Polisi Terapkan One Way Dan GaGe di Jalur Puncak saat Libur Lebaran
00:00Polres Bogor will carry out a one-way or one-way cross system and Ganjil Genap at the top of the Bogor regency line on H plus 1 to H plus 8 on Easter 2025.
00:19This policy is applied to regulate the line of vehicles estimated to reach 80,000 units, both wheel 2 and wheel 4.
00:28Polres Bogor, AKBP Riyo Wahyu Anggoro Usai Apel of the Lodaya 2025 Operation Force, in the Bogor regency on Thursday, March 20, stressed that this cross-river regulation aims to avoid severe traffic jams that often occur in the Puncak area during the holiday season.
00:48To carry out cross-river surveillance and the Atang-Sanjaya Canal will also deploy 8 helicopters that monitor the condition of the air traffic flow.
00:59Either one-way, Ganjil Genap or other cross-river surveillance.
01:06Because the maximum is 80,000 motorized vehicles, both wheel 2 and wheel 4.
01:14When entering Puncak, we will immediately carry out cross-river surveillance so that we can maintain public holidays because it is in accordance with the tagline, safe and comfortable.
01:25Polres Bogor urges people who want to spend their holidays in Puncak to comply with cross-river regulations and follow the guidelines of the officers on the ground.
01:34With cooperation from all parties, it is hoped that this year's holiday will go smoothly without any obstacles.
01:41From Bogor, West Java, Fazer Ilham, Antara News Agency, reporting.
01:55For more UN videos visit www.un.org