• yesterday
What’s the current job market been like for you? How hard is it to find your ideal job?


00:00I kind of think there's a huge, there's been a huge shift about choices, whereas I got you know, I had children and had a grant, we could choose for that to happen.
00:13I'm in different work, like I'm doing teaching assistant, looking into teaching. It's been a mix, it's like, it varies throughout the year, so you can have periods where there's loads of jobs available and then some where there's absolutely none.
00:26So I think the work that I'm in, it's a bit more difficult to get a job, but it's been steady I think.
00:32I'm currently, I currently work at Fennec in Newcastle. I do hospitality, I'm a manager, but I'm going to work for British Airways in May, so I'm moving down to London to do six weeks of that, that is my dream job.
00:44It is difficult, it's, I've waited a year to do it, so it was kind of a situation, if you've got to apply, you've got to go down to London for an interview, it's a really long process, but if you really, really want to stick to it and you really like something, you just stick in.
00:57So I've just, it's been a long wait, but it's definitely worth it.
