Hashtag House continue their FC25 Past & Present RTG!
What could possibly go wrong?
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What could possibly go wrong?
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00:00All right, lads.
00:01Why am I seeing this on my screen?
00:02Oh, here we go again, chaps.
00:04Why have you just spent 90k on Beto without consulting anyone?
00:0790,000 coins.
00:08Right, 90,000 coins to get Beto to 99 dribbling.
00:14Then watch this space.
00:17So have you just spent it just to watch the space?
00:19What do you mean?
00:20Trust me.
00:20I'm still watching the space.
00:21You could spend 90k just to do nothing.
00:23I'm still watching the space from that woman footballer at the start of the game.
00:26Yeah, what was her name?
00:27Yeah, Gio.
00:27I cannot tell you how impressed you are going to be soon.
00:30We can't just keep letting coins rot away.
00:32What have you done with Seamus Coleman?
00:34He's a work in progress.
00:36Jesus, when's the work started?
00:39We did the Mike on Cup.
00:40It automatically-
00:41Claimed the rewards.
00:41Claimed all the packs.
00:43Did the whole 30 games, won the 30 games.
00:45But we put Mike into an SBC because we don't need him.
00:47So we've got every single one of the packs.
00:49All right, it's time to open them all.
00:52I'm ill, everyone.
00:54Just letting you all know.
00:58That wasn't even the walkout.
00:59It literally came up gold.
01:01I love how restricted this RTG is, but I hate it at the same time.
01:04Because I would just love to put him right mid now.
01:06Yeah, and just Trevella with him.
01:07Yeah, and just absolutely-
01:08Do you know what?
01:09To get a player like that, I just want to Trevella with him.
01:13No, surely.
01:25Come on, Terry!
01:26Oh, Ledley, Ledley!
01:28He's so good as well.
01:32Come on!
01:32I barely made the chat.
01:33I was just going off you guys.
01:34Let's go.
01:35Come on, man.
01:36He's literally-
01:37How's he not got intercept?
01:38He's literally like the one we wanted.
01:40And now there's more coins for my Evo.
01:42And now we just need Trent.
01:46Come on, then.
01:46For a birthday!
01:47Trent, lad.
01:47I don't care what happens.
01:48Trent, lad.
01:49Kevin De Bruyne.
01:49Don't let that come for.
01:50Who's that?
01:52Oh, we've got the Rangers, man.
01:53We've got the Rangers, man.
01:54We've got the Rangers.
01:55He's actually really, really good in there.
01:56Go on.
01:57Go on, Trent.
01:58Oh my god!
02:00Oh my god!
02:01Oh my god!
02:01On him, on him, on him, on him, on him, on him!
02:03You're a beautiful, bald man!
02:04You're a beautiful boy.
02:05I'm not going to lie.
02:06He's got five star five-star.
02:07I'm not going to lie.
02:08Fantasy Howard might pip him.
02:09Oi, they don't like giving out far reach on keepers, do they?
02:12But he's got five-star five-star.
02:13Come on, man.
02:13We've got to play with him.
02:14Oh, come on.
02:15We've got to play with him.
02:16It's a foot birthday week, lads.
02:18Happy birthday, EA.
02:19Ledley King, we love your Evo, but we've upgraded you now.
02:22We have some decisions to make here.
02:24We've not been on since foot fantasy to play a foot jam.
02:26So first of all, pinged pass plus and anticipated mainly.
02:32Look at her stats.
02:3594 passing, 94 shooting.
02:37She got dead ball.
02:38She's got 99 free kick, actually.
02:40Oh, lads.
02:41Yeah, I see that.
02:42We're going to be cooking on gas.
02:43Get a Ken Stallion, Ledley.
02:44Wait, is he now lengthy?
02:45Have a look.
02:48Have a look.
02:49No, right.
02:50What's going to happen is we're going to get to five games.
02:53And then when we come back, I've got a surprise for the team.
02:58You're not doing any guesswork.
02:59Forget about what I just said.
03:00You're going to come back in game six
03:02and be like, that's the best card I've ever seen.
03:03Right, OK.
03:04I don't know.
03:04We need more foot birthdays.
03:06I know.
03:06We can't buy a train, can we?
03:08Because we've spent our money.
03:08We have just spent all our coins.
03:09I don't know if we've got anything left
03:10tradable in the club.
03:11Wait, Gerrard's week himself.
03:12We've got to tell.
03:13I forgot we bought him.
03:15We might be able to afford Trent.
03:16We have sold everything, and we actually have a lot of coins.
03:19So foot birthday, we are coming inside you.
03:22Can I make a signing that Trent Alexander-Arnold is
03:24into the club?
03:25Now, lads, important to note with Trent,
03:27he's a versatile valley individual.
03:29He can play centre midfield and right back.
03:31What are we thinking?
03:32Because let's be honest, Bradders at right back,
03:34serious card.
03:35How does everyone feel about that?
03:37To be fair, Trent, if you're going to pay that much,
03:39you probably should go in centre mid, yeah.
03:41Look at the place.
03:42Look at that.
03:43The thing is, he can drive.
03:45I mean, they obviously both come in your shoe.
03:47Williams can't, but Williams has 99 shoes.
03:49Hey, we've kind of, happy birthday to, you know what I mean?
03:52Happy birthday to us?
03:54How do you want a birthday cake?
03:55Do you know what I mean?
03:56I'm offering it out.
04:03Why have you looked at me through there as well?
04:05Lads, I'm buying Chloe Kelly because she's playing
04:07for Everton, and it makes our team look more pink,
04:09pink to make you stink.
04:10Come on, tell you something, chaps.
04:12That's a good team, you know?
04:13Yeah, now I've seen new players.
04:15I am on the edge of my sofa.
04:17Wait, when's the last time we lost a champs game
04:19on Hashtag House?
04:20Cor, that's a good question.
04:21Wait, we're 45-0 currently, aren't we?
04:23Yeah, but we kind of stopped the streak last week.
04:25No, it doesn't stop you.
04:25If you don't play, it's fine.
04:26So this is the team I'm going into game one with.
04:29Why is Beto on the pitch?
04:30It's just sofa birthday.
04:31You know what?
04:32Considering all the upgrades, I'll let it off.
04:34Zero losses.
04:36Oh, she's fast.
04:37Chloe Kel.
04:38Give them hell.
04:40Chloe Kel.
04:41Give them hell.
04:44Oh, bro's double whining.
04:46Oh, yeah.
04:46Hey, were you watching Lex at E-Prix?
04:47Oh, yeah, Harry.
04:48That's how he does it.
04:49Lad, I was tuning up the electro-bronzy.
04:51Oh, please.
04:52Oh, that's mad.
04:53Go on.
04:54Chloe Kel.
04:55Oh, we found our new right mid-traveler.
04:59That was mad.
05:00You can't really judge anyone's team
05:01because they're all so evoed up.
05:03A player isn't really a player anymore.
05:05You have to check all of it to be like,
05:07has he got him evoed?
05:09Oh, wow.
05:11I mean, that is literally the 99 stats, right?
05:13You two don't deserve to comment.
05:15The party's looking forward to the weekend.
05:18Party and party, yeah.
05:20Why do you think Nathan brought it in again?
05:22Like, he's f***ing well good.
05:24And, do you know, he's not even got Ken Boo's here.
05:27It's pretty funny.
05:28He's actually just 74 rates.
05:30He's not got Ken Boo's, though.
05:31No, because of Beto.
05:33Oh, no, because he's come on as a sub and he scored again.
05:37Oh, yeah, he's too good.
05:38That's the problem we've got here.
05:40That's the problem we've got on our hands.
05:41He's actually too good.
05:45You're against a pro, by the way.
05:47OK, that is a problem.
05:50He's just absolutely, first time, through-balled me.
05:58Yes, I was just sneezing.
06:03Good goal, Tom.
06:04It was never in doubt.
06:05Did I just say you see, actually, I meant to say quarter-mark, sorry.
06:09This is, unfortunately, too easy.
06:11That is, unfortunately, over for you, my friend.
06:13Kane, we're in.
06:15I'm looking to finish this.
06:17He's looking to wrap it up.
06:18Wrap it up, man.
06:20Wrap it up.
06:21Wrap it up, Tommy.
06:22Wrap it up.
06:25I bet you can't wrap that thing up, it's that big.
06:28The pair of you are disgusting.
06:31And I will be leaving you.
06:34Pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, plural.
06:38I'd say we cancel him for that, it's Ramadan.
06:40No, yeah, that's all we can't be saying.
06:42Oh, guys, we are so back at 5-0.
06:47And I will tell you something right now,
06:49the peace and quiet of not having to start a recording
06:52with that bloody chant is so nice.
06:55Oh, my God.
06:56Saturday night football is happening, like ever in a playing ball.
06:59So Harry's gone there and you're free of the chant for about 12 hours.
07:03Harry was my kryptonite to play against, yeah.
07:06But what's in the song says Harry won every game.
07:09We played about 70 practice matches.
07:12I will inform you now, Harry did not win every game.
07:15He did win more than I won, though.
07:17Yeah, he did.
07:18It happens.
07:18Oh, and we've claimed Beto, brilliant.
07:20Beto's in, I don't even know what, to be honest,
07:23I don't know what Harry's trying to achieve here.
07:25It's just the 99 dribbling, isn't it?
07:26Oh, so he needs to keep playing?
07:28OK, well, Beto's going to have to keep playing.
07:30Liverpool have just won, I mean, he considers it a big game.
07:33I don't know how it's a big game.
07:35Listen, chaps, look, every, listen, when you're on a title charge,
07:39every game's a big game.
07:40But there's no title charge, like, you could drop points
07:42and Arsenal are not going to get near you.
07:44You know, mathematically, Arsenal can still finish on 87 points, yeah?
07:47We're on 70 points.
07:49I know that ain't going to happen, but they can still finish on 87 points.
07:53Like, we still have to win loads of games still to win the league.
07:56I get it.
07:56You have to be the humble guy here.
07:58But like, to me, it's just done.
08:00I can see why people say it's done 100%.
08:03As of recording right now, Liverpool are 16 points ahead of Arsenal.
08:07They have got two games in hand, though.
08:08Yeah, but it's like, you're setting the point.
08:10That's such a psychological blow for them.
08:12Like, they look at a tape, you think, 16 points, that is so different.
08:16And when we finish this, which we will get to,
08:18Arsenal will have played United, so we'll see what the result is there.
08:21Sidemen charity match has just happened as well.
08:23Yeah, sketch man, the match, by the way.
08:25That is an unbelievable save.
08:27The save of Miniminter.
08:28Yeah, that's an unbelievable save.
08:30The commentary is literally just going, Spen and Steven are just going,
08:34it's just, whichever corner he goes in, sketch makes a huge save.
08:37Yeah, me and Shorty were going to play,
08:39but we both got injured, didn't we, at the same time?
08:42Yeah, no, yeah.
08:43And then I think...
08:43The same injury as well, wasn't it?
08:45Yeah, and I think George broke his foot, and then Harry didn't go either.
08:48So, yeah, the invites were there, but we didn't quite make it.
08:51Yeah, next year, lads, we will.
08:53Like, we'll think about it, obviously.
08:54Wait, why is Beto going to score?
08:56What, what, like...
08:57OK, what is going...
08:58OK, what was that?
09:00Come on, Harry Kane-o.
09:02Yeah, this guy is a fan.
09:06That's a bad goal.
09:07Oh, dear.
09:07That's a really bad goal.
09:08I don't enjoy it when things like that happen.
09:10He's got foot fantasy, Rashford.
09:11First owner as well.
09:12Yeah, see ya.
09:14That is what we call...
09:16Why is Beto still on the pitch?
09:18Why, do you know what, he just keeps scoring, though.
09:20He just keeps scoring, brother.
09:21See ya.
09:24Oh, that is also a goal.
09:26Tommy, that's nice.
09:27I'm on, I'm on, I'm on.
09:28You're so onside.
09:30Yes, Harry, come on, man.
09:31Harry Kane.
09:32Harry Kane, you're the man.
09:33You're a beautiful man.
09:34Oh, my God, this Chinese is calling.
09:36Ref, I'll take that.
09:40Come on!
09:41He's done one!
09:43Yes, man, come on!
09:44Get in there!
09:51...since the state of me...
09:52Fuck yes.
09:54...that I've treated that like a pro tournament
09:55because we get to have a Chinese on it.
09:58It's really sad.
09:59Beautiful boy.
10:00Is that the Chinese police?
10:01Is it ringing up?
10:02Is it?
10:03Yeah, there's actually two criminals on the loose.
10:05Two criminals on the loose.
10:07Salt and pepper chips.
10:09Single or double?
10:10Well, one each, one each, one each.
10:11No, one each, then.
10:12Right, I'm actually going to get a quarter of a duck, chaps.
10:14Hey, quite underrated meat, actually.
10:17I'm going to have a butcher, I think.
10:18Quarter of a duck.
10:19Sorry to the vegetarians out there.
10:20It's time to give Beto 65 dribbling.
10:24I mean, I'm sure Harry will be happy with that.
10:26He looks alright.
10:27There's some kind of Evo going on.
10:29I don't understand H, I'm not going to lie.
10:31He has his Evo roots.
10:32He's like, it'll be class, Sue.
10:33It'll be class, Sue.
10:34It's March.
10:35We'll get to August and he'll be like,
10:36no, it's usable now.
10:37Yeah, five PlayStar Pluses
10:38and he's with like 99 rate and everything.
10:40But it's too late.
10:41More importantly, lads, it's Chinese time.
10:43It's time.
10:44Police, could we get two portions of salt and pepper chicken,
10:48two salt and pepper chicken, two salt and pepper chips.
10:51Two salt and pepper chips.
10:53Then a quarter duck.
10:55And then one prawn crackers, please.
10:57And that's everything.
11:06Sweet and sour sauces.
11:08Three of them.
11:09Chinese order though, lads.
11:10So we're happy individuals here.
11:11I couldn't care less if you lost.
11:12That's a joke.
11:13That's a joke.
11:14So much harder than it needs to be.
11:16That's it, Tom.
11:18That's it.
11:19Just stab him right where it hurts.
11:20Just give him one of them.
11:21Just give him one of them.
11:25Oh my God, man.
11:26Right, I need to focus now.
11:27The thing is, you ain't humble.
11:28You ain't humble even if you win.
11:30You ain't humble even if you lose.
11:31No, he wants to stay humble, eh?
11:32That's it.
11:33He's made me do this.
11:34Why is he shushing me?
11:37He's actually just hit you with the local shush?
11:39Oh, Tom.
11:40Tom, that's maybe the ball of the day.
11:42He ain't moving.
11:44Hey, shake my hand for that.
11:47He's got me off there.
11:48He's on.
11:50He's on.
11:55Should I have done that?
11:56I don't know.
11:57It's not a pen.
11:58But he's going to score the free kick.
11:59He's going to score the free kick.
12:00He's going to score the free kick.
12:01He's going to score the free kick.
12:03Jesse's going to score the free kick.
12:05Oh, surey.
12:06Do you know?
12:08He just hit the perfect free boost.
12:10I think I had to.
12:11I think I had to.
12:12He might not be shooting.
12:14He shot and he scored.
12:15What have I done?
12:16Right, right, right.
12:17What have I done?
12:18Right, right.
12:20Yes, man.
12:21Come on, Tommy.
12:22Come on.
12:23That's what we do.
12:24I can't conceive the kick off.
12:25You're just such a beautiful little boy.
12:26I've actually just banged my leg.
12:28It's a kick off, man.
12:29It's a kick off.
12:31It's literally a kick off.
12:33It's such a kick off goal.
12:34Oh, he's not even bothered.
12:35He's not even bothered.
12:39No way, man.
12:40No way, surey.
12:41No way.
12:42I'm literally in the way.
12:43I am standing in the way.
12:44I am literally in the way.
12:45I am literally in the way.
12:46I am literally in the way.
12:47I am literally in the way.
12:48I am literally in the way.
12:49I am literally in the way.
12:53That might be all she wrote, ladies and gentlemen.
12:57Honestly, man.
12:58Two kick offs in extra time.
12:59Two kick offs in extra time.
13:01I hate to say it, but the streak ends there.
13:03I think that might have been 53-0.
13:06This is the worst day of my life.
13:09Worst day of your life so far.
13:11Guys, Saturday Night is here.
13:14This has to improve your mood.
13:17Tom, we're talking...
13:22Crispy duck stuff, a cucumber.
13:24We're talking...
13:26Oh, what have we got here, lads?
13:28Oh, salt and pepper chips.
13:30I tell you something, lads.
13:32I did say, whoever loses the streak,
13:35it often does always...
13:37It hits a nerve further down,
13:39deeper than you can even imagine.
13:42It's an angel.
13:43It's everything, Thomas.
13:45What else have we got here?
13:46Chicken fried rice that me and you were sharing together.
13:50We're sharing this together, you and me.
13:53A little bit like you and me lost that game,
13:55except it was just you.
13:58I'll be honest.
13:59If you see a salt and pepper chicken,
14:01it doesn't cheer you up.
14:03Yeah, that's it.
14:04Comfort eat.
14:05Let's go.
14:06Let's go.
14:07Comfort eat time.
14:08I'm going to demolish this Chinese now,
14:10see if I can get a word out of this man,
14:12and we'll speak to you in the aftermath, will we?
14:15Boys, I am trying so hard to forget about yesterday
14:18and just be happy.
14:20And I'm now watching Spurs lose 1-0 to Bournemouth
14:23in the 63rd minute.
14:24But at least Ang plays attacking football, eh?
14:27We do have good things here though, boys.
14:28Look at this.
14:29Flake in a bag.
14:32More flake.
14:35And the infamous...
14:38They're not in a box this time,
14:39but there's mini eggs there.
14:41They're not getting boxed off,
14:42but we'll still take it, boys.
14:43This is a test of my discipline,
14:45because many of you know
14:46this thing is very big.
14:48And I mention it quite a lot.
14:50I don't want to...
14:54We're 2-0 down.
14:55Oh, God.
14:56Bro's talking about the size of his belly
14:58and literally looks up.
15:00I don't want to say this,
15:01but I think it's the end of Ang.
15:03I think Ang is going to go.
15:04I think as soon as Europa League finishes,
15:06he's going to get rid of him.
15:08Because this is so easy.
15:10I think you've got to.
15:11I think he has to be gone.
15:14Come on.
15:15There's one.
15:16We're back.
15:17He's got a Liverpool team.
15:18Yeah, don't celebrate.
15:19He's got a Liverpool team.
15:20Get the ball.
15:21Don't celebrate.
15:22Come on.
15:23We've got 25 minutes here.
15:24He's got a Liverpool team.
15:26Free win.
15:27Free win.
15:28Free win.
15:30I was going to give him the free win.
15:34What I was saying is
15:35these are actually a test
15:36because I've told the people
15:37to leave these in front of me.
15:39But I'm not going to eat them.
15:40But I'm not going to eat them
15:41to show that I am disciplined.
15:43Free win.
15:48Have we just had two free wins in a row?
15:51Absolutely Mickey Mouse.
15:54Do you know what?
15:55We should actually say thanks to both of them.
15:56Let's not be horrible.
15:57How have I not thanked?
16:00I always thank for free wins.
16:01It's just proper come out of my head.
16:03Who have you been messaging there?
16:06No, show me.
16:07Who did you message?
16:08No one.
16:09Who did you message?
16:10Who's that?
16:11What this?
16:13You're a bang out of order.
16:15Loving the RTG.
16:16The RTG doesn't love you.
16:17You know what?
16:18You're going to hell so easily.
16:19I know.
16:20I am.
16:21I am.
16:23Who gives a shit if you eat flake or not?
16:24You're going to hell either way.
16:28Oh God.
16:30I think he's actually good.
16:32He's got CR7.
16:33That's a culture man.
16:34And he's watched your goalkeeper movement.
16:37Don't do that.
16:38What's your postcode here?
16:41Like, if you lose this, you're officially not the best player in Derby.
16:44The thing is, did this guy go unbeaten at the E-Premier League though?
16:48Mesh him after and ask.
16:49Oh, yeah.
16:50Apparently he didn't.
16:51A little kick off.
16:52Tell him.
16:55And also, Ronaldinho might be the strongest player on the game.
16:59Is that a foot birthday round in here?
17:03That is 100% a penalty.
17:04I have seen enough.
17:05Do you want one of them?
17:06Yeah, where he's running.
17:08He's got a pen before he's even started.
17:11Thank you, Kepa.
17:12I'm going to concede it.
17:13He's giving it to Son.
17:14I don't know how I feel about that.
17:16I don't know how I feel about that either.
17:17I'm sitting forward.
17:18We're 4-2 down.
17:19The postcode's coming out here now.
17:20Oh, yeah.
17:21Get the ball, man.
17:22Come on.
17:23We're winning this.
17:24I'm not going to lie.
17:25If he doesn't score that, he gets...
17:26Give it.
17:28That was horrible.
17:29But what happens?
17:30Do you know what I mean?
17:32Tom, that wasn't...
17:33Bro, that's ice cold.
17:34No, it's not.
17:35Did he just score a fifth?
17:39Listen, it sets the last two games up for an actual meaning.
17:43We actually have to win two out of two for rank two now.
17:47To be honest, we should have lost that, so I'll take a 2-2.
17:49But it gives us something for Europa League.
17:51We might actually not lose on Thursday.
17:55He doesn't like it at all, does he?
17:56He doesn't like it at all.
17:57He's just watched me score that.
17:59Oh, my God.
18:00Oh, my God.
18:06Tough day to be here, man.
18:08You've absolutely done him in.
18:10Once the tiki-taka is tiki-taka-ing, you can't stop it.
18:13I think tiki-taka on your centre mids is near essential at this point.
18:16Yeah, it is.
18:17I feel lost without it.
18:18It is.
18:19See you later, buddy.
18:22See you later, buddy.
18:25Take a bow, my buddy.
18:26That was actually a really good play, you know?
18:28The thing is, you would say that's mechanically skilled,
18:31but it's such a terrible goal to watch, ain't it?
18:33The first time through.
18:34I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed every second of that goal.
18:37We're at 12 wins, and we're going to wait for Harry.
18:39We're going to do the main shoot now.
18:41We're going to record Sundays, get Harry in, get rank two,
18:44open our awards.
18:46The boys are back in town.
18:48The boys are back in town.
18:50On EA's birthday.
18:52With one game to win, unfortunately for rank two, Harry.
18:57Sorry, Harry, the streak ended.
18:59We both lost as well.
19:00It's OK, I wouldn't have been able to do anything in my condition.
19:06Look, we are...
19:07Look at that!
19:08We are polar opposites with casual.
19:10Look, I can't...
19:12I can't do anything casually.
19:13Oh, oh, oh.
19:14That's it.
19:15Lads, we can't do anything casual.
19:16I can't help myself.
19:17When I'm on it, I just start being a nerd.
19:20And that is how you secure rank two.
19:22Lads, we pray for a Trent Alexander Arnold.
19:25105.85, Russ.
19:27Come on, then.
19:28There's normally a foot birthday.
19:29There you go.
19:30There's the cash money.
19:31Big foot birthday.
19:32Give us more tradable.
19:33More tradable.
19:34I have not seen it.
19:38Wait, did we buy him?
19:39Yeah, we did buy him.
19:40We did buy him.
19:41It's got to be Trent, though.
19:42No, it's going to be Raynor.
19:43What is that?
19:44Are you sure we bought Raynor?
19:45Was we not, like, buzzing because we got someone that was...
19:47Maybe we did pack him.
19:49Top man!
19:50I would shake your hand, but...
19:52It's like being back in COVID times.
19:56Good luck with the perks.
19:57Thanks, Harry.
19:58Oh, yeah, baby!
20:00Have we got an icon coming out here?
20:02I think this is a hero, you know, with her.
20:04That's Chloe Kelly.
20:05No, yeah, but with her.
20:06Wait, we could have got that as well.
20:08That's good.
20:09This is a hero and icon.
20:10Oh, what?
20:11Wait, wait.
20:12You what?
20:13That is so disappointing.
20:14Bro, it's baited me because...
20:15It's baited because...
20:16Because of what?
20:17Because of the gold card.
20:1888 times two.
20:19We've got him big.
20:21I don't know.
20:22It's going to be gold again with it, or is it not?
20:24Right wing.
20:25Wait, that's Ancara.
20:27I don't think it's a foot birthday, so...
20:29Is there anyone else we can get?
20:30Genuinely, we want Chloe Kelly here.
20:32It's an 88 and something, isn't it?
20:33We want Chloe Kelly.
20:34Absolutely not.
20:36Oh, God.
20:3785 times 10.
20:39We have actually hit a foot birthday in every single one.
20:42What's this saying?
20:43It's Endler.
20:45Come on, bro.
20:46Can we end the episode with some juice?
20:49Come on!
20:50Oh, God.
20:51Oh, it's grassy.
20:52Those rewards were bang average.
20:54No, they weren't.
20:55We got Trent.
20:56It's actually show time.