President Trump calls Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) a "loser" after he said he could kick Trump supporters' asses.
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00:00Yeah, I don't know if you saw this Tim Walz is now saying about Trump supporters and forgive me
00:10I'm just reading a quote from Tim Walz. I think I could kick most of their ass
00:15Is there any way to know well, he's a loser, you know, I think that's a loser
00:20He lost an election. He played a part, you know, usually a vice president doesn't play a part
00:25They say I think Tim played a part
00:27I think he was so bad that he heard her but she heard herself and Joe heard him both
00:33They didn't have a great a great group, but I would I would probably put him at the bottom of the group