00:00Hey guys, welcome back to another video, it's your girl Miss R Fabulous, pretty on any side
00:05and pretty in her real life, and welcome back to another video.
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00:14I love you guys so much, thank you so much for supporting me, it means a lot to me.
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00:29It's another vlog day, and I'm with Mummy Fabulous, she's currently sleeping in the
00:33living room right now, but she needs to get her ass up because we've got things to do.
00:36It is currently 12.40, I'm trying to be at my house by 1.30, latest 2 o'clock because
00:42I do have a couple of things that I need to get done.
00:44I know in my last video my skin was looking really, really bad, but guys please bear in
00:48mind that I gave birth six weeks ago, my baby's six weeks old today.
00:51Oh my gosh, she's getting so big and so cute and chubby.
00:55So please bear in mind that my daughter is literally six weeks old today, and literally
01:01my face is getting better, as you lot all know, like I do have psoriasis, I get it in
01:06my hair and I get it all the way on my face, sometimes it grows into my face and it takes
01:10over my t-zone section, it's really bad, but obviously it's clearing up, my hormones getting
01:16back to normal.
01:17You lot need to understand that I gave birth six weeks ago, of course, of course, my hormones
01:23are all over the place, I still have a pregnancy phase, I'm still waiting for my face to go
01:28down, my pregnancy nose is going down, look my nose is literally going down, it's literally
01:35going down, my cheeks are going down, like people are saying, oh my skin looks really
01:40bad in my other video, yes, of course it's going to, my hormones are all over the place
01:44like girl, I just gave birth six weeks ago, give me some grace period, my hormones is
01:51not just going to go back like that, it's going to take a bit of time.
01:56Obviously last night before I went to bed, I had a shower, I had a bath and I gave myself
01:59a facial and my skin is looking really, really good, all the dead skins come off, obviously
02:04I did have a burnt mark there because I think I was a bit hard on my skin, all my skin products
02:09is in Jamaica, David is going to ship me some of my skin products for me because I do have
02:13my skin, my own skincare line, obviously I started it in 2023 and I just couldn't be
02:19bothered anymore, I lost motivation and I wanted to find the best formula but I've
02:24only now just said, you know what, I'm going to continue doing this because I actually
02:28love skin, I love everything about beauty but anyways, enough of me chatting, my daughter
02:33is on her play mat, hello mirror, she's on her play mat right now and I'm going to go
02:40and look for some outfit for her to put on, I'm going to look for what I want her to put
02:45on right now while she's on the bed, now that she's on the bed and she's literally
02:50just playing with her play mat, you can probably see it over there, it gives me time to absolutely
02:57look for something for her to put on, now I did notice that I didn't buy enough 0-3
03:03months monkey suits, no 0-3 monkey suits, I only bought 0-3 vests and some of the monkey
03:10suits that I got, for example, let me show you, the monkey suits, this is what I call
03:14monkey suit, so like, these don't fit my daughter yet, see like all of these are so big, do
03:23you know what I mean, so I've got a drawer full of 6 months clothing, I don't have any
03:260-3 months monkey suits, so I'm going to go and see if I can get some today because monkey
03:31suits are so needed, she's got literally like 2 monkey suits that literally fit her, the
03:35others do not fit her and that is actually so bad, so I'm definitely going to go into
03:40Primark today and see if I can get any monkey suits for her because honestly, these don't
03:46fit my baby Mira, they don't and Mira's very long, like my daughter, she's very long, she's
03:54very tall, so like I can't just have her in anything small because she's always fighting
03:59with her legs, like her legs are so long like her dad's because these are 6 months, I probably
04:05won't go 0-3 because she's very tall but I'll probably get 3-6 months monkey suits,
04:10so I wanted to put a monkey suit on her today but like I can't find one that will probably
04:13fit her, like this is so big and so cute, so that won't fit her, I finally did organise
04:23her drawer, that won't fit her, this is going to be a bit too big but do you know what,
04:30I'm going to let her wear it, I'm going to put her in one because the weather's really
04:33cold outside, I don't want to put her in a two piece, I want my baby to be very, very
04:37warm and cosy, so I'm going to put her in a vest, you can never go wrong with a white
04:42vest, never can go wrong with a white vest, she's got so many white vests, she's currently
04:48in one now, I'm going to wipe her off with lukewarm water, I don't have time to give
04:52her a bath, my mum gave her a bath like yesterday so I'm just going to wipe her off with some
04:56warm water and her soap and stuff, now my skin looks, it's getting better, period, put
05:07her in like a clear vest, I'm going to put her in this, it's elephants, her dad loves
05:13elephants and her dad always says like elephants bring peace and positive energy and like loyalty
05:21and stuff like that, her dad loves the animal elephants, like we literally have an ointment
05:26that's an elephant in the kitchen table because he just loves elephants, this is what she's
05:32going to be wearing today, just a nice little white pelone berth and a monkey suit, hopefully
05:39this is not too big for her but I'll show you like how it looks at the end, need to
05:45get socks, always, my baby's always in socks, always in socks, I'm running out of Vaseline
05:51so I do need to get Vaseline, one thing I realised that when you have a newborn, stocking
05:56up on Vaseline is so mandatory, that is very very important, very important, she's going
06:01to wear this hat, I do need to get some more hats for her, the ones that I got from H Marks
06:06and Spencer's are so big for her head, these are the only ones that seem to fit her so
06:11I do need to get more hats for her because you know, just to keep her mole very warm
06:16and stuff, I need to buy some more hats and some socks, we need to get more socks because
06:22I don't know what's going on, I have odd pairs of socks, yeah I have odd pairs of socks,
06:30that don't make sense to me bro, you know what I need to get as well, I need to get
06:33more of these, can you believe this is, I only have one of these, I only have one of
06:38these, one, so I need to get some more and I especially need to get some because I'm
06:45going to christening Mira so I need to get like a lot of these so she can wear it under
06:49her clothes and that she can wear it under her christening dress, me also, I'm going
06:53to also see if I can get my own christening outfit for Miracle and her christening outfit,
06:59my mum's going to have to get a christening outfit and her godmothers are going to have
07:02to get their christening outfits, yes sir I can hear you babes, you just sit there and
07:08relax, you ain't got nothing to worry about sweetheart, where's all her white socks, I
07:13don't want to put any socks on her because you're not going to see them, hey guys so
07:35I'm currently giving Mira a bottle right now because I always find that it's easier for
07:40me, obviously I don't know about other people but it's always easier for me to like feed
07:45her before I give her her bath so that when she's crying and everything she just automatically
07:52falls asleep because her belly's full, so I'm giving her a bottle right now and then
07:56I'm going to wipe her off and then I'm going to get her dress and then I'm going to sort
08:00myself out and then put her in the buggy, I'm waiting for my mum to get ready and get
08:06we're going to go out on the road and do some stuff, if you reached this far in the video
08:12please make sure you're liking the video, you're subscribing to the channel, road to 200k subscribers
08:17also I just wanted to say if you're a new mum out there please give yourself some grace period,
08:21postpartum is a real thing, postpartum hit me when I was two weeks post-op and it's okay not
08:28to be okay, like it's okay not to be okay, we all can't be superwomans okay, we can't all have
08:35everything on our shoulders and having a newborn is extremely hard, raising a child is hard and it
08:40takes a village to raise a kid, so if there's people in your family that would like to help you
08:46and if there's help there you know just accept the help okay, be aware of who you are allowing to
08:51help you but accept the help, protective of our babies, we want to do everything, we're scared
08:56you know, we're anxious, we're overprotective and that's okay but also bear in mind that we need
09:02the help okay, if you do not accept the help it will come to a point where everything's piling up
09:07and then we will eventually snap, so accept the help okay, like I've decided to accept help for
09:13my mum and you know it's been the best thing, it's allowed my head space to go back to normal,
09:21it's allowed me to be able to think and it's just allowed me to be able to like
09:26have some time for myself which is very very much needed, so yeah accept the help.
09:39You're so beautiful, ain't you? You're so gorgeous, looking like your daddy,
09:47ain't you so pretty, you pretty little girl, I love you so much, do you know that?
09:53Do you know that? I love you so much, you are my entire world.
10:00Heavenly father, as we are about to leave our home to go on the road in the name of Jesus our
10:05lord, I ask you to guide and protect her, cover her from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet
10:10oh lord, heavenly father, cover her from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet daddy Jesus,
10:16may no weapon be formed against me and my baby shall prosper, heavenly father, I rebuke anybody
10:21that's praying against us oh lord, praying on our downfall oh lord, that's praying on my child
10:24oh lord, I rebuke it in the name of Jesus, I stumble upon it oh lord, I crush it in the name
10:30of Jesus oh lord, heavenly father, may she grow into a beautiful girl oh lord, I pray against
10:35illnessness, I pray against any sickness oh lord, I pray for a healthy beautiful baby oh lord,
10:42she will grow into this beautiful little girl oh lord, in Jesus name I pray, may we enter back in
10:48our home in one piece, in our going out and our coming in, may you send your angels to guide and
10:53protect us in Jesus name oh lord, father god cover us from the crown of our head oh lord, wrap your
10:59arms around us oh lord, as you know we live in an evil world in Jesus name oh lord, protect us from
11:04the evil wolves outside oh lord, as those people they need help in Jesus name, father god I ask
11:10you to keep covering us, keep protecting us oh lord, psalms 91 in Jesus name amen
11:21come on I know you're gonna start crying but guess what we got to go, look at my baby's hair
11:26time to bath, so this is a little bucket that I always make for baby Mira so whenever I'm not able
11:34to give her a bath I just fill up this and then I put her soap in it and then I just wipe her off
11:40she hates wipe offs but she loves bathing out
11:44you can sleep and have a great time in the buggy I think I'm gonna escape hello
11:50my name is mommy what's your name what's your name my name is miracle
11:57huh what's your name your name's miracle
12:28it's my
12:49so I am surprised
12:52you can read all of my lies I feel so bad to be here
13:00hey guys so I just did her hair look how cute her edges are her edges are so cute
13:09yeah so I just did her edges I couldn't do them properly because she was awake and she was
13:13rustling but she's falling asleep now when she's sleeping is the best time for me to do her hair
13:19I'm gonna lie to you so this is what she's wearing it's a bit big it's not that bad
13:25um she's very comfortable in it she has a lot of space I'm quite big I still need to go and get
13:32um three to six months give her a bottle um she's falling asleep she's got her dummy
14:08don't wanna tell you what it is
14:10sounds so serious
14:12I think I've been thinking just too much I wanna shut it out
14:16but isn't this one thing that got me tripping isn't this one thing that got me tripping
14:21you did this one thing you stole baby feeling isn't this one thing you did
14:26this one thing that caught me slipping isn't this one thing I want to end it
14:31this one thing and I was so in it this this one thing you did
14:59pick you up when you're feeling down
15:05hey guys so obviously as you lot know i'm already um i've done my hair curls are popping period
15:14i'm dressing everything we're about to get into the cab yes i know ren needs to get a car i need
15:19to save for that okay a lot going on like i don't talk my business but there's a lot going on like
15:25i need to save for a car i'm in debt and that's it so i'll see you guys in the cab hey guys so
15:29we're in the cab right now um everybody's good to go um on my way to go do something quickly
15:36and then i'm gonna bop to the market and i say yeah bop bop i'm gonna bop to the market
15:43i need to go to waffle so central and as you lot know
15:48i need to get some stuff
16:05hey guys so we dropped off what we needed to drop off to my auntie's house um and now i'm at
16:14car i can't believe i forgot the card for my baby's um milk i'm so annoyed so when i get home
16:24i will get the card and then get the milk so the milk i'll probably get tomorrow now
16:28um she has milk already but i forgot the card so i'm just gonna get the milk tomorrow another day
16:34because i forgot to bring out the card stupid me but i'm going into 17 central
16:44thank you my mom is over there with zanaya her handbag literally her handbag
16:51potential hurry up mom hey guys so i'm in wolfhamstow market as you guys know i love
16:58wolfhamstow market so much nothing and anybody can't make me turn my back on wolfhamstow market
17:03period period um i'm going to ambrosia as you guys know the world of the caribbean shop
17:10to the meat shop and then i'll keep you up oh hi i saw two of my supporters oh hi
17:23come on guys quick it's cold it's cold who's taking the say hi to the vlog
17:31mom can you take a picture please they want a picture take a picture
17:35look at your camera
17:44get home safe guys don't talk to anyone get home straight
17:51hey guys so i'm currently in the butchers right now getting my my meats and stuff because there's
17:58no meat in the house at all um since my mom's been there she's been cooking so you know meat done
18:03i wasn't going to cook but i need to start cooking though
18:11thank you after we leave the butchers we're going to go into ambrosia to get our like
18:17seasoning like vegetables and stuff like sweet potatoes um those kind of things i have a lot
18:23of scotch bonnet at home so i will not be getting scotch bonnet just need to get a few things from
18:27ambrosia nothing too much i spent 38 pounds in the butchers which is very good we got a we got
18:34two packets of wings we got um a mixed chicken parts so you know like breast leg and all those
18:40kind of stuff cut up and mix with the skin taken off and we got curry goats good old goats so that
18:48should be good i want to go to lidl to do some shopping some food shopping because my fridge
18:53is empty my fridge is crying out for help help me can you stock up the fridge please
19:02bloody hell blimey man yeah loving my curls oh my god
19:07so we are currently at ambrosia right now guys and i'm at the same time i'm feeding my daughter
19:14multitasking as always we're gonna get a couple things here mom's gonna get um planting
19:21some scallion some onion you know a couple stuff here the whole time the add candy buggy comes with
19:29a car seat cover imagine and i didn't even know i didn't realize it was one of my supporters that
19:35said ren check your bag add candy buggy comes with a car seat car seat cover you need scallion
19:44sweet pepper i say you leave the are you leaving the trolley yes tomato
19:51my god the buggy eating today is nice excuse me
19:55this is the fish place and i want to get some i'm going to get fish mom what fish am i getting
20:00sea bass all right okay so guys i'm going to get some fish oh i hate coming in here i'm not really
20:09i'm not really a fish type of person i don't like fish like that i only eat sea bass if i'm
20:16going to have fish because it's like one straight long bone and then when you pull like that
20:20it's good hi darling how much is your sea bass
20:26how much three for 12 pounds
20:29one look at that fresh sea bass three for 12 pounds all right can i have um how much one three
20:40yes i see it three for 10 pounds
20:46hey guys so i'm currently in the car park in the central buffalo central we're about to go home
20:53i ordered a cab a seven-seater i ordered a seven-seater cab we're currently waiting for
21:00it right now i didn't get an uber because when you order an uber x even though uber x is for
21:04big cars when you order uber x it takes like all these little cars be coming and it's like i'm
21:10paying for a uber x why am i getting a toyota coming it's a nappy bag her changing but we're
21:16just waiting for the cab right now and then we're gonna go to auntie pat's house because my mom
21:19needs to collect her phone and i have a few things i need to give back to auntie pat but
21:24i left it at my house so i'm gonna have to come back tomorrow and go to her house and give it to
21:28her so i'm just waiting for the cab right now um today's been a very pleasant day we're going to
21:34have some fish and i can't wait to go home and i can't wait to go home and ah differently i'm not
21:42a fish type of person i don't like fish but i don't know like i want something different so
21:48fish it is period so um yeah we're just waiting for the cab right now so once i get in the cab
21:55i would keep you guys posted if you reach this far in the vlog what the hell are you waiting on
21:59smash that like button make sure you subscribe to this channel if you're new to this if you're new
22:04to my channel big up yourself all the time welcome to the family welcome to the family i'm glad you
22:09lot can join the family if you are a returning subscriber you already know how the thing set
22:13big up big up big up i have to put down this carpet that i got um from tk max
22:23period this stuff put this down
22:34this is very very big
22:38when it was open because when i went to tk max i saw it open i was like oh my gosh it's
22:42great with a bit of black in there this is perfect for the living room
22:45and what is so cold look how big this is guys
22:50this is humongous now i'm trying to figure out how i'm gonna do this
23:13body like you do i can't lose
23:20i can't just snooze and miss the moment you just too important nobody nobody like you do