:24What did they say?
40:28Oh, no.
40:49We have the results from the clinic in Buxton.
40:52And I'm so sorry to tell you
40:55that little Jack has diabetes.
41:03But there's no cure for diabetes.
