• 3 days ago
What could possibly go wrong?

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00:00The party continues!
00:01Happy birthday, EA!
00:05Great video yesterday, I must say, boys.
00:08I mean, it's already, like, we're literally filming this straight after we've recorded the last one, so...
00:12It is a great video, except for the fact that what happened to me happened at the end.
00:16If you've not seen it, make sure to go and watch, ladies and gentlemen.
00:19So, because I don't kiss EA's arse to say happy birthday, like, you kissed me...
00:22Yeah, they gave you...
00:23They closed my game.
00:24That was them who did that, wasn't it, yeah?
00:26They closed my game.
00:27Hey, do you want to tell people why you've got two, um, pieces of tissue up your nose?
00:32It's on.
00:32Come on, then, the boys, let's have a good foot birthday run, it's party day.
00:37Rivals or all, I really don't expect much from, but you never know, they might give you something, Harry Kane's alright, you know.
00:43It's Fodder.
00:43Harry Kane...
00:45Come on, let's see an Ababa or a Doombia or something.
00:48I reckon Kane's on a Ballon d'Or charge, given how badly Salah's flopped lately, like,
00:53got pocketed by Nuno Mendes and Liveramento, you're out of the Champions League, out of the League Cup,
00:58so Salah's Ballon d'Or has basically gone.
01:00Have you seen Salah's final record?
01:01No, is it bad?
01:02He's got, like, two or three pen goals at it.
01:05Yeah, not surprised, though.
01:0680 times 75 is offering goals.
01:09Now, Footbirthday's been paying out the slot machines all week long, so I'm not having this.
01:13Oh, slot machine.
01:15I think the slot machine was broken at Wembley.
01:19Bro, I'm just going to get rinsed, this whole rewards, bro.
01:22Anyone know when Liverpool are turning up?
01:24I think their bus is stuck on the motorway.
01:26It's bloody Monday by now.
01:28Driver, Richard Arleson.
01:2980-50, oh my God.
01:31Richard Arleson.
01:34Them packs are shocking, wow.
01:37Elite, Season 3 and 4 means we can't get a Team Year, we could get a Team Year icon.
01:41Go on, then.
01:42Oh, it's always a win in the World Cup.
01:44Brian Hill for the Evo.
01:46I'm going to win some of these TikTok games soon, watch.
01:48Gonzalo Ramos and...
01:49I really need that to be Brian Hill.
01:51I needed that to be Brian Hill for that Evo.
01:53I think it came out Saturday, was it?
01:55Was it Saturday night?
01:56Lads, my rivals section, and I'm expecting big things this week,
01:59because on party day...
02:00Come on, it's a birthday party.
02:02It's a birthday party, for God's sake.
02:05Zuby, welcome in the big dog.
02:06Feels like the same players drop quite a lot here, you know?
02:09I think you might be right, especially the lower rated ones.
02:11It's actually like a slot machine, isn't it?
02:13Oh, yeah.
02:15Surprised you've both not got EA Gift.
02:16Harry, every day on this game with EA's a gift.
02:19What are you on about?
02:21Come on, then.
02:23Look, they've just given it...
02:24Oh, you beautiful, beautiful boy.
02:27Look at that.
02:28When you say happy foot birthday to EA, look what they say back.
02:31Look, that is...
02:32They say back, happy foot birthday.
02:34Yeah, they give you the goods there, mate.
02:35I might just box it off, boys.
02:3880-75 is not a foot birthday.
02:42The rivals section will be quickly glossed over this week,
02:44I think it's fair to say.
02:45That's not very birthday party of you, is it?
02:48Come on, then, chaps.
02:4880 times 50 with my nose.
02:51No is nothing.
02:53I've seen enough.
02:54Conduct Everton 10 points.
02:55Nose pack.
02:57I've seen enough.
02:58Season three and four, open up the door.
03:01Season three and four.
03:03Hit me with a who.
03:04Oh, is that...
03:04It's going to be...
03:05Is that Pablo Marek?
03:06It's going to be...
03:08Look, Paul.
03:10Winter Wildcard.
03:12And Estupinado.
03:13Oh, wow.
03:14They're not very good.
03:15They've dressed them packs up and they're not very good, are they?
03:18They're not very good.
03:19I've already redeemed all my picks.
03:20I'm just going to do champs and rivals in one.
03:22Yeah, there is a load going on here.
03:23Let's go then, lad.
03:24What does that say?
03:25One of three?
03:25Because of the DC as well.
03:26It's a bit tight, that, isn't it?
03:27Oh, he's only got one of three in his play of it.
03:30I was definitely beating him as well.
03:32Why did Jota not play?
03:34I think he was too busy playing FC.
03:36Did he get stuck on the bus as well?
03:39Classy from you both.
03:40Shut up, man.
03:41You hate what Spurs do this weekend.
03:43Lost 2-0 to the most irrelevant club in the Prem, apparently.
03:48Just a young, young, young, young, young chap.
03:50Matt Ryan, isn't it?
03:51Yeah, there he is.
03:52God forbid anyone using him in his team.
03:54Go on, then.
03:56Knock it out of the park, lad.
03:5885 pluses.
04:00Oh, finally got one.
04:01Newser is my absolute hero, by the way.
04:03Why is there some kind of meme going around about him?
04:05There's no meme.
04:06It's just the guy who gifted me all them subs
04:08asked me to use him.
04:09Sounds like I'm not in with the Twitch jokes.
04:11Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink.
04:14There she is, Vodderberg.
04:16Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink.
04:21Scripting doesn't exist.
04:22Tell them, man.
04:23Scripting does not exist.
04:26Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink.
04:29Pink, pink, pink.
04:30I hate Bournemouth as well, you know.
04:32The only reason you two don't experience scripting
04:34is because you're on EA's payroll and everyone knows it.
04:36I get that monthly retainer fee.
04:38Yes, I do.
04:39For the positivity I spread in this community.
04:40We're on the red list.
04:42No, the red list.
04:43Right, it's getting closer to the end of the month, isn't it?
04:45We're on the way there, yeah.
04:46On the way.
04:46Monthly payments looking healthy.
04:48Do yours normally come in on the 28th?
04:50You're in for 28th, bro, yeah.
04:51Can't wait for that day, man.
04:53Smile on my face.
04:54EA Sports, my lord.
04:56EA Sports.
04:57EA Sports, my lord.
04:59EA Sports.
05:01All you need to do is work on a broadcast like these two
05:04and then D, make sure your account doesn't have scripting.
05:06Happy birthday, EA Sports.
05:09Big champs picks incoming.
05:10Come on, then.
05:11Just an icon.
05:12We'll take an icon.
05:13Give us an icon.
05:14Give us a Vieira or something.
05:16How about you two let me decide who I want from my pick?
05:19Who do you want?
05:20We can make it happen, potentially.
05:21Who do you want on EA Sports?
05:23We can pull a few strings if you want.
05:24I want Gary Lineker, please.
05:25Nah, I'm not doing that.
05:26We can pull more strings than that, Dad.
05:27I'm not doing that.
05:27I'll give him Gazza.
05:29What a waste of time, that'd be.
05:30Give him Gaz.
05:31When you score, you make the Celtics sing.
05:34Jotter on the wing.
05:36Do you know, we're doing something in a minute
05:37where, like, we're getting the losses to Rangers
05:39out the way in dead rubbers.
05:40Yeah, I was going to ask about that.
05:42Saw it on the TV earlier.
05:43Celtic 2, Rangers 3.
05:44What's going on there, then?
05:45Just literally, just get them out the way.
05:47What are we saying?
05:48We're running a Brendan Rodgers out campaign.
05:50I'll do that.
05:50He did well in the Champions League this year, though.
05:52I love Brendan Rodgers.
05:54He's got great character.
05:55So Brendan Rodgers is the kind of guy
05:56that has a poster of Brendan Rodgers in his house.
05:59Brendan Rodgers is also the creator of Beautiful Boy.
06:02So, like, we can never, ever, ever.
06:04He's a great technician.
06:05Oh, he actually has.
06:06This is an article in 2015.
06:09By anybody's standards of egotism,
06:11Brendan Rodgers climbed new heights.
06:12This is a man with a huge portrait of himself
06:15in his own lounge.
06:16I knew I didn't pull that out of nowhere.
06:18Have you seen that somewhere?
06:19I must have seen it for me to say that, yeah.
06:21Boys, as we're recording this, the made video has gone out.
06:25So I probably am just going to react to comments
06:27as we go through here.
06:28So if I ever look at my phone just reacting,
06:31he hasn't even gone 80 times 75.
06:33The top comment right now is, not watch the video yet,
06:37but here for the shorty head loss.
06:39Oh, Mr. Casino, I hope you step on a plug this evening.
06:42I don't mean that.
06:43You OK?
06:44I've just got shooting pains in my leg.
06:46Oh my God.
06:47Sorry, not to dismiss your leg.
06:49You can't just move on like that.
06:51No, no.
06:51What I was going to say was,
06:53do you remember when you got cramp in this top?
06:56That clip.
06:57Can you find that clip?
06:57Can we insert that clip?
06:58I've got someone around here to back me.
07:00Oh, I've got cramp.
07:01Ah, ah, ah, I've got cramp.
07:07I've got cramp in both legs.
07:09No, I need to kick it out of play.
07:13Ah, I'm cramping up.
07:16Yeah, this top is what I was wearing when I got cramp all that time ago.
07:20Second comment, Spurs are currently joint 16th
07:23and Tom is thinking about Arsenal up in second.
07:26Let me reply to that one.
07:28Both not winning the league then, eh?
07:3084 times 10 is just absolutely dead.
07:33Oh dear.
07:3418, 20.
07:36Pink to make the birds stink.
07:39Happy birthday.
07:40I tell you what, Harry, if this is the double,
07:41you've done very well here.
07:42Yeah, it's got to be a double.
07:43No, it might not be.
07:45Mate, 82, 20, trust me, bud.
07:46Yeah, it's seen the script.
07:48And so we've got Silver to go with Serge Gnabry.
07:50Serge-y boy.
07:51He looks like someone from the Sidemen charity game.
07:54Fannum, that's the one.
07:55Anyone else?
07:56Absolutely not.
07:57You've got a Kessie.
07:58Yeah, an 82 Kessie.
07:59Right, I think it's 84, 10 then, the 87, too.
08:01No, man, there's too much gold going on.
08:04Yeah, it's all in the rank, I think.
08:06I think that's what happens when you get ranked three.
08:07My last putt.
08:10Not even a foot birthday.
08:11There's so many things wrong with me at the minute.
08:13I was going to say, H, you are struggling right now, mate.
08:16You are struggling.
08:1789, 89, though, if that means anything to you right now.
08:20That's not wrong with you.
08:20That's quite good.
08:21Yeah, take that.
08:22Would everyone agree that if we all agreed and say,
08:26let's take away two fakes from the world, would you do it?
08:31Let's take away two fakes.
08:32Is there anything at the expense of that?
08:35Or are we just taking away two fakes?
08:36No, but then you won't know if you're too bad.
08:40Probably not, then, no.
08:41How long do you think you would live if you couldn't experience pain?
08:45Yeah, we've had this decision before, haven't we?
08:47Not very.
08:48If you were born into the world of it, not very.
08:50No, like, I just turn pain off of you now.
08:53If you turn pain off for me now, how long would I live?
08:57Would it not just be like normal,
08:59because my body would shut down when I'm like 85 anyway?
09:01I don't know, like, you can't experience any pain.
09:03So, like, not even like a f***ing, like, scratch, like.
09:06Well, yeah, it's whether you have something that's painful inside
09:10that would be painful inside of you,
09:11but you can't feel it, and then it ends up killing you.
09:13Oh, I'll be dead by 30, then.
09:15Yeah, I'd be gone.
09:16Good conversation, lads.
09:18Oh, yeah.
09:19Good start to rewards as well.
09:20Happy bloody birthday.
09:22I wonder what EA's, like, favourite games to play are, you know,
09:24like Pass the Pass or Musical Chairs or...
09:27Thing is, people are going to start thinking we're being serious,
09:29and we're definitely not, are we?
09:31No, people soon are going to think that we're taking the mic.
09:34But we're not.
09:34We genuinely are.
09:35Oh, I've got two foot birthdays, yeah.
09:38That is literally the exact same.
09:39Now, you know, you're going to have five foot birthdays.
09:42I'm going to have five foot birthdays here.
09:43I just hope two of them are icons.
09:45On their special, special day.
09:47Harry Maguire!
09:48Oh, good ratings, Tom.
09:49High ratings.
09:50Ratings given.
09:51I kind of prefer Gavi over DiMarco, yeah.
09:54Click on Gavi, because he'll be in my La Masia team.
09:57He's only got Tiki Taka.
09:58Oh, I thought he'd be better than that, then.
10:00You've got to give him a bit more than that, haven't you?
10:01That's not that good, that.
10:02His face card is, like, really, really good,
10:04and they've just not given him enough silver.
10:06An icon I wouldn't mind, though.
10:08Trent, yes!
10:09Yes, Alexander-Arnold!
10:11Tom, you've had some good little picks here, bud.
10:13You missed him at Wembley, didn't you?
10:14We did miss Trent today.
10:16Yeah, you needed him.
10:17Five foot birthday.
10:18This is what Revolta should look like every week.
10:20No more messing about.
10:21By the way, he is so good.
10:23I've used him in every team.
10:24Look at that.
10:28Five passing play styles.
10:30How's that treble going?
10:32Hold that!
10:33Mate, no matter who I pack here,
10:35you are not winning the Champions League
10:37or the Carabao Cup.
10:38You've given Newcastle their first trophy
10:40in, like, 60 years or whatever it is.
10:41Yeah, hold that, they're a bigger club than you.
10:42They're not a bigger club than us.
10:43I don't know when you were most annoyed
10:45over the whole thing.
10:46PSG, you were in a bit of shock,
10:48and it was Penns.
10:49I think today, you had a right...
10:50Do you know when you had a right nibble?
10:52At 1-0.
10:54And when you were like,
10:55let's just not mark Dan Byrne.
10:57Let's just not mark anyone from corners.
10:59You know what?
10:59Let him just keep winning the first contact.
11:01Why not?
11:03Why have I...
11:04I've got gold cards for an 88, too.
11:06That is shocking.
11:0785 times 10...
11:09Hold that, G!
11:10...is bad once again.
11:11I actually do really want the supporters
11:14to see some good packs, though,
11:15so it's kind of annoying.
11:16Am I really not getting foot birthdays here?
11:21He's taking it with his right or left.
11:23Oh, wait, it doesn't matter.
11:24It's going in Alisson's goal.
11:25We're going to sign Dembele...
11:29Cavara and Isak.
11:30And then we're also going to sign Isak, as well,
11:31and have that as our front three, yeah.
11:33When are you ever going to do that?
11:34And we're going to sign Bellingham in Centimere.
11:36No, Arnie Slott's been found out.
11:37Hasn't he been found out?
11:38He's been found out after the sort of managers.
11:40He got to a final and lost.
11:41Mate, you were limped today.
11:42Yeah, we were.
11:43You were found out.
11:44We were.
11:45And he's looking very likely to win the Prem.
11:47I haven't got a single foot birthday, sorry.
11:49That is shocking.
11:50Slott lives in my head rent-free a bit.
11:51USAC celebration.
11:52This guy's been into Tom's head all day.
11:54Oh wait, whose reward is it?
11:59Getting a load of this guy.
12:00I'll just pat Roderick as well.
12:03Okay, why have I got that message?
12:05Good man.
12:06What are you doing, mate?
12:08Are you even in 14th?
12:09Are you not lower than that?
12:10Someone said joint 16th earlier.
12:11Are you not lower than that?
12:12Let me just confirm.
12:13Spurs in the Premier League table.
12:16You are in...
12:16Yes, joint 16th with Everton and West Ham.
12:20So we're 14th.
12:22You said joint 16th.
12:23Come on then, chaps.
12:24On EA's special day, we save my rewards till last.
12:28And what do you do?
12:28You save the best till last in this life.
12:30It's a foot birthday start, we don't mind it.
12:32Here we go.
12:33Happy birthday to EA.
12:37Happy birthday to EA.
12:40For the burgers in my pics.
12:44Do you reckon Newcastle fans have stopped celebrating?
12:46Oh, are you ever going to shut up about it?
12:48Monday night.
12:50Foddery as well.
12:51Newcastle will still be going off when this vid goes up.
12:54Monday night.
12:55Oh, Trent's good.
12:56Trent's back, lad.
12:57Could have done with him today.
12:59Oh, that's good.
13:02That's good, you know.
13:03It is actually quite decent, that, Thomas.
13:05No, you've got to take Alibaba.
13:07Yeah, you're going to have to.
13:08Hey, some really good ratings in there, chaps.
13:10We'll take that.
13:11Go on then.
13:11Let's get a 94 layout.
13:13I've got a question.
13:14Oh, Sergi.
13:16Go on, Harry.
13:18How many players...
13:20Oh, Salma.
13:22...had a repeat foot birthday card?
13:25How many players have had a repeat foot birthday card?
13:28The only one that comes straight to my mind.
13:30293, by the way, is world class.
13:32Virgil van Dijk's had it twice, hasn't he?
13:34Because he's had one now, and he had one in 19 or 20.
13:36So, van Dijk.
13:38Has Alibaba been in before?
13:39Lads, I don't want to scare anyone, but I've only got four packs left.
13:42Yeah, but we're answering important questions here.
13:44Has Mbappé had a repeat one on her?
13:46I think he's only had it in 20,
13:47because that's the only time I remember a five-star week for Mbappé.
13:53Oh, go on.
13:53Broke clutches, chaps. Broke clutches.
13:56My brain is ticking here.
13:58It is Rudiger.
13:58There has to be more than van Dijk and Alibaba.
14:00Harry Maguire.
14:02CR7 got a flashback this year, and then he got one in 18, yeah?
14:06When did Foot Birthday start? 18?
14:0817, I think.
14:10We don't get gold cards around here.
14:11Yeah, we do.
14:12Oh, God.
14:12We do.
14:13Not on your birthday.
14:1585-10s, lads. Come on.
14:16Come on, then.
14:17Oh, my God, bro.
14:18What's happened to the drop rate here?
14:20Last week was completely different from this.
14:22It was so different, bro.
14:23Wait, get a load of that pack.
14:27Get a load of that pack.
14:28Seriously, not classy from either of you.
14:30Get a load of that pack.
14:32Ball falls in, drops it.
14:41Oh, I've got shooting pains again.
14:42Come on, then.
14:44Here he is.
14:45Along with, lads, to finish it off...
14:47Zuba Mendy.
14:48Zuba Mendy.
14:49And that is bang average.
14:52You've had a tough day today, haven't you, mate?
14:54I might be doing my final walkout of the day.
14:56Maybe you can go upstairs and be Kaj Sanat on stream again.
15:01Allow it, you lot.
15:03Yeah, allow it, man.