• yesterday
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 22 en Español Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 23 en Español Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 22 en Español Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 22 en Español Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 22 en Español Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 22 en Español Completo
00:23Look a charro como que se me hace conocido de donde
00:33Pero como puedes preferir estar en esta casa infecta llena de ratas en vez de estar en tu casa linda con jardín con piscina con
00:39agua caliente las 24 horas
00:43Pollo trufado con salsa de champiñones no voy a la brasa con harta papa frita y todas sus cremas
00:52Y en tu casa casi todos tan emparejado
00:58Pero me gusta creo que podríamos aprender un montón de ellos
01:02esto es el colmo de reza
01:04Yo me vine volando porque me dijiste que jugar estaba libre porque te juega con algo tan delicado
01:08hay por dios una metidita
01:10Piadosa no es para tanto te advierto tito que yo no voy a dormir contigo si no te tomas su remedio
01:15bueno y yo te advierto que no voy a dormir contigo si no me deja comer lo que me da la gana ya
01:21A ti no te da vergüenza expelar eso que expeles
01:24Su presencia en esta habitación es insostenible
01:28Ay por favor no seas exagerado
01:30Me mueve las cosas
01:32Entras en tu casa
01:34¿Qué le está pasando a todos?
01:36Están así hace unos días
01:38Te bajaré a la luna si me lo pidieras
01:40Yo te daría todo, todo lo que quieras
01:42Haz que te alepe sus uñas
01:44Yo te daría todo, todo lo que quieras
01:48Haz que te alepe sus uñas
01:50Como se pudre este loco
02:14Ay mis aretes los perdimos
02:16Ay ¿Dónde están tus aretes?
02:18Seguramente están en su cuarto ¿No?
02:20¡A tu cuarto!
02:36Oh lindita sigue dormida
02:40Que raro
02:43Debe haber pasado una mala noche
02:47Aprovecharé para ir al bañito
02:49No hay nadie
02:53Ahí vamos
03:00Don Gilberto tenga más cuidado
03:02Perdón no me di cuenta
03:04¿Qué has hecho? ¡Me piso!
03:08Ahora resulta que la culpa es mía
03:10Lo veo y no lo creo
03:12¿Qué cosa es?
03:14¿Piensas que lo he hecho a propósito?
03:21¡No ha sido culpa mía!
03:23Justo ayer me amenazaste diciendo
03:25Que un día de estos la ibas a pisar
03:27Y justamente ¡Qué casualidad!
03:29¡Hoy pasó!
03:31¿Dudas de mí?
03:33¡Sí! ¡Dudo! ¡Dudo!
03:35Últimamente tu paciencia y comprensión
03:37Están dejando mucho que desear
03:40¡Qué más comprensivo quieres que sea!
03:43¡Ella duerme en nuestra habitación!
03:45¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil! ¡Ni se esfuerce!
03:47¡Porque así son las mujeres!
03:49¡Uno le da la mano y se van hasta el codo!
03:51¿Estás hablando de mí?
03:53¡No me vengas con refrán! ¡Y dime en mi cara las cosas que quieres decir!
03:55¡Yo opino lo mismo que tú Teres!
03:57¡En tu cara! ¡Te lo voy a decir en tu cara delante de tu familia!
03:59Lo que pasa es que Teresita
04:01Quiere poner el retrato de su mamá
04:03Que es así sota el que está afuera en la sala
04:05Encima de nuestro anillo matrimonial
04:07¡No! ¡Pero es que es abusiva Teresa! ¡No te pases!
04:09¡Tú no digas nada mejor!
04:11¡Norena! ¿Sigues con eso?
04:13¿Pueden creer que me está haciendo problema
04:15Por mis inofensivos gases?
04:17¡Pero si es algo natural!
04:19¡Es un suspiro sublime del cuerpo!
04:21¡No tiene nada de malo!
04:23¡Mira! ¿Sabes qué?
04:25¡Ellas son así! ¡Ellas apañan entre ellas!
04:27Tienes razón Gaspar
04:29¡El diablo las crea y ellas se juntan!
04:31¡Miren! ¡Miren!
04:33Yo no sé si es la alienación de los planetas
04:35O que un meteorito va a caer pronto
04:37¡Ustedes están más chinchosas que nunca!
04:39¡Ustedes son las chinchosas!
04:41¿Quiénes son las chinchosas?
04:43¡No! ¡No! ¡No!
04:45¡No! ¡No! ¡No!
04:47¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
04:49¡Qué locos! ¡Qué locos!
04:51¡Cómo pasa!
04:53¡¿Quién fue? ¡Qué error!
04:55Ah! ¡Mira! ¡Ah!
04:57¡Ah! ¡Ah!
04:59¡Es que yo estoy indignada!
05:01¡No puede ser! ¡No! ¡Eso que no te bombardean todos los días!
05:03¡No! ¡Ah! ¡No!
05:05But I'm yours, and you're mine
05:23Mrs. Zapayal!
05:25Oh, Mr. de las Casas! What a surprise! Good morning.
05:30Good morning.
05:31Are you going to the corporation?
05:33Yes, I'm going there today.
05:37Being at the corporation has been one of the best jobs I've had in my life.
05:43It's a shame that it had to come out so abruptly.
05:47Yes, but things didn't go as they were told.
05:51That doesn't matter anymore. Excuse me.
05:56Have a great day.
06:03I like you, I give you a bite and I don't stop
06:06I'll dance with you all night, don't worry, it's my night
06:12Dancing all night, you have to forget the dinner, damn it, and cheer up the hearts
06:20Dancing all night, you have to forget the dinner, damn it, and cheer up the hearts
06:33What a nice surprise!
06:37We haven't seen each other for five minutes.
06:40Hey, let's be romantic with my ex-con.
06:44What does your ex-con want?
06:46I don't know.
06:49No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want any more problems with Bolinda, okay?
06:53We have to respect the rules of the house.
06:55I was thinking, what if we rent an apartment? Something small, like last time.
07:00Yes, that would be the best, but first we have to pay for our business.
07:04Because even if it's cheap, if we don't have income, the money is going to go like water.
07:08I know it's uncomfortable to sleep with Juana H in the room,
07:12but you can't be asking every day.
07:15She's leaving, she's leaving, she's leaving.
07:18I'm fed up.
07:19The soap opera continues.
07:21And what do they tell me about Tito?
07:23Am I wrong?
07:24No, sister.
07:26No, no, no.
07:28That man with his myasmas is intoxicating even the soul.
07:31Yes or no?
07:32His myasmas.
07:33What are myasmas?
07:34Rotten smells.
07:38And my love, I'm afraid that if we continue here, we're going to end up like them.
07:42Oh, that your sister was.
07:45Oh, girls.
07:46But I'm very upset with Gaspar.
07:48Because, look, he can tell me anything.
07:51But messing with the son or with the parents, that's not.
07:54Because that's sacred.
07:55No, no, no, no, no.
07:56Well, that's not.
07:57Oh, and with respect to those bombs that Tito throws,
08:01I could also bomb myself or not?
08:03No, of course not.
08:18Good little brother.
08:21I thought you were going to jump later.
08:23I fell well and they let me go a little earlier.
08:25And why didn't you call me to pick you up?
08:27Oh, no. I wanted to give you the surprise.
08:29And are you in a honeymoon or what?
08:32Well, it was the hand.
08:33Linda looks like a sergeant.
08:34Oh yeah?
08:35Grandma Linda?
08:37In case they are all fighting.
08:39Oh yeah?
08:40What do you mean?
08:41Couple crisis, brother.
08:42Speak well.
08:43Yes, little brother.
08:49You came back.
08:50Of course.
08:52Juan, Juan, Juan.
08:54You came back.
08:59Oh, friend.
09:00How I missed you, Juan.
09:05What are you doing here?
09:06Come here, come here.
09:07Already, already, already.
09:08Where are you?
09:22You were the owner of my feelings.
09:26I want to be your perfume and your secret.
09:31Let me be your shadow, your silence.
09:35We are seeing.
09:36At the bottom there is temporary site.
09:43I'm Tony around here, what's up?
09:46Hey, he had a gun.
09:48Come here, little girl.
09:51And you?
09:52Did you already put a gun in your engine?
10:04Oh, how much dust there is here.
10:07Oh, how much dust there is here.
10:16Those Tere dresses.
10:18They are very funny.
10:22What if I try one?
10:24Let's see how it fits me.
10:27Let's see, how is this?
10:32Here it is.
10:36Let's see.
10:37Oops, I stayed.
10:41And here I am.
10:45I'm Teresa Covillazos.
10:47Tell me.
10:49Ninety, sixty?
10:51Find out.
10:56Give me your chocolate.
10:58Yummy, yummy, yummy.
11:00Give me your chocolate.
11:02Yummy, yummy, yummy.
11:05Give me your chocolate.
11:07I'm not going to give it to you.
11:11Choo, choo, choo, girl.
11:13Another dog with that bone.
11:16You're not going to take it.
11:20Give me your chocolate.
11:23Frank, I have to go to the restaurant,
11:25but talk to Alessia, she's getting involved.
11:28But why do you exaggerate?
11:35Now you believe me.
11:48It's going.
11:50Oh, it's going.
11:53I need to talk to Alessia.
11:55Can I come in?
11:56Mrs. Francesca.
11:57Up right.
11:59Up right.
12:03You're going to burn the adhesive, baby.
12:05You're going to burn the adhesive.
12:07But what are you going to do?
12:11I took the chicken out.
12:13I didn't clean this.
12:16I come in peace.
12:21What are you doing living here?
12:23In peace, you said.
12:25Don't tell me you're comfortable in this place.
12:30Francesca, I'll put it this way.
12:33You would live with a person who is capable of everything
12:36just to destroy the person you love.
12:38I understand your point and I share it.
12:41But your dad already understood that
12:44and did everything necessary to make up for his mistake.
12:47He would have gotten Jimmy out of jail, but he hates him.
12:49And I can't live with a person who lacks respect for my partner
12:52and who doesn't accept my decisions.
12:54And if I told you that that wouldn't happen again,
12:57would you consider going back home?
13:00Alessia, you're bothering me.
13:03I don't think so.
13:04Twelve people under the same roof sharing a single bathroom.
13:07No, no, no.
13:08A bathroom and a silo.
13:10That, sooner or later, brings complications.
13:14Not even the most beautiful love survives such an attested coexistence.
13:19Maybe what your father needs is to see them together,
13:22see how they love each other.
13:23And he will understand that no matter what he does, he can't go against his love.
13:30I don't understand.
13:32Are you offering me to move to the mansion with Jimmy?
13:42I don't know why I smell like Thai.
13:51It's hot.
13:54The important thing is that the skinny dog is with Alessia.
13:59There he is.
14:01He played with her, bet on her, and won.
14:05We went to look for her in China.
14:08Who does that?
14:09Who goes to China?
14:15Good story with a happy ending.
14:24Why don't I do that madness?
14:32That's what I have to do.
14:35I've arrived to China.
14:37I'm not going to get to Tabaco and Chanel.
14:41Are you crazy?
14:42How are we going to live in your house?
14:44Look, I was also racist at the beginning, okay?
14:47But now I'm not racist anymore.
14:50I was also racist at the beginning, okay?
14:52But it's true that my dad has taken an important step.
14:57How can you say that?
14:58You've seen how he's treated me all my life.
15:00For him, I'm garbage.
15:01And I'm not asking you to put up with more humiliations.
15:04Look, I swear I wouldn't be considering it if it weren't for Francesca giving me her word.
15:09Do you believe her?
15:11Let's try, okay?
15:13And if we don't feel comfortable, we won't go.
15:18Well, we are in a position to put our conditions.
15:24Well, I could sleep in your room.
15:27And have breakfast in bed.
15:29Use the pool.
15:31Invite Julie and Salvador.
15:34Well, not them, for my brother.
15:37Do you know what scares me?
15:39Your dad.
15:40Whenever we go to work with him, I don't know how he does it, but he ends up hurting us.
15:44This time he won't be able to.
15:47Besides, it will only be for a few months until we move to our apartment.
15:52Let's try a few days.
15:53And if we don't feel comfortable, I'll be the first to tell you that we're going back.
15:57I don't know.
15:59Listen to me, Gaspar.
16:00If you continue with that, I swear you will have turned me into a Godzilla.
16:04Yes, of course.
16:05You are Lorena Contreras.
16:07Perfect Lady.
16:09The one who doesn't mess around.
16:12If my cousin leaves the room, I'm going with her.
16:16Besides, I'm afraid that whatever is happening in this house will be contagious.
16:21Yes, yes.
16:22You're right, my love.
16:24Well, let's go here.
16:26Let's move.
16:27The first nonsense that your dad had.
16:29Let's go to that house.
16:30Yes, yes, yes.
16:31I promise.
16:33Or better like this.
17:00I listen to you.
17:06My intuition tells me that you had to do with Jimmy's release.
17:09I didn't think it was fair for the boy to spend five years behind bars
17:14for an unfortunate reaction at a time of emotional weakness.
17:20Was that it?
17:21Or were you afraid that the police would go and tell them about Claudia?
17:30You don't need to buy my silence, Mrs. Francesca.
17:34As I told you that day, I'm as confused as you are.
17:37What happened today was a desperate measure.
17:39I wasn't going to betray you.
17:41I know, Coqui.
17:45Why don't you come back home?
17:49Your house?
17:51I'm in a time of change.
17:55You gave us your hand in a horrible moment.
17:58You protected us.
18:00And I want to make up for it.
18:02Or do you want to keep me close so I don't open my mouth?
18:06Both you and Diego and I are in danger.
18:14The loose end of the person who took Claudia's body from the farmhouse
18:22and buried it in my garden is still there.
18:25I don't need to go back to your house to continue investigating and protecting you.
18:30It's true.
18:31I just thought that since Jimmy is moving to my house,
18:35I would like to have him close.
19:01Did you talk to Alesia?
19:14We had a conversation.
19:16And? What did he say to you?
19:18Did he agree to go back home?
19:20Yes. Yes!
19:22But with Jimmy?
19:33Did you finish with the circus?
19:35Because you need to know something else.
19:43Your former butler is back.
19:46Your cognac, Mrs. Francesca.
19:50I don't know what you did to convince her.
19:53But what you did to me was a low.
19:56You blackmailed me.
19:57These are things that one says in a discussion.
20:00It's not for you to take it so literally.
20:03Francesca, you should have consulted him with me.
20:12He will get used to it.
20:14I hope so.
20:27Look at him.
20:31Look at what's going on here.
20:35He comes and breaks it.
20:38He's going to fix it.
20:40Then he's going to throw it away.
20:58In a way, you have corresponded to me.
21:04My whole body trembles and I feel very cold.
21:10If you leave me, I don't want anything anymore.
21:16I want the light of your gaze.
21:20To feel you every dawn.
21:23To be able to tell you everything I feel.
21:29My life has no meaning.
21:32I don't want to live if it's not with you.
21:36My mouth just wants to kiss you.
21:39My arms just want to hug you.
21:42My life has no meaning.
21:45I don't want to live if it's not with you.
21:48My mouth just wants to kiss you.
21:51My arms just want to hug you.
21:58Better like this.
22:00Here I explain everything about my madness of love.
22:04And treasure?
22:06I'll find out later.
22:08There is no time to lose.
22:10Maca, I'm coming for you.
22:20I love you.
22:50She wants to conquer her.
22:54The most beautiful princess.
22:57But you got me a boat to China.
23:00How are you not going to get me a Chanel tobacco?
23:02That does exist, stupid.
23:04Of course it exists.
23:06My best friend is there.
23:10Hello Joel.
23:12At least tell me which port I have to leave from.
23:15And don't be too expensive, please.
23:17I can get confused and lose my mind.
23:19Dream that I'm happy.
23:21But when I wake up, I remember again.
23:30Yes, I'm Maca.
23:35I just got back from Trinidad and Tobago.
23:39You are different.
23:41I love you as you are.
23:43But I know that once again
23:45It's not enough.
23:50You have to give time to time.
23:54You don't understand.
23:59Tito, Lorena.
24:01By chance, have you picked up the merchandise from the winery?
24:04Why do you ask?
24:06We know perfectly well who did it.
24:09Gilberto Collazos, withdraw what you said.
24:12I'm not withdrawing anything.
24:13And just in case, I'm not going to eat salad today.
24:17And just in case, you will sleep on the sofa then.
24:20Can you know what this is doing here?
24:23Look, I adore your mom, but she can't be in our room.
24:27Because you do and I don't.
24:29I'm fed up.
24:31If what I do bothers you so much, why don't you leave my side?
24:34I'm leaving.
24:36Go away.
24:44One, two, three.
24:57One, two, three.
25:13With strong pains, my life flows.
25:16With Apronax, all day, without interruptions.
25:43With Apronax, all day, without interruptions.
25:48It's not just a fragrance.
25:50It's the new collection of fine Ancestral Fragrances.
25:52They smell luxurious, like a perfume.
25:58Welcome, Alicia.
26:00I'm glad you're back home.
26:03Thank you for welcoming me, Francesca.
26:05Better said, for welcoming us.
26:08I also want to thank you both.
26:15But first, I want to share something that I can't get out of my head.
26:22Is this a trap?
26:24But this boy is brilliant.
26:26Of course it's a trap.
26:28But don't you realize that he has already discovered...
26:35We are both happy to welcome you.
26:38I've known Jimmy since he was a child.
26:41And during all the time we lived together, I took great care of him.
26:45Yes, it's true.
26:47He gave me a Porsche when Kimberly cut me off.
26:50Yes, but why remember that girl, my love?
26:53Yes, no.
26:56I also have a lot of affection for her.
27:00And despite the differences between our families,
27:04I promise you that you won't even feel my presence.
27:08I doubt that, but I think we can have a happy cohabitation.
27:13Thank you very much, Nonny.
27:17Can I call you Nonny?
27:19When the occasion allows it.
27:25You don't say anything, Dad?
27:26I don't know, can I talk?
27:33Well, Jimmy.
27:37I know we've had some differences.
27:41Some differences?
27:44Well, several.
27:46Several differences.
27:48He put me in jail.
27:50That's a good example.
27:52If it weren't for Koki, I don't know what would have happened to me.
27:55Yes, yes.
27:57I imagine you must have had a very bad time in that place.
28:03And believe me, I am very sorry that I was the one responsible for you ending up there.
28:09But I hope that by withdrawing my complaint,
28:13I was able to amend that mistake.
28:16And that all this remains in the past and we can build from here.
28:24A new friendship.
28:28You are the man that my daughter has chosen.
28:32And I want her to be happy.
28:35Even if it's with you.
28:44I'm going to make her very happy.
28:51I appreciate everything you've done for my daughter and I believe you.
28:56So, let's start over.
29:03This deserves a toast.
29:06Koki Champagne!
29:07Right away, Mrs. French.
29:10Let's go to the living room.
29:20Maca, what are you doing here?
29:23I had to come back.
29:27But you can't kill my dream like that, Macarena.
29:31What dream?
29:33My dream.
29:35To go looking for you in a boat to Tabaco and Chanel.
29:40To get to the country.
29:43To look for you in all the cities.
29:45To look for you in all the cities.
29:48And when they don't give me reason for you,
29:52I'm about to return to Peru.
29:55But I find you.
29:59On the shores of a beach.
30:03Of turquoise sea.
30:05White sand.
30:07And with my heart in my hand I scream, Macarena.
30:12And you turn around, very excited.
30:15And you run towards me.
30:18And I receive you with open arms.
30:23And we give each other a big hug.
30:28Like best friends, right?
30:30Yes, like friends.
30:35Was that your dream?
30:37Yes. Yes, yes.
30:39I swear.
30:41Here you see.
30:45Here I have my compass.
30:48Here are my things.
30:50My compass, my...
30:52My saturns, too.
30:54And all the experience I have in China.
30:57Yes, I was going to go there.
31:01Oh, I...
31:03I'm very sorry.
31:05I interrupted your dream.
31:08But I had to go back to...
31:12To fulfill mine.
31:15Your dream?
31:18What is your dream?
31:23Go back to the Lomas.
31:27Meet you.
31:31Tell you, Joel, that there hasn't been a single day since you left to China.
31:37That I haven't thought about you.
31:41Take you by the hand.
31:46Look you in the eyes.
31:50And tell you that I love you.
31:54And that I don't want to miss the opportunity to be happy with you.
32:04Yes, but...
32:07The part is still missing.
32:11Where you tell me that...
32:14That you love me.
32:16And you give me a passionate kiss.
32:41I dream every day.
32:45Are you going to leave?
32:47I'm leaving.
32:48Are you going to leave?
32:49I'm leaving.
32:50Are you going to leave?
32:58I'm leaving.
32:59Let's see.
33:01We are going to teach them how we men do things in this house.
33:06And what exactly do we do?
33:08We are going to leave, Mr. Gil.
33:10Where are we going?
33:11That matters to me now.
33:12The important thing is to clean our honor.
33:14Oh, is it about cleaning our honor?
33:17Then let's go.
33:19Right now we are going to make our suitcases.
33:21Yes or no, boys?
33:23Thank you for the boys.
33:25But why are you going to do it?
33:26Leave us to the others.
33:27Give us that taste.
33:28Don't bother.
33:29Yes, of course.
33:30You stay here quiet.
33:31Reflecting on what you are doing with your lives.
33:34There is chicken tamale in case you want to chop something.
33:37Or rather, have the last bite of something delicious prepared with love.
33:42No, this tamale stays here because it belongs to this house.
33:50Did you see?
33:51Did you see his arms twist?
33:53Rather, he wants to twist your arm.
33:55No, she's scared to death.
33:57Why do you think she came to make our suitcases?
34:00Because Olindita knows where my pills are.
34:03And she also knows how to keep my shirts without wrinkling them.
34:08None of that, Mujil.
34:10They want to make the suitcases to keep us by their side.
34:15And they can't imagine a life without us.
34:18That's true.
34:19That's true.
34:21Well, I understand.
34:24I think nothing more.
34:25And I'm not going to sell things.
34:26Let them go.
34:27Let them go.
34:28Let them all go.
34:29Because if you go, I'll come back.
34:31So, now.
34:34It's over.
34:35She has no art.
34:36She has no footwear for her dance.
34:38There it is.
34:40I don't know what this guy is.
34:42And he's going to treat me like this.
34:44He's a pig.
34:45He never taught me to respect.
34:48What's wrong with him?
34:50With his Pepe, then.
34:51With his Pepe.
34:52He dances with his Pepe.
34:59He dances with his Pepe.
35:20What an incredible love story.
35:22They had to go to the other side of the world
35:24to realize that they are one for the other.
35:28And I would travel to all the continents for her.
35:32What a beautiful love story.
35:34I congratulate you.
35:37Thank you, Francesca.
35:42I would travel to the moon for you.
35:46Now begins a new stage in their lives.
35:49The coexistence.
35:52Well, coexistence for us is easy.
35:55We complement each other very well.
35:58Right, honey?
35:59Yes, we are a good couple.
36:03You told me that Jimmy was going to come and live here.
36:06Not that they were going to have a marital life.
36:08I was over-understanding.
36:10Not for me.
36:11I wanted to put an extra mattress in Coqui's room
36:13so that Jimmy would sleep there.
36:14Alessia and Jimmy will stay in Alessia's room
36:17and don't say anything else.
36:19Thank you for your support, Francesca.
36:21For us, coexistence is very important
36:23because we have plans.
36:28What plans?
36:29Of a business that...
36:31That I prefer not to comment until it becomes a reality.
36:34Of course, so that it doesn't come out.
36:39Francesca and I can advise you.
36:42Thank you very much, Dad.
36:44But I prefer to go through the experience
36:46and learn from life.
36:47You are very right.
36:49That's right.
36:50You have to make mistakes to learn.
36:53In any case, if you need help, you can count on me.
36:57With me too.
37:02Thank you very much.
37:04Both of you.
37:07The couple's room is ready.
37:10You can go to make yourself comfortable,
37:12to settle in.
37:14Yes, it's a good idea. Let's go.
37:15Yes, I'm going to the moon with you.
37:18Why don't you take a bottle of champagne to your room?
37:21Seriously? Can I?
37:24Yes, of course.
37:26Thank you, Francesca.
37:28Let's go.
37:29I'll take the bucket.
37:41Francesca, what's wrong with you?
37:43You have gone over me olympically.
37:46If I let you do things,
37:48you would lose your daughter forever.
37:50Getting them here in the house,
37:52screwing up that relationship,
37:54is more than I can stand.
37:56You can stand that and more.
37:57Let them be happy.
37:59And I even went to China to look for your daughter.
38:01What more proof of love do you want?
38:03I don't want any proof.
38:05I don't want that love.
38:07I hope my daughter reconsiders someday.
38:09And that of whining in front of everyone.
38:13You whined to me.
38:15You whined to me.
38:16That's insulting.
38:17If I don't do it, you'll get in trouble.
38:19You're worried about me getting in trouble?
38:21And giving wings to that relationship is not a...
38:23It's the right thing.
38:24We must support them.
38:28I don't think we should fire Lucio.
38:30I don't know if Koki will give up
38:32with what he does in the house.
38:37We, he says.
38:40It's been a long time since there was a we.
38:44It's been a long time since there was a we.
38:56I've wanted to do that for a long time.
38:59Oh yeah?
39:00Do it well.
39:01Since when did you have water in your mouth to suck me?
39:04Tell me.
39:05You know how we are.
39:07Since New Year's.
39:08Since New Year's you wanted to kiss me?
39:11And why didn't you do it?
39:14Why didn't I kiss you first?
39:16It's a serious matter.
39:17No, it's a matter of you.
39:18That you weren't able to take the first step.
39:20I would have done it, but...
39:22I didn't want to mess up the night.
39:24Besides, we were having a good time, right?
39:26It was a good feeling, right?
39:29I loved how you were with me on that trip.
39:33Imagine how it would have been in Tobacco Chanel.
39:35Another little thing too.
39:38Oh no, no.
39:39I meant Tobago.
39:40What's that?
39:42Where was I?
39:43Did I call you Tobago?
39:45It wasn't Tobacco Chanel?
39:46I was wrong about the country?
39:51I'm sorry about your dream.
39:53No, no, no.
39:55Believe me, it's better this way.
40:04As Pimpinela would say,
40:06forget my face, my name,
40:08and turn around.
40:10Is this how we're going to be, Teresa?
40:11Everyone on their side?
40:12Don't you see?
40:13Don't you want to turn me upside down?
40:16Women always think they're right.
40:19But soon they'll realize it's not like that.
40:22You're the ones who have to realize it,
40:28That's what they told me to tell you.
40:30That hurt.
40:32Tell him to get out.
40:34Get out!
40:35Okay, this is getting a little extreme,
40:37but it's your fault.
40:38Because you make the worst of us.
40:41If you don't mind us leaving the house,
40:43it's fine.
40:44It's fine, we're leaving.
40:46But let me tell you something.
40:48This is what the whole body looks like.
40:50And it will remain in your consciousness
40:53that you did nothing to retain your husbands
40:56and save your marriage.
40:58And the Oscar for Best Victim and Manipulator is...
41:04Tito Lara!
41:06Applause, please.
41:08What's up?
41:11Gaspar, Don Gil,
41:12I'm not going to stay one more minute in this house.
41:15This has been an offense to me.
41:17If you offend one, you offend everyone.
41:20I'm leaving with you.
41:22But I'll come back to tend my little winery.
41:25Because that little winery is mine!
41:34My love.
41:38There's something inside of me that tells me
41:41that all of this is a trap.
41:45I think everything your dad said
41:47came out of his mouth.
41:51I think he has realized his mistakes.
41:54Yes, and what he's doing,
41:57well, he's scratching his teeth,
41:59is extending a bridge between him and us.
42:04We're not going to be fooled.
42:07He hates me.
42:08He always hates me.
42:13I'm going to prove to him that I'm much more than what he says.
42:17My love.
42:19You don't have to prove anything to him, okay?
42:22Just keep being yourself.
42:24And keep looking at me with that sparkle in your eyes,
42:27like you always do.
42:30I love you.
42:32I love you.
42:35From here...
42:36to China.
42:38And back.
42:39I love you.
42:49To our reunion in China.
42:52And our new love nest.
42:59Love nest.
43:01In Maldini's house.
43:02It's a little hard to believe, right?
43:07That's crazy, right?
43:09Who would have thought
43:10that we would be better off here than in my house?
43:13Well, maybe right now
43:14all the couples must be making friends.
43:18You think?
43:20Let's go.
43:25I hope.
43:27Didn't you say you weren't going to let us go?
43:30Look, Gaspar.
43:31When they feel our absence,
43:32they're going to beg us to come back
43:34and that's when we'll have the last word.
43:37Now that we've run out of houses
43:41and I've run out of my warehouse,
43:44where are we going to sleep?
43:48Those people, how are they?
43:49How are they doing?
43:50I see they've been thrown out of the house.
43:53It's a shame, really.
43:54It's a great shame, yes, yes.
43:56But it's not a bad thing that they don't come back.
43:59Look, I'm going to give you a card.
44:02If you want to ask for a divorce or anything,
44:05let me know with confidence, with your promise.
44:20Now you're going to know what's good.
44:22I feel sorry for my dad.
44:24Well, but it was either all or none.
44:26They thought living with us was a martyrdom.
44:28Now you're going to see.
44:29I'm worried about my Gilguerito.
44:31I hope he doesn't forget to take his pills.
44:33Oh, but look.
44:35They left some letters here.
44:37And it says family.
44:40And I, as the matriarch of this house,
44:43I'm going to proceed to read it.
44:45If you want, I'll help you.
44:46No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
44:48Let's see, what does it say here?
44:50I went to Tabaco and Chanela to look for Macarena.
44:54He knows what he has to do in the workshop.
44:56We'll talk soon. I love you, Juan.
44:58Juan went on a trip again.
45:00I hope he brings Macarena.
45:02What is Tabaco and Chanela?
45:03How does he travel so much and without money?
45:05Let's see, let's read the next letter,
45:07which also says family.
45:08And I'm going to read it.
45:10Because, as you know,
45:12I am the matriarch of the house.
45:16Tu bi du bi du ba ba.
45:17Ay, tu bi du!
45:20Tu bi du bi ba ba.
45:21The experience of the house.
45:23Family, I went to live with Alessia at the house of the Maldini.
45:28Don't worry, I'll be fine.
45:31See you neighbors, I love you, Jimmy.
45:34He went to live with the Maldini?
45:36But they haven't even gotten married.
45:38But my God, now what am I going to tell Charo?
45:42Oh my God.
45:49You went to Tabaco and Chanela, where is it?
45:51Yes, where is it?
45:52In the corner?
45:53No, no, no, no, no.
45:54I was just leaving and we met in the corner, yes.
45:57We met.
45:58But why did you come back, Macarena?
46:01There is the detail and I want to ...
46:03Well, we wanted to tell you, but ...
46:05But first call the family.
46:07Oh, family is a term that we can no longer use in this house.
46:11What was it? Why? What happened?
46:12Love ends soon.
46:14I thought I had arrived so late.
46:17What was it, sisters?
46:18Why so little faith in love?
46:20And your husbands?
46:21My sponge?
46:22No, no, don't talk to me about him, I don't care.
46:24They must be regretting leaving the house.
46:27They left the house?
46:28Yes, never to return.
46:31The truth of the matter is that those people have to reflect
46:34on everything they have done, on all their actions,
46:37their bad actions.
46:38And surely they will return asking for forgiveness on their knees.
46:41Yes, but my Gilgarito is on his knees.
46:44I hope his pills reach him.
46:51Here we can think where we are going to live.
46:53Think, you said?
46:54Why? I thought we could stay here.
46:56No, you can't stay here.
46:57Why not? It's a waste of time.
46:59It's a workshop, it doesn't have a room or any of that.
47:01Although ...
47:02Although what?
47:03We have an office.
47:05An office that can serve us for that.
47:08Perfect, Gaspar.
47:09We settle down anywhere.
47:11Well, there is no turning back.
47:12It will be our new temporary home.
47:14But first I have to talk to Joel.
47:16But why?
47:17Aren't they partners?
47:18That's why I have to talk to him.
47:20I am Joel's patron.
47:23So I can authorize the use.
47:26There is something else, Mr. Gil.
47:28If Gil says so, there is no turning back.
47:30Let's see.
47:31Also, according to my calculations, we are only going to spend a night here.
47:35You will see how tomorrow the girl calls us asking for forgiveness on her knees.
47:41Let's see.
47:42Sure, right?
47:53We are nervous.
47:55And on top of that you play, you almost don't bring them champagne.
47:58Why don't you start realizing that there is nothing you can do against the love that those guys have?
48:04Of course, it's easy for you to say it.
48:05Because for you it's as if you had won the lottery.
48:08Do you want to fight?
48:09Do you want to fight?
48:10Let's fight.
48:11Look, I don't care about the millions or the inheritance or anything.
48:14Oh, please.
48:15You don't even believe what you just said.
48:18Why don't you let us be happy and try to be happy too?
48:21I am happy.
48:23And I'm going to be happier when Alesia gives up this madness.
48:35I am very excited about our business.
48:39But suddenly it would be good to regularize my administration title, right?
48:43To be able to undertake something.
48:44My love, for me you have graduated with honors, yes?
48:47You have the necessary knowledge to run a business.
48:50But now you don't need that card.
48:52Later you will see if you take it out or maybe if you want to study something else.
48:58I do want to take it out.
49:00At some point I'm going to take out that card because, I don't know, I want to give that joy to my mom.
49:04To my family.
49:06And to me.
49:08But you're right.
49:10At this moment we have to put all our energies in making our dream come true.
49:14That's right.
49:15Our idea of the thematic restaurant.
49:17Only the thematic is missing.
49:19That's where your ingenuity and creativity as an administrator come in.
49:31I think it's not a good idea for me to stay here.
49:37Because your family is divided and they don't care much about our love story.
49:43They won't stop us, you say?
49:45No, it's better that our love flows in the air, in silence.
49:52Without telling the others.
49:54Step by step.
49:56Step by step.
49:58Go slowly.
50:05The important thing is that now you are officially my girlfriend.
50:14I love you.
50:15I love you too.
50:16I love you.
50:17I love you.
50:18I love you.
50:19I love you.
50:20I love you.
50:21I love you.
50:22I love you.
50:24Tell me you do because everyone knows I'm with you.
50:26Already serious.
50:27But why didn't you tell me earlier?
50:30I'm leaving now.
50:32Thank you for supporting me and helping me with everything.
50:39Good luck, my love.
50:44Don't you want me to go with you?
50:46I don't know.
50:47I'll go with you.
50:48No, I don't.
50:49I think this is something I have to do alone.
50:53I got tired of living bitterly, of being the bad one in the movie, of carrying hatred and resentment over my shoulders.
51:06I want to live in peace. You just have to decide to forgive.
51:10If it were up to you, they wouldn't have suspended Julia out of negligence either.
51:14Julia? Julie? I forgot about her.
51:19Hello! Can you help me with my things?
51:24And those suitcases?
51:26I'm moving in with you, Cuchi!
51:32Yes, we've been going out long enough and it's time to live together.
51:37Maybe this way you'll start noticing me, right?
51:48Do what you do, don't get married. Live what we can't.
51:59You're the last of the single Gonzales.
