• 2 days ago
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cashonyt/
Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00I need to find a villager to trade with. All these guys out here don't want to trade with me.
00:03I know Nico's trading right now. Maybe I can go talk to that guy real quick.
00:06Pretty sure I could just- NYAH!
00:07Oh, I love this shadow form.
00:09Okay, how many emeralds you got? I can give you some of that.
00:11I only got a few here. Just take this.
00:13Aww, that's not enough. Give me the pickaxe back.
00:16What? What do you mean?
00:17You need more.
00:18I have enough emeralds. Look, I have like five stacks.
00:20Oh, okay. You can have it then.
00:22Cash, what are you doing?
00:23Well, he said you didn't have enough emeralds, so I just gave him what he wanted.
00:26Bro, that was my trade! Now I can't trade with him!
00:28Too bad, loser. Sorry about that.
00:30Sorry, Nico. I just wanted the pickaxe.
00:32Cash, get over here!
00:34Anyways, I need to trade with more villagers. Looks like Zoe's busy right now.
00:37Okay, here you go, sir.
00:39Oh, perfect. That's definitely enough emeralds.
00:41Hey, wait. I can give you more emeralds. Look, I got a stack for you.
00:44Wait, what? Oh, okay. Well, I'll just give you the item then.
00:46Hey, what's wrong with you?
00:48Well, I have more emeralds to give him, Zoe, so obviously I'm gonna make the trade.
00:51But I only have five more!
00:53That's too bad. I don't have anything else for you.
00:56Mmm, really?
00:57Sorry, Zoe. Ouch, ouch.
00:59Okay, now I got a diamond chestplate and a netherite pickaxe.
01:01Oh, this is so good. I definitely gotta go use all these emeralds.
01:04I think Mia's in there right now, trading with someone.
01:05Okay, here's the eleven emeralds you wanted.
01:07Oh, thank you, thank you, yeah.
01:09Eleven emeralds for a netherite sword?
01:11Wait, wait. I have a full stack of emeralds I can give you like that.
01:14Oh my god. I've never seen that much.
01:16Um, yeah, okay. He gets the pickaxe.
01:18Yeah, sorry about that.
01:19Oh, cool. Sorry.
01:21Dude, that took me like two hours to mine!
01:23Well, I just had more emeralds, so it's price and demand. Or supply and demand, I think.
01:27Watch your back, bud. Watch your back.
01:29Anyways, I gotta go make one more trade. I got more emeralds. Sorry, Mia.
01:31I think Shady's going to trade right now, too.
01:33Hold on, wait. No, I need that villager.
01:34Who's he trading with?
01:35Yeah, can I just get the netherite chestplate?
01:37Oh, yeah, of course. Uh, how many emeralds you got?
01:40Uh, twenty.
01:40Oh, yeah, okay. Let me just get that for you.
01:42Wait, I have like two stacks of emeralds I could give you.
01:45Hey, buddy. Stop. I wanna trade with this kid. He's got so much stuff.
01:48You said you have two stacks of emeralds. I can give you netherite leggings and a netherite axe.
01:52Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll take that. Here you go.
01:54Oh, cool. Well, there you go.
01:56Yo, what is going on here, bruh? Did I just get skamazed?
01:58I'm just making trades. What do you mean?
02:00Yo, what are you doing, bro? I was trying to trade with these dudes.
02:02Well, I'm also trying to trade. It's not like all you guys can hog the villagers.
02:06Yo, Cash.
02:07I'm done with this, bro.
02:09Done with what?
02:09You're stealing all of our villager trades.
02:11Well, you guys can still trade with them. I'm just trying to get my items. It's not like you guys helped me.
02:16No, no, no.
02:17Ouch. Why are you hitting me?
02:18Guys, Shady, attack.
02:21Wait, what? No, you can't attack me. I was just making fair trades.
02:24You guys should have had more emeralds.
02:26Yeah, you should have found your own villagers, dude.
02:27Get him!
02:28Oh, you guys don't want to mess with me.
02:30You realize I just got armor and netherite tools from those villagers I traded with.
02:33I'm not scared of you. You're just a stealer.
02:35Oh, really?
02:36Nyah! Back away. I do more damage.
02:37Okay, actually, they do more damage, but they don't know that I'm a shadow morph.
02:40Yo, come here.
02:42Hey, you guys realize how I'm here?
02:43Well, I'm not here anymore. Goodbye.
02:45Wait, what in the world?
02:47Where is he?
02:47Well, he's here, then he's gone. Oh, no.
02:50I think they forgot I was a shadow morph.
02:52I could turn invisible whenever I want, and I could phase through blocks.
02:55Yo, yo, he's over there.
02:56Yo, how did he get that far, bro?
02:57I don't know.
02:59You know what? I'm going to spare you guys for now.
03:01I would kill you, but I need to go to the end to talk to the ender dragon real quick.
03:04He's going to upgrade my shadow morph. He's awesome.
03:07No, I disagree. I don't want you to do that.
03:09No, you're not going to stop me.
03:10Once I kill 100 endermen, I upgrade my shadow morph, so I'm trying to get there.
03:13All those items were supposed to be mine, you poopy butthead.
03:16Okay, so you guys are just going to try and kill me?
03:18It's not going to happen ever. Never.
03:19Oh, he has another red sword!
03:22Yes, he goes down.
03:22Come on, come on!
03:23Oh, gosh. Okay, Mia's down.
03:24I think I got to get out of here, though.
03:26Ouch. I don't have time to fight you guys.
03:28I'm just trying to get to the end.
03:29Do you want pain?
03:29I do not want pain.
03:30That's why I'm going to fly away.
03:32Bro, this is buns.
03:35Oh, yeah.
03:36Now I could just camp them.
03:37Maybe I'll wait until they go into a crafting table or something to kill them.
03:40Then they'll respawn all the way back at the village,
03:42so they can't chase me down anymore.
03:43I think Shady's going into a cave.
03:45Wait a second.
03:45I could just go through these blocks, though.
03:47This is so OP.
03:49Before I go to the end.
03:51I could just steal the ores that they're going to go mine.
03:53I need a pickaxe.
03:54Where's Zoe at?
03:55Oh, she's right there.
03:55I think this is her crafting table, too.
03:57Okay, I'm just going to steal this real quick.
04:00That's my crafting table now.
04:01You just came out of nowhere.
04:02No, I didn't.
04:03I came from nowhere, and now I'm going back to nowhere.
04:06Really, dude?
04:06This is buns.
04:08Now I'm invisible.
04:09He really just came here to take my crafting table.
04:11I'm just watching them now.
04:12I think Zoe's going to try and make another one here.
04:14I see her getting wood.
04:15I'm just going to steal it.
04:16Here we go again.
04:18Oh, she's going to be mad.
04:19Thanks, Zoe.
04:21You took my sticks, too!
04:23My fault.
04:24Goodbye now.
04:25Trash, get over here.
04:25Oh, they're going to be so mad at me.
04:27But the thing is, I'm literally so OP as a Shadow Morph.
04:29Going through stuff just helps me get away whenever I need to.
04:32So I'm not even worried.
04:33And it gives us big caves like this.
04:35I could just go down here and get whatever items I want.
04:37I don't even need to dig straight down.
04:38I know that's not good to do in Minecraft anyways,
04:40but at least we don't have to.
04:41I have 20 wood, and I probably should have gotten more,
04:43but it's okay.
04:44If I ever need trees, I could just do this and go straight up to surface.
04:47This makes it so much easier to get wood and food whenever I want to.
04:50And also, when I'm in my normal ability, I could just fly.
04:53So I could probably go around town killing a bunch of animals
04:56and cooking them up in a furnace.
04:57I haven't lost too much hunger yet,
04:58but it's probably good to grind a bunch of these guys real quick.
05:00Sheep, I need the mutton.
05:02I apologize.
05:02This is going to keep me fed when I go to the end.
05:04And also, all the wool that they're dropping
05:06can be used for beds in the end to kill the Ender Dragon.
05:09Although, I don't think I'll have a problem killing him.
05:10I just need a bow.
05:11I should have traded for a shovel.
05:12I need it to get some flint, but it's okay.
05:14Maybe I'll get lucky.
05:15Mercedes, wait for me.
05:15Wait for me. I'm right behind you.
05:16Do I hear them?
05:17Hey, yo, how'd you find me?
05:18Wait, where did you come from?
05:20I was on the mountain.
05:20I was on the mountain. You didn't see me?
05:21Oh, no. Oh, no.
05:22Oh, get me out of here.
05:23Let me fly up.
05:23Oh, yes.
05:24What you gonna do now?
05:25That was close, wasn't it, buddy?
05:27It was a little close.
05:28Get down. Get down from there.
05:28Oh, no. They found a bow.
05:29That's not good.
05:30I'm gonna steal Zoe's crafting table.
05:32Watch out, Zoe.
05:32Really? Not again.
05:34Get away from me.
05:35It's the third one.
05:37Listen, I don't want to have to go invisible again, but I'll do it.
05:39I'll trap you guys in this dead end.
05:40No, bro.
05:41Yeah, keep following me down the cave.
05:43This way.
05:44Okay, now I'm gonna drop down here and then invisible.
05:46Dude, come on.
05:48He's driving me crazy, actually.
05:50They lost me.
05:51And they don't know that I'm just watching them through the walls right now.
05:53Zoe, come on.
05:54I'm trolling.
05:55Oh, Shady has a bow.
05:56I don't like that.
05:57That means I can't use flight.
05:58Did Shady just bring Zoe over here to break gravel?
06:00It didn't even kill me.
06:01It's time to stop wasting time trolling them.
06:03They're just distracting me right now.
06:04I need to focus on what's important.
06:06The ores, obviously.
06:07Let's also get some cobblestone so I can make a furnace.
06:09Okay, that should be enough.
06:10Now we can make one of these.
06:11And for now, I'll just use the wood to cook the mutton.
06:14I should probably find some coal, though, if I want to keep doing that.
06:16For now, I can just get some more iron since it's here.
06:18Oh, and there's lapis, too.
06:19Having a netherite pickaxe makes this so much easier on me.
06:22I just want to make sure I have enough iron for an anvil, some shears, and a flint and steel.
06:26I think I have enough now.
06:27So let's make another furnace and cook it up.
06:28Boom, place that down.
06:29And now we'll take some of this wood.
06:30I got the food furnace and the ore furnace.
06:32And this should be good enough.
06:33I could probably go to surface to get some more wood, but I just found some coal to use.
06:37This should definitely be enough to fuel the two furnaces.
06:39Okay, how many is this?
06:40Oh, that's perfect.
06:41While I wait for all this to smell, I should probably find a lava pool.
06:43I need to make a bucket with that iron that I used.
06:46And it looks like I have the perfect amount.
06:47One, two, three.
06:48Now I just gotta find some water, and I see some over here.
06:51Good thing I could fly up to it if I wanted to.
06:54And now I just need flint.
06:55For that flint and steel, of course.
06:56Okay, perfect.
06:57I just broke it right there.
06:58Now that we have our bucket and our flint and steel, it's time to go to the nether.
07:01I just need to get a lava pool close by.
07:03I can worry about getting diamonds and stuff later on.
07:05But for now, it's time to go into ghost mode.
07:07Wall phasing.
07:08Okay, lava pools.
07:09Whoa, that's a big cave down there.
07:11There's also a mineshaft that way.
07:12But I think I'm seeing the lava pool I was looking for.
07:15This is gonna work perfectly.
07:16And the good thing is, I'm so far away from my friends, they're not even gonna catch up to these ever.
07:20It's gonna take them a while to even dig down from surface.
07:22So I should be safe here.
07:23First, let me just clear out this space.
07:25And I'll just use some of these blocks to do this.
07:27And then we place our first water bucket here.
07:29Break that and the bottom pieces.
07:30Now we build up like that and to the side.
07:32And place the water on top.
07:33Now I can make the nether portal.
07:34Oh, this is so quick.
07:35This is making it so easy to get to the end.
07:37I think I might have messed up my nether portal.
07:39Um, oops.
07:40Good thing I have a netherite pickaxe though.
07:41Now I could light this.
07:42And I'm back in the-
07:43Yo, Shady, where did you just come from?
07:44How'd you find me?
07:45How did you find me?
07:46Oh my goodness.
07:48I don't even know where he came from.
07:49There's no way he found my cave.
07:50Oh, I know what they probably have.
07:52They probably got a tracker on me or something.
07:54I know Shady made one and gave it to everybody else.
07:56That's not a good thing.
07:57That means I can't stay in the same spot for too long.
07:58Hey guys, be honest.
07:59Did you get a tracker for yourselves?
08:03I think Zoe just gave it away.
08:04Oh wait, we're lying?
08:06Well, now that I know you guys can track me,
08:07I know not to be in the same spot for too long.
08:09I see him.
08:10I see him.
08:10And Mia, you realize you just came in here alone?
08:12No, I didn't.
08:13Nico, Nico.
08:14She has backup.
08:15Oh no.
08:16And he has a bow.
08:18Well, I have a bow too.
08:19Look, I got it from Shady.
08:20I'm going in.
08:20I'm going in.
08:21Oh my gosh.
08:21He has a bow.
08:21He has a bow.
08:21He has a bow.
08:22Back away.
08:22I just killed Shady.
08:24I don't want to do it to you guys.
08:25Come on, come on, come on.
08:26Okay, I have no arrows.
08:27Oh, this netherite sword's OP.
08:29Oh my gosh.
08:29No, no, no.
08:29I'm like half health.
08:30Oh my gosh.
08:31Yeah, that does a lot of damage.
08:31Oh, it does a lot of damage.
08:32Oh my goodness.
08:34I am doing so much damage.
08:35Oh my gosh.
08:35I literally can't hit you.
08:37Mia, I know you're one heart.
08:38You don't want me to do this.
08:39Dude, please.
08:40Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
08:43Oh, they had so many items for me too.
08:44Thank you guys.
08:45Now I don't have to go back to surface.
08:48Shady had a bunch of food on him and they're all cooked for me.
08:51Oh, he had a smoker.
08:52I forgot that cooks food a lot faster.
08:54Did I just see somebody invisible?
08:55What was that?
08:56Zoe, why do I hear your voice?
08:58Where did you come from?
08:59I may or may not have been invisible and my potion ran out.
09:02So hi.
09:03No, you cheater.
09:05You can't use invisibility against me.
09:06That's my thing.
09:07Don't you go in the nether?
09:08No, I'm going in.
09:09Am I buns?
09:09No, no, no, no, no.
09:10I'm going in.
09:10You can't get in here.
09:12I can't hit you.
09:13Are you serious?
09:14I'm in.
09:15No, she's gonna camp the nether.
09:16This is not good.
09:17I'm blocking it up.
09:17I'm blocking it up.
09:18While she does that, I got to get this diamond real quick before I enter.
09:21I've been looking at it for like the past five minutes, but they interrupted me.
09:23I want it.
09:24Let me just build something like this and thank you.
09:26Oh, it's more than one.
09:27Please be three.
09:28Okay, two is fine.
09:29I can actually make an enchantment table with that.
09:30All right, let's see if Zoe was actually able to trap the nether.
09:33She doesn't know that I can literally just go into invisibility mode and phase through everything.
09:37So I'm not scared.
09:41Did she trap me with wool?
09:42You realize I could just break through this?
09:44Hello, Zoe.
09:47No, that's only on servers.
09:48I could totally break through the wool.
09:51Oh, no, Zoe.
09:52You don't want to fight against the netherite sword.
09:54I'm literally so much more OP than them.
09:56I kind of feel bad because now that I think about it, I did steal their trades, but I had the better offer for the villagers.
10:01Am I wrong for that?
10:02Maybe I need to think about it.
10:03I should probably apologize to them.
10:05Okay, you know what?
10:05Just because I'm a good friend.
10:06I'm not gonna wear any of my armor.
10:07This might be a little too unfair for them.
10:09So I'm leaving it all here.
10:10I'll just put on some leather boots for now.
10:11I really hope I don't die to a piglin brute though.
10:13That would be buns.
10:14Anyways, it's time to phase.
10:15And now we look for a bastion.
10:17Whoa, what am I seeing through this wall right now?
10:19That is most definitely a bastion.
10:21And before I go in, let me find out where the chests are first.
10:24Where are the gold blocks?
10:25I know they're-
10:26Oh, they're right there.
10:27Okay, once I spawn in, I just gotta block myself in, steal the gold blocks, and then trade with the piglins.
10:31Doesn't look like this bastion has any chests, so I don't have to loot it.
10:34Okay, I'm just gonna go right here.
10:35Yeah, perfect.
10:36None of the brutes see me.
10:37Now I'm just gonna block myself in and then infiltrate.
10:39I need to clear my inventory though.
10:41Okay, this is gonna be just the right amount to trade with these piglins.
10:43All I need are, like, 12 enderpearls and I can get out.
10:46Once I have that, I'll leave them alone.
10:47I just gotta be very careful.
10:4815 gold blocks turns into 2 stacks of gold and some extra.
10:52Now as long as I can fly, I should be chillin'.
10:54Uh-oh, uh-oh, there's already a hoglin on me.
10:55Yo, get away.
10:56You can't reach me down there.
10:57I missed a gold block too.
10:58Yo, this hoglin's gotta back off of me.
11:00I'm just trying to get my loot.
11:01And I take so much damage now that I don't have armor.
11:03Okay, it's fine, we got our gold.
11:04And I forgot the piglins have bows.
11:06Oh jeez.
11:06Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, let's chill.
11:08I gotta get a shield so I can block these arrows from hitting me.
11:10I have a crafting table so I can just make one real quick.
11:13Iron ingot, wood around it, and boom.
11:15Let's also clear my inventory so I can pick up the items they give me.
11:17Alright, now let's see what you got.
11:19I think first I'm gonna get rid of these brutes because they're gonna really bother me.
11:22They do so much damage and I'm pretty sure I could die in, like, one hit.
11:25So, let me just be careful here.
11:26Are you guys regular piglins?
11:27Okay, good.
11:28Come over here if you want gold.
11:29I know you wanna trade, buddy.
11:30There we go, he's trading.
11:31I need this one to start trading as well.
11:33And then I'll make a hole.
11:34Okay, all the piglins down here are trading and I'm getting a lot of items already.
11:38Look at this.
11:38I see enderpearls in there already.
11:39This is so quick.
11:40I'm gonna use all the gold before I go in there.
11:42I just need, like, 12 enderpearls and this should be good.
11:44Yes, good.
11:45Keep trading.
11:46Don't worry about me.
11:47And that's all my gold.
11:48Once they finish that up, I'm just gonna clear all of them out of this hole.
11:51And they keep shooting at me too.
11:52Alright, thank you for your trades, guys.
11:53Where did you come from?
11:54Oh my goodness, I'm so low.
11:55Ha ha ha, I snuck up on you!
11:57Oh, this is bad.
11:58I am so low for this.
11:59Huh, huh, huh.
12:00Holy smokes, she got me to two hearts.
12:02Okay, I'm stealing his trades.
12:03I'm stealing his trades!
12:04Mia, stop it!
12:05Stop it!
12:06Ha ha ha.
12:07No, please!
12:08Please, stop it!
12:10Oh my goodness, I'm gonna die.
12:11Ugh, get me out of here.
12:12Holy smokes, that was way too close.
12:13Yeah, maybe no armor is a bad idea.
12:15Mia could have so killed me right there.
12:16I could not let her get away with this stuff, though.
12:18Those enderpearls are mine.
12:19And all you piglins, get out of my way.
12:21Just trying to get my items, please.
12:22Okay, well, let's sift through all of this now.
12:25I see enderpearls here and it looks like that's seven.
12:27Did Mia steal everything?
12:28There's a fire resistance potion I could just splash on myself.
12:31Some steak I can eat.
12:32Oh yeah, all this is super useful.
12:34Although, I don't know if seven is enough.
12:35I'll probably go find more if I just find other piglins around here.
12:38Swear I saw a name tag for a second, but maybe I'm tripping.
12:41Oh wait, here's more enderpearls.
12:42Okay, good.
12:42It looks like I have a stack and seven now.
12:44So never mind, I don't need to trade anymore.
12:46I could just go straight to a fortress to get my blaze rods.
12:48And it's time to go into phasing mode.
12:49Let's find that fortress.
12:51Aha, I see one right here.
12:52And before I go in, I might as well find that blaze spawner, too.
12:55Which is right here.
12:56Okay, let me phase back into normal.
12:57And oh gosh, they're already spawning.
12:58Wait, oh geez.
12:59I have fire resistance on, so I'm pretty sure they can't damage me too much.
13:02I just gotta make sure they don't get too close.
13:03Let me pick up that blaze rod.
13:05Before I do anything, I'm gonna build a roof over this whole thing so that they can't fly away from me.
13:09Good thing I got a lot of blocks from those piglins.
13:10And one still got through.
13:11Are you serious?
13:12Yo, out of my way.
13:14Oh, this is gonna be so easy.
13:15If I could find another blaze spawner around here, I could just grind two of them at the same time.
13:19And I found another one.
13:20Hello, Martin.
13:21Appreciate the blaze rods.
13:22Okay, now I have two blaze farms set up.
13:24And I'm just gonna go back and forth.
13:25The other one's over on this side.
13:26Hello, Mr. Blazes.
13:27I'll make this quick.
13:28Ow, did my fire resistance run out?
13:30I think it might've.
13:30I'm gonna drink another potion just in case.
13:32That should be good enough.
13:33I see some blazes over here.
13:34Oh, that's a lot.
13:35Hold on.
13:35Okay, I gotta be very meticulous about this.
13:37I got a bow and arrow that I can use.
13:39You're glowing, sir.
13:40There we go.
13:40Let's clear out these guys.
13:42Oh gosh, this is gonna be hard.
13:43Go ahead, shoot at me.
13:43I got a shield.
13:44I'm not scared.
13:45Okay, now we just gotta clear them out.
13:46Okay, how many blaze rods is that?
13:48Wait, what?
13:48Why do I see a bridge above me?
13:49Is that a fishing rod?
13:51Yo, Nico, chill.
13:51Got you!
13:52No, no, no.
13:53I don't have armor for this.
13:54Surprise, little boy.
13:56Get away.
13:56I'm not a little boy.
13:57I'm a man.
13:58Hey, where'd your armor go?
13:59I took it off because I left it at the portal for Zoe.
14:01Yo, that was not a smart idea, dude.
14:03Yeah, I know it wasn't.
14:04Oh, dodge it.
14:05It's fine.
14:05I got abilities.
14:07Hey, ow, ow.
14:08Get off the edge.
14:08Get out of here.
14:09Oh, the blaze is attacking you.
14:10Now's my time to strike.
14:11Hey, you got a teammate.
14:12I know I do.
14:13But you also have teammates.
14:14Oh, that hurt.
14:15I know that hurt.
14:16I'm going to slowly fly away from you.
14:18Wait, what?
14:19You're going to take fall damage like that?
14:20No, I'm not.
14:21I can just keep flying.
14:22You know what?
14:23I'm just going to ignore him.
14:24I'm going to go back to my blaze spawner because now he's far away.
14:25Hey, I'm going to bridge back up to you.
14:27It doesn't matter because I just got my seventh blaze rod, which is all I needed.
14:31But if you want to kill me, maybe you can meet me at the end because that's where I'm going next.
14:34No, no, no.
14:34I'm going to stop you.
14:35No, you will not.
14:36Once I kill a hundred endermen in the end, then I get the full upgrade.
14:39The max win.
14:40No, no, no.
14:40Guys, we're going to let him get the max win.
14:42Not going to happen.
14:43Good thing I have 10 obsidian.
14:44I could use this to just build my own portal back home.
14:46W piglins.
14:47Okay, that's good enough.
14:48Now it's time to look for that stronghold.
14:50What in the world just happened?
14:52Did I just spawn next to the stronghold?
14:53Am I going crazy or did I get that lucky?
14:55There are literally stone bricks right here.
14:56Wait a second.
14:57I don't think I've ever done this in Minecraft ever.
14:59My portal back home literally led here.
15:01But is this even a stronghold?
15:02This doesn't look right.
15:03There was two villagers.
15:04Oh, no.
15:05I think I might be under an igloo or something.
15:07I'm going to go into invis mode.
15:08No, this definitely is an igloo.
15:10It wasn't even a stronghold.
15:11You know what?
15:12It doesn't even matter.
15:12I'm just going to go back up to surface and then I'll make my blaze rods into eyes of ender.
15:1612 should be enough for now.
15:17And if I throw the first one, it goes this way.
15:19But before I start heading that way, I'm going to make an enchantment table.
15:22All I need is some sugar cane and some leather.
15:24So let's go do that.
15:25I see some sugar cane right here.
15:27I think just three should be enough.
15:28So give me that.
15:29Now if there's a cow around here, I can kill it to make a book.
15:31Although I already have 38 leather.
15:35I can use this obsidian for the enchantment table.
15:37All right.
15:38Four obsidian.
15:39This chest has a bunch of- wait, a god apple?
15:41Oh, thank you.
15:42I'll take that.
15:43I know I don't need to be more OP, but I'll take it.
15:44Now let's just turn this into paper.
15:46We'll make a book with the leather and then place that at the top with two diamonds on the side.
15:50Enchantment table.
15:50Let's do our sword first.
15:51Or I can enchant my bow.
15:53Let's do that.
15:53Power 1 is going to be useful.
15:55And sharpness on the sword.
15:56I'll put efficiency on the axe and then pickaxe will also get efficiency.
15:59I don't have any armor to enchant, obviously.
16:01So that's all I need for right now.
16:03But I think I can actually start looking for the stronghold this time.
16:05It's this way.
16:06And I think I see it underground.
16:07Okay, this is perfect.
16:09There's a dungeon right next to it that I guess I could loot.
16:11But I might as well go to the end before my friends get there anyways.
16:13Ouch, skeletons.
16:14No, I don't like that.
16:15I'm getting out of here and going down to that stronghold.
16:17Bookshelf room.
16:18Portal room.
16:18Why is Mia down there?
16:19How does she get ahead of me already?
16:21I literally have abilities to make me faster at the game and she's still catching up.
16:24It's fine.
16:24I'll just sneak up on her.
16:25She won't expect it.
16:26There's nothing good in these chests anyways.
16:27Ooh, sharpness 3.
16:29Maybe I spoke too soon.
16:30Okay, I want to sneak up on her.
16:33Tracker says he's near here.
16:34Oh, nah.
16:35I don't know where.
16:36Wait, how does she know?
16:37I knew you guys had a tracker.
16:38I'm seeing someone's name tag through the wall.
16:40Subaru, have you seen him?
16:41Nah, that is not Mia.
16:42Is that Patrick?
16:43Okay, Mia must be near him.
16:44I'm gonna phase through and check.
16:45Oh, so they are on the other side of this wall.
16:48What do they got going on?
16:49I think Subaru's over here at a campfire.
16:51And Mia's just camping the spawn.
16:53I think I can get her while she's alone.
16:54I don't think Patrick will do anything anyways.
16:56I mean Subaru.
16:57All right, time to sneak up on her.
16:58Hello, Mia.
16:58Oh no, Shady's here.
16:59Yo, yo, yo.
17:00Shady's here.
17:00Shady, get him.
17:01Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
17:02Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
17:04Get down from there.
17:04He's in the sky.
17:05No, no, no.
17:06Okay, you know what?
17:06I gotta eat my god apple.
17:07Hey, he's eating something.
17:09Get away from me now.
17:10Get over here.
17:11Ow, that hurts.
17:11Ow, that hurts.
17:12Don't let him take us out.
17:13Don't let him take us out.
17:13Oh my goodness.
17:14Mia's more OP.
17:15I need to get rid of her first.
17:16Hey, what's up?
17:16Okay, this is actually hard.
17:17Get off me.
17:18This flight is making it harder on me.
17:20You take this foul beast.
17:21I'm gonna die.
17:21I'm gonna die.
17:22Oh, we play.
17:23Okay, Shady's down.
17:24Go, go, go, go.
17:25And now Zoe's here.
17:26Oh, geez.
17:27Oh, I'm getting low.
17:27Hold on.
17:28This is not good at all.
17:29Yeah, I'm biting your legs.
17:30Come here.
17:30Get away from me.
17:31No, you're being an ankle biter.
17:32Stop it.
17:33I need to break through the top.
17:34Get him.
17:35Get him.
17:36I think I'm safe here now.
17:37I'm back.
17:37Where's my armor, guys?
17:38Build up, build up, build up.
17:39You will not reach me.
17:41It went in the lava.
17:42The final boss has arrived.
17:45How are all of you here?
17:46What do you mean?
17:47Our goal was to kill you when you got to the end.
17:49Oh, no.
17:50Well, you know what?
17:51What if I just go into the end right now?
17:52Hey, get him.
17:54You guys can't do anything.
17:55Stop him.
17:55Stop him.
17:56Back away.
17:56Get in the end.
17:57I'm gonna beat him.
17:58I'm gonna beat him.
17:58I'm smacking you.
17:59What you gonna do about it?
18:00No, you're not.
18:01I got my little hidey hole, so I'm chilling.
18:02Where do you go?
18:03Oh, Zoe, go into the end.
18:06Oh, gosh.
18:07Oh, no, Shady, you too.
18:08Where's Mia at?
18:09She's the only one that hasn't gone in.
18:10Joke's on you.
18:12They're gonna camp me there.
18:13But as long as I can get Mia out and that's gonna be good.
18:15Guys, did you get him?
18:16Oh, I don't know if I like that.
18:18Please, please, please, please.
18:20No, I don't have all my stuff on me.
18:21I don't have anything else.
18:23Oh, my goodness.
18:25And she's gone.
18:25I need to see what she had on her.
18:27That's what I was looking for.
18:28The reason I need this is because I need to make an anvil before I go to the end.
18:31Now, it's time to put sharpness three on my netherite sword.
18:35Thank goodness Mia had all that iron on her.
18:36It's time to go in now.
18:37Okay, where they at?
18:38Ah, Nico's up there.
18:39I'm just gonna phase through the wall here.
18:40They're not even gonna see me sneak by.
18:42Yo, has Cash came to the end yet?
18:44I don't think so.
18:45No, I'm still in the overworld.
18:46Don't worry.
18:47Why don't I trust that?
18:48This is perfect.
18:48I need to build away from this crystal so I don't die to it.
18:51Yeah, that should be good enough.
18:52That's one down.
18:53Yo, crystals are exploding.
18:55Why is there blocks up there and arrows coming out of that thing?
18:57Mia, what are you doing up there?
18:58Hey, don't worry about it.
19:00It's totally Mia.
19:01I'm not even up there.
19:02Shady's up here with Subaru.
19:03Why are they at a campfire right now?
19:05What in the marten?
19:06Maybe I can sneak past him here.
19:07He won't see me, right?
19:08Oh, okay.
19:09He saw me.
19:09It's fine.
19:10I can go back into invis mode.
19:11Guys, he's teleporting, bro.
19:12I swear he just teleported behind me.
19:14I'm not teleporting.
19:14I don't know what you're talking about.
19:15Where is he?
19:16Oh, I see him over there.
19:17He's just teleported behind us, bro.
19:19I would never teleport.
19:20That's a lie.
19:21All right, let me destroy this crystal.
19:22And then that one right there.
19:23I don't think I can reach it though.
19:25Oh, Mia died.
19:27Now's my chance.
19:28Do what he keeps moving.
19:30Once I get rid of this crystal.
19:31Oh gosh.
19:31No problem.
19:32He disappeared.
19:33Holy smokes.
19:34This ender dragon needs to chill.
19:36I'm starting to get really low, but I think I can kill this dragon now.
19:38I'm going to follow him.
19:39They're building a huge tower here to try and snipe me off.
19:41And Nico is above me right there.
19:44Stop it.
19:45Why do I hear a war horn?
19:46War horn.
19:47I got sharpness 3 on my sword.
19:48I can melt this guy.
19:50How do you get him while he's flying?
19:52Subaru's activating beast mode.
19:55I need to get rid of these guys first.
19:56Oh my goodness.
19:57I was glowing.
19:58How they actually hit me right now?
20:00How about your water bucket clutch?
20:02What's good with you?
20:03Are you serious?
20:04Stay away.
20:04Stay away.
20:04Stay away.
20:05Stay away.
20:05Dragon on me.
20:06I just got to kill the dragon before they can shoot me down.
20:08I have no armor.
20:09So this is going to be hard.
20:10He is moving.
20:12Stop it.
20:13Shot him.
20:14I'm low.
20:14Oh gosh.
20:14How does Subaru have a light drop?
20:16He's low.
20:16One more shot.
20:17I'm not going to lose this.
20:18Come on.
20:18Ender dragon.
20:19Just die.
20:19Where is my shots going?
20:21Shot him.
20:21Oh gosh.
20:22This is bad.
20:23Come on.
20:23Come on.
20:23Come on.
20:23One more.
20:24Come here little boy.
20:26What do I do?
20:26Golden apple.
20:28Shot him.
20:28Oh no.
20:29Come on.
20:31I'm one heart.
20:32That was so close.
20:35Get them away from me.
20:35Come on.
20:36Ender dragon.
20:37Oh my gosh.
20:37Oh my gosh.
20:37Oh my gosh.
20:37Oh my gosh.
20:38Oh my gosh.
20:38Get him.
20:40I need this.
20:41The last shot.
20:42I need it.
20:46I died to the dragon.
20:49Let's go.
20:50Are you kidding me?
20:51Listen guys.
20:52I'm sorry for stealing all your trades with the villagers.
20:55I realized I was wrong and maybe you deserve to kill me.
20:57Yeah, you better be sorry.
20:58But at least I got a bunch of cool items.
21:00You guys want them?
21:02Let me see.
21:02I don't want your scummy items.
21:04Come on.
21:05You guys will forgive me after I give this to you.
21:07Come on.
21:07Hey, why did you want it that bad?
21:10Oh my goodness.
21:11Oh, you are so done for.
21:14Let's go.
21:16Now they're mad at Nico.
21:18I'm just gonna leave.
21:19If you want to watch more videos from us, then click one on your screen right now.
21:22And also don't forget to subscribe.
21:25Bye guys.