• yesterday
Hope you enjoy xoxo


00:00Well, good afternoon, everyone. Welcome back to another video.
00:03Let me take this towel down, because otherwise this is actually going to dry me inside.
00:15Still a little bit wet, so I'm going to hang over here.
00:17How are we? Long time no see.
00:19Jokes, because you guys try to post twice a week, so I wonder if that's still going on.
00:23I just made, well, I say just made, I actually just heated up my meal prep.
00:26Oh, and my fork's gone in.
00:28Looks a little something like this.
00:29Oh, God, I thought that was like the chicken flying out.
00:32It was a bubble that I picked up as well.
00:34So in here, we have got satay chicken rice, which was actually,
00:37I had so many comments on how I made this, and honestly, it was so easy.
00:40I will do a little video on it anyways.
00:42I basically picked up a satay sauce from Lidl or Audi,
00:46marinated it, chucked it in the oven.
00:48We then got some broccoli that I just steamed and then fried off.
00:51Got some brown rice, and I've seasoned that with salt, coriander, and lime.
00:57Love coriander so much, like I will actually try and put it in everything.
01:00And then I also chucked in some beansprouts in there,
01:03just for a few little more hidden veggies.
01:05I've then started to make like fruit salsas.
01:08I'm pretty out of breath, guys, I'm really sorry.
01:10I was really trying to like cover the fact that I wasn't out of breath,
01:13but it's because I just walked up the stairs and then started talking straight away.
01:15That's actually embarrassing.
01:16Oh, my God, you would never believe that I've been on a run this morning.
01:19What I was saying is recently, I've been making like fruit salsas,
01:22like pineapple, mango, and you basically literally just make it as you normally would.
01:25So salsas obviously consist of onions, tomatoes.
01:28Well, I say salsa, apico de gallo, whatever you want to call it.
01:31Salsa, onion, tomato, coriander, lime juice.
01:35That's basically the salsa.
01:36But I've been swapping this tomato out for a mango.
01:39Oh, my God, it's so yummy.
01:40And it just complements this dish so well,
01:42because like the satay is slightly coconutty,
01:44which is a bit unusual for a satay,
01:45because normally it's just meant to be peanut,
01:46but it's absolutely unreal.
01:48Top that off with some crispy onions.
01:49I do put like, I bulk make the salsa and put it to side in my fridge,
01:54because obviously heating up something that's meant to be cold isn't fun.
01:57And yeah, that's the meal that I've been absolutely been loving.
01:59I've either been kind of having this like as my lunch or my dinner,
02:02because it's quite, these containers are really quite deep.
02:04Like it's a good, because this container is actually quite good.
02:06It's like a good, good hearty meal.
02:09I'm so excited to dig into this.
02:10Apparently, I decided to put a lot, a lot of rice in this one.
02:14But yeah, I've been meal prepping, which is, I don't,
02:16something I don't normally do,
02:17because I do like to eat different things like all the time.
02:19But I think recently,
02:20whilst I've just been trying to like get myself into a routine,
02:22I just wanted to focus on the routine itself.
02:24And obviously, I still want to make sure that I'm eating good.
02:26So I just did this just for this week.
02:28And I'll probably still continue.
02:29I really wanted to bulk do a chicken lasagna,
02:32which sounds really wrong,
02:33because obviously lasagna is meant to be beef.
02:34But if you've ever tried Emily English's recipe for a chicken lasagna,
02:38oh my God, it's so good.
02:39And again, loads of hidden veggies.
02:40I'm talking as if I'm literally 12 years old,
02:42and I have to hide my vegetables for myself.
02:44But I do.
02:45But you can literally chuck everything in there,
02:47just like really finely slice it up.
02:49And it is absolutely unbelievable.
02:51I was thinking maybe of doing like little squares of that,
02:53and the kind of like freezer prepping that as well,
02:55for just like, I don't know,
02:56meals when I don't have time to cook and things like that.
02:58But then you've got to let it thaw,
02:59and that's a bit of all like.
03:00So yeah, this morning,
03:02got up at the crack of dawn,
03:03because basically the intention was to go on a run
03:05before we started filming today.
03:07But that obviously didn't happen,
03:09which is really annoying,
03:09because I mean, we still got up early.
03:10Me and Jed have been doing really, really good,
03:12getting the early one.
03:13But yeah, so basically headed over to Wendy's house at half nine
03:17to film a video with Saf and Josh and Jed,
03:19which will be a really exciting video.
03:20It's actually like a Mr and Mrs,
03:21which was really fun to film.
03:23And that's over on Saf's channel.
03:24So we did that this morning,
03:25and it actually took us way longer than we thought.
03:27Took us until maybe quarter past 11,
03:29so we were filming for like two hours,
03:30which is absolutely crazy.
03:32And then got back and I had 45 minutes
03:34before my meeting with my accountant.
03:36And I thought, can I get a run in?
03:38Because basically I've started my runner app journey,
03:40which is really fun, on week one of eight.
03:42Basically just like an 8K plan,
03:44pretty much to get to a 10K,
03:46which is really exciting.
03:46On week one of that,
03:47and it was tempo and intervals.
03:49And it was saying 35 to 45 minutes.
03:52And I was like, oh my God,
03:52100% I can get that done in 35 minutes.
03:54Because I was like, oh it's intervals,
03:55like it's fine.
03:56Bearing in mind I've never done an interval
03:57in my entire life.
03:58It took me longer basically,
03:59and then it was actually 12 o'clock
04:00and I was meant to be at my meeting.
04:01So I was running, sprinting back,
04:03running further than I needed to,
04:05which was really fun.
04:06But that was I think 4.7 kilometers in total this morning,
04:09which was nice.
04:10Did my meeting and now we're here.
04:11And we're now having some lunch
04:12with a very milky cup of tea.
04:14And I am literally going to sit here
04:16whilst watching a little bit of TV,
04:18a little bit of reward.
04:20And then I'm going to get on with the day,
04:21just like some bits and bobs.
04:22I really want to plan some content bits.
04:24My friends are seeing my house this evening.
04:27It's Romy, Beth and Cara.
04:28However, Romy's really feeling unwell,
04:30which is really unfortunate and really sad
04:31because it's also such a nice day.
04:32And we're going to Rockwater in Hove.
04:34And if you've ever been to Rockwater,
04:36it's so beautiful.
04:36But if you go there on like a really gorgeous day,
04:39you just feel like you're not even in the UK
04:40and it's so nice.
04:41So I'm going to sit here in my absolute mess.
04:43Probably should clear this wardrobe slash office,
04:47but we'll probably do that at some point today.
04:49Oh God.
04:53You know when the mid-afternoon slump hit.
04:55But we're going to shake ourselves,
04:57get outside.
04:58Me and Jed are actually off to play tennis.
04:59I mean, I've played tennis three times actually now
05:03over the past few weeks.
05:04But last week Jed gave me a tennis lesson
05:06and we're going to stick at it
05:07and see if I can get any good
05:08so that we can actually play properly together.
05:10Because a little fun fact about Jed.
05:12What happened with tennis?
05:13You had a scholarship.
05:15He had a half scholarship at one point
05:17because tennis is that good.
05:18Not full, because it wasn't actually that good.
05:20He only got half.
05:21But no, that's actually, I'm just joking.
05:23Because I only half made it.
05:25I got offered a half scholarship,
05:26but it didn't take it.
05:27Such a big achievement.
05:28Fun little fact, Jed used to be,
05:29well, it's actually really, really good at tennis.
05:32So this is the fit.
05:34Absolutely so cold.
05:35With a long sleeve underneath this
05:36and a vest and a sports bra.
05:38Just because I do actually really love to wear shorts,
05:40but I feel the cold.
05:41Also just chucked on my running trainers,
05:42which I definitely don't need to be wearing.
05:44But they're actually the comfiest things in the world.
05:46Probably actually shouldn't be playing tennis in this
05:48because I could definitely roll my ankle.
05:50What are tennis trainers meant to be like?
05:52Are they meant to be like padded or not?
05:54Like bouncy.
05:55So are my running trainers okay?
05:58I mean, these are, yeah.
05:59So these are my running trainers.
06:00They're foam runners in pink.
06:02They've just come out in yellow.
06:03And I really want them in yellow.
06:04But obviously like, it's not a fashion show I'm doing,
06:06but I do kind of want color coordinate.
06:08All of my shoes, my running fits,
06:11which shouldn't be a priority,
06:12but in my head apparently it is.
06:14I also went onto Amazon the other day
06:16because obviously like I'm training at the moment.
06:18We need lots of balls to like chuck.
06:20You can actually pick up three for £15 on Amazon,
06:22which is quite cool.
06:23Babe, do you want to open these?
06:24His favorite thing to do is do this
06:26and then smell the gown apparently
06:28because he's an actual freak.
06:29Grabbed a bag and I'm going to pour them in here.
06:33We've got a bucket.
06:35We've got buckets in the bag.
06:37I don't own a bucket, babe.
06:38I'm really sorry, but I actually own-
06:39Oh, vlog.
06:40Hello, vlog.
06:43It's quite fun opening this.
06:44You get like a little whiff to that.
06:46Get a little whiff to that, gorgeous.
06:50Oh my God, that's quite scary.
06:51It's really not.
06:53ASMR tennis version.
06:55Wow, look at this little filming spot.
06:58New location unlocked.
07:00Curled my hair for the first time in absolutely ages
07:03and I feel like it's so weird having this length now.
07:06Also, I'm so sorry.
07:07I didn't film anything when we were doing tennis.
07:09It literally started hailing it down.
07:11We pushed through it.
07:12It was a really good lesson.
07:15Wasn't really my-
07:16Like, you know when like it's just not working.
07:17Like it was one of those days where like it wasn't working.
07:20But we're there eventually in the end.
07:21I've also just realized I'm going to go and put tan on my neck
07:24because I feel like in real life,
07:26my face is a completely different color.
07:28This is a really cute top,
07:29but right now I just feel like it's not looking cute.
07:31I feel like I need to add like jewelry and stuff.
07:33Basically, I just wanted to pick up the camera
07:34because obviously one,
07:35I'm going for dinner this evening with the girls.
07:37Just having a yogurt now.
07:38I feel like I'm actually about to make myself a cup of tea as well.
07:40Like I'm really-
07:41I've entered my mum era apparently
07:42because it's not-
07:43Is this not the most like mum-like thing to do in terms of-
07:46I don't even know.
07:46I feel like I always saw my mum when I was younger
07:48have a cup of tea and a yogurt
07:48before she went out for dinner on like a night out type situation.
07:51Just because I feel like normally I do actually have dinner at six
07:54and we're having dinner at seven.
07:55But obviously by the time you get that order,
07:57it actually probably doesn't come out until eight.
07:58So I was like, I'm ravenous right now.
08:00So I need a yogurt.
08:01These have actually put me onto Greek yogurt.
08:03This is an Onkis.
08:05I want to say it's spelled O-K-Y-N-O-S.
08:09Greek yogurt.
08:10And basically I had picked them up because I found mango ones
08:13and I saw them in the shop and I was like,
08:14oh my god, like I need to get some more of them.
08:15Because I think Greek yogurt is meant to be good for you
08:17or just like in general.
08:18I love a yogurt.
08:19And I picked these up by accident.
08:21These are the salted caramel ones.
08:24That's so good.
08:31Why am I loving filming here?
08:33Instant tan I use.
08:35If no one has put you on this,
08:36let me be the first to put you on this.
08:38So this is the Be Bold Instant Airbrush Tan.
08:40It was actually Romy that put me on this.
08:41And the way that it's literally,
08:43well one, water resistant,
08:44but it also like, it might transfer on your clothes,
08:47but it's one of those ones where I'd actually trust it
08:49like wearing a white dress and then wearing this.
08:51So I don't know if you'll be able to see,
08:52you can also see when I was running earlier
08:53that my fake tan has literally decided to fall off.
08:57Also smells so good.
08:59Like I don't know what they put in it.
09:02But all I'm saying is please try this
09:04and then thank me later.
09:05Lip combo of the evening.
09:06I've got my Kylie Cosmetic Lip Liners,
09:08which I actually trust with my entire life.
09:09And this is in the shade Siren.
09:11This is like an OG shade.
09:12I absolutely love.
09:14And then Fenty Gloss Bombs.
09:15You probably have me rave about these quite a lot.
09:17I've actually more so been recently picking them up again.
09:20These are also like super fruity.
09:22I love it.
09:23I'm gonna chuck on all my jewelry.
09:24I'm gonna go for my watch,
09:25which I actually always get so many compliments about.
09:27And so many people ask me where it was from,
09:29but it was actually a,
09:30I wanna say 18th birthday present,
09:32but I feel like I could be,
09:34I think it is 18th.
09:35And it's actually from Tag.
09:36But a little story behind these
09:37is that my parents had them growing up
09:39when they actually used to scuba dive,
09:40which is like the coolest thing in the world.
09:42Like I feel like I did actually have really cool parents
09:44that maybe just not so cool nowadays.
09:45No, I'm joking, they are.
09:46But yeah, they used to like literally go out and scuba dive.
09:48And obviously these are scuba watches,
09:50so they can take you, I think it's like 40 meters.
09:51What one's this one?
09:53300 meters this could take me if I fancied a scuba.
09:56And they glow in the dark, which is really cool.
09:57I just like the story behind them
09:58that my parents like had them when they were younger.
10:00And now I've got one for myself.
10:01Yeah, a little bit of a pricey one,
10:03but it was an 18th birthday present
10:05actually from my entire family.
10:06Like everyone chipped in and it was just so lovely.
10:08And now I cherish it for absolutely ever.
10:10I then just got lots of different gold jewelry.
10:12I wanna say this is from D. Louise.
10:15And then I wanna say these are from Croyer.
10:16This actually might not be from Croyer,
10:18but just dropping a load of gold jewelry
10:19as I normally would.
10:20And last step is of course fragrance.
10:22I feel like I've really been getting
10:23into my fragrances recently,
10:25but I've built up a nice little collection.
10:26And my favorite thing ever is to like mix and match them.
10:30I mean, what's it called?
10:31I feel like these are two different ladies hair.
10:33This is like elegant, sexy, a little bit powerful.
10:38I would go for that.
10:39It's quite a mature scent.
10:40However, I feel like this one is very,
10:42it's giving like bougie Hollister
10:44in the best possible way ever.
10:45That's the only way I could describe it.
10:47It's super sweet.
10:47It's just absolute chef's kiss.
10:49This is the Jimmy Choo Blossom.
10:50And then this is the YSL Libra.
10:52Together though, we get the best of both worlds.
10:55Do you know what I'm saying?
10:56So that's the combination
10:57that I've been absolutely loving recently.
10:59Equally both really gorgeous perfumes by themselves.
11:02I feel like I used to be like a very,
11:04just ate all of that.
11:06I feel like I used to be like a really,
11:08just sweet kind of girl.
11:09But recently I've been dabbling a bit more
11:11into the like woodier, oods, more powerful scent.
11:15More powerful scents?
11:16What the hell am I on about?
11:17But either way.
11:17Thank you so much.
11:18Thank you so much.
11:19Okay, so we've now come out for dinner.
11:21All our mains have just come.
11:22And oh my God, it looks so good.
11:26Cheers, cheers, cheers.
11:27Okay, so I've got a Caesar salad.
11:28Now hear me out.
11:30I just was really craving it.
11:31But I've got a Caesar salad with chicken and halloumi, babe.
11:33Actual chunks of halloumi.
11:35This is actually my dream.
11:36Um, Clara went for a cauliflower steak,
11:38which looks very good.
11:40Beth got a burger.
11:41And everyone got a pizza, which looks so yummy.
11:44My aunt just steal a slice.
11:45We will say she doesn't finish that
11:46and needs to go home in a takeaway box.
11:47Oh my God, I'm so excited for this.
11:53And good morning everyone.
11:55Last night was so cute.
11:57It is now Friday, but I kid you not,
11:58this is the most Saturday feeling Friday in absolutely ages.
12:02I think it's because I've got like no work going on.
12:04I basically, I'm waiting on certain products to arrive
12:07to be able to do some work.
12:09Hopefully they'll be coming over the weekend.
12:11Um, this weekend, I don't know if it will be in this vlog
12:13or it will be in the next,
12:14but we're actually, on Sunday, we're going to Penny Hill,
12:16which is a spa in Bagshot,
12:19which I feel like all of Jed's family absolutely rave about.
12:21And like, they absolutely love it so much.
12:23But I've never been, so I'm really excited.
12:24But that is their last celebration for Wendy's 50th birthday.
12:28So we'll go away on Sunday and it's just the one night,
12:30but I'm so, so excited for that.
12:31And I've decided to take myself to Dunelm.
12:33Basically, I feel like at the moment with the furniture,
12:37I've spoken about it a few times,
12:38like me and Jed are really unsure what to do with the furniture
12:41because we're planning to extend
12:43and the kitchen is actually going to be
12:44on the opposite side of the house.
12:45We're like a bit hesitant in terms of like buying furniture,
12:48like this second, because we're like,
12:50ah, like what if we buy it
12:51and then we don't like it for the extension,
12:52which I feel like we will,
12:53but I feel like we're now procrastinating
12:55like every furniture decision we're making.
12:57However, there is one thing that isn't in this house
12:59and that is a full length mirror.
13:00Hey, are you going to come with me
13:02or are you going to Dunelm?
13:02I'm going to Dunelm.
13:04You're going to be there in 10 minutes.
13:06Yeah, so we're going to head out to Dunelm
13:07because we haven't got a full length mirror,
13:08which obviously isn't like a must,
13:10but I basically want to get a,
13:13at the moment, content wise, girl to girl,
13:16I feel like I'm loving vlogging.
13:18I'm loving doing my home content as much as I possibly can.
13:21I need to get back into my cooking videos
13:22because I haven't done any of those.
13:24I really want to make bagels today actually.
13:25So maybe we'll do that later.
13:26I'm just bringing all the fresh bagels for the weekend.
13:28Then I am going away on Sunday.
13:29So it's like, does that make sense?
13:31I don't know.
13:31Jen can have them, I guess.
13:32But I was really craving a bagel today.
13:34And I can obviously do my like makeup
13:36and my skincare stuff upstairs in the filming room.
13:38In terms of like fashion content,
13:40I'm finding it like hard to figure out where to do.
13:44So I wanted to introduce like a new little series
13:45on my Instagram and my TikToks.
13:47Basically just doing like outfits of the day,
13:49but I really wanted to get a full length mirror
13:51just that I can like go up to it and be like,
13:53hey guys, so I'm off to do today.
13:54And then this is what I'm wearing.
13:55So I feel like I'm really bad at like just always forgetting
13:59that someone might take interest in what I'm wearing.
14:01Because I would like to say
14:02you girls are a little bit fashionable.
14:03I don't know.
14:04I don't want to do my own horn.
14:05But I absolutely love fashion and things like that.
14:07So that's a series that I really want to start doing.
14:09But we don't have a full length mirror
14:11anywhere in this house,
14:12which also is a little bit of a struggle
14:13when I'm trying to get ready.
14:14I'm literally just like looking up and down
14:16and up and down.
14:17I'm like, does this even go?
14:18I actually have no idea.
14:19But speaking of, today I got this little top
14:21from Couture Club, which is really sad.
14:24I've obviously got my jacket on.
14:25You can't see any of the detail on this.
14:27But I absolutely love this little top.
14:28It's actually embroidered.
14:29So it's a really nice detail
14:30instead of it being like printed on.
14:32This jacket is actually really old.
14:34It's really old Zara,
14:35but it is literally like my favorite thing.
14:36I'm pretty sure when I bought this,
14:37my mum then went and bought it as well
14:39because she was like, I'm obsessed with it.
14:40I've got my trusty and naked jeans on,
14:42which I literally wear every single day
14:44for every single moment
14:45to the point where I actually need to get a new one
14:47because I've got a hole in the back of them
14:49because they are slightly too long for me.
14:51And instead of just taking them up
14:52like a normal human being,
14:53I would just drag my jeans around.
14:56So now we have a gaping hole in the back,
14:57but outside, out of mind is what I say.
14:59The back is none of my business.
15:01Shoes, I'm actually whacked out my UGG trailers,
15:04which I haven't, I mean,
15:05I've been wearing them loads recently.
15:06These are them.
15:07They're a little bit funky,
15:08but I actually just like love the color of them.
15:10And to be fair, you only see like that much.
15:13You can change these laces
15:14because I'm pretty sure when I got them,
15:16they came with the shoe color lace
15:18and the like, what's it called?
15:20Just like a plain lace.
15:21Like, honestly.
15:23I will come if we can go to the butcher's first.
15:27What time does it shut, babe?
15:29Okay, so we're actually going to have to leave like now.
15:31Why are you turning like that?
15:32I just find it funny.
15:34Making a deal with you.
15:35Yeah, I know.
15:35One place I want to go, one place you want to go.
15:37Right, vlog.
15:38No, wait, wait, wait, wait.
15:40Look how cool my new pants are.
15:43Jake got new pants from Hexclad
15:44and he's so happy with himself.
15:47Stupid shoe.
15:48That wasn't the shoe you had.
15:49These are so nice.
15:51It's a joke.
15:54He's very happy.
15:54So he's very, he's definitely back in his cooking spirit.
15:57I was going to say, you know what I've realized?
15:59So last night I obviously went for dinner with the girls.
16:01So Jed had a chicken wrap from the fish and chip shop.
16:04It's his little treat of the week.
16:05And I said, oh babe, like please don't get fish and chips.
16:07Like I'm really, because basically what we're doing is
16:08we're eating really clean in the week
16:09and then like we reward ourselves on a Sunday
16:11with a little, and then well, whatever.
16:13We have, yeah, we have one cheat meal.
16:15But I cheated yesterday.
16:17But Jed cheated yesterday.
16:17I was like, oh no, but please.
16:18Like, can we still have fish and chips on Sunday?
16:21I'm not here on Sunday.
16:22Oh, neither am I.
16:23So now what?
16:23I'm like, where are you?
16:24Oh yeah, you're at Disney with the kids.
16:26Jed's going to go and watch Disney on ice.
16:29I don't know what it is.
16:30With the kids and Casey, which is really cute.
16:32Yeah, because we've seen Nicole.
16:33We're all at the spa.
16:35I'm so excited because you've never done Penny Hill either.
16:38I'll let you know how it goes.
16:39Then we'll have to go.
16:40Yeah, now I'm gutted because it means I can't have a fish
16:42and chips on Sunday.
16:42So I'm thinking actually is a fish and chips night's night.
16:45Because normally people do have fish and chips on Friday.
16:47I'm actually rambling.
16:48I'm so sorry.
16:49Finishing off so that we can get ahead.
16:51I've got my Celine glasses, which I absolutely love.
16:54Like I bought these in Marbella with the girls.
16:56Absolutely ages ago.
16:57And it is giving a little bit three blind mice.
17:00But again, like just like all the gold details.
17:02I wear these and I feel like they go with absolutely everything.
17:05Then one for a little mini bag today.
17:06This is from Pauline, which is a really gorgeous Parisian
17:10handbag store, shop, brand.
17:13Amazing pieces basically.
17:15Honestly, like I would, they are slightly on like the dearer side of things.
17:20Not slightly.
17:21They are a little bit expensive.
17:23But when I tell you like the craftsmanship is there.
17:26If you want like a good investment purchase in terms of bags.
17:30Oh my God.
17:31I've had my, I've got like a really big tan like kind of bucket bag.
17:35You probably would have seen me post it a million times.
17:37If you see any bags on my Instagram that are this color,
17:39I can guarantee it's from Pauline.
17:41I've had that bucket bag for three years.
17:43It literally looks brand new.
17:45Like it looks brand new.
17:46I'm actually going to make myself a coffee to go.
17:48But that was the other thing that I wanted to talk to you about.
17:50Because if you have an espresso machine, please get this pod.
17:53It's the hazelnut, roasted hazelnut pod.
17:56Oh my goodness, I'm real.
17:57Like if you go and get a lot of, well, one, if you don't go and get a latte
18:00and get hazelnut syrup in it, go and try that.
18:02And then thank me later because it's my favorite coffee to have now.
18:05But yeah, if you do love a hazelnut latte,
18:08try this pod if you have an espresso machine because it's so good.
18:10Basically, right, we're going to ignore all the mess around it.
18:13Because I actually, when Beth was over last night,
18:16I was telling her about this pod because she absolutely loves the hazelnut as well.
18:20And I actually made her a coffee literally at like six o'clock
18:22just so she could try it.
18:23Basically, you're going to obviously chuck it in.
18:25Oh God.
18:26And then normally, so what you would just do is what a lot of people do.
18:28It's just click the button.
18:29Obviously, you're going to get a coffee.
18:31These ones are 230 ml.
18:34So like that's quite big.
18:35And then you'd obviously add a splash of milk.
18:36But if you want it in like an espresso form and a latte,
18:39you want to double tap it.
18:41Oh, that is not meant to be showing.
18:43Okay, final go.
18:44And then she'll blink blue instead of her usual white.
18:47Oh my God, I haven't even got a cup down.
18:49Oh my God, that was really stressful.
18:50And now you're getting espresso shot and then you just froth up your milk
18:52or do your milk however you like it.
18:55To be fair, this milk frother, I think this is,
18:57I want to say maybe one of the cheapest ones that they do.
19:00But you can see the settings down here.
19:01You've got cold.
19:02That just heats it.
19:04Milk with a little bit of froth and then milk with a lot of froth.
19:06And I just love my coffee setup so much.
19:08I've also then got my little coffee cupboard.
19:10So I always put vanilla just for a little bit added sweetness.
19:13I will say, I don't know whether it was the one I bought or what it was.
19:17These are all like non-sugar ones.
19:18And then I've got like my morning ones.
19:20This, I don't know, like white chocolate sauce to me never tastes like white chocolate.
19:23I can't describe it.
19:24But like this isn't good.
19:25Like I would actually de-influence you on getting no sugared white chocolate syrup.
19:30Like it just makes everything extremely sweet but doesn't add the white chocolate.
19:33I mean, in my personal opinion anyways.
19:36And you can't tell me that that doesn't look gorgeous.
19:38Oh, can't get straw in.
19:40Finally made it.
19:41Right, so we've never been to this Dunelm.
19:43And you know what?
19:43I actually don't even know if it's a good one.
19:45It doesn't look like the other Dunelms.
19:46This is what I'm going to say.
19:47Really liking these plates.
19:49I equally, I really want to get some new bowls.
19:51Like I love these style where they have like a bit of a thicker edge.
19:55Like I feel like that looks so nice.
20:00Like isn't that such like a nice bowl for like pasta and stuff like that?
20:03That's a lovely outside.
20:04It's nice isn't it?
20:05No it's not.
20:06Morning breakfast bowl.
20:08I think like for pasta and like, you know, like fajita bowls and things like that.
20:11Because we don't have any of these.
20:13Our ones at the moment, they're really, they're like very bold.
20:15Whereas this is like plate bowl.
20:16This £7 a bowl though.
20:19I actually really like these as well.
20:22Third stop of the day.
20:23Yay, we managed to get the one, one thing that we came here for today.
20:27Got myself a new vanity for, for my current walk-in wardrobe study situation.
20:32Right, we're going back now though.
20:33Yeah, we're going.
20:36Also picked up a bath mat.
20:37It's the fluffiest thing in the entire world.
20:39Jez being so negative and early today.
20:40I literally went to, oh my god, feel this.
20:42And he went, well, it's not going to be like that in a few weeks.
20:43I'm like, okay, cool.
20:44You don't get a super fluffy bath mat because it's not going to end up being super fluffy.
20:49That's not why you buy it.
20:50Buy it because it'll look nice.
20:51Even when it does dump it or whatever.
20:53It's because the floor in that bathroom is so cold.
20:56So I just thought having something nice to step out on.
20:58No, I get that, I get that.
20:59Right, so we're now going to go, go home.
21:01Oh, do you want me to shove you to your mum's?
21:01I got a sweet treat.
21:02No, I want to go back home.
21:04I need to edit.
21:05You can edit in the car instead of watching horses.
21:07I'm watching horses while I edit.
21:08Or tail nips on or whatever the hell it is.
21:10But either way.
21:12And then we're going to go to mum's at what time?
21:15Oh my god, like three?
21:17Oh wow.
21:18Is it good?
21:19I'm going to nib.
21:20Do you think they're going to stay or do you think they're going to fall?
21:22I don't want to nib because then I'll want the whole thing.
21:24What's it going to say?
21:26Oh wow.
21:27Yeah, we'll go over to theirs, cook dinner for the kiddy wrinkles, which will be fun.
21:32You might be going to the cinema tonight?
21:33Might be going to the cinema tonight.
21:35Basically the boys are coming around to play darts and Sam's girlfriend Amber,
21:39who's one of my friends as well, we might go to the cinema.
21:42So we'll see what happens.
21:43That'll be fun because to be fair, like I don't, I haven't watched any of the Bridget Jones films.
21:47I think I have though and I kind of get the gist.
21:49Like I know for a fact I've watched the second one,
21:51but I just really have been craving like the cinema recently and just really wanted to go.
21:54And that's literally the only film that's in at the moment.
21:57I feel like there's no films and we've seen the Captain America one.
22:01So other than that, what's a girl to do?
22:03How's it going, babe?
22:04I would do Smashbag 100%.
22:05Yeah, I know, it's just their pans are really rubbish.
22:08Oh, Darren, are you going to take that?
22:10Just said your pans were really rubbish.
22:15But to be fair, the sliders actually look unreal.
22:17Wouldn't be opposed to having one of them.
22:18That's for me.
22:19That's what I'm eating.
22:20Well, all of them.
22:21All of that is for him because the kids are only having one each.
22:23That's all for us.
22:25Oh God.
22:27Oh, hello.
22:28Hi, Minster.
22:31Actually ravenous though at this point, I will say.
22:33And all the smells, because they smell like grilled onions now.
22:38Gar King.
22:38I've got a dish knife in my video.
22:39Wait, what?
22:42Whatever one's mine, can you not put your special sauce in it?
22:44Because I'm going to put my garlic sauce in it.
22:46Oh my goodness, that's absolutely beautiful.
22:48Thanks for that.
22:48Well, I've almost finished.
22:50Little empty glasses.
22:51We decided not to go to Bridget Jones because we realised neither...
22:54Oh, we've...
22:55We've realised none of us have actually watched the Bridget Jones films.
23:00So we were like...
23:01But we're going to watch.
23:02Oh my God.
23:04The boys are being so annoying.
23:06We're going to watch one and two and then we're going to go.
23:08Is that a plan?
23:09Oh, no.
23:10She said maybe.
23:11She said, fuck that shit.
23:13Hey, Queen.
23:14Hey, Queen.
23:14Okay, babe.
23:15In bed by 10 o'clock, which is just what we like.
23:18I got myself a cup of tea and me and Jen are literally just going to unwind for the evening.
23:21We will probably be asleep in the next half hour.
23:25We've got a 5k to smash in the morning.
23:27So the rest is very much needed.
23:29And yeah.
23:30So we will see you in the morning.
23:32Morning, Queens.
23:33Ready to have 5k runs this morning.
23:35It's 8.30.
23:36I've worn shorts, which is a stupid decision because I know I'm going to be so cold.
23:40But these are my new shorts.
23:41And I don't know about anyone else, but when I get new gym wear, I have to wear them.
23:45So I'll let you know how I felt with these running shorts.
23:47But let's go.
23:49Bless the lady was like, can we get you anything?
23:50And I was like, can you do like a huge jug of water?
23:53Because we're all so thirsty.
23:54But yeah, normally we just sort of run along the sea front.
23:57But I met Jed when he was coming on his way back.
23:59And I feel like I've got that like yucky stuff all around my mouth.
24:02So I end up having to like sprint up the hill up to here.
24:04So we're now in a cafe called Lake.
24:06I'm really sorry.
24:07I feel like I forgot.
24:08I feel like I've got all this yucky stuff.
24:10Nonetheless, really good run.
24:12Proudly did it.
24:12How did you find your run, babe?
24:14You know what?
24:14My fitness was good.
24:15It's my legs.
24:16I need to work on my legs.
24:18That's one thing that my legs don't do.
24:21And I don't actually mean that in an intimidating way.
24:24But like...
24:25No, wrong words.
24:27Oh, got you.
24:28Like, yeah, but like, yeah.
24:30You like me.
24:32I like.
24:32But not even that.
24:33I was just looking at you.
24:34And I was thinking you've changed so much in the last month.
24:37I've been really ill.
24:38And now I feel a lot less ill.
24:39That's why I'm doing stuff again.
24:41New place, new him.
24:43No, it does.
24:44I've been saying this to everyone.
24:46There are a lot of like runners and like clubs and like gyms around there.
24:49But like, you know when people say, like, just get out and like get into...
24:51Like, because I've found that like just getting outside helps me so much.
24:54But you don't want to do that when you're in London.
24:56Yeah, your sleep's a lot better as well.
24:58Ready for some breakfast.
24:59I actually might go for pancakes.
25:00But I do want savoury as well.
25:02Oh my goodness, guys.
25:04Look at all the food.
25:05This looks incredible.
25:06Josh, what did you get again?
25:07I got a chickpea with four fried eggs.
25:10Wow, that's incredible.
25:13Are you excited?
25:15Oh, I look like Hagrid.
25:16I have just baked hands.
25:17So I feel like I'm in a most like humble state.
25:20So basically, I've been using on my...
25:22I've been using heat on my hair recently.
25:24But like nowhere near as much as like I was, if that makes sense.
25:28And at the root, because I haven't dyed...
25:30Oh my god, I'm actually so humbling.
25:32Because I haven't dyed my hair in so long, I could tell that like I had curls forming again.
25:36But like at the moment, it is just giving Hagrid.
25:39Because like half...
25:41Like the roots are curling, but the bottoms aren't.
25:43Equally like did not use the right products.
25:45But we've got some really nice like curls, waves, whatever you want to call them in there.
25:50But obviously, this is not a look.
25:51So I think I'm just going to chuck it up into a bun.
25:53But yeah, I didn't have the right products on me.
25:54I mean, this is incredible.
25:56I put slightly too much in though.
25:58Because I feel like I was doing it to my old hair length.
26:02Whereas with the shorter hair, like I really didn't need to use as much.
26:05I think that's why it still looks like a little bit wet.
26:07I also don't own any gel.
26:09And I don't know if gel would work in my hair though.
26:10Because people say you're meant to leave in condition.
26:13And then gel, scrunch, plop.
26:16Like whatever you want to call it.
26:17Like there's definitely different ways to do it.
26:19But I think I'm just going to take out these front curly pieces.
26:23And then just chuck it up into a big textured messy bun.
26:27But you can tell like where I've used heat.
26:29Because it goes like so much straighter.
26:32Yeah, don't know really what's going on.
26:34But I just thought give it a whirl.
26:36And I think it's safe to say that is looking a lot better.
26:39I basically just kind of, what's it called?
26:41Put it into like a really messy bun.
26:43And then I had these two pieces out at the front.
26:45But they still just weren't looking right.
26:46Because this one isn't as like curled.
26:48So just pin them back and then just made it like really messy.
26:51And I feel like that looks okay.
26:53I mean I'm literally going nowhere today.
26:55Like literally going nowhere today.
26:56But I just wanted to like find a style that like I like.
26:59That isn't involving like loads of heat.
27:01And I feel like this is, it's quite a cute bun.
27:03We're going to the spa.
27:04We're going to the spa.
27:06Here we go girls, here we go.
27:08Guys, we're actually frozen.
27:12Okay, should we get out now?
27:12Yeah, it's painful.
27:14It's painful.
27:15Josh will be so happy.
27:16Oh my god.
27:18That was insane.
27:20Oh my god, my whole body's tingling.
27:22My whole body's tingling.
27:23Oh my god.
27:24Right, update guys.
27:25We've taken.
27:26Oh, she's 17.
27:27We didn't take her.
27:28We didn't take her.
27:28We didn't take her.
27:30No, no, no.
27:30And then we've taken it to a whole other level.
27:33And we've gone from chilled out spa.
27:38Let's get the party started.
27:41Do you know what?
27:43It's always Nicole.
27:46It's always me.
27:47She gets the party started wherever you go.
27:51I'm just the vibe.
27:51What can I do?
27:52She is the vibe.
27:53And it's her saturated, drunken, under vibe.
27:56And now, can I just say something?
27:58It's been ages, it's been ages.
28:01And Nicole and I have never been drunk together.
28:04And I thought.
28:05Have you not?
28:06She moans at me.
28:07This is why I'm drunk today.
28:08Because she moans at me every time.
28:10I've never drunk with her.
28:11So when I keep saying I'm doing this for Nicole.
28:14I'm doing this for Nicole.
28:15And now we're going to go and do jump competitions in the pool, yeah?
28:20Oh, that wasn't on the plan.
28:21But we'll do that.
28:23Diving competition.
28:24Diving competition.
28:26Have you got diving here?
28:27So we are all ready for dinner.
28:29I think we had maybe a little bit too much fun at the pool.
28:32To the point where we were a little bit tipsy-wipsy.
28:35Some, maybe a little bit more than other.
28:40Some may have fallen asleep.
28:41Some may have really struggled and didn't really want to get ready.
28:44But we have made it ready.
28:45And we are actually on time.
28:47We were meant to go to Wendy's to have a little pre-drink.
28:49But I think we actually could have done with skipping that out actually.
28:52So I think.
28:55I think it's all worked out for a very good reason.
28:57So yeah, we're all ready for the evening.
28:59What, we would skip?
29:01We would skip mum.
29:02Yeah, I think that's probably good.
29:03She thinks it hasn't, but she saw her actually.
29:07Yeah, so this is the little dress of the evening.
29:10This is warm.
29:11Yeah, this is actually from Papa Mayo.
29:14And it's kind of like, oh, let's ignore Saf's bikini pants on the floor.
29:19But yeah, a little bit of a mini maxi.
29:20It kind of like asymmetric sweeps off this way.
29:22But I absolutely love this dress.
29:23I haven't had a chance to wear it.
29:25So I've got it on.
29:27Saf, where's the outfit from?
29:28She's rocking this gorgeous little blazer dress that she currently can't get her shoe on with.
29:33Where is it from?
29:34Let me guess.
29:36Mistress Rocks.
29:37Oh, how's...
29:44Oh, Slay.
29:46That's an American brand, isn't it?
29:48Oh, Unreal.
29:52It was their viral fur coat that went kind of crazy in the UK, wasn't it?
29:58So yeah, off for dinner now.
29:59Very, very excited because your girl's belly is very hungry.
30:02That's cool.
30:03The way that I'm actually like, this isn't offensive, but I actually hate this thing.
30:07Saf just called Imogen, Mary Berry.
30:09So we're talking about like kids getting like dogs, like dog mums, blah, blah, blah.
30:13She said, no, but...
30:15Oh, like, I can't really see you being a dog mum.
30:16Like, I feel like when you're old, you're going to be Mary Berry.
30:20Why are you offended though?
30:22I was like, I'm just supposed to say Mary Berry.
30:24It's like, it's really like slow paced.
30:25See, I've never seen her.
30:27Oh, there we go.
30:28That's why.
30:29That's why.
30:30Do you know what?
30:31She's like queen of baking.
30:32Right. I think, I think, yeah, I think Saf's forward process is like,
30:36she's so good at baking.
30:37She does amazing cakes.
30:38That's going to be you.
30:39That's what she's saying.
30:43In the kitchen.
30:44It's like, it's like cakes to bring to school.
30:52Imogen, ex-Mary Berry.
30:54That's the one.
30:55You never get in the crowd now.
30:56You flagged her up.
30:58I haven't flagged her up.
30:59You just associated me.
31:01How old are you?
31:02We're flagging a six-year-old on.
31:04Saffron, don't make me out to be a bad person.
31:06Soup has arrived.
31:07The way that I actually just demolished that first chip.
31:11Some of the best chips I've ever had.
31:12It was like a mix between a roasted potato and a chip.
31:16Chef's kiss.
31:17Happy birthday to you.
31:21Happy birthday to you.
31:25Good morning, everyone.
31:31I'm feeling very restful.
31:35That was such a big bed.
31:37And I love sleeping in huge beds.
31:39And I got myself a banana muffin and a latte.
31:42Probably go up and down.
31:43Because it's basically, you've got like a list of foods.
31:46But I didn't really fancy anything.
31:47So it's either like a full English breakfast or pancakes for some reason.
31:50Normally, I'm always a full English kind of girl.
31:51But I just wasn't feeling it today.
31:53So I'm pretty sure I'm just going to absolutely load up on croissants.
31:58I've also got myself a latte.
31:59Because you girl can't function without coffee in the morning.
32:01I actually can.
32:02That is a lie.
32:02But I just love the satisfaction of a coffee early in the morning.
32:05I'm going to try this banana muffin.
32:11Oh, it's good.
32:12And that, my loves, is the end of the video.
32:15This morning, we literally had a bit of breakfast.
32:17And then I just chilled out a little bit more.
32:19I got some editing done by the pool.
32:21Which was very, a luxury.
32:23It was so nice.
32:25And then literally drove home.
32:26We probably got back about maybe half two, I want to say.
32:29It was a little bit traffic coming home.
32:31But we made the journey and we did it.
32:33And ever since, I've just been catching up on work.
32:35Because it is indeed a Monday.
32:37And yeah, that's me.
32:38I'm now going to literally tidy the crap out of this room.
32:43Because I've literally, like, my suitcase has opened and exploded.
32:46So a lot of unpacking to do.
32:47But I'm actually packing again in two days for another exciting trip.
32:50It's actually one of my best friend's birthdays.
32:52So we're going to Lisbon.
32:54So we've got that coming up.
32:55Saying that though, I'm pretty sure it's meant to be raining the whole weekend.
32:58But I did actually want to say that we're going to Lisbon.
33:00Because if you have any recommendations for Lisbon,
33:03I've never been and we're really, really excited.
33:04So please do let me know your recommendations.
33:06Because I'd absolutely love to hear them.
33:07Because we actually have no plans as of yet.
33:09We've just got four days.
33:10Long little weekend in Lisbon.
33:12And yeah, we're so excited.
33:14That is the end of the video.
33:15Thank you so much if you did watch this far.
33:16Love you and appreciate you millions.
33:18Make sure to comment, subscribe, like down below.
33:20All the girlfriend jazz.
33:21And hopefully I will see you in the next one.
