00:00The NSR was something that was a dream when I first moved to Newquay over 15 years ago
00:26and it's been really encouraging. I'm really pleased to see it going from earth moving
00:32finally through to nearly completion.
00:33It was always planned as the major bypass for Quintal Downs to avoid the traffic problems
00:41we have at Quintal Downs. So it was something that was always dreamed about back in the
00:46One of the complaints we always get when we're building houses in and around any part of
00:50Cornwall is that we don't put enough investment into the infrastructure. Well this is a major
00:55piece of investment for Newquay's infrastructure, probably one of the largest civil engineering
01:00projects that the town's seen for 20 or 30 years and it is all here to relieve pressure
01:05in Quintal Downs, to enable the Household Waste and Recycling Centre to happen and also
01:10to be able to relieve some of the traffic that runs through the Trencreek area.
01:15It really is exciting and this is going to be a major plus and I sincerely hope it will
01:20help the community of Quintal Downs. It will certainly contribute to a reduction in their
01:25traffic which is what it's all about and provide another link for the downtown Crantock area
01:33to get up to the A30.
01:35It's been 15 to 20 years in the making really, right from concept all that long time ago.
01:41This yes, this was an empty field at one point but this whole development is providing the
01:46absolute vital housing for local people, for the people of Newquay. Great mixed development
01:51here, that's the most important thing, a blend of affordable housing, shared ownership, open
01:56market housing, rental properties, all now serviced by this road providing the vital
02:02services that people of Newquay so vitally need.
02:06And I think what is also worth emphasising is the level of cycle paths and accessible
02:10paths that are going to be running through the whole project. It's going to allow me
02:13who live down Henver Road near Chester Road to cycle or walk all the way through to Quintal
02:18Downs without actually having to go on the main road as well in a safe, accessible way.
02:24So yeah, absolutely fantastic. It's not just the road, it's everything else that's brought
02:27with it. There's going to be wildlife ponds, the streams, the rivers, the wildlife habitat
02:33that will all come with this. It's going to be absolutely fantastic as well. So yeah,
02:36it's not just about the road, it's about the whole infrastructure, everything that comes
02:41with this as well, plus much needed affordable housing.
02:45Well, Downsledden in Cornish means wide valley. We've got a fantastic view up here and people
02:50who are going to be using this road soon are going to get that view. So on the Dutchy land,
02:55about 3,800 houses. We're 800 houses occupied at the moment. Also a variety of different
03:03shops and workspaces as well. So that's really important just to build a really good community.
03:09As you come through this wide valley, you'll see the suds, ponds, and people are able to
03:12walk and cycle through. I think that's important. It'll connect Quintal up with the centre of
03:18town. So I think it's really a fantastic, fantastic joint of the town.
03:23What I am impressed about is the quality of the workmanship. I just am absolutely amazed
03:30by the skill that's gone into this. They say that we've lost a lot of our traditional building
03:36skills. Well, I say to people, come and see what's here. You know, we've got granite plugs
03:42to place these vast pieces of granite in place. It's a brilliant piece of engineering work and
03:51I can't praise the workmen enough.
03:54We're nearing the end of construction now. As you can see behind me, we're just putting
03:58on the final wearing course on the highways that comes up the hill towards Hendra.
04:03And what's been a real accomplishment here is the bridge, which you can see in the background
04:10as well. We've had some quite challenging ground conditions where we had to stabilise the
04:15alluvial material underneath prior to bridge construction.
04:18It's been a really important joint venture. It's a big project and we've had to work really
04:23closely, my groundwork contractors with Cormac team, and that's been really enjoyable.
04:29You can see the craftsmanship that's gone in here. There's a thousand tonnes of Delanck
04:33granite, which is just amazing. And I think it's the coordination. Sometimes in construction,
04:39we get bad press because we don't work together with each other. And I think this proves actually
04:43that when you work together and you've got a common purpose, you get a fantastic result.
04:47I'm extremely proud of the accomplishment of Cormac in the delivery of this project.
04:53I think the imminent road opening will create a real benefit for the local community
05:01and open up the area. So I'm looking forward to that happening.