#EnVivo I Emisión Estelar con Roberto Cavada por Telenoticias 17/03/2025
00:00[♪ music playing ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
00:10Congratulations, give me 30 minutes and a lot more
00:15and I will introduce you to the country and the rest of the world.
00:18Today, taking a few minutes lent to the soap opera
00:22to advance with several news of this day
00:26and announce the interview tonight with Abel Martínez,
00:31the former presidential candidate of the PLD for the 2024 elections,
00:37former president of the House of Representatives, former mayor of Santiago.
00:41In exclusive interview, the first interview after the 2024 elections
00:47with Abel Martínez tonight in our stellar show.
00:52We take care of other issues.
00:54The authorities continue the search for the young American Zudikasha Konanke,
01:00while the lawyers of Joshua Steven Rivie, the last person to see Konanke,
01:07submitted a resource of Avias Corpus to avoid the prison of his defendant.
01:12Eliana Cuevas tells us more.
01:15The lawyers of the young American Joshua Steven Rivie
01:19submitted this Monday a resource of Avias Corpus
01:23preventive to prevent him from being arrested
01:26in the investigation process of the disappearance of the American student Zudishka Konanke.
01:33This resource was deposited in the unipersonal room of the High Court.
01:39In the legal action, the lawyers argue that his client has collaborated with the authorities
01:45and that there are no reasons to order his arrest.
01:48Rivie is under the custody of the tourist police at the hotel
01:52and his passport is in the hands of the authorities.
01:55It is expected that tomorrow a first instance judge will know the resource of Avias Corpus
02:00and decide on the legitimacy of the conditions of the young man.
02:05The authorities continued the search for Konanke by air, land and sea this Monday.
02:09Units of the National Police, the Army, the Navy and even a unit of drones of 9-1-1
02:16were seen entering and leaving the hotel on several occasions
02:19on the eleventh day of the disappearance, although in less proportion than previous days.
02:25The search was suspended today at six o'clock in the afternoon
02:29and will be rescheduled tomorrow.
02:31For Telenoticias, Eliana Cuevas.
02:35As explained this afternoon, lawyer Francisco Alvarez Martínez,
02:40the case of the young woman disappeared in Punta Cana,
02:45not only Joshua Steven Rivie is the only person who must be seen as suspicious
02:52or investigated in it, but also all those who were in some way
02:58close to the young woman Zudisha Konanke prior to her disappearance.
03:04The journalist Santiago Drullar tells us more.
03:08According to the observations of lawyer Francisco Alvarez about the case,
03:13the way in which the authorities have handled the suspicious ritual
03:18of the disappearance of the young Zudisha Konanke
03:21is totally atypical.
03:24There has been a kind of international collaboration,
03:28even in the search of the young woman in this case,
03:34which appears to be the differentiating factor between what is normally seen
03:40and what one is seeing.
03:44Now, all those who were linked in one way or another
03:51are or can be suspicious or investigated.
03:56He also explained, according to the legal procedures,
04:00what would happen if the body of the young woman could not be found,
04:05also clarifying what would be the possible scenarios
04:09in which the hotel could be sued.
04:13From the outside, from the stands, I have not seen anything
04:17that makes me think that the hotel had something
04:21that it could have done so that this did not happen.
04:24That's why we are talking right now.
04:26You can't have a patrol on the beach, you can't have security,
04:29there are no cameras, it's normal, even for a matter of privacy,
04:33because you know that foreigners come and sometimes they stay there twice.
04:37He also explained that taking into account the state of drunkenness of the group,
04:42it will be difficult for justice to be able to verify the intentional element.
04:47For TELNOTICIAS, Santiago Drujard.
04:51Friends, we return to the news.
04:53The President of the Republic, Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona,
04:57expressed today that he will not be involved in the investigations
05:01carried out by national and international organizations
05:06in the search for the young woman who disappeared in Punta Cana,
05:09Sudiscacha, Conanqui,
05:12pointing out that the Public Ministry leads the search operations.
05:17Gregory González tells us more.
05:20The president said that the operations to find the whereabouts
05:25of the American student of Indian origin,
05:28whose disappearance has unleashed an avalanche of rumors and suppositions,
05:33We respect and we do not hide and we trust that this investigation
05:39at some point will have a result.
05:43Despite the case of the young Sudisca Conanqui in Punta Cana,
05:47the President of the Republic reiterated that the growth of tourism remains firm,
05:52as well as the national security of the country.
05:55But here all people, all human beings, are given the same treatment.
06:00On the other hand, Luis Abinader said that he should not represent
06:03concern for the country, the exchange rate of the dollar
06:06against the Dominican peso, which continues its tendency to rise,
06:10with a quote that this Monday was located at an average of 63.25 cents
06:17in multiple banks and savings and loan associations,
06:21as well as in exchange agencies.
06:23We are receiving more and more dollars for exports,
06:26for tourism, for Zona Franca, for remittances.
06:29The reserves are at the highest levels in history.
06:34In addition, the mandator was asked about the event
06:37in which a man took the life of a woman who was making a conjugal visit
06:42in the penitentiary prison of the fortress of Santa Bárbara, Samaná province.
06:47Security should be improved in each of these cases
06:53and that can avoid these situations.
06:58Abinader answered several questions during the development of the weekly press conference
07:02where he highlighted the actions of the government
07:05around the defense of national heritage.
07:08This ordinance has helped in the delivery of property titles
07:12and has helped us advance in the regularization of land,
07:16guaranteeing legal security to thousands of families.
07:19Regarding the aspirations or the dream of Vice President Raquel Peña
07:24to become head of state,
07:27President Luis Abinader said he would not comment on this.
07:31From the National Palace for Telenoticias, Gregory González.
07:36The Public Prosecutor's Office began this Monday
07:40with the final motivations in the Antipulpo case,
07:45a process that involves 12 defendants accused of administrative corruption
07:51against the Dominican state for more than 4.5 billion pesos.
07:56As Fabiola Núñez tells us, today the court also rejected the extinction request
08:01requested by several of the defendants' lawyers.
08:06More than four years after the beginning of the Antipulpo case,
08:09the steps are taken for the final stage of the process
08:12that involves two brothers, former President Danilo Medina
08:15and other government officials.
08:18This Monday, the Public Prosecutor's Office began with the allegations of opening,
08:21which are the motivations for which, it is understood,
08:24all the evidence against the defendants was presented.
08:28We have presented and made a summary to the Tribunal of the forceful evidence
08:33with which the Public Prosecutor's Office has demonstrated
08:35how from Fomper Juan Alexis Medina Sánchez,
08:38with the support of Carmen Magalís Medina Sánchez and Fernando Rosa,
08:42they committed fraud against the state,
08:45coalition of officials, among other serious crimes,
08:49as well as crimes such as asset laundering
08:52and forgery in the statements sworn by both officials,
08:56which also constitutes illicit enrichment.
08:59The head of the PEPCA, Mirna Ortiz, said that the Prosecutor's Office
09:03presented enough evidence to demonstrate the modus operandi
09:06of Juan Alexis Medina Sánchez, the main involved in the case.
09:11One of the main maneuvers carried out by Juan Alexis Medina in Fomper
09:15consisted of monopolizing the buying actions, the buying processes.
09:20So much so that of six companies that presented for price comparison,
09:25five companies were of this.
09:27Earlier, the judges of the Second College Tribunal of the National District,
09:31Claribel Nibar, Clara Castillo and Giselle Soto,
09:35rejected the criminal extension presented by the defense of Alexis and Magalís Medina.
09:40The magistrates were based on the innumerable incidents
09:43that have occurred during the process as licenses and excuses presented.
09:48Finally, the court fails in the following ways.
09:52Number one, rejecting the extension demanded by the defense lawyers
10:02that are consigned in this decision for the reasons above,
10:08orders the State to support the costs caused in this instance
10:12and orders the continuation of the trial.
10:17The full reading of this error, which rejects the extension of the case,
10:21was set for April 7, while the continuation of the background trial
10:26will continue this Wednesday at 9 a.m.
10:29where the Public Prosecutor's Office will continue to present its final motivations.
10:35For Telenoticias, Fabiola Núñez.