Surah Al-Hijr, Ruku 2:
Ayat 16-17:
"And indeed, We have placed in the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers. And We have protected it from every devil expelled." (Quran 15:16-17)
In these ayat, Allah describes the beauty of the universe, particularly the stars in the sky. He also mentions that He has protected the universe from the influence of devils.
Ayat 18-20:
"And if any devil tries to listen in on the assembly, he will be pursued by a clear burning flame. And We have spread out the earth and set thereon mountains and provided thereon sustenance for you and others whom you do not provide for." (Quran 15:18-20)
In these ayat, Allah warns the devils that if they try to listen in on the assembly of angels, they will be chased away by a burning flame. He also describes the creation of the earth and the provision of sustenance for all living beings.
Ayat 21-25:
"And there is no thing but that with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known measure. And We have sent the fertilizing winds and sent down water from the sky and given you drink from it. And indeed, you are not the controllers of it." (Quran 15:21-25)
In these ayat, Allah emphasizes that He is the One who controls the provision of sustenance and the distribution of resources. He also describes the natural processes of wind and rain that bring life-giving water to the earth.
1. #SurahAlHijr
2. #Ruku2
3. #Ayat16-25
4. #Universe
5. #Stars
6. #Devils
7. #Earth
8. #Sustenance
9. #Provision
10. #IslamicCosmology
Ayat 16-17:
"And indeed, We have placed in the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers. And We have protected it from every devil expelled." (Quran 15:16-17)
In these ayat, Allah describes the beauty of the universe, particularly the stars in the sky. He also mentions that He has protected the universe from the influence of devils.
Ayat 18-20:
"And if any devil tries to listen in on the assembly, he will be pursued by a clear burning flame. And We have spread out the earth and set thereon mountains and provided thereon sustenance for you and others whom you do not provide for." (Quran 15:18-20)
In these ayat, Allah warns the devils that if they try to listen in on the assembly of angels, they will be chased away by a burning flame. He also describes the creation of the earth and the provision of sustenance for all living beings.
Ayat 21-25:
"And there is no thing but that with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known measure. And We have sent the fertilizing winds and sent down water from the sky and given you drink from it. And indeed, you are not the controllers of it." (Quran 15:21-25)
In these ayat, Allah emphasizes that He is the One who controls the provision of sustenance and the distribution of resources. He also describes the natural processes of wind and rain that bring life-giving water to the earth.
1. #SurahAlHijr
2. #Ruku2
3. #Ayat16-25
4. #Universe
5. #Stars
6. #Devils
7. #Earth
8. #Sustenance
9. #Provision
10. #IslamicCosmology