• 2 days ago
15 mins of Heat! The Miami Heat lost their 8th game in a row, getting blown out by the New York Knicks 116 to 95. Miami falls to 10th in the East after the Bulls handle the Jazz 111 to 97… This is the first time a Erik Spoelstra coached team has lost 8 in a row…first 8 game losing streak since the 2007-08 season. Tracy Morgan threw up courtside and was bleeding from his nose as he left and delayed the Knicks vs Heat game. Joe Cronin has passed the Miami Heat. Tobin lashes out on Leroy after assuming everything would have seemed fine based on Jović's health. Leroy discredits Tobin's assumptions about the fate of the HEAT with a Healthy Goran Dragic.


00:00you. Yeah, boy, you want 560
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00:19Your Miami Heat. They lose last
00:22night. They lose 116 ninety-
00:25five to the New York Knicks.
00:30something that has not been
00:33done in 17 years and yes, if
00:37you want to do the quick math,
00:39that was the tanking season for
00:41Michael Beasley where they
00:42finished with fifteen wins and
00:44no, it's never happened in the
00:46head coaching career of Eric
00:48Spoelstra. They got outscored.
00:54Forty-one to fifteen in the
01:00third quarter yesterday. Welcome
01:02back, old friend. Third quarter.
01:04Oof. Woo. Forty-one to fifteen.
01:12The Miami Heat got outshot from
01:16three for the game in the third
01:21quarter. The Knicks were seven
01:23of ten from downtown. For the
01:26game, the Miami Heat were six
01:30of twenty-three. Five of them
01:34were by dunks. Were by Duncan
01:36Robinson. So, nobody else made
01:38it through. Wow. And that's
01:42what has plagued this team all
01:44year. It's like, one guy will
01:48be great from three. But the
01:51team won't still won't be any
01:52good as a team from three. Like
01:55we only have, listen, from a
01:58night-to-night basis, only one,
02:01maybe two guys are going to get
02:03hot. Here's the kicker. Spo
02:05doesn't know which two guys, if
02:07he looks down to me, he has no
02:09idea which two guys are going to
02:10be hot. Which means you need
02:12more consistent players. I saw
02:14somebody that I wanted during
02:15the break. Oh, because he dunked
02:17from like the. Oh, did you see
02:20that dunk from Zion last night?
02:22Wow. Hey. Leroy. We don't have
02:26that. We don't have that. Come
02:29on. Wow. But again. Even though
02:33they lost at forty. Yeah. After
02:36what has happened the last few
02:38years, I'm not taking no chances
02:42on injury players. I'm not. We
02:45have nothing. We have nothing.
02:47We got Leroy. Do you know what
02:48happened last night? Do you want
02:49to know what happened last night?
02:50That's not J. Fig. Do you want
02:53to know what happened last
02:54night? Tell me. Marcos. You want
02:59to know what happened last
03:00night? Yeah, I do want to know
03:02what happened last night. I'll
03:04tell you what happened last
03:05night but first, I need to call
03:07it 3055670560. 3055670560 and
03:12I'll tell you what happened last
03:14happened last night because it was a black eye on the franchise last night as to what
03:22happened now. Last night. Now a black eye on the franchise. Something new. This is what
03:29they're doing right now. Tap machines. Throw the towel. Throw the towel. What are you doing?
03:37The towel rock. I mean, it does feel like supposed to throw the towel. It really does.
03:42I know he likes to talk about competing and all that. We'll hear from him here in just
03:46a second. But I'll hear what happened last night. But first, I need to call it 305-567-0560.
03:52305-567-0560. And I'll tell you what happened last night, but not until I get a caller.
03:57OK, so if you want the show to continue, 305-567-0560. Why are you subjecting others to this? I think
04:04they're hurt, dude. I think he and Nation are hurt. I don't know if anyone wants to
04:08hear any more about how I understand when they're too busy crying. I will. First of
04:15all, I can't help my emotions. You know, they are what they are, Jennifer. Yeah, but sometimes
04:19your your emotions tend to. What's the word I'm looking for? Overdo it. Do they? I feel
04:28like I feel like I've ridden the emotions, got you shot when I ride just fine. I feel
04:33like I've ridden the ride just fine. I feel like I've been appropriated every single turn.
04:37So, you know. I don't know. I don't know. I would say, sorry, you can do your best,
04:47but it's been a rough season, dude. It's been a rough season every night. I'm looking at
04:52you saw that Tracy Morgan thing. That's what was the heat season yesterday. Yeah, you see
04:56that Tracy Morgan vomited on the on the court. He got very, very sick. And it was a lot.
05:02It wasn't just a little bit. No, it was a lot. It was a lot. It was a lot. And then
05:07apparently he was bleeding from his nose, according to some people on Twitter. Yeah,
05:11it was. He's he's he's apparently a badger. I mean, that delayed the game a long time.
05:15Well, yeah, it delayed the game a lot. It was a lot of. Did you see the picture? Yeah,
05:20it was a lot. It was a lot of money, but there wasn't a lot of blood. It wasn't a little
05:24bit of you. It was a lot of blood. You saw what I'm saying. And he went to some emergency
05:29because, I mean, he had to be dehydrated. I don't know. I was like teams. That seems
05:34like it's TMZ Sports Alley. What's the car? Who do we have on the line, Jennifer? R.V.A.
05:42Richie's on the line. Oh, he was R.V.A. Ritchie. Sorry. He just hung up. He just hung up. Not
05:48another. We have another car on the line. They'll call it. What's your name? Christian
05:54Christian. Tell me that's a question for Christian. How are you? Yeah, I'm great. Well, not not
06:00after last night, but yeah, I'm great. Do you want to know what happened to the heat last night?
06:05Oh, what? Oh, all right. Here's what happened last night. The Miami Heat
06:17were passed in wind. Oh, God. By Joe Cronin's trailblazers. Oh, man. That's where we are,
06:27Christian. Jeez. So that's such a hung up in sadness. Was he was he right not to want any
06:36heat players? I mean, it's hard to argue. I mean, I told you, though, it was better.
06:45I told you that was good. I mean, yeah, I don't know. I made a bad back.
06:51You see what they put out there? Tracy Morgan vomited as soon as Terry Rozier got to the
06:58scores table. I mean, dude, Terry Rozier is is is he is I don't know. I don't know. He's he's
07:08something. Joe Cronin has passed the Miami Heat in a year since Damian Lillard said he wanted to
07:16come to the heat. What the hell happened to my life? I was so happy last July 1st.
07:23I was so happy. I thought we were going to get Damian. I would have given him anything,
07:27anything. And you guys had to blow him. First of all, I would have done nothing but Bama,
07:34Jimmy. You're saying that now anything he's saying that now. But when we were talking about it,
07:40he had a list of like five guys. That no, no, no, no, no, no. That's what Little Sweetener came
07:47from. Five guys, five guys that weren't on the list, by the way, we have we are three and 11
07:56without Nicola Jovich. I told you this guy was the engine that made everything go.
08:03I mean, we're not going to all he really has to do is be tall and hold his hands.
08:07Now, he's just he's he's there's something about him. He's the straw that stirs the drink, dude.
08:11He is really. Yeah, he is. There's just something about him that you would never lose eight in a
08:16row. Nicola Jovich, it would never happen. You want it. I mean, here's the kicker behind that.
08:23You're assuming that he was going to play, you know, Spode does.
08:27Now he was he's he was he was he was the number one. He was the number one man off the bench.
08:32And, you know, it really made the big rotation when when you say that the guy that was probably
08:42the most important to this not happening was Jovich and Spode was playing him sparingly.
08:49He was playing sparingly. He was playing a lot of minutes. He was just a six man.
08:55He was just a six man.
08:58Took pride in being a six man, didn't whine about it.
09:06I told you, it's his franchise. Everybody else, you're on thin ice with me.
09:11Jovich, I love you. I'm sorry this happened. I mean, the best the guys you like the most
09:16are the guys that aren't contributing to this. How is that possible? What?
09:21What? Don't look at me like that. You think it'd be different if he was playing?
09:25OK, and that's we can buy different. I mean, we're not here.
09:30In make believe Tobin world, don't say that. Right. I don't like it. Make believe Tobin
09:35world. We can say that because there's no way of proving that. No, that's just like you saying
09:40a few years ago. If Tyler wouldn't got hurt and Gogi wouldn't got hurt and get hurt.
09:47Who is Gogi? And well, here's what I'd like to say. What you like to say? I
09:55don't know that it wouldn't have been different, but to me,
09:58you're silly to think it wouldn't have been different. And we're both making assumptions.
10:03If I assume one way, are you assuming the other way? We're assuming because we don't know if
10:09Goran Dragic would not have broken his foot. We would have a ring right now and I will not hear
10:15otherwise. He was the leading scorer. He was the heart and soul of the heat. And if you say
10:22otherwise, you're blissfully ignorant, my friend, blissfully, blissfully ignorant, blissfully.
10:28He's throwing in adjectives. Now we're yelling at him. You don't want the ignorant because
10:36basically the only the only place after just plain ignorant. So it's blissfully ignorant.
10:43Then it's just ignorant. Then it's just dumb. And then you're dumb as a box of rocks.
10:49So there's levels to it. So right now, I'm still pretty good. I'm not an idiot. I just want to be
10:54right right now. Right now, I have let go for years. The fact that you cheated your way to
11:02a championship. But you said you can't assume if they even knew the place that they wouldn't have
11:07gotten touch anyway. I let it go. You want to know why? Because you're my friend and you've
11:12sat here and you debunk any credit to go around dressing. No, all I'm saying is this.
11:22It's easy to make assumptions on what would have happened. Oh, it was easy. And that's what you're
11:27doing now. That's what you did then. Right. You not only said the games would have been different.
11:32You said they would have won. We had Kelly Olynyk. That's who was out there with Jimmy Butler.
11:38Again, you're so drunk. You're with one arm. Couldn't even do pushups. You're still
11:45making assumptions. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying you're wrong or right. If I'm saying
11:50wait, if I don't do that, wait, don't do that. If I say definitively, it wouldn't happen.
11:57It's no different than you saying definitively, it would have happened if the fact of the matter
12:01is they didn't play. We're making assumptions, but you don't know for sure. Okay.
12:08So, you know, for sure. Yes. Yes, I do. And that's he was cooking. I'm gonna let you hang
12:14your hat. He was cooking. I'm gonna let you go ahead on and hang your hat on that because,
12:19you know, I know your team has got you not in the best of moods. You want some feel good,
12:26so you can just go ahead on. I don't need feel good. I just don't like how you brought. First
12:31of all, you brought it up. Not me. You brought it up. I'm just saying about assumptions. You're
12:35assuming I'm assuming that everything this year would be different. If Jovich was healthy. Yeah,
12:41I'm saying they were playing third quarters all year. They've been having these comebacks all
12:46year. Not like this. Okay. So it's different now, but they've been doing the same thing all year.
12:53It is not happened on Nikola Jovich's watch. That's what I'm saying. When his hand broke,
13:00so did the heart of the team with Jovich. Break his nose. That's so rude. That's so
13:07rude. No, his hand. Oh, sorry. He broke his hand. He did break his nose at one point this year. Yeah.
13:15He broke his hand. All I'm saying to use this. I understand where you're coming from. I do.
13:22I do. Look, I do. Look at that. The Serbian Terminator. Remember when he gave Steph Curry
13:27the DX chop. And you're saying if he was playing, would you be 500? Yeah, probably.
13:40Which is so much more tolerable than what we are now. Hey, bartenders, cut him off.
13:48He drank today. Just a coffee. Just a coffee. I'm just trying to figure out like that's crazy.
13:55Oh, I'm not. Again, I'm not saying that what he's saying isn't true, but I am saying that
14:08we are making a lot of assumptions that just if a guy was playing, the team would be better
14:16because they've been doing the same type of stuff even when everybody was was playing.
14:23Dave South says if Jovich was playing, they'd be a nose under 500. He's probably right.
14:30Point for Twitcher.
