• 8 hours ago
Here’s your sneak peek at CBS’ new medical drama Watson Season 1 Episode 7, created by Craig Sweeny.

Watson Cast:

Morris Chestnut, Eve Harlow, Peter Mark Kendall, Inga Schlingmann, Ritchie Coster and Rochelle Aytes

Watch Watson Season 1 now on CBS and stream on Paramount+!


00:00So, um, you're— you're all doctors, and you listen to me.
00:04Yes, we're listening to you now, Jenny.
00:06Do you remember anything that happened to you in the ER?
00:13What's the last thing you do remember?
00:15Um, who are you people?
00:18What am I— I—
00:20Three minutes and eight seconds. It's the last time she reset.
00:22Reset? No, I need— I need someone to listen to me.
00:25I don't— I don't, um, feel right.
00:27Jenny, you're experiencing episodic memory loss.
00:30My name is Dr. John Watts, and you are now under the care of myself and my team.
00:35Do you mind if I take a peek at your planner?
00:39Uh, yeah.
00:42Jenny, are you trying to draw a clock?
00:44Yeah, so I— I know how to make a— a clock, um,
00:47because I— I studied the clock test in my college neuro class.
00:52Can I have this for a second?
00:53I'll give it back.
00:58She's self-administering the clock test.
01:00She's trying to gauge her own executive function.
01:03She needs a head CT, not psych.
01:05No, I don't need psych.
01:07Because I'm not, um—
01:09Something's— Something's not right.
01:11Yes, it's okay, Jenny. It's okay.
01:12We're gonna admit you, but not as a psych patient.
01:15Okay? We're gonna listen to you, and we're gonna help you.
01:18You understand?
