En Vivo I Emisión Vespertina con #Claudiogomez de #informativosTA 19/03/2025
00:30today by telephone to their lawyers. Boulevard on February 27, turned into a
00:37latrine and a dumpster after abandonment of the authorities.
00:44There is no alarm situation, Montegrande company is safe, says
00:51Indri's director. It is normal that there is a shortage of drinking water in
00:58sectors of the great Santo Domingo, says the director of the CAS.
01:04And the United States threatens Venezuela with severe sanctions if it does not accept
01:12flights of deportees.
01:28Greetings, today we celebrate the 181th anniversary of the battle of March 19,
01:36which was staged in Azua. It is good that you join us in our
01:40Vespertina show. We start with Joshua Rive, the last person
01:45who saw and shared with the tourist Indian-American, Sudhish Kakonen, who
01:51already abandoned the facilities of the Riu hotel, so they confirmed today by
01:56telephone to their lawyers. On the other hand, after 13 days of the disappearance of
02:00the young woman, this Wednesday the beach of the hotel complex looks desolate and
02:05without the presence of staff of the different entities that initially
02:10led the search for Konanqui. We have live Fabiola Núñez in Punta Cana
02:15to expand. Fabiola, how are you? Tell us.
02:19Thank you, Claudio. That's right. Good afternoon. It is a pleasure for me to greet you and all those who tune in to this Vespertina show of Teleantillas informative.
02:30I want to tell you that after yesterday's decision by Judge Edwis Rijo, who granted
02:36freedom to Joshua Steven Rives, who allows him to travel and move freely
02:44throughout the national territory without the need to be guarded by agents of
02:49the National Police and Politur, today both Joshua and his father, Mr. Robert Rives,
02:56abandoned the facilities of the Riu Republic Hotel here in Punta Cana.
03:02The information was confirmed by the bar of the lawyers of Joshua's defense.
03:08It is also good to point out that these lawyers explained that in the future they will evaluate which resources will be interposed
03:17before the courts to order the authorities to return the passport and his cell phone to Joshua,
03:24who was confiscated from him last Saturday, March 8. Joshua remained for several days in the hotel complex,
03:3313 of them as witnesses and according to his words yesterday were moments of constant harassment by the agents of Politur,
03:41who even sat down to eat and went to the beach next to him and did not allow him to leave.
03:48He also said that he only wants to return to his house, be with his family, hug them,
03:53and since they have retained his passport, he cannot leave the country.
04:00In yesterday's statements before the court, he said that although he understands that there is an ongoing investigation,
04:07his desire is to return to the United States. He explained that before the parents of Zudishka left,
04:14they hugged each other and they thanked him for trying to save his daughter on the first occasion.
04:23It is also good to point out, Claudio, that in a tour made by the beach of the hotel complex Rios Republica,
04:31earlier we did this tour, no authority was visualized.
04:40Let us remember that at the beginning of this whole process, when the disappearance of the young Zudishka Konanki was reported,
04:48let us remember that helicopters, 911 units, the authorities deployed a series of resources,
04:55including drones, helicopters, buses, ships, to join this search for Konanki,
05:04without having success so far.
05:06Well, today, Claudio, in this tour, no type of these people were visualized in the search for this young woman.
05:17If you have any questions...
05:19Fabiola, you said that the young Joshua left the hotel. Do you know where he went?
05:29Well, until the moment of the information, we had the opportunity to talk by telephone
05:35with one of the defense attorneys. She told us that they were staying in the Punta Cana area,
05:42where we are right now, because the full reading of the sentence,
05:48specifically of the failure dictated yesterday by Judge Edwis Rijo,
05:53is scheduled for March 28, specifically.
05:57So maybe for that reason they were staying here, but it had not yet been defined
06:03if they were going to stay specifically here in Punta Cana or move to any other part of the country.
06:10We also talked with her about why, at the last minute, they changed the decision
06:19not to request the hotel, the payment of about $30,000, of $500,000,
06:25which in principle was requested for the other shares.
06:30Through that phone call, this person told us that precisely the hotel has collaborated,
06:38has allowed Joshua to be all these days in the midst of the investigation,
06:45to be hosted, and that they are also part of this process.
06:48So then what was wanted was to separate him from all responsibility
06:53regarding the investigations carried out by the Public Ministry.
06:58Thank you for your report, Fabiola, from Hotel Rio Republic in Punta Cana.
07:03The lawyers of Emanuel Rivera Ledezma, charged in the Nido case,
07:07filed a complaint this Wednesday against the victims of the process for disturbance and threat
07:13after the protest they made two days ago in front of the house where several of those involved reside,
07:19in the alleged real estate scam that exceeded 800 million pesos.
07:24According to the document deposited in the office of the Director of Prosecution of the Public Ministry,
07:29Wilson Camacho, at the reception located in Bellavista,
07:33there was a, and I will quote textually what it says,
07:37a furious and aggressive crowd,
07:40possessing insults with signs in hand and placing messages on the walls.
07:45According to the lawyers, the protesters tried to enter by force
07:50in the place where they also receive two minors.
07:54They threw objects inside the house and tried to break the door
07:58while they spoke threats of death to the accused family
08:03and prevented them from leaving the house.
08:06The representatives of Emanuel Rivera, Scarlett Mercedes Cruz, Emanuel Eduardo Rivera
08:11and María Gabriela Rivera said that the family fears for their lives
08:15due to the constant threats they receive from the victims in the criminal process
08:21and made available to the authorities the evidence of what happened
08:26on Monday, March 17, at 1 p.m.
08:33In a latrine and a landfill, the Boulevard of February 27 has become
08:38a work that is in the heart of the Dominican capital.
08:42In its early years, we remember that it was a symbol of splendor,
08:47art, entertainment and culture.
08:49Our colleague Eliana Cuevas made a tour of this promenade and tells us the story.
08:55Walking through the Boulevard of February 27 is a tour of the filth,
09:01manure, garbage, fecal waste and urine.
09:05This adorns that promenade located in the center of the city of Santo Domingo.
09:10Very bad state, practically.
09:12We have to give maintenance, we have to put lights, give more life.
09:20Throughout almost a kilometer of extension, their broken floors,
09:24deteriorated sculptures, in addition to filth,
09:27show the lack of maintenance and the forgetfulness of the authorities.
09:31People doing their needs.
09:33It seems that they are very worried and do not know where to do it,
09:36but well, it's a matter of ...
09:39The splendor of which the tour of the 27 enjoyed
09:42only remains in the memory of advanced age citizens.
09:45Currently, it has been reduced to ruins that house homeless and homeless people,
09:50which generates concern among those who are forced to cross the walkway
09:55located on the tunnel between Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill avenues.
10:00And a lot of indigenous people out there sleeping under the clock and stuff,
10:06it's a real danger.
10:08With respect, this is what the mayor of the Carolina Mejia National District said.
10:14We are also planning your intervention.
10:17The walkway is also used as an alternate route by motorcyclists.
10:22This work was inaugurated in 1999 at a cost of 68 million pesos.
10:30Its main idea was that of an open-air museum that exhibited Dominican works.
10:36Eliana Cuevas, Teleantillas News.
10:40Thank you Eliana for your report and we are going to a break.
10:43You stay tuned with us.
10:47Don't change it.
11:01Very well, back with our show.
11:03We continue with the mayor of the Carolina Mejia National District,
11:07who refused to refer to the dream of Vice President Raquel Peña
11:11to climb the steps of the National Palace as President of the Republic.
11:20I'm waiting for the president.
11:22Hello, excuse me, gentlemen, excuse me.
11:25I love you.
11:30I visit this Wednesday the College of Engineers, Architects and Landowners
11:36to present to its members the Integrated Plan of Santo Domingo,
11:40an initiative that seeks to reorganize and make the Dominican capital more friendly.
11:47The spokesman for the police, Diego Pesqueira, indicated this Wednesday
11:51that one of the alleged authors of the death of a lady was handed over to the authorities
11:57when she prevented the killing of her son in Villamella, Santo Domingo Norte.
12:03Starling de la Cruz, who was taken to the police palace by his lawyer and his wife,
12:08is linked to the murder of Mrs. Wendy Montes de Oca last Thursday, the 13th of the month.
12:15As has happened on other occasions, we are receiving him
12:20and we are going to guarantee all his constitutional and individual rights.
12:25And we are going to proceed.
12:27Look, so that you can see, he is going now to the medical area to take a diagnosis
12:34and verify that this citizen does not have any kind of situation.
12:41He is linked to the death of Mrs. Wendy Montes de Oca,
12:45in which he is accused of being a killer, but it is not the reality of the facts.
12:59The spokesman for the police, Diego Pesqueira, guaranteed the integrity of the detainee
13:05while he reported that in the next few hours he will be put at the disposal of justice.
13:12We pause. Stay tuned with Informativos Telenvidas.
13:37Welcome back.
13:38Interior and Police Deputy Minister Angela Hágez
13:42assured us that through the Decree 121-13
13:44the creation is established in each municipality
13:47where the powers of the State and civil society meet
13:51the table of citizen security and gender
13:54which aims to identify the problems and territorial demands
13:59that impact citizen security.
14:02It is a unique space in the country
14:05that not only solves problems directly with citizen security
14:11but also solves other problems, hospitals,
14:14that communities sometimes have.
14:16I'll give you an example.
14:18When you can sit at a table,
14:20the local government,
14:22the institutions of the central government,
14:26even the deputies and senators,
14:29which is a space for them,
14:31the police force...
14:35Hágez also emphasized that the more key actors
14:39are involved in citizen security,
14:41the better results will be obtained
14:44to make it sustainable in time.
14:46These statements were offered
14:49in the morning program 1 plus 1.
14:53The Constitutionalist Military Foundation
14:56and the Bolshevik Force
14:58celebrated this Wednesday the 181th anniversary
15:01of the battle of March 19
15:03with a call to the political class
15:05to imitate the courage
15:07and cowardice of those who risked their lives for the nation.
15:11In the same way, they reminded the authorities
15:14that the country continues to be threatened
15:16by the instability in Haiti.
15:19Even today, at 181 years old,
15:22the Haitian people are giving us the inconvenient product
15:26that they have not been able to form a nation state
15:30as we have.
15:33This difference that we have had
15:35is what causes that we still have
15:37the Haitian problem on top.
15:40Today we have to protect the border more.
15:44And everyone knows
15:46that the purpose of the international community
15:49of the United States, Canada, France,
15:52the European Economic Community
15:54is precisely the problem of Haiti,
15:58which is the poorest and most unviable country
16:01of this region, of the continent.
16:05It is up to the Dominican Republic to solve it.
16:09The commemoration of the battle of March 19
16:12was made with the deposit of a floral offering
16:15on the altar of the homeland.
16:17This conflict, recorded in 1844,
16:20was the first confrontation
16:22between Haitian and Dominican troops
16:25after the proclaimed national independence.
16:35Now, international time.
16:37More than 60,000 displaced people in a month in Haiti
16:40due to a strong cycle of violence.
16:43And the United States threatens Venezuela
16:45with severe sanctions
16:47if it does not accept flights of deportees.
16:50Reina Ramírez explains.
16:53The Secretary of State of the United States,
16:55Marcos Rubio, threatened this Tuesday
16:58with imposing severe sanctions on the United States
17:01if the country does not accept flights
17:03with Venezuelan migrants
17:05who are being deported
17:07from the United States.
17:09Venezuela is forced to accept
17:11its citizens repatriated from the United States.
17:14It is not a matter of debate or negotiation.
17:17Nor does it deserve any reward,
17:19said the head of diplomacy of the United States
17:22in a message on the ex-social network.
17:25While the government of Nicolás Maduro
17:27has denounced that these migrants
17:29are being kidnapped,
17:31he announced on Monday
17:33that he will go to international organizations
17:35to denounce crimes against humanity
17:37for the deportees.
17:40The intense violence that lives in Haiti
17:42forced more than 60,000 people
17:44to flee in the last month.
17:46A new record of displacement
17:48that does not cease to worsen in this nation,
17:50revealed this Tuesday
17:52the International Organization for Migrations.
17:55For years, the violence of gangs,
17:57population displacements
17:59and instability
18:01have reigned in Puerto Príncipe
18:03and in much of the country.
18:05And each wave of attacks
18:07has aggravated the suffering
18:09of already vulnerable communities.
18:11In total, it is estimated
18:13that more than one million people
18:15have been seen displaced throughout the country,
18:17a figure that has tripled in the last year.
18:21At least six people died this Monday
18:23in a twin-engine plane accident
18:25of the National Airlines company
18:27in Honduras,
18:29which crashed into the sea
18:31shortly after leaving
18:33the island of Roatan in the Caribbean.
18:35With 17 people on board,
18:37an official source reported.
18:39Governor Hugo Valera
18:41reported that the deaths
18:43of six people in that accident
18:45have been confirmed,
18:47which was recorded after
18:4918 local hours.
18:51And on the exact figure
18:53of the plane,
18:55there are two versions.
18:57A safe one,
18:59which would be 15 passengers
19:01and two pilots,
19:03according to the director
19:05of civil aeronautics,
19:07and that of a police officer
19:09indicated that there were
19:1118 passengers,
19:13which indicated an overload
19:15on the flight.
19:23We are back.
19:25The director of the
19:27Santo Domingo
19:29Aqueducts Corporation,
19:31Caz Fellito Suburbí,
19:33said this Wednesday
19:35that the shortage of drinking water
19:37registered in some sectors
19:39of the great Santo Domingo
19:41is normal and,
19:43according to the official,
19:45is being solved.
19:47Ana Mañón explains.
19:49In recent months of this year,
19:51the shortage of drinking water
19:53in neighborhoods and sectors
19:55of the great Santo Domingo
19:57has worsened the discomfort
19:59of the residents who have
20:01to buy the precious liquid
20:03to meet their daily needs.
20:05When talking this Wednesday
20:07with the director of Caz Fellito
20:09Suburbí on the subject,
20:11he indicated that it is
20:13something normal that happens
20:15because in the country
20:17about 4 million inhabitants
20:19it is normal that there is
20:21in some sectors,
20:23not in some sectors,
20:25in some streets of some sectors
20:27that have some issues
20:29due to obstruction,
20:31because a valve is damaged,
20:33due to pressure,
20:35due to height and others.
20:37Suburbí also assured
20:39that a solution is being sought
20:41so that neighborhoods
20:43like Café de Herrera
20:45and Villalinda Palmarejo
20:47do not have very old structures
20:49damaged, among other problems.
20:51They are 30-inch pipes,
20:53you have to ask them out of the country
20:55because there are none.
20:57That is, it is all a process,
20:59but we are working in that sense
21:01to improve.
21:03In Villalinda Palmarejo
21:05and Café de Herrera
21:07there are some wells that are being made,
21:09there are some issues that have
21:11been with the issue of some bombs
21:13that have been damaged,
21:15that are not convenient recently
21:17and that are in the process
21:19of auction,
21:21as well as the intervention
21:23of several aqueducts.
21:25And we are going to rehabilitate
21:27the area plan,
21:29which also involves the rehabilitation
21:31of 80% of the aqueducts.
21:33It will be the same as we did
21:35in Barrera de Sanlinidad.
21:37Barrera de Sanlinidad was abandoned
21:39practically 40% of its capacity
21:41and today, Santo Domingo Este,
21:43for this Wednesday,
21:45in the framework of the celebration
21:47of the Water Week,
21:49with a panel at the Institute of Technology
21:51of Santo Domingo on Hydraulic Innovation
21:53and Sustainable Water Management,
21:55entitled Hydric Management,
21:57Innovation, Challenges and Opportunities.
21:59Ana Mañón,
22:01Teleantillas News.
22:03And by the way,
22:05we continue to talk about water,
22:07since there is no special
22:09alarm in the Montegrande dam,
22:11since it is safe,
22:13said this Wednesday the director
22:15of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources
22:17Olmedo Cava,
22:19after complaints that the largest dam
22:21in the Caribbean,
22:23inaugurated in 2024 in the province of Baraona,
22:25was supposedly
22:27presenting leaks and leaks.
22:31The project even contemplated
22:33what is the rehabilitation
22:35of the walls and the behavior
22:37of the Havana Llegua dam,
22:39but there were still
22:41certain criteria,
22:43technical opinions,
22:45because the fact
22:47that with all due respect
22:49to the residents,
22:53those opinions
22:55must always be accompanied
22:57by studies and also
22:59the design factor
23:01that was contemplated for this project.
23:03By leading a panel
23:05entitled Water as an Axis
23:07of Development, Challenges and Opportunities
23:09for Sustainable Management,
23:11held this Wednesday
23:13at the Pontifical Catholic University
23:15of Madrid,
23:17in which one of the central themes
23:19is the treatment of waste water
23:21and how to take advantage of it.
23:23The head of INDRI
23:25also assures that in the country
23:27we have enough drinking water
23:29for human consumption, agricultural production,
23:31electricity generation
23:33and industries, and this is due
23:35to the fact that the dams are supplied
23:37in 70%
23:39of their capacity.
23:41The defenders
23:43of the American Joshua Stephen
23:45Reeve, who saw for the last time
23:47the Indian tourist who disappeared
23:49on March 6, must make
23:51a formal request to return
23:53his passport to the person
23:55who has it in his power,
23:57according to lawyers consulted by this media.
23:59Our colleague Paola Baez
24:01extends us in the following report.
24:03Although the judge of the
24:05Unipersonal Penal Chamber of Higüey
24:07received the resource of Avias Corpus Preventivo
24:09interposed by the representatives
24:11of the young American
24:13who was next to his diksha
24:15at dawn when he disappeared,
24:17he also determined that the scenario
24:19was not adequate to order
24:21the return of his passport
24:23which was supposedly retained by the public
24:27Consulted jurists understand
24:29that other routes must be used.
24:31The defense has established that
24:33this is not the way to request the passport
24:35because having that decision,
24:37which corresponds to the lawyers,
24:39without the courage to direct the defense
24:41that they are carrying with a lot of respect,
24:43is to request the public ministry
24:45in case the public ministry
24:47has the passport retained
24:49or any other authority that has it retained.
24:51What they should do is request it
24:53by forfeiture or extortion
24:55before the US embassy
24:57and this is a subprocedure that in hours
24:59will have a provisional passport
25:01with a warrant.
25:03While Amadeo Peralta considers
25:05that the priority of the witness
25:07should be focused on answering
25:09all the questions of the authorities
25:11rather than wanting to leave the country.
25:13Within the right that he has
25:15to free transit, to move,
25:17the country also has the right
25:19to know what happened to that girl.
25:21That is more important
25:23than obtaining a passport
25:25and although he and his lawyers
25:27do not agree with that,
25:29that is what the country wants.
25:31On March 6, prior to the disappearance
25:33of Konanke, her colleagues
25:35and she were captured by the hotel's
25:37video surveillance cameras
25:39a few meters from entering the beach area
25:41and today it is unknown
25:43what could have happened to her.
25:45Paola Baez, Informativos Teleantillas.
25:47That is the great unknown,
25:49the great unknown.
25:51We say goodbye for today.
25:53You stay tuned.