Here’s your sneak peek at CBS’ new medical drama Watson Season 1 Episode 6, created by Craig Sweeny.
Watson Cast:
Morris Chestnut, Eve Harlow, Peter Mark Kendall, Inga Schlingmann, Ritchie Coster and Rochelle Aytes
Watch Watson Season 1 now on CBS and stream on Paramount+!
Watson Cast:
Morris Chestnut, Eve Harlow, Peter Mark Kendall, Inga Schlingmann, Ritchie Coster and Rochelle Aytes
Watch Watson Season 1 now on CBS and stream on Paramount+!
00:00What are we looking at?
00:01We're looking at Stevens' friend.
00:04We don't know her name, we don't know her address.
00:06She might be septic.
00:07A friend, but you don't know her name or address?
00:10Anyone have their money on Stevens and a cam girl?
00:13Feeling judgmental, Dr. Darien?
00:15Stevens is embarrassed.
00:17Obviously, he's embarrassed.
00:19And he brought this patient to us anyway.
00:21Now, if he can do that, I'm sure you can all tamp down on your urge to giggle.
00:27We should be grateful to Stevens, because here is an opportunity.
00:31You are all excellent doctors.
00:35But as detectives, you're pretty much newborn fawns.
00:37Here's a problem worthy of Sherlock Holmes.
00:43Find this woman based on what we see on the screen, or she dies.
00:50What do you know about her?
00:52She calls herself Portia.
00:54She grew up in New Mexico.
00:55She's telling the truth, but now she lives in Pittsburgh.
00:58What do we do?
01:00What would he do?
01:01Divide the problem into discrete tasks.
01:04That's how Holmes always started.
01:06Look at the curtain that she pulled down.
01:08Everything in front of it is Portia, her persona that she presents to her clients.
01:12Everything behind it belongs to the woman who created Portia.
01:15Two different layers of clues.
01:18One based in artifice, the other in reality.
01:24To learn more, visit