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00:00If you're familiar with my channel, you probably know that I talk about people who go way too far with their content
00:05just so that they can get views, clout, or money.
00:08This is Master Oogway, and he is a very good example of somebody who does this.
00:12But as many of you probably know, it wasn't always this way.
00:15Master Oogway was once one of the most beloved creators on all of YouTube Shorts and had a cult-like fanbase.
00:21Surprisingly enough, it wasn't until very recently that he saw his downfall.
00:25And that's where I come in.
00:26I'm going to tell you guys everything about it and also share my opinion on everything that's going on right now.
00:32If you're not aware of what's going on right now.
00:34So get comfortable, relax, grab a glass of water, maybe get a snack,
00:38because I'm going to be going over everything about how Master Oogway,
00:41currently one of the most hated people on YouTube,
00:44grew to over 6 million loyal subscribers
00:46and also what caused people to realize that maybe it's a bad idea to be supporting his channel.
00:52Before I share my take on this though, let's take a trip back to May 24th, 2021.
00:58This was when Master Oogway's channel was born.
01:01And right off the bat, he saw a bunch of success.
01:04His first videos were essentially parodies of Kung Fu Panda,
01:07where he would put a voiceover over the Master Oogway character
01:10and give funny advice coming off as very wise, if that makes sense.
01:14People thought it was very funny and these videos got him views.
01:17And because these videos got him views, just like any other creator would do,
01:20he milked it. And milked it. And milked it.
01:23And kept on milking this type of video until the audience finally lost interest.
01:27So Oogway, realizing that his audience had completely lost interest
01:30in the only type of video that ever worked on his channel,
01:33had to come up with something new.
01:35And this is when his content took a turn for the worst.
01:38We're going to call his new type of content
01:40creating controversial videos that utilize specific groups of people
01:43and aspects of their identity beyond their control simply in order to get views.
01:47Following me?
01:48Some examples of him doing this can be seen in this video.
01:51And this video.
01:52And this video.
01:53And this video.
01:54And this video.
01:55And this video.
01:56You get the point.
01:57All of these videos are like 8 seconds, the most lazy content ever
02:00and all you really need to look at is the title to understand what he's trying to do.
02:04In these videos, he wouldn't really say anything about these groups of people
02:07and would essentially just play music over him pretending to talk.
02:11So I guess at this point, it wasn't really enough for him to get in any sort of trouble
02:15and can kind of just get waved off as dark humor that is also just very lazy content.
02:19I mean, every single video was like 8 seconds long
02:22and it probably takes like 2 minutes to edit this.
02:24He was quite literally leveraging racism and all kinds of other isms and phobias
02:29just so that he could get clicks because he knew people would see it
02:33and be curious and click on it.
02:34But the crazy thing is that throughout all of this,
02:36his fans were fully supporting him.
02:38Every single comment is laughing at his jokes, egging him on,
02:42or simply just going with what he's saying, if you get what I mean.
02:44So let's talk about how it got even worse.
02:46Oh, quick little side note.
02:47Sometime in the middle of all of this, he tried to box someone.
02:50And, uh, well...
02:54But that's totally against the point.
02:55It shocked me simply to see how many people were seeing these titles
02:59and this content and fully supporting it.
03:01But with no backlash for the entire time,
03:04But with no backlash for these very offensive titles,
03:07Ugoi's audience seemed to finally lose interest in these.
03:10And that's when he realized he needs to take it up a notch
03:13in order to stay relevant.
03:26Okay, so I know that my views are pretty bad right now
03:28and I'm low-key falling off,
03:30but this idea that I just came up with,
03:32it's groundbreaking.
03:34It's gonna bring me back.
03:35It's gonna bring me back.
03:36They're gonna love it, dude.
03:37These people are gonna love it.
03:40Dude, I'm telling you, you do not get it.
03:42It's gonna be life-changing.
03:44No, I hear you, I hear you.
03:45What's the idea?
03:46I'm gonna say the N-word online
03:47and post it in a YouTube video for the world to see.
03:54You're a genius.
03:56No, so what's the plan after?
03:57How are you gonna build on this?
03:59I'm just gonna keep on saying it.
04:00Oh my goodness, this is generational.
04:02How has nobody thought of this?
04:04Yup, yup, yup.
04:05And then, and then,
04:06I'm gonna make a song
04:08where I say it again
04:09in the worst way possible.
04:11Somebody get this man his paycheck.
04:13So that's when he released this song.
04:15I'm not gonna play it.
04:17He says that in the chorus.
04:19Let me remind you, this guy's 25 years old
04:21putting this out to kids.
04:23And he also made this video.
04:24And that title's not clickbait.
04:26He actually said it this time.
04:28How down bad do you have to be to say that
04:30just so that you can get some views?
04:32I mean, really?
04:33So I'm shocked that it took all of that
04:36for people to finally realize
04:38that, oh, maybe this is not so good to be supporting.
04:42And it didn't really start on YouTube.
04:44Twitter is where people really saw a problem with it.
04:47And TikTok is also where many people were like,
04:49this is just dumb.
04:50It's genuinely shocking to me
04:51to see how many people on YouTube liked this video
04:54and also shared comments just going along with it
04:57the way they do on all of his videos.
04:59And that's the problem with all of this.
05:01Us as creators have so much influence
05:03on the people watching our videos.
05:05And while you may not realize it, Oogway,
05:07if you're watching this,
05:08these kids look up to you
05:10and they don't know right from wrong,
05:12so they're gonna see what you say
05:13and think it's totally okay to say.
05:15And this brings me into another topic.
05:16My friend Ben made a video on this entire situation,
05:19which you should watch after this video.
05:21And in it, he said this.
05:22Now, if you are a content creator out there
05:24that just makes edgy jokes,
05:26aka racist jokes, sexist jokes,
05:28jokes that are just meant to offend people,
05:30jokes that just only come at the cost of other people,
05:33especially based on aspects of their life
05:34by which they cannot control,
05:36I want you to ask yourself one question.
05:38Is this what you want to be remembered for?
05:40And I completely agree.
05:42Is this really how you want to be remembered
05:44as a content creator?
05:45Or don't you want to be remembered
05:46for something super positive?
05:48And just like Ben also said in this video,
05:50you could totally turn this around.
05:51You simply need to show that you understand
05:53what you did was wrong and own up to it
05:55and start creating content
05:57that actually spreads a positive message
05:59or at least just not a negative message.
06:01But unfortunately, that's not what's happening.
06:03He's not doing any of this.
06:05In fact, he's doing the opposite of this
06:07and making it way worse.
06:11Like I said, the situation was brought to Twitter and TikTok.
06:13And on this platform, unlike YouTube,
06:15he is quite literally the only one defending himself.
06:19Let's just read a few of his tweets.
06:21We'll start with this one.
06:22He says,
06:33And then five hours ago, he tweeted this.
06:36I'm not going to read that one.
06:37I guess that's all I really need to show you.
06:39As you can see, he doesn't seem to really care.
06:41But the thing is, nobody finds it funny
06:43except for maybe a few eight-year-olds
06:45on YouTube Shorts.
06:46And to top all of those tweets off,
06:48he made this video on YouTube.
06:53For absolutely not giving a fuck!
06:55Yeah, so he's truly just making it way, way worse.
06:57When he could honestly, easily turn this around
06:59with the audience that he has.
07:01The audience that he built up
07:03over the past two or three years.
07:05Seems like he's just being extremely, extremely stubborn.
07:07I also want to make it clear that I am not
07:09in any way trying to completely end this dude's career.
07:12And I also don't want any of my fans
07:14to go into his comment sections and then go and bash him.
07:16That's not what this is supposed to be.
07:18The reason I'm making this video is because
07:21primarily comes from YouTube Shorts.
07:23This is giving our community a horrible representation.
07:26I mean, the fact that people are making TikToks
07:28making fun of YouTube Shorts
07:30because of you and a couple other creators.
07:33We really need to fix that.
07:34I hope that makes sense.
07:35I mean, ultimately, if we are going to have
07:37these massive platforms, I think it's so important
07:40that we just try to share a positive message
07:42or at least not share a negative message.
07:45So to wrap this up, I'm going to leave it to Ben
07:47because I don't think I could have said it any better.
07:49All of us are perfect people.
07:50But the best that we can do with the platforms that we have
07:52is provide a positive influence on our audiences
07:56instead of just being controversial and spreading hate.
07:59Thank you, Ben, for those amazing words.
08:01That is about it for today.
08:02If you made it all the way to the end
08:04and you enjoyed this video, please make sure to subscribe.
08:07I've been up like all night trying to make this video.
08:10So it would mean the world to me if you're new.
08:12Also, if you like the video, it helps me out a ton.
08:14I really appreciate it.
08:15And I will see you guys in the next video.
