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00:00bro bro last month traveled to beirut airline a brutal terrorist and a visa is a privilege not
00:08a right so there's somebody else who's getting their visa revoked as well and the white house
00:14tweets oh my fucking god this is insane how is this real what a fucking timeline
00:30oh no oh god everything's computer
00:48holy fucking shit man this case is weird keep going you'll see the music video the white
00:54house posted i don't agree with everything yeah you don't have to agree with it this
00:59is fucking funny man uh let me see if i can fire there any more of these oh god and they're
01:06just there's just more of these it's so stupid it's so stupid oh my god um wow okay bye bye
01:23so this is again so now we're having somebody else's green card also get get removed uh last
01:30month rasha alwaya traveled to beirut lebanon to attend the funeral of hassan nashrallah that's
01:36the guy um that's that was the really smart well-spoken terrorist guy a brutal terrorist
01:44that led hezbollah uh remember he was the guy that every single time that he said something
01:50on like that twitcher terrorist thing i was like this is way too smart to be a twitch streamer
01:55and it was always him that's the guy um for killing hundreds of americans over a four-year
02:00decade spree alwaya openly admitted to this to cbp officers as well as her support of nashrallah
02:06a visa is a privilege not a right glorifying and supporting terrorists who kill americans
02:10is grounds for visa insurance to be denied this is common sense security man
02:17man why is this a debate it shouldn't be it's common sense get them out and i guess this is the
02:25uh this is the policy now right oh here we go
02:31criticism that the alien enemies act has only been invoked three other times they were all
02:36oh they're not happy about the alien enemies act yeah i wonder why
02:39during times of war do you feel that you're using it appropriately right now
02:44do you feel that you're using it appropriately right now this is a time of war because biden
02:49allowed millions of people many of them criminals many of them uh at the highest level
02:56they emptied jails out other nations emptied their jails into the united states
03:00why is trump looking a.i yeah i don't know many many criminals murderers
03:06drug dealers in the highest level drug lords people from mental institutions that's an invasion
03:14they invaded our country so this isn't in that sense if this is war yeah they're gonna do it
03:21asylum asylum seekers are not criminals what's to stop the government from picking up hispanic
03:25looking person claiming they're part of trend dialogue with and deporting them to prison
03:28without due process you seriously don't see a problem with that i don't know what the process
03:31is either i think that they should follow whatever the process is but i just don't
03:36really give a shit that much about it right i mean like that's it like i i understand that
03:41like this is again more fear-mongering right you're taking a bunch of people that have tattoos
03:46all over them from like being part of this gang and you're acting like this is the next step
03:51is they're going to be rounding up hispanic americans then putting them and sending them
03:55to el salvador uh this is it's really not happening this is not happening uh it it's
04:01ridiculous and also it's the assumption of due process what what is the due process for a person
04:06like that uh yeah it's so dramatic yeah it's so dramatic and and i think that's basically
04:12born very clear none of us care these are yeah and this is basically it's important to be very
04:15clear none of us care these are thugs who illegally broke into our country by gangs who regularly
04:19rape murder and steal democrats uh like you care more about these thugs than you ever have about
04:24the americans killed by the illegals exactly i think people are tired of having their empathy
04:29weaponized against them in order to um enable criminals yeah people are tired of having their
04:37empathy weaponized against them how do you know they're in gangs well a lot of them have tattoos
04:42that are gang tattoos it's a ridiculous argument yeah it is it's it's ridiculous argument empathy
04:48is dumb well i think that i think that some people can be dumb because of empathy i think that's
04:53really what it is let me see if there's any more of this i was going to look at i think this is
04:58just pretty much all the same post yeah yeah it pretty much is let me go back i'll go through the
05:02rest of these and uh it's another feelings argument though it is it is a feelings argument
05:07and it always is and that that's the entire premise of all this stuff is totally based off
05:13of feelings and making people scared rather than making people think and looking at what the best
05:20option is and i think that's really the biggest difference and that's the reason why you have
05:25such a pushback on it uh it's about balance it is uh is that your view that if due process is
05:33what's holding back the public safe uh then finding a legal loophole around the process
05:36is okay with me as well well finding a legal loophole around due process is by definition
05:42due process because the due process is the legal process so if you find a loophole around the
05:50process then that is of course then part of the process like skipping a loophole and and just like
05:59sorry uh skipping the process is very different than expediting it through a like some sort of
06:05other apparatus that's a weird gotcha yeah it's a weird gotcha and uh why i left this hellbent on
06:12supporting terrorists and criminals um because they view these people as victims uh that's the
06:19reason why uh they view them as victims and that's the entire focus they have is on being victims
06:26i get so tired of people trying to expose people coming in country illegally yeah i know it's it
06:30is exhausting isn't it it can be some it can be tiresome even for me sometimes but uh that's okay
06:36that's fine but uh yeah let me see if there's any more of these and uh well
06:44sir and when you point to the who you who are you with that's the same the same one i don't want i
06:50don't want to talk to nbc anymore i think you're so discredited mr president
06:57yep the loophole becomes the process but it doesn't mean it's the same as the people
07:02what the people commonly call due process yeah but everybody does that i mean if you can find
07:08a rule to expedite a process and to make it work better then you're going to use that rule so due
07:15process is the law so a loophole is also the law because that's what a loophole means so it's the
07:21difference between and this is this is another component to it right so you have tax avoidance
07:26and you have tax evasion tax evasion is when you break the law tax avoidance is a manipulation of
07:34the law that is technically legal so a loophole is tax avoidance tax avoidance is fine this is
07:41completely different from that no no it's not avoidance is legal yes avoidance is legal
07:46so yeah uh again uh due process includes loopholes and and i said by the way i said the exact same
07:53thing and i know people always like to play like this uh this like comparison game and be like
07:59yeah but what about this other thing that you said that's not related i said the exact same thing
08:03about hunter biden and biden issuing pardons and people said that it was an abuse of the system
08:08and i said that it's totally this is this it's not even clever use of game mechanics
08:13that's what pardons are for so like that was the uh that was the difference right
08:21let me see here if loopholes uh weren't legal then how are people going to jail for them
08:25um well it depends on what it is yeah i don't know who's going to jail for a loophole i have no idea
08:31let me see here i'll read a few more of these
08:34and check the patriot act section 412 they can read that if they don't understand what the due
08:37process is yeah i mean if they have the process and they have the policy then that's the way it is
08:43right it's literally that simple uh let's see if i can find this oh yeah here we go this and this is
08:48another um so this is another person this is very popular on twitter is for people to post things
08:58that are um uh people post things that are uh justifications of violence so you had this woman
09:07here who makes a post this is verbally and physically accosted for my hat uh literally
09:11minding my own business an unhinged man comes and verbally cost me screaming at me and then
09:15he calls me every name in a book and then he hit my hat twice um it's actually crazy that twitter
09:21and people on twitter have justified well number one they've compared wearing a donald trump make
09:28america healthy again hat with adolf hitler obviously like and what a big surprise you
09:35know it it always goes right back to the same thing doesn't it it's amazing i suggest you
09:42read some 1930 1935 german history guys guys you're not going to get me to say that it's a
09:52bad thing that deporting illegal migrants that are part of gangs that are designated as terrorist
09:58organizations is a bad thing again like if you have if you've come out on that side of things
10:07you have completely left the realm of rationality and yeah deporting gang members is the same as a
10:13genocide this is the kind of stuff that people do it's the constant invocation of hitler
10:19of nazis it's so tiresome it's so tiresome it's completely overused nobody is buying this anymore
10:28nobody wants to hear about this anymore it's exhausting so please stop please stop constantly
10:35comparing everything to hitler please stop constantly comparing everything to nazi germany
10:41it's not hitler it's not nazi germany it's just a bunch of retards trying to make people afraid
10:48they're saying jews in europe are criminal gang members yeah it's willfully suspending
10:51reality to argue an emotional fallacy it is and it's disappointing to see it happen but there's
10:57a lot of people that have been uh completely taken over by that but i will tell you guys this
11:02the moment that anybody invokes any sort of parallel to like hitler or nazi germany i
11:07immediately stop paying attention because this is 99 times out of 100 an emotional appeal that's
11:14meant to make you not have your argument because they don't want you to align with hitler that's
11:19it it's saying yeah immediately stop listening to them yeah it's crazy i'll be real this isn't it
11:25getting beat up by a maga hat isn't on the same level she had not got beat up if somebody touches
11:30you and physically assaults you over your hat that person should not be in public life there
11:37is no reason why a civilized tolerant society in western civilization in a first world country
11:44should tolerate any form of assault or abuse on a person because of a person's uh attire
11:51this is literally yeah this is this is what animals do absolutely not yeah sue them and lock
11:58them up yeah it's always very weird for people to see it's weird that people keep justifying and
12:04keep trying to make excuses for uh literal violence literal violence and intimidation
12:11usa civilized well it's not because we have people like this trying to overthrow the government is
12:16chill though uh fuck i'm a president again hitting somebody because of their hat is bad
12:22and if you're hitting somebody because of their hat and you're violently assaulting them then uh
12:28you you shouldn't be in public life it's very simple uh there there's really not a lot of fine
12:33print to this or a lot of common sense justifying violence based on the appearance of someone is
12:37wild yeah same thing for the people keying teslas yeah i think so and it's crazy how every single
12:43person this is what i find to be really funny about this every single person just defaults
12:49back to trespassing on the capital
12:54since we've only had like 50 of these today it's the same thing every single time
13:04what have i said about this socks you you followed for a long time what have i said about january 6
13:13can we block january 6 capital etc we probably should because it's just such a uh it's such an
13:20overused retarded thing and i think that every single person that brings it up is somebody who's
13:26trying to create a false equivalency it's super redundant i'll be honest i don't know january 6
13:35january 6 was bad and anybody who was violent in january 6
13:40should not have been pardoned and i hope they stay in jail for a very long time
13:49how's that the people that walked into the capital without being violent without stealing
13:56anything they were already in jail for three years i think a pardon for them is fine i think spending
14:02three years in jail for that that's acceptable then we agree okay yeah it this is the way most
14:11normal people think i also agree assault and self-defense is wrong yeah it it's not even
14:16it's not even a conversation yeah what about violence against a person for what they say in
14:20public um i don't really so unless a person says i'm going to kill you or like they're they're
14:26making threats at you um there's no justification to punch them or to hit them so the only
14:33justification for violence for words or are if those words are a uh like they're an immediate threat
14:43yeah make a threat like yeah if you're if you're threatened if you're threatening somebody that's it
14:48uh should still be okay to punch a neo-nazi in the face no it shouldn't be uh just because you've
14:53decided that somebody is a neo-nazi doesn't mean that you get to punch them in the face
14:57do you understand the problem that it creates when you decide that there's a group of people that
15:03you can just punch in the face without any sort of like repercussions no that's not how it works
15:09just because you think somebody is a nazi doesn't give you the ability to punch them in the face
15:15that's it's this is a low iq tough guy redditor viewpoint that if people express this in real
15:22life they would be in jail same guy saying punch a nazi then complaining about due process
15:26you know what that's a great fucking point the same people that are complaining about that are
15:32complaining about due process are saying to punch nazis that's a great fucking point i'll see if
15:38there's any more of these here too but dhs also released ice arrest numbers those numbers are
15:44surpassing the biden administration for what their arrest war that's a cool fucking car man i want
15:50one of those yeah one of these like off-roaders this is badass all of 2024 however when it comes
16:00to those removals and deportations that's different than an arrest so we press the secretary on that
16:06here's what she had to say how much is deportation efforts you look at the numbers and we're going
16:12through them um but the arrest numbers we saw that manipulating those even people that
16:18they were encountering um and releasing into the united states they were calling as arrests
16:22so so they they they capture them and then they let them go why would they do that and then they
16:27say they're um president trump has been extremely aggressive and making sure that we're arresting
16:32dangerous individuals getting them out of the country but i can get you a brand new one for
16:3622k no i maybe if it's like 5k or 7k i'd buy it but that's that's way too fucking much but uh yeah
16:45let's see here and uh sexually frustrated okay yeah people always like to make comments like
16:50that but uh yeah really not a big surprise but yeah basically trump had this app so like the
16:55biden administration had an app that would basically it was how the migrants would like
17:01keep track of all their benefits and everything and trump canceled the app on the first day and
17:08then on the second day or i guess not second day but like now um he has repurposed the app
17:15for their benefits into being a self-deportation app trump on his first day in office he ended that
17:24app he ended that opportunity for migrants seeking asylum but now they've repurposed that app as cbp
17:30home so we asked secretary gnome is that app being utilized does she think it's working here's what
17:36she had to say about cbp home it's um building momentum all the time and we're continuing to
17:43educate the public about it but yeah pushing migrants to self-deport many the last i checked
17:47a few days ago it was getting um it's hundreds and hundreds i'm not sure if we're over thousands
17:52and thousands now but every day as people recognize that there are criminal penalties
17:57for overstaying especially after you have final removal orders there's also financial penalties
18:02for yeah see they're going to roach out real quick as soon as they realize they're going to
18:06get got that's the thing is people like this as soon as they start seeing other people get
18:11deported then they start leaving every day that you're here for over for a final final removal
18:17order it could be seven hundred dollars a day penalty so someone has been here for years
18:22past the date of their final removal order it could be tens of thousands hundreds of thousands
18:28of dollars and that's a consequence they could face if they don't self-deport holy shit yep there
18:34you go and uh the incentive is that they'll face charges and they uh and the chance to reapply
18:39legally yeah uh i guess so bro not even you as american citizen has to pay uh has paid penalties
18:45well of course not because you're a citizen so why would you pay penalties
18:49yeah but um anyway so this has been uh this has been what's happening i guess right
18:54and it does seem like we've got uh
18:58bro this is crazy
19:10i don't even know what to say separate about the in-depth tour of the salvador prisons how they
19:14work no i already watched the video on that yesterday actually it's so good yeah it's
19:19fucking funny this is what i voted for well i'll tell you guys how many of you guys that voted for
19:24trump voted for trump in the last election i don't know how many of you guys voted for trump
19:31in the last election you're getting you're getting even it's even better than what you would hope for
19:43yeah that's right that's right yep a hundred percent it surpassed all my expectations i
19:50didn't i thought he was just going to take over and do fucking nothing i did but apparently he
19:55just doesn't give a fuck do you have a red line for the drug cartels that if crossed it would
20:00automatically trigger a military response from the u.s well we'll see but we're not going to put
20:04up with it this country is not going to allow people to come in and dump drugs and kill our
20:09youth and and other than our youth too i think that the majority of americans support using
20:14military force to get rid of drug cartels i do i think this is a majority opinion and i would
20:20say actually it's probably a 60 plus opinion older people are very much affected so it's
20:29we're not gonna let that happen do you have a red line for the drug cartels yeah uh i i think so
20:37not even american i still agree i mean they have military grade gear i'm sure some of them do yeah
20:43you're right and uh i i'm and i wonder and i i feel like there's also a very good question
20:49uh where do they get that military grade gear that's crazy yeah what what is that where did
20:57all that come from i because like i have my idea of where i think it came from but
21:05where did it come from i wonder so you called the judge's order just earlier today quote
21:10patently unlawful end quote and said that it was an assault on democracy itself does that
21:18mean that the administration is ignoring this order and might you ignore future
21:25court orders that meet the criteria you laid out the president of the united states and his
21:31administration reserve all rights under the constitution to conduct national security
21:37operations in defense of the united states the alien enemies act which was passed into law
21:43by the founding generation of this country men like john adams was written explicitly to give
21:50the president the authority to repel an alien invasion of the united states that is not something
21:58that a district court judge has any authority whatsoever to interfere with to enjoin to
22:04restrict or to restrain any way you can read the law yourself there's not one clause in that law
22:09that makes it subject to judicial review let alone district court review wow so steven um
22:17when you when you say that this person has no authority at all this is how our system works it
22:21starts with these judges and then continues up at what point does it become in your view
22:29legal for the justice system to be looking at this and making a judgment and i i fail to see
22:35how there's any other way but to start with where we're starting here before you get to
22:39eventually the supreme court well so first of all there's a there's a term in law justiciable
22:45this is not justiciable in other words this is not subject to judicial remedy when the president is
22:50exercising his article two powers to defend the country against an invasion or to repel
22:56a foreign terrorist that that patriot action was op right damn
23:09wow this isn't a patriot act i i thought part of it was and this is from 17 yeah it's from 1798
23:18or 89 is unlawfully in the country he's exercising his core article two powers as commander in
23:28this is this is very important right well i i that is unlawfully in the country
23:33he's exercising his core article two powers as commander in chief is venezuela invading the u.s
23:39this is this is a very important point this is a title 50 authority it's a commander-in-chief
23:43authority so just to ask you a simple question you talk about how the system works does a district
23:48court judge have the right to direct or enjoin troop movements overseas yes or no uh well steven
23:56my question if you could answer my question first in other words the uh-oh
24:04is venezuela is venezuela invading our country in a way that would tda so under the so i'll
24:10answer this and you'll answer mine under the terms of the statute train de aragua is an alien
24:15enemy force that has come here as detailed at length in the proclamation at the direction of
24:23the venezuelan government the statute says that a president has the ability to repel an invasion
24:29or predatory incursion that is directed by a state or a government right are they a state
24:34or a government this would be yes it is it is documented the that tda was sent by the venezuelan
24:40government in the proclamation and here's an even more important point under the constitution who
24:45makes that determination a district court judge elected by no one or the commander-in-chief of
24:49the army and navy the president and the president alone makes a decision of what triggers that so
24:55do you then think we are actually at war with venezuela the nation state of venezuela you're
25:00not hearing it's very funny for me to see this happen because i'm i'm actually very happy to see
25:10this because i'm finalist i'm finally witnessing the downfall of this emotional leading dishonest
25:21and disingenuous rhetoric that's been going on now for pretty much the entire time that i've
25:26been an adult and i think we're finally seeing pushback against it and this blatant emotional
25:33yeah it's emotional rhetoric that's it thank god yeah i'm i'm so happy to see this
25:41i don't know how long i've been waiting for this to happen it feels so good man yeah it it's uh
25:48because i i hate people that act like this i hate people that that behave like this that think like
25:52this i i completely hate them and so i'm really glad that you know like for me i got fed up with
26:00this over 10 years ago but a lot of other people you know they tried to be nice they tried to be
26:05reasonable and now finally this is just kind of not working anymore uh they're a designated
26:16terrorist organization and they've illegally entered the states so yes it's completely justified
26:21i mean i would assume it is yeah i would i i would absolutely assume it is
26:30you're me and you're not understanding me read the statute alien enemies act 1798 it says if a
26:39predatory incursion is perpetrated by a foreign government so at least a three this three
26:45qualifying actions it could be an act it does say in the very beginning there has to be a declared
26:50war against a nation or a state that's what it says wrong look up the statute is on my account
26:56on social media that's actually where we found it the yes it says or a predatory incursion
27:03or an invasion this any invasion or predatory incursion against the
27:10terrorist unit by any foreign nation or government okay well then there it is
27:19why is she defending gangs um because the entire narrative is built around victimhood
27:26so it's about defending the people who are victims and it's not about what's good or
27:32bad for people it's about figuring out who's a victim and then defending that person
27:39that's the reason why it's literally like it's it's completely one-dimensional thinking
27:46fashion delineates three criteria for triggering the alien enemies act one is a act of war which
27:55by the way invasion is an act of war but put that aside one is an invasion which this is
27:59one is a predatory incursion which this is so it actually meets all three statutory criteria
28:04but with respect to this particular statute it's the proclamation is utilizing the incursion and
28:10invasion language in the statute so but this is a very important question because no no no
28:14hold on it's a very important question you said the way our system works is the president united
28:21states commands the armed forces of the country commands the foreign policy of the country and
28:26that's subject to district court review that is i never said that i did not say never been true
28:33this was not a military i mean a district court judge can no more enjoin the expulsion of foreign
28:40terrorists to foreign soil that he can direct the movement of air force one that he can direct the
28:45movement of an aircraft carrier then he can this seems like it would be right
28:55yeah it it seems like that would be true yeah it's completely logical
29:04direct marco rubio okay do you think the supreme court has any say over this or not
29:09like if does the supreme court of the united states have any say over the things that you
29:12were just outlining right here i believe what the supreme court will say is what i just said
29:16which is that the president's conduct here is not subject to you you are you are acknowledging
29:20that they do in fact have a say here well even though you know he's not he said that they would
29:26agree with them that they don't have a say that's not what he said
29:30that may agree with you what we are expecting is the supreme court to say what has always been
29:43the case which is when the president is using his powers as commander in chief those determinations
29:49are not subject to judicial review in other words the president how she's so dumb because that
29:56the reason why is because the people that have these viewpoints a lot of the
30:05a lot of their like i guess normal why why is what's this here let me read it what's the
30:09emotional rhetoric statement i feel like calling a gang or a cartel representative of government's
30:13very emotional don't get me wrong well they have reason to believe that i don't know what their
30:17reasoning is and i think that's a separate thing if you think that's fake that's fine
30:21but um that's generally what i'm thinking it's becoming hard to watch yeah uh and it's insane
30:27how this is she's pressured into the role well it's that these people have to be oppositional
30:32to this kind of stuff because they have to pretend like these people are not violent gang members
30:38that's the reason why and so the only way that they're able to make an argument for this is by
30:44misrepresenting him or reframing what he says in a way that is not what he said that's it
30:51designation of trend erwagwa as a foreign terrorist organization and as an alien enemy
30:58are part of his inherent plenary authority there is no way at what point there is no way
31:06how are you going to expel illegal alien invaders from our country who are raping little girls who
31:13are murdering little girls if each and every deportation has to be adjudicated in a district
31:17court judge that means you have no country it means you have no sovereignty it means you have
31:22no future it is fundamentally incompatible to have a country and have individual expulsions
31:28adjudicated by a single district court judge i'm just trying this is the reason why these people
31:32are losing is because uh these guys and this guy has controlled the uh emotional narrative
31:41is because now the emotional narrative is these people are justifying and keeping people in the
31:47country that are raping little girls right and and that's that's the reason why they're losing
31:53is that i think that a lot of like left-wing reasoning is based completely off of emotion
31:59and it's based off of like fear and so if you can control that and you can use that against them
32:06then the arguments that they have immediately fall apart and so that's what's happened yeah this is
32:12also emotional rhetoric it is it is emotional rhetoric but you have to fight fire with fire
32:18and that's the reason why they're winning in the in the court of public opinion that's the exact
32:23reason it's because you're you're basically using stronger and more persuasive emotional rhetoric
32:30that people care more about yeah it's the uno reverse card exactly that's also true the fang
32:38well that that's the point right and i think that's let's be real it's emotional rhetoric
32:44though yeah no and that's that's really what the difference is too and he's flipping the narrative
32:49back on them and so that's really the uh that's the reason why this has shifted and that's the
32:56reason why a lot of public opinion has shifted as well it's because they've lost the emotional
33:01moral battle in the minds of people is that they're no longer being seen as sticking up for
33:07the little guy they're being portrayed as being running running defense for terrorism running
33:13defense for uh you know illegal gang members and and rapists and so as soon as you shift that
33:19narrative and you're able to paint them in that picture well then now the entire foundation that
33:25they built their entire argument off of doesn't exist and so that's why that's why there's been
33:31such a cultural shift against it you see what my point is with this i'm sorry but it feels like
33:40you're showing bias here um i am biased i agree with him i agree with him i i want him out like
33:45for sure i'm definitely biased about this absolutely um but i i think it's important
33:50to follow the rules for sure but i don't really know what the rules are entirely uh but it seems
33:56to me like it would be odd if like you're taking a military action and that has to be you know
34:00decided by a judge uh it's a non-center issue yeah exactly and uh let me see if i can read a
34:08few more of these you was in their narrative brought up factual reality what's the actual
34:11extent of the problem i don't think that the fact is that i don't think anybody really knows that
34:17uh i like this is my viewpoint is that i don't really care whether these people get judicial
34:23process or not if they're illegal migrants from like foreign gangs but if it says that they have
34:28to then that they have to uh does that make sense it's very simple you're here legally get out yeah
34:35exactly and so yeah ganger napper all they earned they entered illegally yeah yeah sure but um my
34:42point is that and and i'm just simply explaining the reason why this is happening and the reason
34:49why you're seeing such a big shift against it it's because these people have lost the emotional
34:54manipulation game that's that's the main reason figure out at what point in the system do you
35:02because what does the trump administration believe because we do have separation of powers in this
35:07country i hear what you're saying yes separation of powers does not have authority you're fearing
35:12steven let me finish the executive function separation of powers that is the separation
35:18the judge's order here because you thought you could so the judge's order and the actions taken
35:26by the departments of defense justice and homeland security are not in conflict and the department
35:31just has been clear that they are not in conflict but so you think that you did go along with the
35:35order that the judge put out you do not think that the trump administration defied this order
35:40as the justice department said there is no conflict between the judge's order
35:44and the action is taken by the departments i just listed but i'm making a deeper and more
35:48fundamental point yeah the district has no ability the district court has no
35:59they're so cooked man
36:03they are so cooked oh god no ability to in any way restrain the president's authorities
36:11under the alien enemies act or his ability to conduct the foreign affairs of the united states
36:14let me paint a picture for you president trump and secretary of state marco rubio
36:20had engaged in intensive diplomacy to obtain a bilateral security agreement with the nation of
36:26el salvador if a district court judge so can join that bilateral security agreement again then we do
36:32not have a democracy we do not have a foreign policy we heard you say this i did did you
36:38ignore that did the administration ignore the order from the district judge
36:44it's a simple question i've answered and i've answered it i've man i've answered it because
36:49this man has made a filing in the court but let me make another point the judge in this case put
36:56the lives of every single person on those aircraft at risk did he know how much fuel was in those
37:01planes did he know the flight conditions did he know the weather conditions did he know how many
37:06crew hours did he know the need for crew rest did he know any of that no i think that this is more
37:11argumentation that this guy should use and i think that the best type of emotional argumentation
37:18is the type that basically turns somebody's empathy into somebody else's suffering and if
37:24you use that argumentation it works very well on people and i think that they should continue doing
37:29this and say this a lot more uh not this in particular but in a general sense i think
37:36absolutely this is the case because basically the problem is that the link is never really
37:43kind of explained to like an average listener or an average viewer of like how treating these people
37:50in a certain way or being more empathetic towards them ends up hurting other people and i think that
37:55once you establish that link then you completely gain the like emotional upper hand and like the
38:02moral upper hand this judge violated the law he violated the constitution he defied the system of
38:12government that we have in this country because that does seem to be what you're arguing these
38:15same these same district court judges didn't do a damn thing to stop joe biden from flooding this
38:21nation with millions of illegal aliens do these district court judges didn't issue any injunctions
38:26to save the lives of jocelyn munger white house above the federal courts is that what you're
38:31saying what i'm saying is that what you said there's a separation of powers the the the judiciary
38:38exercises judgment and relief i don't speak for the white house you are here to i will do you're
38:44here to speak for the white house i just want you to answer that one simple question okay ready here
38:48we go she's upset under a proper reading this is number four if so you think yeah this and that's
38:54what happens right is that the only way that thinking like this can exist is inside of a
39:00of a dishonest reframing constitution district court judges now he's using an emotional argument
39:07he is individual plaintiffs that's why it's working seeking relief the strongest argument
39:12isn't an argument and if you want to win the hearts and minds of people you don't do that
39:17through explaining to them why you're right you do that to them by making them feel that you're
39:22right and that's how you can get more people to vote for you and that's how you can get people
39:26to go along with you so it often doesn't matter if you're right or wrong it matters whether people
39:32think that you're right or wrong and so if you use that as a weapon for your advantage you will come
39:39out ahead and i think that now like and that's something that i think trump does very very very
39:44well he's extremely good at that because he's been in media forever yeah it's great manipulation
39:51yes it is but the debate and like debating the actual points of the law i don't think anybody
39:57really cares about that most people don't care about that and to the extent that they do care
40:01about it it's because they think that it's going to go in their direction that's the reason why
40:08and but they should shoulds doesn't should isn't real should is stupid uh there's no reason to
40:14think about in terms of shoulds district court judges do not have the authority as a general
40:22matter to enjoin the functioning of the executive branch but their authority is at its lowest point
40:29when the president is exercising his powers as commander in chief and i asked you a question
40:34you never answered it can i judge and join troop movements overseas can a district court judge and
40:38join troop movements overseas steven yes i i am not going to get into the the just say no this and
40:44then you'll know that this is a separate question you'll know that i'm right okay we're not talking
40:47about other other trips the president i need to ask you about something else the president
40:51issued a proclamation delineating in detail this now i gotta get the venezuelan regime
40:58sent this gang this terrorist organization to our shores and by the way and i and i love being here
41:04but all the outrage that we are seeing from the democrat party and from the corporate media this
41:10is the whole thing yeah and there's this annoying woman yeah i guess so right dumb cnn announcer
41:15yeah i guess so and executive branch has no authority to be the judge these people have to
41:20be convicted for you to be deported and they weren't i'm not sure about that i mean if they
41:24can issue and decide that they are a military target or something like that i mean i don't
41:29think that it's that simple and the reality is that i don't think that any of us know whether
41:34that's true or not like nobody here understands the interplay between like five of these different laws
41:45yeah it's been done yeah exactly i'm not i'm not really sure
41:49i'm just wondering what do you actually do to get deported i mean that's what they know
41:52yeah i don't know and all of a sudden it's too complex well what i'm what my point is is that
41:59it makes sense to me that trump can do this if he's designating them as an invading force
42:06it would make sense that he wouldn't have to go through judicial review
42:10because most military actions don't have to go through that either like every military action
42:16and every military you know thing that happens doesn't have to go through judicial review either
42:21so logically i can see what their point of view is and i think this is correct
42:26but i'm not sure about it either because i'm not an expert in this either does that make sense
42:34uh yeah you don't receive rights as american simply by crossing the border not an invading
42:38force but an invading force by a foreign government yeah exactly and if they were
42:42able to link the venezuelan government to these people coming over then i think that
42:47they have every justification to do that um do they have a justification to send them to el
42:51salvador i mean i don't know i don't think there's really a law about that right i don't even know
42:56so and uh sure feels like uh it sure feels right even if it's not checkmate illegals have to go
43:03yeah and that's i think that's and that goes back to what i said originally is that
43:08the idea that the president can't like can deport people that are part of a um you know criminal
43:14migrant gang that haven't you know that have crossed the border illegally the the idea that
43:20he can get rid of them that feels like the right thing to do for i would say the majority of
43:26people the majority of people would feel like yeah you know what the president should probably
43:30be able to do that