• yesterday
00:00Who's one NBA player that rubs you the wrong way?
00:02Oh, that's easy. Draymond Green.
00:04Dylan Brooks, but I love him though.
00:07I hate Dylan Brooks. That dude is a menace.
00:10Jordan Poole.
00:11Team Draymond.
00:12Yeah, I just like people who pass the ball.
00:14Philadelphia 76ers. Center. Must I say more?
00:18Devin Booker. I don't like the Kobe comparisons.
00:21He hasn't really done much in his career, to be honest, to be compared to Kobe.
00:26My answer would be DeMontis Sabonis.
00:28I'd probably say the guy I least like to face is Jokic.
00:31Zaza Pachulia.
00:33But he did it kawaii, man!
