• 2 days ago
Sada e Haq - Azan Competition

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#SadaeHaq #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:10In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
00:24And if the people of the cities had believed and been righteous,
00:36and they had been righteous, We would have opened for them blessings
01:00Blessings from the heaven and the earth
01:14But they disbelieved, so We punished them for what they used to do
01:45Did We make the people of the cities, that they should come to us?
02:02Sadaqallahul Aliyyul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem,
02:22Sadaqallahul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem,
02:49Sadaqallahul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem, Sadaqallahul Azeem,
03:50Sadaqallahul Azeem
04:02And if the people of the cities had believed and were afraid, we would have opened the doors of blessings to them from heaven and earth.
04:13But they rejected the messengers, so we caught them because of their deeds.
04:20So are the people of the cities afraid that our punishment will come on them at night when they are sleeping?
04:28And are the people of the cities afraid that our punishment will come on them at night when they are playing?
04:39So are they afraid of Allah's secret plan?
04:43However, only those people are afraid of Allah's secret plan who are going to be destroyed.
05:21Sadaqallahul Azeem
05:33Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
05:35Allahumma Salli ala Sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin wa ala ali Sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim
05:40Nazirin e muhtaram, assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
05:43I am your host, Sumeh Rehmat, and you are watching the special segment of Nemat-e-Iftar,
05:48Sada-e-Haq, Muqabala-e-Husn-e-Azaan, Khush-Gulook, Khush-Ilhaan, Naujawan-e-Hamabain,
05:53and today you are going to watch the 8th quarter, the final, the first day of the journey,
05:59in which this Azan-e-Safar is going on.
06:02We don't need any introduction.
06:04The ambassador of love, the chosen one, the pride of Pakistan, the pride of the Islamic world,
06:07Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi sahab, assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
06:10Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
06:13How are you Qasim?
06:14Brother Sumer, today is the blessed month of Ramadan Sharif,
06:19and today is the day of Pakistan as well.
06:21Congratulations to all of you.
06:23Congratulations to all of you.
06:25And all three of our young men are ready, Mashallah.
06:27This should be a competition.
06:30The first contestant today is Hafiz Mubeen Abdul Razzaq.
06:34Please come.
06:35You have 2 minutes and 30 seconds on the rostrum,
06:38to perform Sunnat-e-Bilali.
06:40And I hope, Inshallah, it will be a great competition.
06:43Are you ready, Mashallah?
06:44Give us some time.
06:46Your time starts now.
06:51In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
07:21I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
07:35I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
07:54I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
08:07I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
08:25Come to Prayer.
08:37Come to Prayer.
08:52Come to success.
09:06Come to success.
09:22Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
09:41There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
09:57Mashallah, Mashallah.
09:59Hafiz Mubeen Abdul Razzaq tried his best,
10:02to give a full call to prayer.
10:04But we will see later,
10:06how much he impressed our Chief Justice.
10:09The second contestant is Muhammad Hassanain Imamuddin.
10:13Please come to the podium.
10:15And you too, with the beautiful call to prayer,
10:18get the chance to listen to our call to prayer.
10:21Are you ready, Mashallah?
10:22We will start with a smile.
10:24And your time starts now.
10:29Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
10:48Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
11:07I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
11:25I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
11:45I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
12:04I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
12:23Come to prayer.
12:38Come to prayer.
12:57Come to success.
13:10Come to success.
13:25Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
13:39There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
13:49Mashallah, Mashallah.
13:52Every youngster is trying, because it is the quarter-final, the eighth quarter-final.
13:55So he should give a full call to prayer.
13:57And during this time, Alhamdulillah, our guldasta has been completed once again.
14:01And in the same way, the fragrance should continue to come and spread.
14:04And the voice of truth should continue to rise from here.
14:06Al-Hajj Muhammad Amir Fayyazi Sahib.
14:08Sir, we welcome you.
14:09Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
14:10Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
14:11With your permission, the third and last contestant.
14:13In the face of the beautiful call to prayer,
14:15the eighth quarter-final, Hamza Anwar, please come.
14:18And with the beautiful words of the call to prayer,
14:20please get the chance to make our listeners happy.
14:23And I hope the mike has reached you.
14:25It has reached you.
14:28Let's start with a smile.
14:29Be confident.
14:30You have two minutes and thirty seconds.
14:32And the time starts now.
15:26I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
15:43I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
16:04I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
16:19I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
16:38Come to prayer
16:52Come to prayer
17:09Come to success
17:19Come to success
17:36Allah is the greatest
17:41There is none worthy of worship except Allah
17:59I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
18:29Look, today was the quarter-final.
18:32And I didn't see any preparation in these three.
18:36I mean, these three have given the call to prayer, Mashallah.
18:39This is also a matter of happiness for them.
18:41But there should be a preparation for the quarter-final.
18:44I didn't see any preparation in the previous days.
18:47And I am surprised at Hafiz Mubeen.
18:50He was told that Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
18:53He is on the path, but he said Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
18:57And after that I saw that we have to see everything here.
19:01How are the pronunciations, how is their style, how is their voice, what is the overall situation.
19:07We give numbers after seeing everything.
19:09Mubeen didn't even have full control over the style.
19:14I don't know where he was going.
19:17But he has given the call to prayer.
19:20He has fulfilled the Sunnah of Bilal, Mashallah.
19:22And for Hasnain, I would say that his voice was very beautiful.
19:25The pronunciations were also very good.
19:27In one place, his voice was a little bad.
19:31But since it is fasting, it can be forgiven.
19:39But anyway, his voice was good.
19:41I said, yes, it is fasting, that's why it is bad.
19:44The voice is good, Mashallah.
19:46And the pronunciations are also good, Mashallah.
19:49Hamza has given a good call to prayer.
19:53But he took a little more time.
19:56But anyway, if we get Amir Bhai's number, then Inshallah we will know.
20:03Qari Sahab has given such comments so that the impression is not so much open.
20:09What is the good fortune on you that qualified for the semi-finals?
20:12What did Amir Bhai say?
20:14Actually, as far as I understand, I will talk briefly.
20:17Today all three have taught a lesson.
20:20The lesson is what is taught.
20:22They have taught a lesson.
20:25They did not work hard on it.
20:28Because the conditions that were formed in the hearts in the last, you keep listening.
20:32Obviously, the heart used to feel, sometimes tears used to come.
20:37Anyway, there was a shortage of these things.
20:39But Hussain, who is much better, he remained.
20:43The rest, he had a lot of mistakes of Tajweed.
20:46Our last Hamza Bhai.
20:48So anyway, there is not enough time to be able to explain it in general.
20:53And that is, today these three have taught a lesson.
20:56If they had come prepared, then they would have become part of the competition.
20:59Okay, you know the comments in general.
21:02And despite the fact that there is a little disappointment.
21:06But whoever reaches the semi-finals, we hope that all the things that have been explained,
21:10which have been rectified, which have been clarified,
21:12will come to the semi-finals with a lot of preparation.
21:14And this is a surprise.
21:15This is a surprise.
21:16Viewers will also be waiting for you.
21:18Before announcing who is the semi-finalist today.
21:22We want to thank our sponsors.
21:24Starting from Salani Spices, thank you very much.
21:27We will go with our young people.
21:29Thank you very much for Educate Publications.
21:31Gifts from you will also go with our children.
21:34Thank you very much for Chirsis Beauty.
21:36We will also go with our young people.
21:38And we want to thank Fate Issues.
21:40Gift Hampers will also go with our young people.
21:43Thank you very much for Marhaba Gulbahar.
21:45Gift Hampers will also go with our young people.
21:47Thank you very much for The Ostrich.
21:49Gift Hampers will also go with our young people.
21:51Gift Hampers will also go with our young people.
21:55We also want to thank Khursheed Fans.
21:58Thank you very much for Metro Milan.
22:01Gift Hampers will also go with our young people.
22:03Once again, we show our gratitude to all the sponsors who have been contributing well.
22:08You are helping us to make our festival beautiful.
22:16We want to thank Mr. Suhail Shams.
22:19His love and support is always with ARYQ TV.
22:23Thank you very much sir.
22:25We have announced Grand Cash Prizes from you.
22:27Thank you very much for Wild Venture Water Park.
22:30We have announced a membership of Rs. 1 lakh.
22:33We have announced a special segment called Sehatman Pakistan.
22:36Salman Gul will host it.
22:39Renowned doctors are present here.
22:42They will answer your questions between 4 to 4.30 pm.
22:46We have also announced a special segment on a daily basis.
22:49The distance between you and the doctor is only one phone call.
22:52According to the program Sehatman Pakistan,
22:55qualified and experienced doctors will be present.
22:58From noon to 5 pm.
23:00You can call now and get your patient treated.
23:04Our number is 0211111162.
23:08You can contact us at any time without any fee.
23:11You can share medical problems without charging any fee.
23:14You will be prescribed medicines.
23:16You will be treated.
23:17Your queries and questions will be answered.
23:21I would like to announce with the permission of both the judges,
23:24I would like to announce with the permission of both the judges,
23:26who are the finalists of today's semi-final.
23:30The name of that fortunate young man,
23:34could have been you,
23:36could have been you,
23:37could have been you,
23:38but a child who is reciting Durood Sharif,
23:40and his voice is reaching my ears.
23:42Congratulations to you, Muhammad Hasnain Imamuddin.
23:45Mashallah, you are the semi-finalists.
23:47You have succeeded in reaching the semi-final.
23:49I would like to thank both the judges.
23:55After the break, you know the versatile host of ARYQ TV,
23:58Syed Salman Gulnurani,
24:00and Qari Bhai Zafar Qasvi,
24:02who continue this program and transmission.
24:05Since today is Pakistan Day,
24:07I would like to say a few words to you.
24:10I, your host, Somair Ahmed,
24:12would like to say that
24:14The individual is connected to the community.
24:17There is nothing alone.
24:19There is a wave in the sea,
24:21and there is nothing outside the sea.
24:23Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
