• 2 days ago
जोधपुर, राजस्थान: हर घर नल से जल पहुंचाने के मकसद से भारत सरकार द्वारा जल जीवन मिशन योजना शुरू की गई थी। इसके तहत जोधपुर के खोखरिया ग्राम पंचायत में अब जल जीवन मिशन के तहत 700 परिवारों को लाभ मिला है। जिसमें जल जीवन मिशन के तहत घर-घर जल के कनेक्शन दिए गए हैं। जल जीवन मिशन शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में पेयजल की एक सुरक्षा योजना है जिसके तहत केंद्र सरकार का प्रयास है कि प्रत्येक घर में पीने का पानी पहुंचे। यहां ग्रामीणों का कहना है कि जल जीवन मिशन के तहत कनेक्शन होने के बाद अब जलापूर्ति की समस्याओं से निजात मिली है। पानी के कनेक्शन होने से पहले 800 से 1200 रुपए तक देखकर पानी के टैंकर द्वारा जल की आपूर्ति करनी पड़ती थी। इसके साथ ही बारिश के पानी पर निर्भर रहना पड़ता था लेकिन अब पानी के कनेक्शन आने के बाद इस समस्या से निजात मिली है।

#jaljeevanmission #jodhpur #rajasthan #jaljeevanmission #centralgovernmentscheme #modigovernment


00:30This is the village panchayat Khokriya under the Mandore panchayat committee.
00:47In this, the work of Rs. 3.76 crore from our Jal Jeevan Mission was done through a tender
00:54in the Mysore Vishnu Construction Company.
00:57In this work, there is a big line of 800 mm from our Nayogi Piyau, from which water is
01:04supplied to the storage below.
01:06After this, we put water in the tank above, which is made of 300 KL, the upper ESR, a
01:12pump house is made, a service quarter is made, the boundary has been removed, good work has
01:17been done by the Jal Jeevan Mission.
01:19And before this, we had suffered a lot in the matter of water.
01:23In the village, water used to come with great difficulty, and now there is a lot of improvement
01:28in water.
01:29In this, about 700 to 800 families have been affected.
01:32Earlier, our village and villagers had to work very hard for water.
01:36We had to protest many times there.
01:38Many times, we had to spend many days and nights there by going to Nayogi Piyau.
01:43We had to guard it.
01:46Accordingly, water used to come with great difficulty.
01:49Now, we have a routine.
01:51Every fifth day, we get a turn of 24 hours.
01:54And after that, every fifth day, we get a turn of 48 hours again.
01:58So, in that turn, we have improved to a great extent.
02:01Earlier, there was no water.
02:03We used to get water from Jal Jeevan Mission.
02:06We used to get water from there.
02:08Now, we get water for 15 days a day.
02:12Earlier, we had to pay Rs. 1000 for water.
02:15Some took Rs. 500 or Rs. 600.
02:18Earlier, we used to get water from the station here.
02:22Now, we have got water from Jal Jeevan Mission.
02:26Pradhan Mansri ji, Jal Jeevan Mission, water has been completed.
02:30Now, we have water.
02:32Now, we have water.
02:34Now, we have water.
02:36Now, we have water.
02:38Now, we have water.
02:40The water is coming from time to time, and I would like to thank the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister.
02:47This project is very good, and the water is coming from everywhere.
02:53I would like to congratulate the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister.
02:57The government gave us water, and we are thankful to them.
03:08I would like to thank the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister.
03:14I would like to thank the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister.
03:19I would like to thank the government for giving us water.
