Surah Al-Hijr, Ayat 1-15:
Surah Al-Hijr is the 15th chapter of the Quran and consists of 99 ayat. Here's a brief overview of the first ruku:
Ayat 1-2:
"Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the Book and a clear Quran." (Quran 15:1)
The surah begins with the muqatta'at (disjointed letters) Alif, Lam, Ra, which are unique to this surah. The next ayat emphasizes the clarity and purity of the Quran.
Ayat 3-5:
"Indeed, those who disbelieve will be addressed, 'Greater is the punishment for what you did than the punishment for what you used to do.'" (Quran 15:3-5)
These ayat warn the disbelievers of a severe punishment in the Hereafter, which will be greater than any punishment they may have faced in this life.
Ayat 6-9:
"And they will say, 'O woe to us! What is this Book that leaves none of our sins unaccounted for?' They will find all they did present before them, and your Lord does no injustice to anyone." (Quran 15:6-9)
In these ayat, the disbelievers will be shocked and dismayed when they see their deeds recorded in the Book of Deeds. They will realize that Allah is just and fair, and that no one will be wronged.
1. #SurahAlHijr
2. #Ruku1
3. #Ayat1-15
4. #QuranTafseer
5. #Disbelievers
6. #Punishment
7. #BookOfDeeds
8. #Justice
9. #Fairness
10. #IslamicKnowledge
Surah Al-Hijr is the 15th chapter of the Quran and consists of 99 ayat. Here's a brief overview of the first ruku:
Ayat 1-2:
"Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the Book and a clear Quran." (Quran 15:1)
The surah begins with the muqatta'at (disjointed letters) Alif, Lam, Ra, which are unique to this surah. The next ayat emphasizes the clarity and purity of the Quran.
Ayat 3-5:
"Indeed, those who disbelieve will be addressed, 'Greater is the punishment for what you did than the punishment for what you used to do.'" (Quran 15:3-5)
These ayat warn the disbelievers of a severe punishment in the Hereafter, which will be greater than any punishment they may have faced in this life.
Ayat 6-9:
"And they will say, 'O woe to us! What is this Book that leaves none of our sins unaccounted for?' They will find all they did present before them, and your Lord does no injustice to anyone." (Quran 15:6-9)
In these ayat, the disbelievers will be shocked and dismayed when they see their deeds recorded in the Book of Deeds. They will realize that Allah is just and fair, and that no one will be wronged.
1. #SurahAlHijr
2. #Ruku1
3. #Ayat1-15
4. #QuranTafseer
5. #Disbelievers
6. #Punishment
7. #BookOfDeeds
8. #Justice
9. #Fairness
10. #IslamicKnowledge