• 2 days ago
People are mad at Tua again... this time for partying with Zedd! Tua Tagovailoa, who was out and about once again enjoying his offseason but did we all know this will come with backlash? Does QB1 need to show himself in the lab more?
00:00People are mad at two again. Here he is. I mean, two out here having fun again. Too much
00:11fun. Too much fun. He knows what he's not. He is not. Is he not? Is he not allowed to
00:17decompress and have fun before he's in seven months? This is a two a tongue of Iloa Zed's
00:26at Palm Tree Club. I don't know. I'm not cool with that. That's down here. Palm Tree Club.
00:30I don't do it. But there's there's two. I will say, look, any place that there's a sign
00:37that could say horny people only. Yeah. You're having a good time. That's nice. That is a
00:43good one. I don't know. It actually has words in his question. I'm like, what is he supposed
00:57to be doing now? I would like to know. He's supposed to be in the lab working. OK, OK.
01:06So that's eight to twelve. No way. You can't you can't underachieve and wait. I'm like
01:17here. Technically, they don't understand you. I'm asking you a question. If he gets up every
01:24morning, goes and gets his work in, it's off season. Yeah. Why are we making a big deal
01:30about this two days? Do you ever heard of a two a day to a day? No way. And still find
01:37time for Zed that he's not working. So. So. So in the offseason, you're saying all athletes
01:43should spend the same amount of time they spend. During the season, preparing for football.
01:50No, if you won the Super Bowl, you're allowed to chill. No, no, no. You didn't answer my
01:54question. Yeah. I was giving you the parameters that he believes every other person who did
01:59not take home the Lombardi should be working two days. Wow. Even in the hole. And so and
02:06so my question is, my question is this. Is that if they get burned out midway through
02:14the season because they work too hard in offseason, then what would you say? Does that really
02:19happen? Oh, yeah. I work too hard. Oh, no. You like your body needs. Dude, it's a grueling
02:26season. Your body needs to decompress. I know. How about this? You ready? The hell of a let
02:34me tell you. Let me tell you what I did. What season ended in January? Yeah. I did not do
02:40anything until the end of February, beginning of March. It was like two weeks. And for the
02:45first when I got back to Florida, I literally slept for the first week. I didn't realize how
02:52exhausted I was. I just laid around and slept for almost a week. This is like that's just
03:01January, though, Leroy. It's been done since January his season. It's been done. And so
03:07he's probably doing stuff in the mornings. What's he doing? You know, getting ready for Zed concerts.
03:14That's what he's doing. But like, I don't know that person here. I don't I don't understand.
03:20That's no different than you telling Tobin he shouldn't take vacation with his family. He
03:26should be dedicated to this. I am dedicated. No, but you know what? Tobin is a reigning
03:31Miami New Times personality of the year. And let me so let me ask you this question.
03:37What's your excuse? I need to be doing two a day.
03:42He needs to keep the lights on. That's his excuse. Right. But I'm just I'm just saying
03:47I don't I don't understand. Like, we go through this and we and we take athletes and I was in
03:55the offseason, get on certain athletes like what should they be doing? You never have an answer
04:03for what they should be doing. This is really knowing what they are doing.
04:07This is the one thing I would say. I don't have a problem with to living his life and having fun,
04:11but it is the most partying we've seen him do ever in his career because we typically don't
04:16see him out and about. And it seems like he's got a lot of snitches in his camp right now
04:21because I don't think Tua likes that being out there. You know who was there? Who?
04:27Braxton Burials. Well, he's he's, you know, married to a famous talker. You want to be in
04:33the sea? I don't want to get again. I get I get all of this. But, you know, all athletes are
04:45doing stuff other than football. Yeah, but I just saw video DK Metcalf playing basketball.
04:52Yep. OK, I just saw like, yeah, it's the offseason, dude. You need to get away from it.
05:00What's what's Myles Garrett doing? Nothing. I don't know. He just sold his soul to live
05:05in Cleveland. That's true. Nothing. Josh, there's a period of time.
05:09Do you guys think he's hanging out with his fiance? They're probably traveling the world.
05:14Did you guys not see the clip this today from Jamar Chase's extension press conference
05:19when they asked him what he likes about Cincinnati? He goes, you can stay focused.
05:23He goes, I hate the food here. Right. This is New Orleans. Like actively telling Cincinnati,
05:30you guys had to pay me more than anybody because I hated here.
05:34And guess what? That also is fine, because guess what? Do you ever worry about Jamar Chase not
05:42doing his job? No. OK, so whether he says he likes it here, doesn't like it here. The fact
05:48of the matter is, when he gets on the field, he performs. Never seen him at his party.
05:53But, you know, at parties in in Cincinnati, what are they? It's like it's chili cook off
05:59every weekend for Joe. Also, understand where you live. There's always something.
06:05So if he was at Formula One, would you complain about that? If he was at the
06:10Miami Open, would you complain about that? No, because I like we heard yesterday,
06:14like the Tunga Bailoa is we're talking about a concert they're going to go to at Hard Rock.
06:20He's allowed to go to concerts. I don't know. Marcos, Marcos, do you want him to be Marco?
06:29I told you. I don't think Marcos understands. He's mad. I was grueling. It is physically
06:35and mentally for those six or seven months. It is grueling to not want to play off game.
06:42It is grueling. And so that because they haven't won a playoff game. Hold on. Let me let me see if
06:48I can get your logic. Yeah, because they haven't won a playoff game. No fun. Twenty plus years.
06:54Then nobody in the Dolphins organization should be doing anything fun. It's not that nobody should
07:00be doing anything fun. But I think that the fan would argue and he's even said this about himself
07:05to a he's the highest paid employee of the Dolphins, which makes you the face of the
07:09Dolphins of the French. And while it's fine, I don't have a problem with it. We've never seen
07:14him party belly of the French. Very rare to see him party. And now we've got two party clips in
07:19the span of a week. And maybe he's having a birthday month. I don't know. Good for him. But
07:26here's what I will say. Here's what I will say, Leroy. It's a different day and age. So
07:31so if the Dolphins get eliminated in December. They're going to go back to that and say two
07:37had OTAs for Cancun. I don't make the rules. That's just what they're going to do. Oh, my
07:42goodness. Like this. This guy. This is brutal. Like I brutal. It is. But what do you mean it's
07:50not brutal? It's the offseason here. How about this? What if I were to say to you,
07:56I only play football when I'm getting paid, when I'm getting a check? Yeah, you do.
08:03That's why you don't play the Turkey Bowl. No, no, no, no, no. I mean,
08:07is that you do realize that most of the work that they do in the offseason is free?
08:18Like, there's no check on the end of it. There's no, you know, it's all.
08:23That's that's the semantics. Like, you're you're a full time employee. Like, I get it. But like,
08:30why are you changing the rules of sports? Because you believe you're star
08:36of a football team. You can get. Let me ask the question. Sure. When you're a star of a football
08:43team, you're going to get checks at certain points that are like in the middle of March.
08:47You get a roster bonus because you're that big of a star. Like, it happens all the time. Like,
08:52I get what you're saying. I know guys get game checks, but they'll also just get a check
08:56dropping from the sky. And are we making the assumption? And this is what Marcos is doing.
09:01That to it isn't working. Based on what he's doing one evening in South Florida.
09:10Right. It seems like two afternoons to two afternoons. OK. Afternoons. Who's to say
09:19dudes and I get up early in the morning and go and get his work in. All right. And who's to say
09:23he's not a tootsies at night? I don't know what I like. I can't like, OK, I don't know what he's
09:28but you're making these assumptions. I'm telling you, you're making these assumptions. No, I'm not.
09:34I'm making the assumptions based on what I lived. If we if OK, if we like, I knew there was a time
09:40when the football season was over. There was a period of time during the course of the year
09:46I had to get away from football and let one let my body heal before I got back into it again.
09:54See, but this is you're you're a hard worker and you're getting rest.
09:59If we look at since the last time this man has played football, he's healed up. He's he's good.
10:05Now, you know what? I've seen Bradley Chubb do this. You know, he's not working. No.
10:09Well, I'm going to need to put a hype. Bradley Chubb is in a different category.
10:15Why? Because when you are hurt and don't play a season, you are required to do certain things
10:23in the next offseason. He needs to he needs to get a hold of the narrative, OK? Because right now
10:29he's got snitches in his camp who are leaking videos of him partying his ass off. So I'm telling
10:35you, not necessarily leaking. It could be anybody promotion of Margs or whatever, which is Alex Earl.
10:45I'm looking at the video right now. It's it's just Alex Earl's Braxton Barrios girlfriend.
10:52Oh, she's the Earl of Sandwich.
10:53We had Cheetah on our team and Chidi. Now he's hanging out with Chidi.
10:57Who cheated?
10:59Isn't he promiscuous?
11:01I was before this.
11:03Oh, OK. Sorry.
11:05But it's like videos of people. It didn't leak. It was just like a.
11:10But here's the difference. Like no one cares about Braxton Barrios. Respectfully,
11:14nobody cares about Braxton Barrios partying. He's not the face of the franchise. He's not even on
11:18the team. So let me let me. I'm trying. I'm trying to wrap. I'm trying to wrap my brain about around
11:25this. So basically what you're saying is this. If you're the face of the league.
11:33No decompressing, no partying, no nothing. You just be miserable in your house and work out.
11:39No, what I'm saying is if that's going to get out there,
11:43you need to put a hype workout video on there as well to balance the message.
11:47For example, I see plenty of adorable videos of Jalen Phillips going on vacation,
11:52but you know what else I see videos of him doing?
11:54Beating science.
12:01This weekend he did. He put up a story of him hopping in the Dolphins facility
12:06and then he was off to Tahiti or whatever.
12:10So he got one workout, then went to Tahiti. And the only reason why we're talking about
12:14Tua because he did his fun in Miami, closer to home base. Jalen Phillips is going to Tahiti.
12:21So if he's not ready for camp, are you going to say probably shouldn't have went to Tahiti?
12:29Yes, I am.
12:29This is crazy. What does one have to do with the other?
12:33You're going to White Lotus if you're not going to be ready.
12:35Wait, what does one have to do with the other?
12:41It's a reward.
12:41What does party?
12:42What does party?
12:43They're just hating.
12:45I'm not hating. I'm really not hating. I'm sure. Look, I bet you anything. Here's what I would
12:49bet. Here's what I would bet, right? Tua Tungvalu had a tough year, got injured, stress, you know,
12:56but didn't fall, you know, get his well-deserved contract good for him. But he's also got two
13:03toddlers at home. And let me tell you something. Those are the grind years as a parent. I see
13:08probably a couple of parents out there cutting loose on a boat in the club, got to blow off
13:14some steam. But I'm telling you right now, that man has said he's very private and he doesn't
13:20like who's snitching on his business. I'm not saying he can't live his life, but I'm telling
13:25you he's pissed off that's on the internet. There's no way he's not. He said he got pissed
13:30that people found out that he was getting married. So what he needs to do is put a video
13:38of himself in the lab. I'm just telling you right now as a consult, if I can consult Tua right here,
13:44I need a lab video. That's what I need. Lab rat. I don't know what Jalen Hurts is doing.
13:51I don't know what Lamar Jackson is doing. I haven't seen videos of Josh Allen. I don't
13:55even know what Patrick, you know why? Because Josh Allen lives in Buffalo.
14:00Not not a, but he's got money. That's fine. Anywhere.
14:05I don't know what they're doing. And I'm probably sure you're not paying attention to
14:10five rings in that. We didn't see Tom Brady. We didn't see Tom Brady dancing in Brazil till five
14:16rings in five rings that he was dancing on five rings. And then you can dance in Brazil. No,
14:21it's not that that doesn't have to be the measure. I'm telling you right now,
14:27all the NFL players who don't have five rings can't party the rules. Leroy, no, no, no. Stop
14:32acting like everybody's got the same rules. Okay. Just like Jimmy Johnson said, you know, he, he,
14:37he cut the, he'd cut the third lineman who fell asleep in a meeting. He'd shrug Troy Aikman and
14:43wake his ass up different rules. He plays by different rules. Them's all the facts.
14:47But what I'm saying is, is you're making the assumption that he's not putting in work.
14:52I'm not falling for that. I'm not falling for that. I bet I I'm sure that he is working.
14:58Hey, there's a lot of things that people have said about to
15:02they've never said that to it was lazy and didn't prepare. And no one's saying that he is.
15:06Okay. So what's the problem then?
15:09I'm next dude. It looks like he's working out.
15:11Who cares about optics when the guy has never been known not to put in the work.
15:17I'm telling you right now, dude, I'm telling you right now, if Tua had his way. All right. If he
15:21could be, if he could be like, do I want that video on the internet or could I erase it from
15:26the internet? He'd erase it from the internet. You don't want to deal with it. But that still
15:33doesn't take away from whether if it is or isn't on the internet, does he have a right to go out
15:40and have a good time? More pump fakes, less pumping fists.
15:49You guys realize that you have set forth a set of rules
15:58for athletes to live by more hard counts that you could not live by.
16:04If I put your body through what they go through for seven months,
16:09you ain't doing nothing right after the season for a minute. And then you get back into it.
16:20Wait, if you're telling me that Tua has been known to be lazy and not put in the work.
16:28Okay. Maybe I would have a different opinion of this. That's never been said to Tua.
16:34It's two in two weeks.
16:36Oh, in, in February, March, in March, in March, when does, when does camp, when does mini camp
16:47may, I don't know. It's usually like around the first week of May and then another two
16:52months before the start of camp. It's going to be back to the Kentucky Derby.
16:57I just went to jail and hurts Twitter. He was in the weight room today. Was he
17:01super bowl champion? Wow. He's lying. He's lying. He's lying. No, but you can believe
17:10where's Jalen hurts right now. He's in, he's in Mexico.
17:15And you know, Josh Allen is in a, in a golf course. I saw him.
17:19Yeah. Focusing really dialing it in, you know, just really just like a celebrity classic.
17:26The swing.
