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00:00Typically, most people watch YouTube on their computer, or their phone, or their tablet,
00:05and in some cases, people might even watch YouTube on their television.
00:09But over the past month or so, my subscribers have watched YouTube videos on devices that
00:13I didn't even know had the capability of playing YouTube videos, or playing any videos at all.
00:19But many of my subs proved me wrong, watching my videos on some of the most random and outrageous
00:23devices ever, like this calculator.
00:26There is one person watching my videos on a Samsung smartphone.
00:29That is just the very tip of the iceberg though, so stay tuned as I give you guys the
00:33entire rundown of how all of this started, and how it's going.
00:37So the very beginning of this was when I was going through my YouTube analytics, and let
00:41me tell you, YouTube analytics show you every single detail of literally anything I want
00:45to know.
00:46So one of these pages, which is very interesting, shows me every single device or operating
00:50system that people are watching my videos on.
00:53And at the top of this page, it shows normal devices like Android, iOS, Windows, and Macintosh.
00:58But as you scroll to the bottom, the devices get a little bit more strange.
01:02Like for example, it shows me that people are watching my videos on a Wii.
01:05I'm pretty sure you have to like hack your Wii, or jailbreak it in order for this to
01:08work, because Wiis don't even connect to the internet anymore, or something like that.
01:13Some more of these interesting operating systems are KaiOS, I don't even know what that is,
01:19Tizen, Blackberry, and Symbian.
01:22I still have one person watching on Blackberry.
01:24Whoever you are.
01:25Anyways, one of these really stuck out to me, because it said that one person was watching
01:30my videos on a Samsung Smart Refrigerator, and this just blew my mind.
01:35So that's when I made this YouTube short.
01:37How is this even possible?
01:38Every now and then, I check my YouTube analytics, and when I do this, I can see what device
01:42people are watching my videos from.
01:44Here's where I was confused.
01:45There is one person watching my videos on a Samsung Smart Refrigerator.
01:50So yeah, I mentioned that one person was watching my videos on a Samsung Smart Refrigerator,
01:55the video went absolutely insane, but it got like over 5,000 comments of people saying
01:59that they're the one watching my video on the fridge.
02:01Like I get it, you want your comment to have likes, you want to get the top comment, or
02:05perhaps get pinned, but come on.
02:07I know pretty much all of you were not watching my video on a fridge, unless you saw the video
02:12then went to your fridge, and then started watching my video on a fridge to comment that.
02:16But the odds of that, slim.
02:17I'll never know who the original person was, because of all of these comments.
02:21But the first sighting of someone posting a video of them watching my video on a fridge
02:27was here.
02:28You just sit in front of the fridge and scroll through shorts.
02:30Could it be the original guy?
02:31Yes, but the odds are that it's not, just because he probably saw the original video
02:36Regardless though, for me, this was the first time I saw someone in action, actively watching
02:41my video on a Smart Refrigerator, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
02:46So shout out this guy.
02:47I ended up reacting to this video, and this is when things really took off, because I
02:52said this.
02:53Anyways, here's a quick challenge.
02:55Remix this video watching my videos on something even crazier than a refrigerator.
02:59I want to see how wild it gets.
03:00Little did I know that this challenge I created would take over YouTube Shorts for the next
03:05month and a half.
03:06Quite literally to the point where I couldn't scroll through my Shorts feed without coming
03:10across a video of myself on some ridiculous device.
03:15Almost like every three videos I would scroll, it was just me.
03:18It would shock me.
03:19Think about that from my point of view, how weird it was.
03:22One of the first ones I saw, which is not the craziest, but still interesting, was this
03:27He watched my video in VR.
03:28The video about how out of all of my viewers, only one of them is watching my videos on
03:33a Samsung Smart Refrigerator.
03:35Pretty unique.
03:36But then, I saw a guy who watched my video on some sort of paper shredding device.
03:42I didn't even know that was possible, but I was wrong.
03:44An HP paper shredder was playing my video.
03:47That is probably an original experience.
03:50I don't think anybody else has done that.
03:52Then a guy watched my video on a DS video of someone watching that video on their refrigerator.
04:01One guy on this video said, for those wondering, YouTube on the 3DS is now discontinued, so
04:07absolute kudos for managing to get ThirdTube there.
04:09I don't even know what that means, but I'm assuming he had to hack the DS some way in
04:14order to watch my video on it.
04:16That's just straight up dedication.
04:18Shout out to you, man.
04:19You guys are insane.
04:20Then we got another guy who watched my video on a Game Boy.
04:23Game Boys are prehistoric.
04:25They're so old.
04:26I don't know how someone managed to get my video on one of these, but they did.
04:31If you see this video, make a behind the scenes on how you got my video onto that, because
04:36I'm curious.
04:37I'm sure a lot of other people are too.
04:38Then I saw this video.
04:40This one was insane.
04:42Some guy just casually had this massive arcade machine sitting in maybe his garage.
04:49I don't know.
04:51Of course, he managed to get my video on it.
04:55Funny enough, this is the same guy who made the original fridge video that I saw first.
04:59I'm not sure how this device works or how it has the ability to go on YouTube or to
05:04search the web, but this is awesome.
05:07This is actually so sick.
05:08If the HP paper cutter was not an original experience, then this definitely is.
05:13I don't think anybody has watched one of my videos on a Simpsons arcade machine.
05:19Moving on, I came across this video.
05:21Apple computer.
05:25If this video blows up, I'll buy a cord for it and actually see if I can play his video.
05:34This was like a two-part series because this kid showed that he had an old, old vintage
05:39Apple computer in his house.
05:41He stated in his video that he was going to try and get my video on the old Apple computer.
05:47The video racked up 1.4 million views.
05:50There was so much anticipation for this, but he was unable to get my video on the computer.
05:55I'm sure it's just such old technology.
05:57It's nearly impossible to get my video on it.
06:00Regardless, I appreciate you for trying.
06:02It's the thought that counts.
06:03Just when I thought it couldn't get crazier though, this guy watched me inside of Minecraft.
06:08I'm assuming you had to download some sort of mod in order to do this that lets you search
06:12the web within the video game, but he was successful.
06:16People put me on their smart watches, which was a pretty common one.
06:18There were so many of those.
06:20Then we had people putting me on their calculators.
06:25One guy put me on his binoculars.
06:26Not sure how that works.
06:27So not too long ago, I made a video about how out of all of my viewers, only one of
06:31them is watching my videos on a Samsung Smart Refrigerator.
06:35And then this one really stood out to me.
06:36This guy put me on a receipt printer.
06:38He just printed out different frames of my video on a receipt printer.
06:42That is so unique.
06:43We also had this one, which some guy managed to get me on a baby monitor that looked extremely
06:49I only have a screenshot of this video because it was deleted.
06:52Unfortunately, I didn't save it.
06:53The fact that this was possible is just insane to me.
06:56How do you do it?
06:57This guy watched me on a projector, which I'm not going to lie, is pretty normal.
07:02But you know what would be cool?
07:03If someone did it on a projector while they were at school, during class, somehow, whoever
07:07does that, I will shout out.
07:09But if you get in trouble, it wasn't my fault.
07:12This guy put the audio to my video on one of those dancing cactuses.
07:16After someone posted a video watching my videos on their Samsung Smart Refrigerator.
07:21This one says watching H1T1 on a nuclear briefcase.
07:24What is a nuclear briefcase?
07:26And why do you just casually have one of them on you?
07:28I'm a little bit concerned.
07:29Anyways, I can cross that off my bucket list.
07:31One of my videos was watched on a nuclear briefcase.
07:34This guy put it on some sort of scooter or bike.
07:37I mean, it's just ridiculous at this point.
07:39So yeah, when I tell you we got to the point where I could not escape myself on ridiculous
07:43devices while trying to just watch shorts, I could not.
07:47It was impossible.
07:48And then I made this video.
07:49And in this video, I said this, the day I see my video on a Times Square billboard is
07:54when I just lose it.
07:55Now, when I said this, I figured like it's probably impossible.
07:59There's no way someone's going to figure out how to do this.
08:01But I was wrong.
08:02I was so wrong.
08:03You guys, as usual, somehow figured it out.
08:06I basically just woke up to an email from someone saying, John, they did it.
08:10They put you on a billboard.
08:12And I was just like, no way.
08:15And before I knew it, I saw a video of myself on a Times Square billboard.
08:18If I had known, I would have flown out to New York City, went to Times Square so I could
08:23witness this myself.
08:24Unfortunately, I couldn't.
08:26But still absolutely insane.
08:29This guy even showed proof that he put me on the billboard.
08:31He went through some company where you pay them, and then they'll play a video on the
08:35billboard for you.
08:36So this dude went above and beyond.
08:39Shout out to Levi Ackerman because this is next level dedication.
08:43This man is such a legend.
08:45I can't express my gratitude in words.
08:48This is actually unbelievable.
08:50So yeah, that happened.
08:51We got on a Times Square billboard, and I felt like we just kind of accomplished everything.
08:56To think this all started with some mysterious man or woman watching my video on a Samsung
09:03smart refrigerator just absolutely blows my mind.
09:06I guess the next mission is to somehow try and get my video on the portal or on the Las
09:11Vegas sphere.
09:12I didn't think it was possible to do the Times Square billboard, so you never know.
09:16But this was so much fun to do.
09:18I don't even think it's over because I still see videos of me on ridiculous devices every
09:22now and then.
09:23But thank you guys for being a part of it.
09:24If you're new, don't hesitate to drop a sub.
09:26You can become a part of the next big thing.
09:28And yeah, I will see you guys in the next video.