• yesterday
Destinada a mi Alfa Prohibido en Español
#hot24h #shortfilms #reels
00:00:05Easy I use easy I use interest in you know, I love ready. You're gonna sit us
00:00:14Let me know
00:00:16Because can you imagine when I say one of the simulators a lot of this time, you know see some because I said to to reach out
00:00:24Don't care about anything else
00:00:26Okay, no, I don't know if it's too soon. I'm around me. Yeah, can they give us love it up?
00:00:32So Joe Lisa, I'm so you do logo
00:01:23¿Acabas de llamar a tu alfa?
00:01:25¿A covo?
00:01:27¡Es que traes de imbécil, grosera y atrevida!
00:01:30Irma, ya.
00:01:32Conoce tu lugar, Selena.
00:01:35Una huérfana.
00:01:37Una sirvienta.
00:01:38No tienes familia.
00:01:39No tienes hogar.
00:01:41No tienes ningún lugar a donde ir.
00:01:47Me voy a ir y voy a ser una loba solitaria.
00:01:49Tengo que recordarte que aún no tienes a tu lobo.
00:01:54Hasta entonces, me perteneces.
00:01:59Te quiero en mi oficina después de limpiar toda esta mierda.
00:02:19En unos días cumplo 18 años y yo solo te pido que, por favor, me concedas a un lobo fuerte y poderoso.
00:02:39Yo ya no aguanto un segundo más.
00:02:43Yo te prometo que vamos a ser humildes y vamos a cazar lo que necesitemos.
00:02:53Dios de la luna, yo sé que me estás escuchando.
00:03:00Por favor, dame mi lobo.
00:03:1315 años.
00:03:1515 años enteros y ni una palabra de mi hija.
00:03:18¿Qué más necesitas?
00:03:20Entiendo, Alfa Ezequiel, pero el asesinato es una acusación muy grave.
00:03:25Esos bastardos de luna de sangre atacaron mi manada hace 15 años y mi pobre hija desapareció.
00:03:31¡Ellos la mataron!
00:03:34Simplemente lo sé.
00:03:36Alfa Alejandro, ayúdame a vengar la muerte de Selena.
00:03:39Te lo pido.
00:03:41Te lo pido.
00:03:42Tú eres el único que puede ayudarme.
00:03:46Mi Alfa, vine tan pronto como me enteré.
00:03:49¿Estás seguro de hacer esto?
00:03:51¿Comenzar una guerra con la manada y la luna de sangre?
00:03:56El viento nocturno es la manada más importante del norte.
00:03:59Estoy enormemente agradecido con Alfa Ezequiel por todo su apoyo.
00:04:03Tengo que ayudar a vengar a su hija.
00:04:05Pero es la luna de sangre.
00:04:13Dicen que tiene más músculo que cerebro.
00:04:17Alfa, es mejor que primero lo veas por ti mismo.
00:04:29Ay, Facó, mi amor, ¿por qué paraste?
00:04:37¿Me gusta?
00:04:39Ay, no pares.
00:04:41Jacobo, ¿pediste verme?
00:04:42¿Qué putas estás haciendo acá?
00:04:45¿Acaso se te olvidó tocar?
00:04:47Jacobo, ¿esta perra nos estaba mirando?
00:04:50Selena, a partir de hoy te dirigirás a mí como Alfa.
00:04:54Te juro por la diosera de la luna que si vuelves a entrar aquí sin avisar...
00:04:57Irma, déjanos.
00:05:00¿La escuchaste?
00:05:01Que nos dejes.
00:05:11¿Hace cuánto tiempo vives aquí en luna de sangre?
00:05:15Casi quince años.
00:05:17¿Alguna vez has pasado hambre?
00:05:19Que yo.
00:05:20¿Alguna vez has tenido que pasar la noche al aire libre?
00:05:25¿Qué intentas decir?
00:05:27Intento decir que tienes un techo sobre tu cabeza.
00:05:31A pesar de ser una huérfana sin manada.
00:05:36Respóndeme una preguntita.
00:05:40¿Por qué no me llamas Alfa?
00:05:53¿Eres celosa?
00:05:54¿Es eso?
00:05:55¿Es eso?
00:05:56¿Esearías que la mujer con la que me acuesto fueras tú?
00:06:00Tú me das asco.
00:06:04No estoy celosa.
00:06:06Tú me das asco.
00:06:08Además no eres mi Alfa.
00:06:10La única palabra con A que es digna de ti es asqueroso.
00:06:17Perdón por interrumpir.
00:06:20Es que el Alfa de viento nocturno Alejandro del Valle acaba de confirmar su asistencia.
00:06:25Vendrá a tu fiesta de compromiso.
00:06:29Lo haces bien, Alejandro del Valle.
00:06:32Lo haces bien, Alejandro del Valle.
00:06:36Yo os olvidé por cortesía.
00:06:39Ni siquiera nos conocemos.
00:06:42¿Qué será lo que quiere?
00:06:44Alfa, yo pienso que eso es algo bueno.
00:06:46Eso quiere decir que nos respeta.
00:06:49Viento nocturno es la manada más grande ahora.
00:06:52Pero Alejandro sabe que luna de sol no es una manada.
00:06:55Debe estar asustado.
00:07:01¿Te parece divertido?
00:07:05¿Qué tal si te encargas de organizar y de atender toda la fiesta?
00:07:14De principio a fin.
00:07:16Pero ese día cumplió 18 años.
00:07:18Me prometiste que iba a descansar.
00:07:20Me prometiste que iba a descansar.
00:07:22Supongo que también de opinión.
00:07:34¿Selena aún no sabe que es tu alma gemela?
00:07:39¿Selena aún no sabe que es tu alma gemela?
00:07:41Vuelvas, suéltalo.
00:07:43Sí, sí, Alfa.
00:07:44Es que yo entré y solamente los vi ahí.
00:07:46No somos nada.
00:07:50Selena es una huérfana.
00:07:53Es la empleada de la manada.
00:07:56Yo no sé por qué la diosa de la luna la eligió para mí y no me importa.
00:08:00Porque no pienso aceptarla.
00:08:03Sí, Alfa.
00:08:06¿Pero qué vas a hacer con ella?
00:08:08Selena se enterará de que soy su pareja una vez cumpla 18 años.
00:08:11¿Pero qué vas a hacer con ella?
00:08:13Selena se enterará de que soy su pareja una vez cumpla 18 años.
00:08:17Y entonces, en ese momento, la rechazaré.
00:08:21Pero eso la va a destrozar.
00:08:23No solo física, sino mentalmente.
00:08:26No importa.
00:08:29Vete. Vete, Lucas.
00:08:38Vete, Diego.
00:08:40Necesito que le compres algo decente para Alfa Jacobo.
00:08:46¿Por qué vas a hacer eso?
00:08:48Diego, necesitamos tener cerca a nuestros amigos.
00:08:52Pero aún más a nuestros enemigos.
00:08:55Sí, mi Alfa.
00:08:56Con permiso.
00:08:58Además, para la fiesta, te conseguí todas estas lobas vírgenes.
00:09:03Todas de muy buen linaje y muy sexys, por cierto.
00:09:06Son de la manada.
00:09:10Voy a ir solo.
00:09:12Pero, mi Alfa, si la manada de la luna de sangre se entera de que aún no te has casado a esta edad, ¿te cuestionará?
00:09:18Bueno, que lo hagan.
00:09:21Soy Alejandro del Valle.
00:09:24Además, esperemos que mi alma gemela sea una de las invitadas a la fiesta, ¿no?
00:09:40Feliz cumpleaños a mí.
00:09:46Feliz cumpleaños, Elena.
00:09:49Soy yo, Lissandra. Soy tu lobo.
00:09:57Feliz cumpleaños.
00:10:00Feliz cumpleaños.
00:10:03Feliz cumpleaños.
00:10:06Feliz cumpleaños.
00:10:10Mi lobo.
00:10:16Tengo un lobo.
00:10:19Sí, Selena. Es un placer conocerte por fin.
00:10:23Y finalmente hablarte sobre nuestra alma gemela.
00:10:31¿Tenemos un alma gemela?
00:10:33Sí. Está justo aquí.
00:10:36Es Jacobo Olivares.
00:10:38El alfa de la manada luna de sangre.
00:10:41Eso no es gracioso.
00:10:43Eso no da risa, Lissandra.
00:10:49¿Disfrutando de tu decimoctavo cumpleaños?
00:10:53¿Tú sabías?
00:10:59Tú supiste durante todos estos años que yo era tu alma gemela y aún así...
00:11:03¿Aún así qué?
00:11:07¿Tengo que recordarte que no eres más que una sirvienta?
00:11:10Que nunca has tenido nada.
00:11:12Ni siquiera una familia.
00:11:14Hay una cosa que siempre he sabido y es que tú y yo nunca vamos a estar juntos.
00:11:22Te rechazo, Selena.
00:11:28Ser rechazada por un alfa debe causar un dolor insoportable.
00:11:34Sin embargo, si sufricas, tal vez...
00:11:38Acepto tu rechazo.
00:11:44¿Estás consciente de cuántas mujeres se morirían por ser mi pareja?
00:11:48Yo no.
00:11:50Prefiero ser una loba solitaria.
00:11:52Sabes perfectamente que nunca vas a volver a tener un vínculo.
00:11:56Que así sea.
00:11:58Quiero que recojas toda tu mierda esta noche después de la fiesta.
00:12:01Porque no quiero volver a verte.
00:12:05No sabes cuánto tiempo esperé a que dijeras eso.
00:12:22Selena, ¿dónde están mis tacones?
00:12:24Voy por ellos.
00:12:25¿Y el vino?
00:12:27Ay, ¿por qué todo te toma tanto tiempo?
00:12:45Solo necesito sobrevivir a esta fiesta.
00:12:47Solo necesito sobrevivir a esta fiesta.
00:12:59Solo necesito sobrevivir.
00:13:30Alfa Alejandro, qué placer.
00:13:33Espero que hayas tenido un buen viaje hasta aquí.
00:13:37A Jacob le tardó años y millones de dólares en construir desde cero el Castillo de Luna de Santa.
00:13:43¿Qué te digo?
00:13:46¿Qué es eso?
00:13:51Ay, Dios mío.
00:13:54¿Alfa Alejandro nos compras un yate?
00:13:57Eso es simplemente...
00:13:59Es una bobada.
00:14:03Por supuesto.
00:14:08No me hagas quedar en riesgo.
00:14:13¿Alfa, pasa algo?
00:14:15Mi alma gemela.
00:14:16¿Otra vez?
00:14:18Esa mujer que vimos pasar.
00:14:20Ella es mi alma gemela.
00:14:22Voy a averiguar quién es.
00:14:27Alfa Alejandro.
00:14:29Yo siempre había soñado con un yate.
00:14:34Es que me parece extraño.
00:14:36Siento que compartimos gustos muy similares.
00:14:40Y marcha.
00:14:57A ver, ¿qué te está tomando tanto tiempo?
00:15:00Él es Alfa Alejandro de Viento Nocturno.
00:15:04¡Muestra un poquito de respeto!
00:15:07Te hemos sentido muy importante.
00:15:23Permiso, tengo que hacer una llamada importante, Alfa.
00:15:35¿A dónde vas con eso?
00:15:37Intento ducharme.
00:15:42¿A eso le llamas una ducha?
00:15:44¿Puedes dejarme en paz, por favor?
00:15:47Se supone que ni siquiera debería hablar contigo.
00:15:50Simplemente quiero saber tu nombre.
00:15:51Por favor.
00:15:53Hoy es mi cumpleaños y ya ha sido lo suficientemente malo.
00:15:56No quisiera que lo hicieras peor.
00:16:02Es su cumpleaños.
00:16:05Y el Alfa Alejandro se va a enfurecer.
00:16:10Entonces, Alfa Alejandro.
00:16:13¿Veo que vienes solo?
00:16:15¿Acaso no tienes alma gemela?
00:16:19Bah, ¿a quién le importa?
00:16:22Aquí tenemos las lobas más sexys.
00:16:25¿Quién quita?
00:16:27Tal vez alguna de ellas sea tu pareja.
00:16:29Tengo alma gemela.
00:16:32En todo caso, tendremos que ir por aquí.
00:16:35¿Qué tal...?
00:16:38Vine acá.
00:16:45Ella es Beatriz.
00:16:48Es la hija del beca de mi padre.
00:16:50Es una loba fuerte.
00:16:52De buena familia.
00:16:54Y con un cuerpo...
00:17:04No pasa nada.
00:17:07Siempre puedes elegir.
00:17:10En realidad, hay alguien.
00:17:12¿Y quién es la afortunada?
00:17:15Es la criada.
00:17:16La que estuvo aquí hace unos momentos.
00:17:21¿Qué? Esto no puede ser posible.
00:17:24Lo es.
00:17:26No quiero a nadie más que a ella.
00:17:28Eso no va a poder...
00:17:30Eso no va a poder ser.
00:17:31¿Por qué no?
00:17:32Esa zorra ni siquiera se ducha.
00:17:34No lo hace porque no quiere o porque tú no se lo permites.
00:17:41De acuerdo.
00:17:42Alfa Alejandro,
00:17:44¿qué te pasa?
00:17:46¿Qué pasa?
00:17:49De acuerdo.
00:17:50Alfa Alejandro, le enviaremos a tu habitación.
00:17:53Será increíble.
00:18:00Tienes mucha suerte.
00:18:02Alfa Alejandro te quiere en su habitación esta noche.
00:18:04¿De qué estás hablando?
00:18:06Alfa Alejandro te quiere en su habitación esta noche.
00:18:08¿De qué estás hablando?
00:18:10Por alguna razón,
00:18:11Alejandro te quiere para él esta noche.
00:18:15Por favor, no te pongas eso.
00:18:16¡Qué asco!
00:18:18Mira, toma eso como un regalo de despedida.
00:18:20Oye, que Jacobo por fin te echó de aquí.
00:18:22Alejandro estará en la habitación de invitados a la izquierda.
00:18:25No arruines esto.
00:18:35No hay la más mínima posibilidad de que yo vaya a ir.
00:18:38No voy a ir.
00:18:39¿Por qué no?
00:18:40¿No te gusta?
00:18:42Sí, lo que quiero decir es que no...
00:18:45no lo conozco.
00:18:49sí hay algo...
00:18:51en él.
00:18:52Ese es tu vínculo de pareja.
00:18:55Alejandro del Valle es nuestra alma gemela.
00:18:58¿Espera, qué?
00:19:00Lisandra, te recuerdo que nosotros aceptamos el rechazo de Jacobo.
00:19:05Eso quiere decir que perdimos nuestra única posibilidad de encontrar nuestra alma gemela.
00:19:09La diosa de la luna nos dio otra oportunidad.
00:19:12Ve a verlo tú misma.
00:19:14Y por favor, cámbiate de ropa.
00:19:29Soy Selena.
00:20:09¿Cómo me llamaste?
00:20:13¿Qué es esto?
00:20:16¿Cómo te atreves a seducir a mi prometido?
00:20:21Yo pensé que era Alejandro.
00:20:23Esta es la primera habitación a la izquierda. Yo...
00:20:26Tú lo hiciste a propósito.
00:20:30Tú lo hiciste a propósito.
00:20:31¿En serio estás tratando de inculparme?
00:20:34Te acabo de ver seduciendo a Jacobo.
00:20:36Por favor.
00:20:37Mira lo que llevas puestos, que no te da ni siquiera vergüenza.
00:20:42¿Tú pensaste que yo era Alejandro?
00:20:45Ella claramente sabía que eres tú.
00:20:49Esta perra trepadora no soporta el hecho de que yo me voy a casar contigo.
00:20:55¿Es en serio?
00:20:57¿Soy yo la que no soporta este compromiso?
00:21:00¿Tú quieres saber lo que ese hombre estaba a punto de hacer antes de que entraras a esta habitación?
00:21:04Porque te recuerdo que él no tenía los ojos vendados.
00:21:06Él sabía que era yo y no tú.
00:21:08¡No seas mentirosa, Selena!
00:21:10¡No la toques!
00:21:12Si le llegas a poner un dedo encima a mi alma gemela, me aseguraré de que vivas el resto de tu vida sin manos.
00:21:36¿Cómo sigues?
00:21:37No es nada.
00:21:39Ya estoy acostumbrada.
00:21:40¿Cómo permites que te traten así?
00:21:43Bueno, no sé si te diste cuenta, pero no hago parte de la realeza de este lugar.
00:21:49Aunque tú eres mi alma gemela.
00:21:52La criada con carácter de los lunas de sangre.
00:21:55Gracias por salvarme.
00:21:57Y no te preocupes que te voy a rechazar para que podamos tomar caminos separados.
00:22:06¿Eres consciente de que soy el alfa de los vientos nocturnos?
00:22:10La moneda más grande del país.
00:22:13¿Es en serio?
00:22:15Sí, soy consciente.
00:22:19Pero no importa.
00:22:21¿No importa?
00:22:23No, quiero decir, no importa porque hoy me voy.
00:22:31Obtuve mi lobo y vamos a irnos a otro lugar.
00:22:37Es que no tengo nada.
00:22:42No tengo estatus, no tengo familia.
00:22:45Y bueno, no creo que quieras a alguien como yo como tu compañera.
00:22:51Mucho menos como tu luna.
00:22:53¿Cómo te llamas?
00:22:59¿El alfa?
00:23:01¿La hija de Alfa Ezequiel?
00:23:07¿El alfa?
00:23:09¿La hija de Alfa Ezequiel?
00:23:11¿Alfa quién?
00:23:15Yo no tengo apellido.
00:23:17¿A qué te refieres?
00:23:19Bueno, no que yo me acuerde.
00:23:21Es que cuando era pequeña, mis papás murieron y fui huérfana hasta que la manada de luna de sangre me adoptó.
00:23:30Bueno, me salvó.
00:23:35Por eso te quedaste y permites que te traten así.
00:23:39Bueno, es que no tenía familia, ni lobo.
00:23:42Era menor de edad y no podía ser una loba solitaria.
00:23:49Pero ahora sí puedo.
00:23:53No puedes.
00:23:55Ahora estás conmigo.
00:23:57Feliz cumpleaños, Selena.
00:24:00Dale, tómalo. Es tuyo.
00:24:13Alfa Alejandro Ochoa.
00:24:15Eres mi alma gemela.
00:24:18Y no me importa si eres una criada o si eres huérfana.
00:24:22Yo prometo cuidar de ti por toda mi vida.
00:24:29Ella pensó que yo era Alfa Alejandro.
00:24:31¿Y aún así le pusiste las manos encima a esa perra?
00:24:34¡Explícame eso!
00:24:36Me pediste que fuera a esa habitación.
00:24:38Me dijiste que entrara, que esperara ahí.
00:24:40Que tenías una sorpresa.
00:24:43Tú planeaste todo.
00:24:46Tuve quien se crea, Selena.
00:24:48Beta, esta es mi casa. Es mi territorio.
00:24:53Te lo voy a decir una vez. Déjame entrar.
00:24:57Alfa Jacobo, no puedo hacerlo.
00:24:59Recuerda, el tratado de paz entre nuestras manadas terminará pronto.
00:25:03No querrás hacer enojar al Alfa Alejandro.
00:25:05Sobre todo ahora.
00:25:07Puede ser.
00:25:08No tiene sentido.
00:25:10¿Y tú?
00:25:11No puedes hacer enojar al Alfa Alejandro.
00:25:13Sobre todo ahora.
00:25:15Puede ser.
00:25:16No tiene sentido que un Alfa como Alejandro
00:25:18esté interesado en una mujer como Selena.
00:25:20Ella no vale nada.
00:25:22Selena no vale nada.
00:25:24Pero Alfa Jacobo,
00:25:26ahora Selena,
00:25:28es el alma gemela de Alfa Alejandro.
00:25:31Eso no puede ser.
00:25:32Así no son las cosas.
00:25:34¿Y a quién le importa?
00:25:36Es nuestra fiesta de compromiso.
00:25:39Yo soy tu Luna.
00:25:53¿Por qué te importa tanto Selena?
00:25:55Ella es irrelevante.
00:25:57No quiero hablar de eso.
00:25:59Apuesto que está haciendo todo lo posible
00:26:02por complacer a Alejandro en estos momentos.
00:26:05Esa perra trepadora.
00:26:07No quiero hablar de eso.
00:26:29¿Acabas de llamarme Selena?
00:26:34Deja la paranoia.
00:26:36Ahora yo soy paranoica.
00:26:41Siempre has estado enamorado de ella.
00:26:45Siempre has estado interesado en ella.
00:26:50¿Alguna vez estuviste enamorado de mí?
00:26:55¿Qué significó yo para ti, Jacobo?
00:26:58Tienes razón.
00:27:02Tienes razón. Él no puede quedarse con ella.
00:27:05¿Me estás tomando del pelo?
00:27:07¡No me dejes hablar tú sola, Jacobo!
00:27:12Alfa Alejandro, lo siento mucho.
00:27:14Pero Alfa Jacobo insiste en ver a Selena.
00:27:17Dice que es urgente.
00:27:20No tienes que ir.
00:27:22Creo que tengo que ir.
00:27:25Para darle fin a esto de una vez por todas.
00:27:31¿Qué quieres, Jacobo?
00:27:33Puedes ir con Alejandro.
00:27:35Ni siquiera lo conoces.
00:27:37Es mi alma gemela.
00:27:38Yo soy tu alma gemela.
00:27:39Selena, no te vayas.
00:27:41Yo soy consciente de que hemos tenido buenos y malos momentos.
00:27:45¿Malos momentos?
00:27:48Jacobo, todos estos años me has tratado como si fuera una esclava.
00:27:52Viste cómo tu prometida me maltrataba y no hiciste nada.
00:27:55¡Me rechazaste!
00:27:57Selena, yo soy un alfa.
00:27:59Yo no puedo estar con quienquiera.
00:28:01Deberías entenderlo.
00:28:04Yo me voy a casar con Irma.
00:28:05Yo te puedo asegurar un lugar seguro para ti y para mí.
00:28:09¿Qué estás queriendo decir?
00:28:12¿Quieres que yo sea la otra?
00:28:16Jacobo, yo solamente vine a despedirme de ti.
00:28:19Selena, yo siempre te he amado.
00:28:25Yo siempre te he amado.
00:28:28Te dije que te amo, maldita sea.
00:28:33Te dije que te amo, maldita sea.
00:28:35Jacobo, vete a la mierda.
00:28:38Tú no puedes tratarme como una basura y luego decirme que me amas.
00:28:41Ya te lo dije.
00:28:42Selena, quédate.
00:28:45Me estoy comprometiendo. ¿Qué más quieres?
00:28:48¿Esa es tu manera de demostrar amor?
00:28:51Pues no lo quiero.
00:28:53Déjame ir.
00:28:57Deja de fingir.
00:29:01Yo sé.
00:29:02Yo sé que estuviste todos estos años con esa actitud de mierda
00:29:06para conseguir mi atención.
00:29:08Pero ya la tienes.
00:29:09Aquí estoy.
00:29:11Así que quédate.
00:29:13Y te prometo que voy a hacer que todo funcione.
00:29:17Yo nunca he querido tu atención y no la quiero ahora.
00:29:21Déjame ir.
00:29:31Nos vamos.
00:29:32¿Y mis cosas?
00:29:34Tengo todo lo que puedas necesitar.
00:30:01¿Te gustan los carros?
00:30:04Yo colecciono.
00:30:05Te voy a llevarte a mi garaje mañana si quieres, después de que te instales.
00:30:11¿Qué era eso?
00:30:13Un cine.
00:30:16¿Una sala de cine?
00:30:21En fin, haré que te hagan llegar todo lo que necesites.
00:30:25Y si quieres, puedes irte de shopping o...
00:30:31¿Estás bien?
00:30:35Perdón, Alfa Alejandro.
00:30:38¿Qué decías?
00:30:40Es que es la primera vez que vivo en la ciudad.
00:30:43Es como un sueño.
00:30:44No, Alejandro.
00:30:47Vete a Diego.
00:30:49Da la vuelta acá.
00:30:51Todavía no nos vamos a casa.
00:31:00Bonita vista, ¿eh?
00:31:07No, no es bonita. Es...
00:31:10mil veces mejor de lo que me había imaginado.
00:31:15Es tan hermosa.
00:31:19Es preciosa.
00:31:28¿Pensé que podrías tener hambre?
00:31:31Tengo mucha hambre.
00:31:35Sí, eso significa que por fin me vas a prestar atención.
00:31:40Lo siento.
00:31:43Es que...
00:31:46esto es como un...
00:31:48cuento de hagas.
00:31:50¿Y es verdad?
00:31:53Esto es como un...
00:31:55cuento de hagas.
00:31:57¿Y espera a ver la comida?
00:31:59Le pedí a Diego que trajera el mejor...
00:32:01¿Pollo frito?
00:32:04está bien...
00:32:05lo que sea.
00:32:06Solo que...
00:32:08Irma solía llevar el mejor pollo frito y olía tan bien...
00:32:14que, bueno, siempre me pregunté a qué sabría.
00:32:17¿Nunca has comido pollo frito?
00:32:20Dame un segundo.
00:32:27Cancelarlo todo.
00:32:29Sí, el caviar también.
00:32:30Ya no vamos a comer sushi.
00:32:33Sí, seguro.
00:32:35Consígueme una cubeta de pollo frito.
00:32:39¿Pollo frito?
00:32:44Ey, asegúrate de que esté caliente.
00:33:12¿Sí es como te lo imaginabas?
00:33:14Mucho mejor.
00:33:16Estoy en el cielo.
00:33:18No puedo creer que hayas vivido toda tu vida de esa manera.
00:33:22Sabes que las lunas de sangre son...
00:33:24despedidos de mierda.
00:33:29Creo que debería...
00:33:31contarte algo.
00:33:33Era mi alma gemela.
00:33:39¿A Kobo?
00:33:42No quiero mentirte eso.
00:33:46No sé cómo pasó.
00:33:47Simplemente él...
00:33:49me rechazó y yo lo acepté.
00:33:51Y luego la diosa de la luna...
00:33:54me juntó contigo.
00:33:56¿Eso quiere decir que...
00:33:58alguna vez ustedes dos...
00:34:02Me enteré hoy.
00:34:05Y nuestra conexión de almas...
00:34:06duró como cinco minutos.
00:34:12Cuando pensé que él eras...
00:34:19Aquí estoy.
00:34:30¿Sabes cómo funciona nuestra conexión de almas?
00:34:33¿Cómo te sientes?
00:34:35¿Qué te dan ganas de hacer?
00:34:39Vamos a casa.
00:34:50Es que...
00:34:51necesito bañarme.
00:34:53¿Tienes un balde?
00:34:54¿Un balde?
00:34:57Izquierda para caliente, derecha para fría.
00:35:00Shampoo, acondicionador...
00:35:03jabón de cuerpo.
00:35:06Creo que entendí.
00:35:07Voy a estar aquí si me necesitas.
00:35:39Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
00:36:09And I'll kiss you again
00:36:16Always in my heart
00:36:22The desire to be with you
00:36:27And now what?
00:36:29It's just that I've never done this before
00:36:34I wanted to reserve myself for my soulmate
00:36:38Come with me, my love
00:36:43Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom
00:36:52I'm going to the bathroom
00:37:00My God, Alejandro hates me
00:37:02It's not true
00:37:05Didn't you see him? He ran away from me like he had a plague
00:37:10I'm sure that's what virgins do to men
00:37:14Tyron, we need to talk
00:37:16I can't believe you left her alone
00:37:19I panicked, okay?
00:37:22The truth is, I didn't want her to know it was my first time either
00:37:26I don't doubt it, because you didn't hit a home run doesn't mean you didn't play baseball
00:37:33Why did I tell him that?
00:37:35Calm down, you're thinking too much
00:37:38I don't know
00:37:41The truth is, I waited so long for my soulmate that now that I have her there
00:37:48You're an alpha, good sex is in your blood
00:37:52He probably doesn't want anything to do with me anymore
00:37:55Yes, but I had never been so excited
00:38:02Well, if you prove it, let me hide you
00:38:15I think I'll have to take another shower
00:38:19But with cold water
00:38:32Stupid, why did I tell him that?
00:38:42Are you new here?
00:38:43Yes, I just got here
00:38:49You know what? You can use the sink and that's it
00:38:52Thank you
00:38:53You're welcome
00:38:54You're welcome
00:38:55You're welcome
00:38:56You're welcome
00:38:57You're welcome
00:38:58You're welcome
00:38:59You're welcome
00:39:00You can use the sink and that's it, right?
00:39:03Oh, it's just that my old gang didn't like me doing that
00:39:09And what's your name?
00:39:11Selena, nice to meet you
00:39:13Selena, Selena? Like my brother's soulmate?
00:39:20But she's Alejandro's sister
00:39:22My moon
00:39:25You're my brother's soulmate, no, the leader of the gang
00:39:29What makes you the queen of our gang
00:39:34My moon
00:39:39My moon
00:39:41I'm so sorry
00:39:43I'm so sorry
00:39:44No, no, no
00:39:45I confused you with our new employee
00:39:48Alejandro is going to kill me
00:39:51Don't worry
00:39:53Tell me Selena
00:39:54And don't worry, I won't tell Alejandro
00:39:57Thank you
00:40:00It's a pleasure to meet you
00:40:03Look, I live there, in that room, Juan Diego
00:40:09He's my soulmate
00:40:10The beta?
00:40:12You don't know how happy I am to finally have another wolf in the gang
00:40:16I mean, the wolves here beat me a lot
00:40:19I know we just met
00:40:22But well, now you're basically my brother
00:40:26So, I have to ask you
00:40:31How was Alejandro?
00:40:33Excuse me?
00:40:35Yes, I know it's a very bold question
00:40:37But the rumors are too strong and I had to ask you
00:40:42What rumors?
00:40:44My brother has had a couple of adventures
00:40:46Just one night, of course
00:40:48But he's never gone beyond
00:40:54With the girls, waiting for his soulmate
00:40:58And well, that's you
00:41:05Hi, Earth calling Selena
00:41:12My God
00:41:14You didn't do it?
00:41:18We were going to do it, but also...
00:41:22You're also a virgin!
00:41:25Oh my God
00:41:27Selena, I have so much to show you
00:41:35So you didn't find her
00:41:40I'm sorry, Dalfa Ezequiel
00:41:42I found one Selena, but she's not yours
00:41:45Things got complicated
00:41:46No, she's my soulmate
00:41:49How do you know she's not our Selena?
00:41:52Because she's an orphan, she doesn't have a family
00:41:55Who says that?
00:41:57The Blood Moon liars?
00:41:59Jacob is just as much of a liar as his father
00:42:02He said he wouldn't attack, and look what happened
00:42:11We spent like $7,000 on all this
00:42:15Are you sure Alejandro could spend that much?
00:42:19Oh my Moon, you don't know
00:42:22My brother founded WolfBite
00:42:24The biggest cryptocurrency startup in the world
00:42:27He can practically pay for everything
00:42:30Let's go
00:42:39Find out everything you can about the Blood Moon attack, Red Sun
00:42:42I want every detail, every record
00:42:45Yes, Dalfa. I'll try, even if I have a lot of loose ends
00:42:52The body of Selena del Alba was never found
00:42:57I'm even thinking that in reality...
00:43:02My brother?
00:43:08It's Jacob
00:43:10Jacobo? From the Blood Moon?
00:43:13He's an idiot, block him now
00:43:17These would look great on you
00:43:40I have to make a call
00:43:43I'll be right back
00:43:55Now, tell me everything
00:43:58I missed that attitude
00:44:00Tell me
00:44:02Fine, fine, fine
00:44:04My parents found you
00:44:05Lost in the territory of a herd
00:44:07Right on the border
00:44:09They asked me where your parents were
00:44:11But you didn't want to tell them
00:44:13What do you mean? They kidnapped me?
00:44:16The point is that they didn't see your parents die
00:44:19They could be alive, you know?
00:44:22What herd was it?
00:44:24I'll tell you in person
00:44:26Jacobo, what herd was it? Tell me!
00:44:30I don't know
00:44:31Jacobo, what herd was it? Tell me!
00:44:35I'll do it
00:44:37If you come back
00:44:41See you at home, Selena
00:44:50I missed your smell
00:44:52All day
00:44:55You came back
00:45:01I thought Milena was going to buy you
00:45:04Don't tell me my crazy sister made you do housework
00:45:08You know you don't have to do that again, right?
00:45:11Don't worry
00:45:13We did go shopping and she was very kind
00:45:16It's just...
00:45:18I don't know what else to do around here
00:45:52About last night
00:45:54Milena told me everything
00:45:58What did she say?
00:46:20I'm glad you waited
00:46:24Me too
00:46:32A random question
00:46:35Do you remember anything about your parents?
00:46:43Why? Have you heard anything?
00:46:47No, no, nothing
00:46:51I was just asking
00:46:55But well
00:46:57We can talk about that another time
00:47:09I have to see Betadiego
00:47:11I'll be right back
00:47:19It's late
00:47:20What's up?
00:47:22Most of the hordes are going to continue the peace treaty with the Blood Moon
00:47:26We need more votes, Alpha
00:47:28But they're murderers
00:47:29I know
00:47:30But some Alphas say that you and Alpha Ezequiel don't have proof
00:47:35That's why they can't start the war based on speculations
00:47:41Go tell Alpha Ezequiel that his daughter's death was a speculation
00:47:44I'm sorry, Alpha
00:47:46It wasn't my intention
00:47:48It's your fault
00:47:51Damn it!
00:47:56The peace treaty is in four days
00:47:59I have to convince them before that
00:48:01And if you can't do it?
00:48:03I have to do it
00:48:07I promised Alpha Ezequiel that I would avenge his daughter's death
00:48:13But we can't break the peace treaty
00:48:15They can't punish us
00:48:17Now I have a Moon to protect
00:48:35Good morning, Alejandro
00:48:38Good morning
00:48:41Are you hungry?
00:48:43I'm starving
00:48:52But not to eat
00:49:08Well, how many times was it?
00:49:10Three? Four?
00:49:13No, no, no, wait, I want to guess
00:49:15No, no more
00:49:17It's supposed to matter how many times it was if it wasn't the first one?
00:49:21Catalina, go to hell
00:49:23So this is Elena
00:49:25It's not what I imagined
00:49:27It's a little boring
00:49:30Watch what you say
00:49:32Remember that she is also your Moon
00:49:34She is not my Moon
00:49:36That's my title
00:49:37I should be sleeping with Alpha Alejandro in his room
00:49:40Excuse me, who are you?
00:49:43So you don't know
00:49:46I was Alpha's first woman
00:49:48We slept together
00:49:51I was Alpha's first woman
00:49:53We slept together
00:49:55Did you sleep with Alejandro?
00:49:58They all saw us spending the night together
00:50:01Do you want me to describe what we were doing?
00:50:03Shut up and go
00:50:05Selena, I was told you were more of a fighter
00:50:08Why are you so quiet?
00:50:10You don't know anything about me
00:50:11I know you're a servant without a herd
00:50:14Completely useless for our Alpha
00:50:17I know I'm the daughter of a veteran
00:50:19One of the strongest wolves in the herd
00:50:21Do you know what I think, Selena?
00:50:23That you should sweep the floor again
00:50:25On your knees
00:50:26Shut up!
00:50:28I told you to shut up!
00:50:30If you don't learn to respect your Moon, my brother will banish you
00:50:41Don't listen to Catalina
00:50:43She's always been jealous
00:50:44No, Milena
00:50:46She's right
00:50:48I don't deserve your brother
00:50:49No, don't say that
00:50:53Look, my brother had never been so in love with someone
00:50:57I swear
00:50:59Besides, you're his soulmate
00:51:03There's nothing better than that, right?
00:51:06But apparently I'm not his first partner
00:51:11Frankie, look
00:51:12Catalina has been shouting that lie to the four winds
00:51:15For years
00:51:17And she's never told anyone
00:51:19Catalina has been shouting that lie to the four winds
00:51:22For years
00:51:24Don't listen to her
00:51:26I have a better plan
00:51:28Why don't you and I go
00:51:30To squeeze my brother's card
00:51:33And then, if you want
00:51:35We confront him together
00:51:37In fact, I have to go somewhere else
00:51:41If you don't mind
00:51:43As you wish
00:51:44As you wish?
00:51:48I'm not in the mood
00:51:50But he's never in the mood
00:51:52Come on
00:52:15So, you're back
00:52:20How's your new life going?
00:52:23I came here for you to tell me the truth
00:52:25Without talking
00:52:27I understood the message
00:52:31Do you want the truth?
00:52:34My parents took you
00:52:37From the Red Sunrise Gang
00:52:39The day they attacked them
00:52:44For them, you were a souvenir
00:52:47Do I have a herd?
00:52:52You knew all this time and you didn't say anything
00:52:55You allowed me to grow up without a herd
00:52:58The one who remembers
00:53:00A souvenir has no home
00:53:02Where it can't be returned
00:53:04Or does it?
00:53:05Damn you
00:53:10I'm still an alpha
00:53:13I don't approve
00:53:16We need to talk
00:53:17Not now
00:53:18Alpha, please
00:53:19It's important
00:53:20It's about the peace treaty
00:53:22The other alphas are competing against you
00:53:31Look who's here
00:53:32But she's the same Cinderella
00:53:37I came in peace
00:53:39And with a few drinks
00:53:43I can't believe we're both moons now
00:53:46Who would have thought?
00:53:48Say what you came to say
00:53:49I really came to congratulate you
00:53:51Is it so hard to believe?
00:53:56You're not going to think I'm going to poison you, are you?
00:54:02A drink
00:54:04You know, I've always wondered why men like you so much
00:54:09And I think I found my answer
00:54:12What happened to you?
00:54:19I'm sorry
00:54:20I'm sorry
00:54:21I'm sorry
00:54:22I'm sorry
00:54:23I'm sorry
00:54:24I'm sorry
00:54:25I'm sorry
00:54:26I'm sorry
00:54:27I'm sorry
00:54:28I'm sorry
00:54:29I'm sorry
00:54:30I'm sorry
00:54:31I'm sorry
00:54:32I'm sorry
00:54:38The answer is that they don't care why they like you so much
00:54:41If you just stop existing
00:54:49What the hell did you do?
00:54:56Yes, the peace treaty must end
00:54:59Blood Moon is a pack of liars and murderers
00:55:02I suspect that they kidnapped Selena del Alba and she's still alive
00:55:06I'm going to find proof, Alpha
00:55:10Thank you
00:55:12That's it, that was the last Alpha
00:55:14You called them all
00:55:15Well, except for Alpha Jacobo
00:55:19Do you think he didn't realize you're bringing all the Alphas together?
00:55:21I don't care
00:55:24I want them to be afraid
00:55:26Alpha, do you really think our Moon is the lost daughter of Red Dawn?
00:55:32I don't know
00:55:34I still don't perceive her blood as Alpha
00:55:37But she's still very young, she just got her wolf
00:55:39What if you ask her?
00:55:42After everything that's happened
00:55:45I want her to enjoy her new life, at least for a while
00:55:48I'm going to find out some other way
00:55:49By the way, what I told you...
00:55:53Something... something happened to Selena
00:56:05Are you crazy?
00:56:06What the hell did you do to her?
00:56:10Alpha, this is wolf pain
00:56:14Shit, we have to take her to the hospital now
00:56:16Now, or she's going to die
00:56:19Too late
00:56:21Only Alphas survive wolf pain
00:56:25Selena, Selena
00:56:26Alpha, please
00:56:27Think about it
00:56:28If we take her poisoned to the hospital, like this, with wolf pain
00:56:31The night wind is going to realize that it was us
00:56:33And that's a good enough reason to attack
00:56:35Please, think about it
00:56:37The peace treaty is at stake
00:57:22No, no, no
00:57:42How is she?
00:57:43Is she going to survive?
00:57:44Alpha Alejandro, I'm sorry
00:57:46We're doing everything we can
00:57:48But you know what wolf pain does to a wolf
00:57:50No, no, no
00:57:51This can't be happening, doctor
00:57:54I'm afraid the moon won't make it
00:57:56I'm really sorry, Alpha
00:58:29Alpha, are you okay?
00:58:31We're going to war against the blood moon
00:58:36For the poisoning and murder of my moon
00:58:55Alejandro, hello
00:58:59Yes, I'm still here
00:59:01How are the wounded?
00:59:06The same
00:59:11Yes, we'll talk later
00:59:20Selena, you have to wake up
00:59:23Do it for Alejandro
00:59:25You know
00:59:26He's fighting a war for you
00:59:32He hasn't eaten in days
00:59:35I don't think he's showered either
00:59:43Shit, shit, shit, shit
00:59:51Oh my God
00:59:53What happened?
00:59:54He reacted
01:00:02She has the blood of an Alpha
01:00:05What did you say?
01:00:09I have to call Alejandro
01:00:13So yes
01:00:14Alejandro was followed by a blood moon fury
01:00:17The day you entered the hospital
01:00:20And that's why he called the entire night wind army to attack them
01:00:24And what happened?
01:00:26We won
01:00:28And all the blood moon men ran and vanished like rats
01:00:33And now?
01:00:35Now all the Alphas have to meet
01:00:37Because Alejandro broke the peace treaty
01:00:40But well, with good reason
01:00:43The blood moon army has been exterminated
01:00:46To sum it up
01:00:48Alpha Jacobo
01:00:50He's not in very good shape
01:00:53The doctors think he won't survive
01:00:56I just thought you should know
01:00:59He's here
01:01:04Yes, here in the hospital
01:01:06But well
01:01:07Take me to him
01:01:09I want to see Jacobo
01:01:22I told you
01:01:24We're done
01:01:25Let me
01:01:28What happened to you?
01:01:34You're alive
01:01:37You survived
01:01:39But how?
01:01:48It's all a miracle
01:01:54You manage to get a second
01:01:58Twin soul
01:02:00And now
01:02:01As if it weren't enough
01:02:04You survive an attack with Wolverine
01:02:08I was an idiot
01:02:14You should see how the other one looks
01:02:19We lost
01:02:21A lot
01:02:23The blood moon doesn't exist anymore
01:02:27I faced
01:02:29Your Alpha, Alejandro
01:02:32Terrible idea
01:02:38My ribs are broken
01:02:42I'm fucked up
01:02:44I have internal bleeding
01:02:46I feel like my organs aren't working
01:02:51You can believe it
01:02:52Jacobo, I
01:02:54I don't want your pity
01:02:58I was never good to you
01:03:00Now I understand that
01:03:03This is my punishment
01:03:05For making you suffer
01:03:07And for letting you go
01:03:14I don't have much time
01:03:16I'm sorry
01:03:18But I need
01:03:21To make it up to you
01:03:24Just tell me
01:03:25What I can do
01:03:27I promise I'll do anything
01:03:36You survived
01:03:39But I don't want to see you again
01:03:49I want to give you one last hug
01:03:53After this
01:03:55We say goodbye forever
01:04:08Excuse me
01:04:10Excuse me
01:04:29I started a war for you
01:04:32I came here as soon as I knew you were better
01:04:35That you had woken up
01:04:38And that's how you beat me
01:04:45I saw how you kissed
01:04:47Alejandro, are you serious?
01:04:50He kissed me
01:04:53You don't have to tell me anything
01:04:56What do you mean?
01:04:58Don't you remember Catalina?
01:05:01She told me what happened between you two
01:05:05Catalina what?
01:05:07Please don't play dumb
01:05:09I know you spent a night together
01:05:10Before we met
01:05:11We didn't have sex
01:05:14I was so drunk I fell asleep
01:05:17How do I know that's the truth?
01:05:19It's your word against hers
01:05:21It's you who decides to believe her word
01:05:23Not mine
01:05:26What's the difference?
01:05:27Why don't you let me explain it to you?
01:05:29You're right
01:05:33I promise to believe you
01:05:36But you also promise to believe me
01:05:59You don't know everything I've been through
01:06:02At some point I thought I was going to lose you forever
01:06:05It was like being in hell
01:06:07Do you still love me?
01:06:08Of course I still love you
01:06:10You're my moon
01:06:14Go anywhere alone again
01:06:19I'm sorry
01:06:22Don't you care that I started a war for a
01:06:26I don't care
01:06:28But Selena
01:06:30You're not a whatever
01:06:33You're everything
01:06:39I love you
01:07:01Wait, aren't we going home?
01:07:03Not yet
01:07:05I have a big surprise for you
01:07:07Fried chicken in the mirador
01:07:12I have something even better
01:07:25I wonder how she looks now
01:07:28Do you think she doesn't remember?
01:07:30It was 15 years ago, honey
01:07:33Selena was just a baby
01:07:34Selena was just a baby
01:07:42Oh my God
01:07:50Our Selena
01:07:52You're so big
01:07:54Look at you
01:07:55I'm sorry
01:07:59I don't understand what's going on
01:08:01She introduced you to your parents, Selena
01:08:05The Alpha and the Moon of Red Sunrise
01:08:08Ezequiel and Graciela del Alba
01:08:11Wait, are you saying that...
01:08:14You're the next Alpha of Red Sunrise
01:08:20You're Selena del Alba
01:08:25Wait, how?
01:08:28When did it happen?
01:08:30I have time to suspect
01:08:33Well, I wanted to tell you
01:08:35You know, things happened
01:08:37But when Wolf Bane didn't kill you
01:08:39Ezequiel and Graciela let me do a DNA test on you
01:08:44Well, here we are
01:08:46I can't believe it
01:08:51I have a herd
01:08:53I have parents
01:08:55You have two herds, honey
01:08:57One day, Red Sunrise will be yours
01:09:00Very well
01:09:02We'll be a big team
01:09:04This is crazy
01:09:09Very well
01:09:11Moon of Blood faces serious charges
01:09:13Besides poisoning the Moon of Night Wind
01:09:16You'll have to answer for kidnapping the future Alpha of Red Sunrise
01:09:20I want to strip Selena
01:09:23They'll pay for everything they've done to you, Selena
01:09:26They'll pay for everything they've done to you, Selena
01:09:29I promise we won't stop until...
01:09:32I want to make love to you right here
01:09:35Right now
01:09:37Selena, are you okay?
01:09:45We're in front of my parents
01:09:50What do you mean?
01:09:52I know
01:09:54How can you say that in front of them?
01:09:56I haven't said anything, Selena
01:10:00Is something wrong? Are you okay?
01:10:02I think we should go home
01:10:06So I can finally have you for myself
01:10:10Wait, it can't be. Are you reading my mind?
01:10:13Yes, I think so
01:10:16That's what I'm doing
01:10:18What's going on?
01:10:20Honey, our Selena is an Alpha with special gifts
01:10:23She can read minds
01:10:55Bienvenida, mi Luna
01:10:58We're so happy to have you back
01:11:02Bienvenida, mi Luna
01:11:05Thank you
01:11:07Calm down, everyone. She's not even Luna. She hasn't had her ceremony yet
01:11:11Selena, get out of here. I don't want you near her
01:11:13Alpha, that's not what I said. It's the night we spent together
01:11:17If you say that lie again, I swear...
01:11:19I'm not lying. You were unconscious and that's why you don't remember
01:11:23You don't remember because you don't know
01:11:25But let me help you
01:11:28You used your father's influence to sit next to him
01:11:32Put a sleeping pill in his drink
01:11:34You helped him go to his room
01:11:37You took off his shirt
01:11:39You kissed him
01:11:41All without his consent
01:11:43That's not true. That's not what happened
01:11:45Do you want me to continue?
01:11:47Selena, you're out of your mind
01:11:52How did you do it?
01:11:54Now read my mind
01:12:05What you did there is the sexiest thing you've done in my life
01:12:11Read my mind
01:12:13You know so well
01:12:15I couldn't wait to be inside her
01:12:19Alejandro, stop
01:12:22I can't
01:12:45Really? Am I the first?
01:12:47First and last
01:13:34Look who's here
01:13:37I thought my brother had killed you
01:13:41I haven't seen you in three days
01:13:45It wasn't three days
01:13:49Yes it was
01:13:51We all heard it
01:13:53Believe me
01:14:01You hit it off
01:14:03Does it mean a lot?
01:14:05Wait for Alejandro Jr. very soon
01:14:08Speaking of Alejandro
01:14:10We should get ready for the meeting
01:14:13Unless you don't want to be there
01:14:15Yes, I do want to be there
01:14:17I'm going to get ready
01:14:21Let's go, I'll go with you
01:14:23Three days
01:14:39Irma Harrington
01:14:41From the blood moon
01:14:43Stand up
01:14:48The charges against you
01:14:50Are poisoning
01:14:52And attempted murder of my moon
01:14:54And the next day
01:14:56You will be executed
01:14:58You will be executed
01:15:00You will be executed
01:15:02You will be executed
01:15:04You will be executed
01:15:06You will be executed
01:15:08You are the Alpha of the red dawn gang
01:15:11Selena de Alba
01:15:16Do you plead guilty or innocent?
01:15:19Turns out you're an alpha too
01:15:22Do you admit your guilt?
01:15:28It's a lie
01:15:30Jaco forced me
01:15:32I told him to stop
01:15:33And he insisted
01:15:35You are a liar
01:15:38That's not true.
01:15:40That's not...
01:15:41I know.
01:15:44I read her mind.
01:15:48What do you want?
01:15:50I have a gift.
01:15:52I'm here to make sure no one lies again.
01:15:56Alpha SQL, my father, can confirm it.
01:16:00That's right.
01:16:02Selena is an Alpha with special gifts.
01:16:05And you are a liar, Irma.
01:16:06Jacob did a lot of things, but he didn't poison me.
01:16:10I propose to banish Irma from our community
01:16:15so that she lives as a lone wolf forever.
01:16:20Those in favor, raise your hands.
01:16:30Selena, please.
01:16:31No, Selena, please. Please, I beg you.
01:16:34I'm going to change. I promise I'm going to change.
01:16:37You can have Jacob. You can have them all if you want.
01:16:40Please, go to hell, Selena.
01:16:44Go to hell yourself, Irma.
01:16:52Let's go.
01:16:54No, no, please, for God's sake, no.
01:16:57Let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:17:02That was fun, wasn't it?
01:17:04Let's go shopping.
01:17:05Thank you, Milume.
01:17:07I'm going to handle Jacob's trial on my own.
01:17:12I thought you would be present during my trial.
01:17:16I'm glad you survived,
01:17:18but I'm going to leave your trial in the hands of the court.
01:17:23Selena, I love you.
01:17:26I'm very sorry.
01:17:27I love you very much.
01:17:34Paco Olivares, from the blood moon crew.
01:17:43That hurt.
01:17:45I'm very sorry, my moon.
01:17:47I still don't understand why we're doing this.
01:17:50Well, because to officially become a night wind moon,
01:17:54you have to do an official moon ceremony.
01:17:57Well, that's why.
01:17:59Besides, I think it's the perfect opportunity
01:18:01for you to dress up as divine as a queen.
01:18:05Well, yes.
01:18:07That's true.
01:18:09So, what do I have to say?
01:18:12That I accept my role as the night wind moon crew.
01:18:19Yes, that's easy.
01:18:21And that's it.
01:18:30let's do it.
01:18:32No, wait.
01:18:33You can't do this alone.
01:18:35Where's my brother?
01:18:37I don't know.
01:18:39He was supposed to do this ceremony, right?
01:18:47I can't believe I haven't found you before, Selena.
01:18:50And you may be my moon,
01:18:53and also an alpha,
01:18:55but there's a title you still need.
01:19:00Selena del Alba.
01:19:04Would you marry me?
01:19:20I, Selena del Alba,
01:19:23accept my role as the night wind moon crew,
01:19:27and as your wife.
01:19:29I, Alejandro del Valle,
01:19:32love you so much.
01:19:53Two alphas together.
01:19:55You should start having those babies right now.
01:20:13Wait, wait.
01:20:18Please don't tell me you need to take a shower.
01:20:30I'm glad you enjoy my suffering.
01:20:37Wait, what is this?
01:20:38Alejandro Junior.
01:20:41Alejandro Junior del Valle.
