Pakar Gizi Ingatkan Orang Tua untuk Kurangi Konsumsi Kental Manis
00:00Professor Tria Astika Endah Permata Sari, in Bogor, on March 19th, asked parents to stop giving sweetened condensed milk to their children because if it is consumed excessively, it can cause digestive disorders such as malnutrition, obesity, and stunting.
00:21This is the result of a survey conducted by the University of Jakarta based on research conducted in four villages in Pamijahan district, Bogor province, involving 100 women.
00:33It was found that many parents still believe that sweetened condensed milk is milk.
00:38Based on research conducted by 27 children who consume sweetened condensed milk more than three times a day, three of them experience malnutrition, while those who consume it two to three times a day are at risk of obesity.
00:53Consuming sweetened condensed milk excessively, more than three times a day, has an impact on an individual not only to experience malnutrition, but also to experience obesity.
01:05They know that consuming sweetened condensed milk excessively is the best way to reduce malnutrition.
01:12However, Generation Z, Generation Z, or even Generation Alpha, the young women, are still living a lifestyle that is both cheap and practical.
01:26Professor Tria hopes that parents will be more wise in giving sweetened condensed milk to their children and reduce the consumption of sweetened condensed milk gradually for the sake of women's health.
01:35From Bogor, West Java, Fazar Ilham, Antara News Agency, reported.