• 2 days ago
Donny Enriquez | What's For Lunch
00:00Yo Ari, what's for lunch? How about beef rendang?
00:08Guys welcome back to what's for lunch. Ari Shafir. Hey, how are you? Welcome to the kitchen. Excited about this?
00:13Yeah, this is this is a first for me. Honestly, I've never heard of beef rendang ever. So I was kind of surprised. Interesting.
00:20How did you pick this? It was, I wanted to challenge you. Okay.
00:25I read an article on Time magazine of top 50 foods in the world.
00:30Pizza was like seventh, but beef rendang was number one. Number one? Number one. It's Indonesian.
00:36Okay. And and then I was in, was on Bali in Ubud and then they had it there.
00:42I was like, oh wait, I heard about this. And then I got it.
00:47You can't get it on Flores Island. You can't get it on like Lombok. Yeah, there you go. Well, there's one dish in the world.
00:53You got to look that article up. Yeah, I can't believe I hadn't heard of it.
00:57And I put it, I'm excited when I did some research, looked into it. A lot of Southeast Asian flavors, some interesting ingredients.
01:02So you don't see a lot of tamarind paste, palm sugar,
01:06galanga root, which is like a crazy root. You live in New York City.
01:09You can get, if you have a Chinatown, you're gonna be able to find all these ingredients.
01:13If you need a dead skinned rabbit, New York's the place to go. That too. But this is like a ginger, only it's way more citrusy.
01:19It's a lot harder. Give that a smell. Here, this one's peeled. Smell that.
01:23Oh, yeah. See that? Super sweet, super citrusy. And then we're using coriander and tamarinds, like honestly, like sweet and sour.
01:29We'll taste this in a second. It's like sweet and sour, like nature's warhead.
01:32Just makes you pucker. And then we're going spice. Did you have, was it spicy when you ate it? It was a touch spicy.
01:37Okay. Yeah. All right, good. All right. So what are these? Thai peppers? These are Thai chilies.
01:41You can use dried chilies and rehydrate them. I just had the fresh ones.
01:44So we're doing Thai chilies, shallots, lemongrass, and then our beef chuck, or you can use short rib. So when were you in Indonesia?
01:52I left the country. I locked myself out of all my social media and email, and I called an Uber and then threw my phone in the drawer
02:01and had no contact with the outside world and went to Myanmar. Holy shit. Just for like four months, I was like, just living off the grid.
02:10Damn. Yeah. And you didn't touch your, like no one? I couldn't. I didn't have a password. I changed my password, so like, I just slammed on it.
02:16Did you tell people or they just think you went missing? I told a couple people. A lot of people thought I was dead, though.
02:21Holy shit. It's kind of cool. What was your favorite country food-wise? Food-wise, Indonesia. Really?
02:26Thailand's great, but Indonesia had flavors I've never seen before. Like this? Like bring friend on. Yeah.
02:32It's like similar to a Thai curry as well. So it's like you do get a lot of... Curry's huge out there. Curry's huge.
02:38I think because everything goes rotten. Yeah, that's the other thing I read about this.
02:41It's like they use it as a way to preserve meat because of all the spices in it.
02:44If you cook it down, it's technically a dry curry. So the goal is to have no sauce at the end and you can preserve meat that way.
02:49So it'll last, you know, I don't know how long the shelf life extends by, but like a significant amount of time.
02:54When's the last time you had this? Have you had it stateside since? I have once or maybe in Melbourne, I think.
03:00They had some Indonesian places and I got it. Anytime in any Indonesian place, I'll try to get this.
03:05Okay. Are you an adventurous eater then? Will you pretty much eat anything? I'll eat anything.
03:09What's the craziest thing you've eaten or not craziest, but some crazy stuff you've eaten?
03:13Craziest thing I wouldn't do again because I found out afterwards it's like a risky thing to do is in China,
03:18I had goat brain in like the hot pot. And afterwards people were like, yeah, don't eat brain ever.
03:22Like especially in China because it's disease ridden and you don't know what you're going to get.
03:27I was in East Timor and they told me like this kid was like in my lifetime, we ate monkey brain all the time.
03:31But then we're like, you can't eat it anymore. Both disgusting though. Yeah.
03:34I would agree. It's not like one's great. No. All right. So here we've just blended up the ginger root.
03:39They got galangal, some cloves of garlic, like six cloves of garlic, shallots,
03:44and then the spices in there, coriander, some cloves, and then we have some star anise and some cinnamon.
03:48So this is a heavily spiced dish too, but a lot of back and forth.
03:51Like the star anise has that licorice-y flavor and then you have cinnamon
03:55and you have some sweetness and limeness from those like coriander like smell.
03:58I don't know if you can even smell those. The cardamom. Oh, yeah. All right.
04:02So now we're going in here. We've just toasted some coconut oil.
04:05We're going in with our beef. Normally you'd brown beef beforehand.
04:09So this is a different way of doing it. Usually you always want color on beef to sear it.
04:12With these curries, from the research I did, no color on it before.
04:16You just mix it right in and then it's just going to cook for so long
04:19that all these flavors are going to meld together and fall apart.
04:22So you don't really need a browning. You don't need a crust on it.
04:25Like you would if you're doing a stew or something. Yeah. So interesting.
04:27I'll try anything and then, but I'm like fully expecting a lot of stuff to be like, no, not for me.
04:32Yeah. And then every once in a while with this, it's like, oh no, I fucking love it.
04:36I mean curries in general, I tend to like, once I taste it, it's like, oh that flavor is different.
04:40Especially with, now we're going to put this in with the cinnamon, with the star anise,
04:43with the coriander in there, cardamom. A lot of, yeah, a lot of good splicing here.
04:49You want to bash some lemongrass actually for me? All I need you to do with a back of a knife.
04:53We're going to break that up a little bit. Just release the oils. We'll slice it in half.
04:58This one's like a good amount of prep, but other than that, it's one pot and you're done.
05:02So if you have time, this thing is not too hard.
05:04I'm going to go in with some coconut cream actually. Goes on top.
05:08Perfect. If you just want to slice it. Great. Just slice it once like this way.
05:15Yep, right across. Ah, fuck. God damn it, dude.
05:22I was going to say nobody's cut themselves on the show yet.
05:24I can't believe you're the first. Fuck, you got me with that one.
05:32That's starting to look nice. But lemongrass, you can grow this in your place.
05:38It grows super easy. It's like, I mean, it's a grass. So like it'll take over your garden though.
05:41So put it in a pot or if you put if you grow it, it'll just it'll start to spread everywhere.
05:46Yeah, and then some palm sugar. So this is palm sugar is, you know,
05:50it's obviously it's from a from a palm tree instead of a sugar cane.
05:54Tastes a little bit more butterscotch caramelly, not as directly sweet.
05:57So we're going to break up some of that. It's going to go in.
06:01And then last is tamarind paste. Now this I'll have you try at the end.
06:06It's a fruit super super tart. Like I was saying,
06:08like it really it makes you want to pucker up like nature's kind of warhead right here.
06:13So a little bit of this goes in. You have the warhead powder.
06:17No, you might put it in a drink. Then you just touch it like that.
06:21It's just it's pure sour. That's crazy. There's no taste to it at all.
06:24It's just the sour. What's the point? You said people do people do bumps.
06:27It's like a challenge. No, you can't believe it.
06:30It's worth so much worse than Molly.
06:34That must be really bad, man. Oh weird.
06:36Yeah, we're right. So and then this the color will drastically change.
06:40It will see it with my end product. It looks a little pale right now.
06:43A little bit more coconut cream than you have to make it where it's not so raw on the inside.
06:47The what do you mean to me? Yeah. Yeah, the meat will cook through.
06:50So this is you go for four hours on cover. Okay,
06:52so normally you'd cover it up. You can cover the first batch that I made that we'll look at in the second year.
06:5645 minutes just to help everything cook
06:58and then uncover because you really want to be dry at the end.
07:00You don't want a lot of sauce. You want to cook kind of cook all the way out.
07:03We're going to do four hours. You want to fuck each other. Yeah.
07:06Thankfully I did a little the old TV trick. Oh and then the last thing here.
07:10I saw I shredded up a coconut this morning and then you toast it
07:12and and that goes in as well. I think I got it down.
07:16But this is again something I've never made before.
07:18So usually I like to try something
07:20and then I know what I have a baseline of what it's going to taste like.
07:22I have no idea. So you're going to be my judge
07:24and I know you won't hold back whether it's good or bad.
07:27We actually met you're leaving the Billy Strings concert in Fort Worth.
07:32I was fucking off too many mushrooms.
07:34I tried to try to say hello and I just like word vomited something.
07:37I kind of walked away. I shook your hand
07:39and like said something first before my name and then you gave me a look.
07:42I was like I I was I got to go. Okay.
07:44That makes me feel better. Do that. So I had no idea what was walking in on.
07:48Oh, is that your first show? Yeah, I just saw straight bluegrass.
07:50Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've been to like six six shows now.
07:54It's fucking awesome. I'll go to anyone that I can go to now.
07:57Billy Strings show is something else man blows my mind every time.
08:00Oh, I listened to all the live shows like there's a service subscribed to called Nugs.
08:03You can watch every show and then you get the live version of everything
08:06because he does a lot of covers that you're never going to see on the
08:09never going to have on Spotify or iTunes.
08:11All right. So then this is what we have at the end here guys.
08:13Look, it's you can see how dark it is. You've got all the liquid out the texture.
08:17It looks right. Okay. Uh-huh. Can I also say that fucking stepped up?
08:21Well, I'll give you a challenge and you gave me a challenge shy away from it at all.
08:23Oh, no, not at all. I mean, this is fun.
08:25Most people request fried chicken sandwiches or, you know, chicken parm trash.
08:28We'll just you know, whatever. Yeah.
08:31I'm sick of making smash burgers. All right. All right,
08:33and that's that's what I got. That's that's my best rendition of it for never trying it.
08:38Rendition of it. Yeah. Yeah, I like that. It works.
08:42But taste it first. Yeah, for sure. And then let me know.
08:49Damn, bro. Is it close? That's it. Fuck. Yes, dude. Let's go.
08:53Right there. Fuck. Yes. Oh, hell yeah.
08:57Yeah, that tastes good. Now, let me try it because I have to touch salty.
09:00Okay. So salty.
09:08So the lime will help with that. It is a little salty.
09:10So you've never even had it. Never even had it.
09:12No, never even had it. I created just from research.
09:16I'm happy you like it. I was worried because I was like,
09:17if anyone's going to shoot it straight, it's R Shafir.
09:19If it sucks, I'm not he's not going to sugarcoat it.
09:22Thank you for being honest and thank you for suggesting something fun
09:24and new to be honest. What you can't see on the camera is this body odor he's got.
09:28It's disgusting. It's overpowering.
09:30And it's like you really have to like breathe out of your mouth
09:32when you're eating this to cover that up,
09:35but it's authentic. It's authentic. Yeah, it's authentic to Indonesia.
09:37We just need the flies. We got a couple of flies coming around.
09:40Yeah, you got to add both like a bunch of flies.
09:42Yeah. All right. Well, I'm honestly I'm glad it worked out.
09:45I was I was out here at 8 in the morning that I had to switch pans.
09:48I was like fuck. I don't know if this is going to come out come together
09:50because I again I'm not used to the sauce just disappearing and turning to this.
09:53So I didn't know what I was looking for.
09:55But then towards the end I try to go. Okay, this is this is going to work.
09:58Yeah, this is at least going to be edible and that's going to be spicy.
10:01Holy shit. Are you a beast with spice?
10:04What's your what's your tolerance level? Pretty much. I'll just go for it.
10:07That I respect. Do you know you get natural hot? You get like a euphoric high from spices.
10:12Yeah, you can get it. I want that under here sweat. Yeah.
10:15You got a good rush. You know, the rest will be good.
10:17Plus I love shitting blood. So well, I think we're going to end on that one guys.
10:22That's how you go for this episode. It was for lunch.
10:24R. Shafir. Do you have anything out right now? You want to want to pump?
10:27I have a new special America's Sweethearts on Netflix.
10:30I mean, I know the ones do on YouTube. Check me out. Don't watch for the grandmother.
10:34It's disgusting. All right. Thanks guys. See you next time.
