• yesterday
Bernie Sanders delivered a scathing rebuke of Donald Trump and his billionaire ally Elon Musk at a huge rally in Arizona on Thursday, accusing them of 'screwing over' working- and middle-class Americans as they turn the country into an oligarchy.
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He was joined at the rally by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who told the crowd: 'we’re going to throw these bums out and fight for the nation we deserve'. Sanders, who is independent but votes with Democrats, trained some of his sharpest attacks on industry titans. 'You know who the biggest criminals are in this country? They are the CEOs of major corporations who are robbing us every single day,' he said

Sanders and AOC tell packed arena Trump is ‘screwing over’ working class ► https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/21/bernie-sanders-aoc-arizona-rally-trump-musk

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#berniesanders #elonmusk #donaldtrump #trump #fightoligarchy #oligarchy #usa #politics


00:00We have a message for Mr. Trump, and that is we will not allow you to move this
00:15country into an oligarchy. We're not gonna allow you and your friend Mr. Musk
00:22and the other billionaires to wreak havoc on the working families of this
00:29country. No, you're not going to destroy Social Security. You're not going to
00:38destroy Medicaid. You're not going to destroy the Veterans Administration. And
00:44I'll tell you what else you're not going to do. We're not going to let you undermine
00:49the democracy that men and women in this country have fought and died for. You
00:55know who the biggest criminals are in this country? They are the CEOs of major
01:02corporations who are robbing us every single day. If we stand together we can
01:10not only defeat Trumpism, but we can create the kind of great nation we know
01:17that we can become. Thank you all very much.
