• hace 5 horas


00:00PNE-1, LC.
00:08Go for PNE-1.
00:09Verify AHB storage mass.
00:11How's it going?
00:42And we all know that when the going gets tough, and it often does, the tough get going, and
00:58you have.
00:59And Sonny and I are honored to share this dream of spaceflight with each and every one
01:06of you.
01:08So with that, LC, let's get going.
01:11Now let's put some fire in this rocket.
01:38Good handle.
01:42In the second phase of the 10-meter hold, the NASA docking system.
01:48Now less than three meters away.
01:55.5 meters.
01:57We have confirmation of contact and capture of NASA's Boeing crew flight test and Starliner.
02:12Lots of cheering here in the room.
02:26Big hugs.
02:28Sonny William coming through in her blue flight suit.
02:32And followed shortly behind by Commander of Starliner Butch Wilmore, now back on the space
02:38station, the third visit for both astronauts and the first crewed flight test of the Starliner
02:51Butch, Sonny, we are glad to see them all here in International Space Station.
02:58And we want to congratulate the whole team in different mission control center for launch,
03:09for docking, and in the end, we are very happy.
03:15Yeah, we are thrilled as well.
03:17I'm not sure we could have gotten a better welcome.
03:20I mean, we had music.
03:23Matt was dancing.
03:26It was great.
03:32Let's go forward into Starliner where there was a little bit of action the other day.
03:37So I'm going to lead you down through the PMA, PMA-2 into Starliner.
03:46All right.
03:47Going in through the IDA, the docking adapter, and then into the spacecraft.
03:55Here we are.
03:56Looks like a lot of bags because there's a lot of packing and also this big orange thing,
04:01which is our ventilation that we get from the space station while we are docked to the
04:06space station.
04:07It looks probably a little cramped, and it's actually fairly roomy for just Sonny and myself
04:13with just the two of us.
04:14Obviously, you don't need a large cockpit, so it's actually sized perfectly for us as
04:19far as for controlling the spacecraft.
04:21And, of course, all this other area down here earlier where you saw the baggage and whatnot
04:25is where the other couple of crew members would be for the next time the Starliner flies,
04:29Star One mission.
04:32There will be two crew members down here.
04:36And thank you so much for paying attention.
04:37Thank you for being with us.
04:38And Butch and I are, again, so honored to be part of this crew.
04:43One, two, three, four.
04:57NASA has decided that Butch and Sonny will return with Crew 9 next February and that
05:09Starliner will return uncrewed.
05:13Associate Administrator Jim Free.
05:15Associate Administrator for Space Operations Ken Bowersox.
05:19In the vicinity of the landing site.
05:21Again, this is a view from a little lower than the WB-57.
05:29Starliner is back on Earth.
05:31And I think, you know, from a human perspective, it's been a great experience.
05:36You know, from a human perspective, all of us feel happy about the successful landing,
05:43but then there's a piece of us, all of us, that we wish it would have been the way we had planned it.
05:49We had planned to have the mission land with Butch and Sonny on board.
05:53I think there's, depending on who you are on the team, different emotions associated with that.
06:00For Steve Stich, if a crew had been on board the spacecraft tonight, would anything have changed?
06:05Obviously, when you have issues like we've had, there's some changes that need to be made.
06:10Boeing's on board with that. We're all on board with that.
06:13And I can tell you, when you push the edge of the envelope again and you do things with spacecraft
06:18that have never been done before, just like Starliner, you're going to find some things.
06:22And in this case, we found some things that we just could not get comfortable with
06:28putting us back in the Starliner when we had other options.
06:34So they are now in an orbital nighttime, flying about 260 miles away.
06:49Copy, hatch open.
06:56Freedom arriving.
06:59The bell has been rung.
07:01Alexander Gorbunov, the first through of Crew-9 being welcomed by Expedition 72.
07:08Next up is Crew-9 Commander Nick Haig.
07:11Welcome to the International Space Station.
07:13And Nick, welcome back home to the International Space Station.
07:17It's great to be here with bringing the 72 back up to 11.
07:22Commander Matt Dominick, as she gets suited up in her seat, ready for undock.
07:34Mission control to our teams at Hawthorne, Jesse and Sandra,
07:39we are ready for undock.
07:43Mission control to our teams at Hawthorne, Jesse and Sandra, back over.
07:48Greetings from the International Space Station.
07:51Our crew up here just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family
07:56who are down on Earth and everyone who is supporting us.
07:59Of course, in a personal sense, our family, our friends,
08:02those that are lifting up prayers for us and have been, we're grateful for that.
08:05We're grateful for a nation that is a space-faring nation.
08:09We're grateful for a nation that is a space-faring nation that lets us live free,
08:14say what we think is important to say, and so many other things.
08:19So much to be thankful for in this season.
08:22Happy Thanksgiving.
08:24Welcome to the International Space Station as we get ready for the Christmas holidays.
08:40It's a great time of year up here.
08:42We get to spend it with all of our family up on the International Space Station.
08:47There's seven of us up here, and so we're going to get to enjoy company together.
08:51And, of course, Christmas is Christ.
08:55A Savior is born.
08:59So from all of us to all of you, Merry Christmas.
09:08And, Sonny, it looks like we lost your HECA again.
09:10If you could see if that powered off.
09:15We can.
09:21Good luck.
09:25And April, I'm saying November, November is correct.
09:35Marjorie, are you back?
09:41I wish you good luck, nominal descent, soft landing, and all the best.
09:49Don't worry.
09:50You are leaving the station in good hands.
09:53We will miss you.
10:07Thank you, everybody, for joining us.
10:09And we have cake to celebrate the situation.
10:13We are always ready.
10:20And here they come.
10:22Crew 10 taking their first steps outside as they prepare for their journey to the International Space Station.
10:31From left to right, Kirill Peskov, Nicole Ayers, Anne McClain, and Takuya Onishi.
10:42Yeah, absolutely.
10:43I know that they are all so proud of her today.
10:46So excited for her.
10:48I know the other astronauts and cosmonauts that are flying.
10:51And every launch, of course, is very special.
11:03We're continuing to get good call-outs on the first stage performance so far.
11:07And there we have our first images of the crew inside the Dragon spacecraft as they make their way into orbit.
11:13At 7.03 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time today and are now in orbit.
11:18They are set to arrive at their destination, the International Space Station.
11:22It was a spectacular launch.
11:24Really happy to have the crew on their way to the International Space Station
11:27and looking forward to seeing their happy faces on the International Space Station.
11:31Really happy to have the crew on their way to the International Space Station
11:34and looking forward to seeing their happy faces on board very soon.
11:39As mentioned, they'll dock tomorrow night, 11.30 p.m. Eastern Time,
11:42to the forward port of the International Space Station.
11:47We're going to have a short handover with the Crew-9 guys coming home no earlier than Wednesday at this point.
11:54Okay, we just have a few more seconds so we can grab one more from Will.
11:57To have the view from Dragon itself as it moves up towards the docking axis, which you're seeing now.
12:03Now when you see those displays, you'll see...
12:09Once that happens, they will conduct a series of leak checks.
12:14And there on your screen, you just saw NASA astronaut Sonny Williams actually floating
12:18right in front of that hatch that will be open in just a little bit.
12:39Onishi, the first Crew-10 astronaut through the hatch.
12:45Followed by Peskov.
12:53Nicole Ayers, the first of the FLY's newest class of astronauts to enter.
12:59And last, Commander of Crew-10, Anne McClain.
13:03SpaceX Crew-10, welcome aboard the SS.
13:34Departing Crew-9 crew members posing for some final photos.
13:56Another view of the crew aboard Dragon Freedom looking...
14:00Crew-9 crew strapped into their seats and good leak checks for their suits on the Dragon Freedom.
14:07And undocking confirmed.
14:10Freedom is free of its moorings.
14:14Sonny Williams and Butch Wilmore begin their belated trip home.
14:22Undocking occurring right on time at 12.05 a.m. Central Time, 1.05 a.m. Eastern Time.
14:30Good opening rate reported by the Visiting Vehicle Officer.
14:38Hey Crew-9, this is Zack. I wish we could spend more time with you guys.
14:44But many people who love you and whom you love are waiting for you.
14:50So safe travel. Godspeed.
14:54View of Dragon from the International Space Station now quite a bit smaller than when we just saw a few minutes ago.
