• 2 days ago
Bank Indonesia (BI) memutuskan untuk menahan suku bunga acuan atau BI Rate ke level 5,75 persen dalam Rapat Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia (RDG BI) pada 18-19 Maret 2025.

"Rapat Dewan Gubernur BI pada 18-19 Maret 2025 memutuskan untuk mempertahankan BI Rate sebesar 5,75 persen," ujar Gubernur BI Perry Warjiyo dalam konferensi pers pengumuman hasil RDG BI Bulan Maret 2025 dengan Cakupan Triwulanan di Jakarta, Rabu (19/3/2025).


00:00Indonesia's Bank of Indonesia has maintained a 5.75% interest rate on the March 2025 meeting.
00:15And here is the statement of the Indonesian Bank Governor, Peri Warjio, regarding the decision of Suku Bunga.
00:30Indonesia's Bank Governor, Peri Warjio, on March 18 and 19, 2025, decided to maintain a 5.75% interest rate.
00:56Likewise, the deposit facility of Suku Bunga remains at 5% and the lending facility of Suku Bunga remains at 6.5%.
01:08This decision is consistent with the effort to maintain inflation estimates for 2025 and 2026, which are still within the target of 2.5% plus or minus 1%,
01:21maintaining the stability of the currency exchange rate, which is in accordance with the fundamentals,
01:27in the midst of the global uncertainty that remains high, and also promotes sustainable economic growth.
01:37In the future, the Bank of Indonesia will continue to reflect the prospects of inflation and economic growth
01:44by taking advantage of the interest rate decline by considering the movement of the currency exchange rate.
01:52Meanwhile, the macro-brussels policy and payment system continue to be optimized to support sustainable economic growth.
02:02The macro-brussels-KLM liquidity incentive policy is directed to further promote credit financing to growth liquidity sectors
02:13and the creation of job opportunities in line with the government's ASTA Cita program.
02:19The payment system policy is also directed to continue to support economic growth, especially in the trading sector and...
