• 2 days ago
Today, I Invite PTI Workers to Join MQM, Says Governor Sindh
00:00Let's take a live look at what the government is saying right now.
00:30The government has said that this is an internal matter of Pakistan.
00:39So your hopes have been shattered.
00:45I have only given advice.
00:48Because I live close to the people.
00:53People call me a public governor.
00:56600,000 people have come and gone to the governor's house.
01:0450,000 IT advanced courses are now being terminated.
01:12People tell me that the hope that Imran Khan gave us,
01:21I swear to God, you have fulfilled that.
01:28There is no politics in this.
01:32And today, I want to tell the workers of PTI,
01:41who live in Karachi or all over Pakistan,
01:45that they will not spend a single night in Karachi after becoming a minister.
01:56Did Surjani Town come after becoming a minister?
02:03Did Javed Nihari go?
02:06So I invite all the workers of PTI living in Karachi to join MQM Pakistan.
02:19We have such a big heart.
02:22When a person comes home in the evening, he is not called forgotten.
02:37If he fights with his wife and leaves, he will not come back for three days.
02:43Then he will say that he has gone to his friends.
02:47Let's find an excuse.
02:49Why, Farooq?
02:51Our wives are watching.
02:53Along with me, Farooq bhai and all of you,
02:59those who are standing with their hands tied, they are afraid of wives.
03:03Those whose hands are open, they are not afraid.
03:06Wives are afraid of them.
03:08He is also afraid of my brother.
03:10No, no, no.
03:14So for those sisters, I make an announcement.
03:20If anyone abuses my sisters,
03:28even if it is their husband,
03:31then my sister will say,
03:33who is my brother?
03:36Who is he?
03:38Who is he?
03:39Who is he?
03:41Who is he?
03:43Okay, let's talk now.
03:46I will talk to you separately.
03:48My sister wants that her husband has abused her.
03:56Her brother, the governor, should solve his case right now.
04:01What do you think?
04:03Call him after Sehri.
04:06Call him.
04:07Come on, tell your sister.
04:09Come here, sister.
04:11Call him.
04:13Come, my sister.
04:15Come, come.
04:17Give space to your sister.
04:19Call him first.
04:21Call him today.
04:23You have done such a thing,
04:25that a man cannot run a house,
04:27you are running a country.
04:29You should have fired him.
04:31A man cannot run a house,
04:33you are running a country.
04:35And I have seen you with my own eyes,
04:37you have been abusing my husband.
04:39You have been abusing my husband.
04:41I have come here with my children.
04:44But my children have forgotten their studies because of the smallpox.
04:48After today,
04:50your sister's children will also study.
04:53And this brother of hers
04:55will get his sister's children
04:59to study well.
05:01God willing.
05:04the one who has made me fall,
05:07God willing,
05:10I will pick him up first.
05:13Then what will I do?
05:15I will pick him up again.
05:17I will make him fall again.
05:19Until he apologizes to my sister.
05:26That's it.
05:28I have called you my sister.
05:30And this trust of yours,
05:32God willing,
05:34this brother of yours
05:36will never reject you.
05:38You should make your sister sit on the chair.
05:41Make your sister sit on the chair.
05:44Check her blood pressure.
05:46The doctor who is with me,
05:49in the ambulance,
05:51call him to check her blood pressure.
05:55I am very grateful to you.
05:57You are such a governor
05:59that I have never seen before.
06:00This NQMI,
06:02it also caused destruction.
06:04But you have done what I have seen with my own eyes.
06:08You did not let people go empty-handed.
06:10On your own.
06:12God willing.
06:14And check my sister's blood pressure.
06:16Sit down.
06:18I will meet you.
06:20I will meet you.
06:22God willing,
06:24you check her blood pressure.
06:27So I give the right to all my brothers and sisters,
06:31like I have given the right to my sister,
06:34I also give the right to these young people
06:39that if someone is unfair to you,
06:43if a policeman is unlawful,
06:46or if someone occupies your land,
06:50if a land mafia,
06:52if a land grabber
06:53if a land grabber
06:55occupies your land,
06:58cuts your electricity,
07:01does load shedding,
07:03does not provide gas,
07:05does not build roads,
07:07then I am giving you the right.
07:12You have to say
07:14who is your brother.
07:17Who is your brother.
07:20When he will say
07:23then that land grabber's
07:26legs will start shivering in Surjani town.
07:32He will think twice.
07:34How many times?
07:36100 times.
07:38Then it seems
07:40he will start shivering other than his legs.
07:45He is a doctor, he will tell.
07:48Heart is shivering
07:50or lungs are shivering
07:51or brain is shivering.
07:54One time his blood pressure will come down
07:59or it will go straight up.
08:02This will not work.
08:04Before I came here,
08:07even though I live in a governor's house,
08:10but I know one thing,
08:12one thing at a time.
08:14In Surjani town,
08:16land is being occupied one by one.
08:18It is being occupied three times.
08:19It is being occupied four times.
08:21Papers are being made four times.
08:23Injustice is being done.
08:25Police is also involved.
08:27People are being harassed.
08:29There is no electricity all night.
08:32Right or wrong?
08:36Then Farooq Bhai is right.
08:38Conspiracy is being made on land.
08:41That is why it is raining on the sea.
08:44Such a terror.
08:47It is raining on water.
08:49Then they say more water will come.
08:53When water will come on water,
08:56then more will come.
08:58Which is wrong?
09:00If more will come, then more will come.
09:05we will not let useless people
09:08get involved
09:11and we will not let them run away from this country so easily.
09:18Now that time is going to come
09:21which Farooq Bhai has been announcing for six years.
09:25We just went
09:27to watch a match in Myanmar.
09:30Look at this.
09:32It looks like a man has given his car.
09:34This is called a leader.
09:37Looking at that stadium,
09:40that ground,
09:42I said this ground is less
09:44and graveyard is more.
09:46Because Farooq Bhai is there.
09:49I said this Farooq Bhai
09:52will get it made with his funds.
09:54If he does not get funds,
09:56then a single car
09:59which 20 people have burnt together,
10:02he will sell it and get it made.
10:06He did not say no even once.
10:08In fact, he sat in the car and asked me
10:11that when do you want it made?
10:13I said Farooq Bhai,
10:14you can roam in the car for a week.
10:17Then one day you have to get it made.
10:20Because you have promised.
10:22And that too
10:24you have promised the Pathans.
10:26Because if the work is not completed,
10:28then they come straight home to have tea.
10:31Isn't it?
10:33So Inshallah,
10:36all my brothers in Surjani Town
10:40and all my brothers,
10:46I want to tell you
10:49that whatever Dr. Farooq Sattar Bhai has told,
10:53or whatever my sister has told,
10:56this is not a dream.
10:59For three years,
11:02I swear to God,
11:04I have not slept for a single day.
11:07Furqan Dahiya Bhai was asking me
11:11that people ask me
11:14where does the Governor get so much energy from?
11:17I was telling them
11:20that when my brothers and sisters
11:23are deprived of employment in Karachi,
11:26they do not get electricity in their homes,
11:29they do not get gas,
11:31they do not get electricity in their homes,
11:34they do not get electricity in their homes,
11:37they do not get electricity in their homes,
11:39they do not get electricity in their homes,
11:41then how can I,
11:43as Governor,
11:45sleep peacefully?
11:48Tell me,
11:50how can I sleep?
11:52That is why
11:54I worked hard for 16-17 hours.
11:59That is why today
12:0250,000 children,
12:07have made their future.
12:10Because today a child
12:13earns 5 lakh rupees
12:15and my daughter earns 8 lakh rupees
12:18a month as Governor.
12:25they do not sit peacefully.
12:27Now, Inshallah,
12:3050,000 children
12:33are going to study in Hyderabad.
12:35After that, Mirpur Khas,
12:38after that,
12:42Tandwala Yaar,
12:44and then Larkana,
12:47and then Nawab Shah.
12:52we will lay the trap of I.T.
12:55So that
12:57this world,
12:59this coming era,
13:03Artificial Intelligence,
