जालंधर: भारतीय पुरुष हॉकी टीम के खिलाड़ी और ओलंपियन मंदीप सिंह आज महिला टीम की खिलाड़ी उदिता दुहान के साथ शादी के बंधन में बंध गए। दोनों ने मॉडल टाउन गुरुद्वारा साहिब में गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब की हजूरी में फेरे लिए। शादी में भारतीय हॉकी टीम के जनरल सेक्रेटरी भोला सिंह सहित पूरी टीम शामिल हुई। मंदीप की मां ने इसे खुशी का दिन बताया और उदिता को बेटी की तरह मानने की बात कही। उदिता ने बताया कि 2018 के एशिया गेम्स में बेंगलुरु में मंदीप से मुलाकात हुई, जो दोस्ती से रिश्ते में बदली। दोनों ने कहा कि वे भारतीय टीम के लिए बेहतर प्रदर्शन कर मेडल जीतना चाहते हैं। उदिता के पिता ने जोड़ी के सुखी जीवन और अच्छे प्रदर्शन की कामना की।
#Jalandhar #MandeepSingh #UditaDuhan #HockeyIndia #Olympian #IndianHockey
#Jalandhar #MandeepSingh #UditaDuhan #HockeyIndia #Olympian #IndianHockey
01:30I am feeling very good because both of them are playing together and we got married today.
01:59I can't express it in words, but it feels really good.
02:03Our main goal was to do our best for India.
02:08We want to win a medal.
02:10We just got married.
02:12We want to share our future together.
02:14We hope to do our best.
02:16We will play together and do our best for India.
02:20It all started in 2018.
02:23We were good best friends.
02:26We met in Bangalore.
02:28We used to practice together.
02:31Sometimes boys and sometimes girls.
02:34Of course, our future will be bright.
02:37Both of us are representing India.
02:39We will continue to do so.
02:40Both of us have the same profession.
02:42Our life will become easier.
02:44We will understand each other better.
02:47Mandeep told me.
02:51We went to the Asian Games together in 2018.
02:54We became good friends.
02:59We became best friends.
03:01Our love story has come to an end.
03:05It feels good.
03:07Both of us are representing India.
03:10We will continue to do our best.
03:12We will try to do our best together.
03:14I think Pari will become more beautiful.
03:17We will try our best.
03:20We will go back to practice.
03:24We will live our life.