00:00Previously, given like what we've done sexually, we can't be friends.
00:06Six pickers chose to meet and move in with the first of two love matches.
00:10They've been one of the most passionate, strong people I've ever met.
00:15Given the choice to meet their second match early.
00:17I've been thinking it's about time we get those hips moving.
00:23Two decided to stick.
00:24We take it slow and see where it goes.
00:27As four decided to twist.
00:29I do feel like I need to twist.
00:31I feel like I'm going to meet Sadie.
00:33Whilst Danny and Lois failed to ignite.
00:36Own your own s***.
00:37I'm not even going to argue with you.
00:39It's your own f***ing right.
00:41His date with Sadie created a spark.
00:44You're absolutely stunning.
00:46You've got a beautiful smile.
00:48Ryan struggled to find sexual attraction with his first match, Alex.
00:52They don't want to rip the thong off.
00:54He likes me a bit more than I like him.
00:56Things soon heated up when he met David.
00:59Thank God you fit.
01:02We should get down now and propose.
01:05Yolanda found chemistry with Dom.
01:07I'm a bit of a rebel, a bit of an arsehole.
01:09That was missing with Luke.
01:11Can't figure out right now whether it's a me problem
01:13or whether it's an us problem and it's just not there.
01:17For Khloe, her date with Kane.
01:19I've got a dad's bod and I hate the gym.
01:21Only strengthened her feelings for Aaron.
01:23I can't wait to settle down and fall in love and have kids and stuff like that.
01:25That's my dream.
01:26The party has arrived!
01:28And a shock arrival at the dinner party...
01:31Oh, my God!
01:33..sent the group reeling.
01:37Oh, my God.
01:43Oh, my God!
01:47Oh, hell no!
01:48Oh, my God.
01:49Oh, my God.
01:50Oh, my God.
01:51Can I squeeze in, please?
01:54Kane! How's it going? Aaron, mate. Nice to meet you.
01:57You look nice.
01:58You look nice.
02:01Sadie is really, really beautiful.
02:03Um, it's all a bit of a shock to the system.
02:08Hello. Room for one more?
02:09Hey, hi.
02:10Are you OK?
02:13Oh, God, this is rough.
02:16I care about Yolanda a lot.
02:18I'm going to be very protective over her,
02:19so she might see a different side of me.
02:24What's going on?
02:25Hello, love.
02:26How are you doing?
02:27Have you missed me?
02:29David is tall, dark and handsome, like Ryan said.
02:33Who knows, he might want me instead.
02:35My place is here.
02:37And I am here to stay.
02:41Speak for him.
02:44How are you feeling?
02:45I'm all right. Nervous?
02:46No, not really.
02:47Are you not nervous? No.
02:50Now we're just kind of, like, rolled into a three
02:53and, yeah, it was really awkward.
02:57Dani, you've gone red.
02:59I'm nervous.
03:00So that was a good date, then?
03:01Yeah, yeah, I think so.
03:04I think he's, like, very, like, a lovable guy.
03:07He's nice.
03:11I'm going to say this in the most respectful
03:14and nicest way that I can.
03:16I think Sadie is going to suit Dani
03:19because I get the vibe that she's going to be
03:23more easily influenced and convinced.
03:27Are we moving in tonight together?
03:29Yeah, are you moving in tonight?
03:31Yes, we are moving in tonight.
03:32So when... Sorry.
03:33We're going home with them, yeah.
03:35Wait, wait, wait.
03:36Shut the f*** up.
03:41What the hell?
03:44It's a threesome now?
03:47Oh, my God.
03:48I don't know how I feel living together as three,
03:49but living together as two was hard enough.
03:51I can't, I can't.
03:55Oh, my God.
03:57The only thing that's going through my head right now
03:58is where's Dom sleeping, if I'm completely honest.
04:01Even though I'm quite a shy, quiet guy,
04:04I don't take s*** off anyone,
04:05so I ain't going to be, like, bowing down to his feet.
04:08Not a chance.
04:20That was rude.
04:23Seven days into the experiments...
04:25Current situation, you guys aren't cheating?
04:28No. No.
04:34..four of the six couples are now going to be living as a triangle.
04:40Can we just get a photo for the first time
04:43that we have, like, got in a taxi together?
04:46Please, smile.
04:48So, what's the sleeping arrangement, then?
04:50You'll see what we're like in the house.
04:52OK. We're fine.
04:53I'm looking forward to this.
04:57Welcome to my humble abode.
05:00How do I get into this place? I want this one.
05:02Mate, this is your land.
05:03You'll have to get into your lander to get here, mate.
05:05But I don't get to come in here very often.
05:07Sorry, babe.
05:08We've got... We've got a game on.
05:13We've got a game on.
05:14We've got a game on.
05:15We've got a game on.
05:16We've got a game on.
05:26Come on in.
05:28Hi. It's nice.
05:29And there's...
05:30You can't see now because it's dark.
05:32There's a hot tub.
05:33Ah, OK.
05:35Have you been in it?
05:36No, not yet. Not yet.
05:37We need to get into it.
05:38Can we...
05:42Dani is so disrespectful,
05:45get a reaction out of me, trying to make me feel like
05:49she's everything that I'm not.
05:52He doesn't care about my feelings at all,
05:54and I don't think he has done from day one.
05:57Well, do you want me to show you upstairs?
05:59Let's do it. Let's do it.
06:01I think he feels like he can rub something in my face,
06:04but he can't.
06:06So this is one of the bedrooms.
06:09This isn't your bedroom?
06:12I've got Sadie there, teasing me,
06:14thinking this is what you can have,
06:16but still, you just need to get rid of all this.
06:20This is your room, this is a spare room.
06:22I'm not going to lie, I'd like you in my room.
06:24But it's day one, so yeah, you can enjoy it.
06:29Yeah, I think it's better, like,
06:31it's just deeper craft.
06:32Yeah, I mean, definitely.
06:34See, we're all on the same page.
06:43Welcome to paradise.
06:45This is sweet.
06:47Still looking for the pole for you to dance around.
06:50There's a jacuzzi for me and you to go in.
06:54Oh, he's intimidating, how fierce.
06:57Me and you can chill here.
06:59I'm getting really shy, like, when do I ever get shy?
07:02The biggest gobshite going.
07:05Just trying to be classy.
07:09I'm angry.
07:11I don't deserve this.
07:12It's like, for God's sake,
07:13like, a little bit more decorum, please.
07:15Welcome to my bedroom.
07:16Oh, at least the bed's made.
07:18Well, half made.
07:19It's very clean, smell it.
07:21I hope they don't feel uncomfortable around me being here
07:22because I am here, this is a love triangle.
07:25So, I ain't going anywhere.
07:35Morning, mate.
07:36Morning, bud.
07:37Full English, is it?
07:38Full English, mate.
07:39You are the man.
07:40See much of Chloe this morning?
07:42No, I ain't seen her this morning at all.
07:48I actually was having a nice time with Aaron.
07:50We've kind of enjoyed each other's company a bit more.
07:53I felt like we really got to know each other better.
07:56I think we've got a lot of things in common.
07:57I think we've got a lot of things in common.
07:59I think we've got a lot of things in common.
08:01I think we've got a lot of things in common.
08:03I felt like we were in a really good place
08:05and, obviously, Cain's come into this now
08:07and kind of thrown a spanner in the works.
08:11I get the impression that she likes me more than she's letting on.
08:18I feel like if I had a few more days with Aaron,
08:21things would have progressed a little bit.
08:24I think with Aaron, he's more guarded.
08:27He doesn't exactly know what he wants.
08:30Like, am I misreading the signals
08:32or are you genuinely all done for me?
08:35Is there anything you do like about Chloe?
08:37Well, obviously, you do, because you have got...
08:40There is a connection there.
08:41I can see why we've been matched.
08:44But just the way I am and the way she is, it would never work.
08:48No romance, then?
08:49Oh, no romance at all, mate.
08:52All right, Chloe?
08:54Breakfast's ready.
08:55I want to get to know Chloe.
08:56I want to try and open her up, you know, just try and talk to her.
08:59For me, to find love would mean a lot to me.
09:02It would be incredible.
09:04We could sit at the bar and eat together.
09:07You two can if you want.
09:08Chloe, do you want a coffee or anything?
09:10I'm good, thank you.
09:12No, I'm good.
09:13You can get your water if you want.
09:15I've literally just had loads of water, so I'm OK.
09:17Her attitude is very difficult to try and win over.
09:20When you've got a wall up, it's hard to break that wall down.
09:24I've got to try and find little ways of trying to get that wall down.
09:28I just want to get to know her.
09:45It is weird.
09:46Sadie doesn't know anything that's gone on.
09:52It's really hard to not pull Sadie aside and be like,
09:57you don't know what you're getting yourself into.
09:59Yeah, I was going to ask you, like, from your perspective,
10:02like, what kind of went down, like, before I came?
10:05Like, words?
10:06Cos I want to hear, like, why didn't it work?
10:13Does anybody want any breakfast?
10:15I'll pass.
10:17I'm down for some fruit.
10:18Yeah? Thanks. Right, no worries.
10:22Let's talk about you guys.
10:26I know, it's awkward.
10:27Yeah, so I just think that, yeah,
10:28we're just two people that just don't get on.
10:32I genuinely have nothing to say on it.
10:34That's fair enough.
10:36At all.
10:37Yeah, OK.
10:39It's quite hard in the house at the moment.
10:41Unless I'm talking, no-one's talking, really.
10:45This is not what I expected when I signed up to this process.
10:49That's enough chit-chat for me.
10:51All right, Lewis. I'm off.
10:53See you soon. I'll see you later.
10:57I'm trying to impress a girl that I've just met.
10:59The only character reference I've got is from a girl that doesn't like me
11:03and then I'm scared that they're going to be on their own
11:05and she might, like, pull all the waters.
11:08It's tough.
11:18Come in.
11:19Hey, you all right? Yeah, I'm good. How are you?
11:21Yeah, good, thanks.
11:23Two of the original pickers from the experiment
11:25have yet to meet their second match.
11:29I'm happy with where it was, James.
11:33Will you take it slow and see where it goes?
11:36..and Asa.
11:37Good morning.
11:40How are you feeling?
11:42I'm feeling great.
11:44He tried to, like, insinuate that he can't be friends with someone
11:47who he's had, like, sexual experiences with or something along them lines.
11:51We lay and watch the film, so if he thinks that's a sexual experience,
11:55I know what sort of experiences he's been having.
11:58I'm just switched off from the situation and, you know,
12:01I just have no more energy for it and I've no more talking in me.
12:04See, I've got my little date today as well.
12:06I know. Delighted for you, thank God.
12:11I'm looking forward to a bit more, sort of, a bit more banter.
12:14I think that's what I'm quite excited about.
12:16We're not even commenting.
12:18I'm a little bit gutted in the way that things ended with Chelsea.
12:21It didn't end the best, but do you know what?
12:23It ended the way in terms of it gave me a lot more perspective
12:25and I know where I stand now.
12:27I'm quite looking forward to, sort of, turning the page on things
12:29and, sort of, moving forward.
12:30I'm going to go and get ready for my lovely lady.
12:41So, what are you wearing to the date with the skeezer, then?
12:45I was going to wear a police uniform.
12:48I'm only joking, I'm not.
12:50Why don't you wear that? Why don't you wear that, yeah?
12:52You should get your wigs as well.
12:54Just go like that, I'll mesh your hair up a bit.
12:56What are you saying? Don't...
12:58Yeah, well, you wouldn't fancy me, then, if I wear this.
13:00Is that what you want?
13:02Listen, when you've been living with someone and dating someone,
13:05the last thing you want is for them to be going out,
13:08meeting other geezers.
13:10Through this whole process, we said we would always be honest,
13:13always communicate our thoughts and feelings,
13:15and we've done exactly that.
13:17Absolutely. I think we are approaching this in a logical, rational way.
13:21We don't know what's to come.
13:23We don't know how we're going to respond.
13:25We kind of know what we have.
13:27I mean, we're the last couple standing at the moment,
13:29so there must be something keeping us together.
13:31There's something going right.
13:33But it's going to be difficult when, you know, I'm not around
13:36and you're off doing whatever with him.
13:39It's not a great position to be in.
13:43You know, we've built a connection.
13:45I'm not going to find it easy, some other guy taking you out on a date.
13:49I don't like it. I know I signed up for this and I accept it,
13:52but it doesn't mean that I need to like it.
13:54You need the opportunity to meet other people
13:56and it will probably give you a basis for comparison
13:58between what we are, maybe, and I do want what's best for you,
14:01but ultimately, in the end, I hope we come back together.
14:03You know, who's to say I've got any...
14:05Who's to say I connect the lowest on the same level I connect with you?
14:08What we have is a lovely connection.
14:11I wanted to come into this whole process being open-minded
14:15and I guess I'm scared I hurt James if I end up liking Lewis.
14:21It's your decision at the end of the day
14:23and if you pick someone over me, as far as I'm concerned,
14:25as arrogant as this sounds, that's your deficit.
14:30It's hard for me too, though, because I've never met him either.
14:33It's happening. I've signed up for this experiment.
14:36I'm going to have to deal with it, I'm going to have to accept it.
14:39Does it mean I like it? Absolutely not.
14:43Am I a little bit sullen about it? 100%.
14:46If he comes in, he's a lovely guy, I understand he needs to shoot his shot,
14:49if he's respectful to me, cool,
14:51but if I think he's disrespectful in any way,
14:54I'm going to make his life very, very difficult.
15:10I've got butterflies. What is going on with me?
15:14Today, the two people that chose to stick with their original suitor,
15:18Asa and Shannon, are getting the chance to meet their other match.
15:22I am really excited, I'm looking forward to going on this date with Lewis,
15:26but I also feel kind of guilty for feeling excited.
15:33Shannon chose to meet James first,
15:35as she was attracted to his alpha male energy and confidence over Tex.
15:39Her worry with Lewis was he was too nice,
15:42and not her usual type, a bad boy.
15:45What if Lewis is just unbelievable in all the right ways?
15:51That's worrying me because I don't want to mug off James.
16:00I don't actually know what's the right and wrong answer.
16:03I don't actually know, like, what's the right and wrong way to feel.
16:11My heart is actually pounding out my chest.
16:23Love to meet you.
16:24You too.
16:27You look nice.
16:28Thank you, so do you.
16:30I'm nervous.
16:31Are you nervous?
16:32I'm shaking a bit too, I'm not going to lie.
16:34I was really nervous.
16:35I nearly ran away twice.
16:39You're joking.
16:40I was joking.
16:43How's the week been?
16:44It's been good, yeah.
16:45I hope not.
16:46Not quite yet, it's been really bad.
16:48It's been awful, Lewis.
16:49Where did you go with the other guy first?
16:51It was really difficult.
16:52I thought initially you were not too nice,
16:55but I wasn't seeing that cheeky side of you that James was giving me in the messages.
17:00Yeah, do you know what?
17:01I actually thought that.
17:02I was reading the message after and I thought,
17:04God, what a boring sod, eh?
17:06Yeah, I think I was just looking for more of that cheeky side to you.
17:09That's the last, isn't it?
17:11Do you think you'll win?
17:12Yeah, of course.
17:13I love it.
17:14This is going well.
17:15You're very, very attractive.
17:17Do you think?
17:18Yeah, you're gorgeous.
17:20There is definitely chemistry between me and Lewis.
17:23I feel like I'm cheating on James,
17:25but I'm not even in a relationship with James.
17:28Have you got any hidden talents?
17:30I can make a pair of handcuffs out of a shoelace.
17:34Oh, my God!
17:35You can take that away, like...
17:37Oh, God, OK.
17:38Yes, the handcuffs are coming out.
17:40I do have, actually, a pair of handcuffs as well.
17:42And I've got a shoelace, so...
17:46We're going to have to put this to the test.
17:47Maybe, maybe.
17:49You've got a lovely smile.
17:50You've got beautiful eyes.
17:51Oh, that's contagious, eh?
17:52I'm just trying to win you over.
17:53I know, yeah.
17:55Take me now.
17:57Shall we go? Let's go.
17:59I'm actually hot and bothered right now.
18:01I'm so hot and bothered right now by the situation.
18:03I feel kind of guilty for James, like bad for James.
18:06So, I've got a little bit of a surprise for you.
18:11Tomorrow, I'll be moving in with you.
18:16And James will be moving out.
18:21I'm shaking now.
18:22I was going to say, I'm not sure that's going to make you feel.
18:25Oh, my God.
18:28I'm excited for you moving in.
18:32Good, I hope so.
18:33But I'm also overwhelmed.
18:34It's overwhelming, right?
18:35Whoa, whoa, I'm, like, lost for words.
18:41I feel a bit bad on James, but, you know, it's a fair game, I think.
18:44I mean, he's had his opportunity and now it's my turn.
18:47I do want to get to know you a lot better, so...
18:49And you will.
19:05How did you sleep?
19:06How did you sleep?
19:08I thought you was going to be in the bed with me,
19:10but, unfortunately, I was not, so...
19:12Got to keep something hidden back from you for a bit.
19:14It is a bit of an awkward situation, to be honest.
19:17Today, I suppose I'm going to be cock-blocking these two.
19:21I still live here at the end of the day.
19:23I just feel a bit hurt.
19:25There's only so much of people that you can take.
19:28He knows what he's doing.
19:30I know you've only come, but how do you actually feel?
19:33Is it a lot?
19:34It's a little bit of a lot,
19:35but obviously cos you've got your relationship already.
19:37Who's more of a lot, me or him?
19:40I think we all know the answer to that question.
19:42Yeah, it's you. Definitely, yeah.
19:44Is it me?
19:45Yes, obviously, it's you.
19:46Oh, right, I thought I was quite calm.
19:49I feel like I've just got self-confidence issues
19:51and I don't really know how to act around him
19:53because I actually do find him attractive.
19:56I just don't feel that I'm good enough.
19:58Are you actually doing OK with us being here?
20:00Well, me being here?
20:01Yeah, no, I'm buzzing that you're here, yeah.
20:04It's just very intense and I didn't think that this would affect me,
20:08but it's just a lot, just everything about it,
20:11but, I mean, I'm having a good time
20:13and I can't wait to get to know you.
20:15I don't get a vibe that he fancies me at all
20:18and I need some form of clarification
20:20that he actually is interested in me
20:22because otherwise I'm just going to get hurt
20:24and I'm not prepared to do that.
20:25I've been hurt in the past, I don't want it to happen again.
20:28I don't know, I just, my head's all over.
20:36Can we take our shoes off? Right.
20:38Might get comfy.
20:39I wasn't expecting this.
20:45I thought we could do an activity. Definitely.
20:47We can, like, cleanse the bad vibes. Right.
20:55I've got no idea what's happening with Danny and Sadie.
20:59I haven't really wanted to leave my room.
21:02Being a mum, I'm quite protective
21:05and I would never want anyone to get hurt,
21:08so there's a temptation for me to say to her,
21:11you know, this is what's happened,
21:13and, like, just be aware.
21:16It's a really difficult one for me.
21:23I'm definitely someone that's very spiritual.
21:26I pick up on vibes and energy.
21:28That's how I work out if I even like someone.
21:31It's been quite weird living in an environment that is so negative.
21:35I just want to bring more lightness into this space.
21:38If he's open-minded and takes it well,
21:40he will definitely go off in my books, for sure.
21:43First, we're going to start with Sage. Do you know what this is?
21:46Have you ever seen this?
21:48To me, that looks like... It looks like a big joint.
21:52I looked down and thought, what's all that shit?
21:54I thought it was just like... I don't even...
21:56I thought it was like a show-and-tell.
21:58I honestly didn't have a clue.
22:00So, what is this doing?
22:02This is clearing all the bad vibes and negative energy.
22:06Oh, it's got a lot to do, then.
22:08So, yeah.
22:09I'm just going to do it to you, so you can just, like, be chill.
22:12So, you've just got to, like, think positive, like...
22:18You can do it round your heart, cos that's, like,
22:20you open up your heart, like, keeping an open heart.
22:23I think it does feel... It might be in my head, but I feel...
22:25You feel bad? I felt like something in my heart.
22:27I felt like it might have just been in my head.
22:29And then, I mean, you can do it for, like, your sexual energy, too.
22:32Like here.
22:35Do you want to, like, do it to me as well?
22:37Yes. And then for the heart.
22:39Yeah, she saged my... this area, and said it was for, like, sexual energy.
22:44I give extra to the... to the never regions for that sexual...
22:48So, who knows? It might work.
22:49If not, I don't believe in sage.
22:53So, what are these?
22:55For something you're going through,
22:57or something you want to bring into your life,
22:59you will use certain crystals for different things.
23:02I went through a really toxic relationship.
23:06Ever since I've believed in spirituality and, like, got into this stuff,
23:09my life has been so much better.
23:11Is this similar to, like, star signs?
23:13I'm a Leo.
23:14Do you give Leo energy?
23:16It's like a very big character, like, you're always centre of attention,
23:20but underneath you're, like, very loving and caring, but...
23:25Jesus Christ.
23:26Would you say that's, like, similar to you?
23:28Yeah. Yeah?
23:29It can be a bit of a show-off, but I'm also, like, really insecure.
23:33So, yeah, it was nice.
23:34Yeah, letting it get to know me a bit more, I guess.
23:37Leos are a fire sign, so you're more, like, out there,
23:40like, more extroverted, like, more social, maybe,
23:43and I'm a little bit more, like, introverted and chill.
23:46See, I feel this. I feel it. Yeah.
23:48So, like, I'll probably help you open up with your emotions
23:51and you'll probably help me, like, be a bit more social at the parties.
23:55Does that make sense?
23:56Yeah, like, we could, like, balance each other out.
23:58See? You're a believer now.
24:00I'm a believer.
24:01I don't know if it's that stage.
24:03When you look at Danny, you just think typical, like, northern lad,
24:07tattoos, tanned, huge muscles.
24:10I wasn't sure if there was much depth to him,
24:12but today I learnt, like, underneath,
24:14he isn't as confident as he seems
24:16and he's actually, like, really soft and kind underneath it all,
24:19and to me, I think it makes him, like, even more attractive, like...
24:23But thank you for being so, like, open,
24:25because honestly, like, so many guys are, like, not very open
24:28when I talk to them about it.
24:29I'm, like, really freaked out.
24:30I can barely share this side of myself with someone, so, like...
24:33Well, I think I've enjoyed it and I do genuinely feel better.
24:37Like, so, yeah, thank you.
24:43I'm so upset that me and Lois have ended on bad terms.
24:46I never, ever wanted that to happen,
24:48but moving on, I've got to look forward
24:52and then just try and make the most of Sadie.
24:55I think I'd be blind not to fancy her,
24:57so I'm excited to see what tonight brings.
25:09Just stood here waiting for my date.
25:14Lots of questions, lots of uncertainty.
25:16However, if they like each other, it's going to be a bit difficult for me
25:19and I'm not sure how I'm going to respond.
25:23I'm dreading going back to the house
25:25to tell James that Lois is moving in.
25:29Because James is very possessive.
25:31He does not like sharing his toys,
25:33so this is not going to go down well at all.
25:38Hello. Hello. Are you all right?
25:40Yeah, how are you? Yeah, I'm not too bad.
25:42It's been a relaxing stay. Yeah.
25:44How did it go? Tell me about it.
25:46Yeah, it went really well.
25:51And I thought he was a generally nice person.
25:57I felt really bad for having to tell him,
26:00but at the same time, I could only be true to myself
26:03and honest with him and myself.
26:07So there's something I've got to tell you
26:10and you're not going to like it.
26:15Lois is moving in tomorrow.
26:19And you have to move out.
26:24Where does that leave you and I?
26:26Do you want to shut things off from me?
26:28What's the situation there?
26:30We can't deny our connection was good.
26:32We have fun together, we have a laugh.
26:34We're honest with each other, we're open in communication.
26:37We've got all these amazing values,
26:39but I'm excited to get to know him better as well.
26:45OK, well, that's not what I wanted to hear.
26:48From day one, you kind of said to me
26:50that we have this undeniable connection...
26:52Which we do. ..and I'm perfect and all these things.
26:55No-one's perfect. I never said you're perfect.
26:57You have said that to me before. I never said you're perfect.
27:00You might have said it out of context,
27:02but you have said those words to me
27:04and that what we've had is lovely and perfect and amazing.
27:07When we first entered this process,
27:09I thought that me and you, we'd be strong till the end,
27:12but clearly there's...
27:13We're not at the end yet, though.
27:15We're just, like, I'm still going through
27:17and navigating this whole process
27:19and getting to know you, getting to know Lewis now.
27:21I want the best for you. We have had our ups and downs.
27:24I do care about you, clearly,
27:26otherwise I wouldn't be acting in this way.
27:28Day one, you're telling me that, you know,
27:30it's like we've met before... It just is.
27:32..and there's a strong connection. Yep.
27:34And if you feel like that about someone,
27:36would you really approach this situation
27:39in the way you were approaching it?
27:41I'm finding that really hard to comprehend because...
27:43Well... If I feel that strongly about someone, I'm all in on them.
27:47If I didn't care, I wouldn't be shaking right now.
27:49I wouldn't feel anxious at coming to tell you about it.
27:51At the end of the day, everything I've said to you is from the heart.
27:54I've opened myself up in this process.
27:56I didn't expect I'd find someone I like. I like you.
27:58You've got to do your thing. Yeah. Well, Lewis is moving in.
28:01Cool. Well, hope you have a lovely time.
28:03This new chap, he's moving in.
28:05Shannon wants to get to know him more and that's, yeah, fair enough.
28:08Let her crack on with it, let them get to know each other.
28:11If Shannon sees any value in what we have, she'll come back to me.
28:32I am starting a new sort of chapter.
28:34I'm quite looking forward to turning the page on things.
28:38The last person in the experiments to meet both matches
28:41is care recruiter Asa.
28:44I almost closed myself off a little bit,
28:46so I want to sort of get back to how I was
28:48and I'm hoping Marie brings out the best in me.
28:55His second match is PR account director Marie.
28:59I am feeling very nervous for this date.
29:02I had a little bit of a cold reception this morning.
29:04I was a little bit frostbite.
29:06Asa chose to meet midwife Chelsea first,
29:09who reflected his need for someone caring and sympathetic.
29:12Today, his date better reflect his usual wants,
29:16someone energetic and spontaneous.
29:19I'm going to be unapologetically myself, with a hint more maturity.
29:28Hi. Asa.
29:30How are you?
29:32Very good, thank you. Yourself?
29:34Good. Can't say I've done this before. How are you?
29:36I'm very good, thanks. I'm relieved they didn't wear my leather,
29:38so we're not clashing. That's the main thing.
29:40OK, that's good. How's it been?
29:42It's been a challenge. Obviously, I know we had the text to see you sooner.
29:46About that. Yeah. Oh, my God.
29:48I have so many questions. Yes, go on, ask away.
29:51So what was the reason why you chose...
29:53Chelsea first? Yeah.
29:55Like, what was the reason why? I think it was just the chat.
29:58Did you think I was, like, quite, like, distant?
30:00A little bit, yeah. A little bit.
30:02Was that a little hard-to-get sort of tactic? Interesting.
30:04A little bit. Do you know what? I actually wanted you to fit me second.
30:07Really? Yeah. Did you not get that vibe when I...
30:10No, is that what... Oh, you were playing a little bit of a cheeky tactic there.
30:13You were doing a sly one.
30:15No, I was just, um... Do you know what?
30:17It's actually, like, I feel, like, now that I've met you,
30:19it feels, like, so much better, cos I was, like, worried about...
30:22What I look like? Yeah. Yes, absolutely.
30:24Was you, like, the same? Yes, absolutely.
30:26And you've eased my nerves a lot more now.
30:28OK, good. You're a very attractive lady.
30:31I was really relieved when she walked in.
30:33I was, like, oh, she's a bit of everything for me.
30:35I think she's gorgeous.
30:36And I like the fact that she sort of almost downplayed herself
30:39a little bit via text to get chosen the second time.
30:42What do you do? Like, work-wise?
30:44Work-wise? So, I work in PR. What about you?
30:47I am a recruitment...
30:49OK, that's good. I work in recruitment and care,
30:51but I also do personal training as well. I'm bad from tradies, so...
30:54Are you bad for what? Tradies. My mum says no to tradies.
30:57What is that?
30:58I've always gone for people in construction,
31:00so the fact that you're in an office, this is good.
31:02No, well, I'm good at laying foundations,
31:04but that's in terms of relationships, shall I say.
31:08Have you got tattoos, though? I have, yeah.
31:10That's one of my tics. That's one of my tics.
31:12There is no tomorrow. Have you ever seen Rocky?
31:14There's a bit of reason, like, getting literally...
31:16I'm so bad. I've seen, like, barely...
31:18I only watched Titanic, like, last year.
31:20That's quite a shit film, though. What?
31:22It's quite a shit film, isn't it?
31:25Oh, my God, stop. I can't deal.
31:29What is your normal type, then?
31:31My normal type is anyone that says yes.
31:35No, I'm joking.
31:37Oh, my God. Don't laugh at me.
31:39No, I'm joking, I'm joking.
31:41I do slow down after a while.
31:45Your whole situation with Chelsea, like, what does that look like?
31:48Like, how's that going?
31:51The nervous laugh.
31:54I think it's safe to say things have ended.
31:58Ended? What, have you, like, broken up, divorced?
32:01Divorced. I've got the papers coming through this morning.
32:04She fucking hated my banter.
32:06What's your banter sort of like?
32:09I love banter.
32:11Like, I like it if, like, you can take the mick out of each other.
32:14Like, I love that. Yeah, like, I'm not a sensitive person at all.
32:18There is chemistry between me and Marie.
32:20What I quite like is she's got the same sort of humour as myself.
32:23I did notice a few eye rolls, though, when it comes to some of the dad jokes,
32:26so I need to slow myself down.
32:28I'm going way too quick with those ones.
32:30So, I have something to tell you.
32:34Chelsea's going to be moving out of the house.
32:39And I'm moving in.
32:41Hallelujah. How do you feel about that?
32:44I'm, er, over the moon.
32:47I am really relieved.
32:49I am really relieved, I think, because you're a fresh bit of energy...
32:52OK, good. ..and, you know, we're getting along really well.
32:55Definitely think there's potential there for things to grow.
32:58I don't want to say, like, 100%, because I am quite fussy,
33:02but he's definitely ticked a few boxes.
33:04The main thing is that the conversation was there.
33:06He's good-looking, so, yeah, it's going in the right direction.
33:09Fresh bit of energy? Oh, buzzer.
33:11Yeah, that's what I would bring. Let's raise a toast.
33:14Cheers. Let's all go back to Paris.
33:25Less than a day into living as a triangle,
33:28Ryan's main focus has been getting to know David.
33:32At this point now, I'm kind of questioning my friendship with Ryan,
33:36because Ryan's acting a bit like I'm not here,
33:39and it's dragging me down.
33:41Would you say that I'm somebody that you would actually, like,
33:45date on the outside world? Be completely honest.
33:48The more time that I'm spending with David,
33:50I actually do find him attractive.
33:52I'm hoping he makes a move,
33:54because I don't dare make the move in case I get rejected.
33:58I've dated people from all different walks of life,
34:01like some hyper-feminine people, hyper-masculine people.
34:04Like, as I say, for me,
34:05the attraction is the person who knows themselves,
34:07and you seem like a person who does know himself quite well.
34:10Just scared to get attached to somebody and then they don't like me.
34:13I mean, nobody wants that. It's the fear of rejection.
34:16It's shit. It's horrible. It's the last thing that I want.
34:20You're quite hard to read.
34:23Yeah. I mean, I like you, but I don't know if you like me.
34:31With me, I am a bit more quiet with my, like, reserve,
34:33when I'm trying to, like, work out my feelings,
34:35because I want to sit in, like, that contemplation
34:37and, like, not rush anything.
34:38No, it is just...
34:39It's just about getting to know each other better, isn't it?
34:42So how will I know, like, if you ever, like, want to kiss me,
34:45or, like, what would you... Would you be forward?
34:47Would you ever be a bit direct or make a move if you did?
34:50Yeah, I would. You would?
34:51It's day one. I don't want to rush this, like, sort of situation.
34:54No, of course.
34:55There's an attraction there.
34:56There's been parts of days where I've looked over and been like,
34:59ooh, I catch myself.
35:00I'm like, there's, like, a little, oof, like, a beat in my chest,
35:03you know?
35:05If you ever want to kiss me, just kiss me, yeah?
35:07Oh, is that it? Yeah. Yeah.
35:11Do you sleep with somebody on the second date or not?
35:13Let's go on a second date and find out.
35:16Shall we have one tonight?
35:20I'm getting embarrassed.
35:24You're ridiculous.
35:30I'm going to cook a bit of salmon. Nice.
35:32Yeah, salmon and rice, quite quick.
35:35I'm sure Dom probably would prefer if it was just him and Yolanda.
35:38Yeah, but he's just got to deal with me for now, I guess.
35:41I'm not ruling anything out between me and Yolanda.
35:44The more I'm getting to know her, the more I like her.
35:48You're playing it down.
35:49Is that so we don't have high expectations?
35:51I learnt you should always have low expectations
35:54because if anything good happens, they exceed your expectations.
35:58I can't agree more.
36:00Dominic used his hands a lot whilst he was preparing the salmon.
36:04He was really, like, massaging it in.
36:07He was, like, caressing it and I don't know what to tell you.
36:11It's been a while.
36:15You've got to dig into it, you know, you've got to massage the fish.
36:18I think Yolanda was impressed with my salmon rubbing.
36:21You know, if I gave her a massage, I'd do it like that.
36:24Hopefully my food tastes better than my chat.
36:27You've actually got quite good banter.
36:29Did you not think I had banter?
36:31Or did you think I wouldn't have banter?
36:33I don't know, to be honest. I couldn't put my finger on it.
36:36I told you, it's been a rollercoaster.
36:38But I actually love your banter. I like this side of you.
36:41I'm attracted to Yolanda's personality.
36:43She's quite bubbly, she's confident.
36:46My time to shine is now.
36:48The game is afoot, as they say.
36:54If I'm honest, I flippin' hate fish. I like a fish game.
36:59Here's to the first of many date nights.
37:01What, the three of ours?
37:14How are thou?
37:15Unreal. How are you? How did you get on?
37:17Fantastic. Phenomenal. It was a really good date.
37:22Where'd yous go?
37:23So we went to a nice bar, shared a nice drink.
37:25Fortunately, this time, there was no wining at the table.
37:28It was quite a nice sort of experience for myself,
37:31and I felt like I really started to fall back into sort of the trap
37:34of sort of suppressing my emotions, suppressing who I was.
37:37And that is...
37:38Yeah, it's something that sort of came to light, obviously, today,
37:41is I started to bring myself back out of my shell again, you know?
37:44Well done, you.
37:47Have I got news for you.
37:49She will be moving in, and you will be moving out.
37:55In the most nicest way possible.
37:57That's OK, there's nothing else really to say.
38:00I actually don't think I'd have any respect left for him.
38:03While, yes, we did have a few lovely days,
38:05I'm just, like, the negatives outweigh the positives here,
38:08and I have spent my whole life staying away from people like this.
38:13I'm sorry that I'm so happy that I'm leaving, but...
38:17I feel sad about the negative ending,
38:20but I do feel like we just sort of brought the worst out of each other.
38:24I'm going to go and pack.
38:32How are you doing in the army now?
38:35A little better. You all right? You all right?
38:37Yeah, I feel a bit better. Yeah, what wouldn't I have liked?
38:40I hate to ruin your boys' time, but I've got a message.
38:51I don't want to do that. Just saying.
38:53It's time you told Lois she needs to pack her bags.
38:57Tomorrow morning, he's moving out.
39:00Are you being serious?
39:02He's moving out.
39:04Tomorrow morning, he's moving out.
39:06Are they moving out? Nice!
39:08Honestly, it couldn't have come at a better time.
39:11I'm desperate to get away from the house for a little while.
39:14Tomorrow, all the pickers' first choices will move out,
39:18giving them time alone with their second option.
39:22I'll definitely miss you more than Danny.
39:25I'm just going to go and pack now. Enjoy your chicken.
39:29Oh, it's like a weight's been lifted.
39:31Time to be Danny and try and get to know Sadie now
39:34more on a romantic level.
39:36And then there were two. And then there were two.
39:41I'm actually a bit sad, like, a little bit.
39:43I'm actually feeling a bit sad. No, I'm good.
39:46Come here. I'm good.
39:50I'd say I'm feeling a bit of sadness, a tinge of jealousy.
39:54Did see a connection with them two, like,
39:56I think Yolanda bounces off them a little bit better
39:59than me and Yolanda do.
40:01You're gone.
40:03Yeah, it's a shame.
40:05When the text came through, inside, deep down, I was happy.
40:08I'm going to turn on the A game now. There's no-one in the way.
40:14That love triangle is no more. It's the last night.
40:17I can't wait to have more control over the house.
40:23My lovely table's gone.
40:25How many times have you used this table?
40:27There's no point.
40:31What do you mean, there's not the point?
40:33It's fine. Don't open it. Just be chill.
40:39Roll on tomorrow morning. Roll on tomorrow morning.
40:42Oh! I can't fucking do this, man.
40:48I feel really drained, like, mentally, emotionally exhausted,
40:52so I think I'm not, like, fully myself at the moment.
40:57You know, I've been open-minded from day one.
41:01I took a step back when he shut me out,
41:04but I think because I wasn't his typical type,
41:07or what he asked for, he's just shut me out completely.
41:11I thought I knew her, and I thought we were similar
41:13in, like, our emotions and the way we communicated.
41:15But, like, last few days, I honestly don't think I know her at all.
41:31That's our men pack.
41:35I am a bit kind of upset about him leaving today.
41:39I still need to have the chat with Aaron.
41:41I don't really know how he feels about me still.
41:44Morning. Good morning.
41:46Are you excited to leave?
41:48I'm not excited, but I'm looking forward to a change of scenery.
41:52So, yesterday, when we were playing pool, and obviously I got the text,
41:55we then had a little bit of a bicker about it, and you stormed out.
41:58Mm-hm. The longer I thought about it,
42:00the longer I was like, this don't make sense why you've stormed out.
42:04It's the fact that, like...
42:07..I feel..., I don't want you to go.
42:15Like, I'm shaking having this conversation.
42:18These feelings, for me, I do get on with him really well.
42:22I think, you know, we do have a good time.
42:24There's been, you know, a few things that he's said
42:27that's made me think, you know, he's still open to it.
42:30I don't know, I think it'd just be weird here without him.
42:35I know it sounds, like, really sopping, minging.
42:40Because I've been so nice to her, cooked for her and cleaned for her,
42:43and just always laughed that she was OK,
42:45I think I might have not led her on,
42:48but put myself in a position where I was likeable to her,
42:51which makes me feel awful to think about.
42:53Like, I enjoy your company a lot.
42:55I don't know, I'd just rather you just don't leave, like...
42:58Well, I've got to leave here, it's the way the experience works.
43:01No, I know, I know.
43:02But we're going to leave here fine, I promise you. OK.
43:05I am dreading actually saying goodbye to Aaron,
43:08but I'm happy now that we've cleared the air.
43:12And hopefully this little, like, break will do us good.
43:16You're, like, proper sweaty as well. Get the kettle on, get the kettle on.
43:27Hola, como estas? How are you?
43:30So much better when I walk out this door.
43:34Just one week after moving in, all the first choices are moving out.
43:38I cannot wait to pack.
43:40And get out of here.
43:43To spend a week away together on a retreat,
43:46to reflect on the experiments so far.
43:49I feel like, just please,
43:50treat the next girl with a little bit more respect.
43:53God bless.
43:56Obviously, last night was a big, big shock,
43:58and there's definitely some sadness.
44:00I'm still going to stay in the race for you, Landa.
44:02I'm going to miss you so much.
44:05Look after yourself.
44:07Me and Alex have been on one hell of a rollercoaster,
44:10but it's about me and Davey now moving forward,
44:12and I want to focus on him and hopefully see where it goes.
44:16Bye. Bye.
44:17Have you got anything else you need a hand with?
44:19All good. All good?
44:21Yeah, I'm gutted that it's been awkward and not nice.
44:29See you. See you later. Bye.
44:44See you later, guys.
44:46See you later, bud.
44:47Good meeting you, buddy. Come here.
44:51It was quite awkward seeing him go.
44:54I think Chloe, I don't know if she secretly liked him or not.
44:58I don't know what vibe I'm getting from it.
45:01I think trying to get her on my side, getting her to open up,
45:04it's going to be a lot of hard work.
45:06For me, I hope there is a chance.
45:09What did you want to do today?
45:11I need, like, my own space, my own time.
45:15I don't think there's a spark, personally, with me and Cain.
45:19At the end of the day, I can't be fake towards someone.
45:22There's something missing, and to me, that is a big thing.
45:25I take time to, like...
45:28Yeah, that's what it is.
45:35Well, this is nice.
45:37Cheers to a fresh beginning, fresh start.
45:40I think the ball's more in his court.
45:42He knows that I do like him, and I have said that I do,
45:46and I've put it out there, so I'm just looking forward to it.
45:49I'm looking forward to it.
45:51I do like him, and I have said that I do, and I've put it out there,
45:54so I'm just leaving him to just lead the way.
45:57Why do you think we've actually been matched?
45:59I think cos you've got, like, a nice big personality. Yeah.
46:02And I said that I like somebody who's confident and self-assured.
46:05And I think that you fit, like, into that build.
46:07Are you excited to get to know me? I am.
46:09Are you not put off by me yet? Do you not think I'm too much?
46:12Do you not think I'm very crazy? No.
46:14I've only now just got you to myself, so...
46:17I am just liking being around you and spending time with you and stuff like that.
46:21I just need to...
46:23maybe come on to me a bit more.
46:25Come on to you a bit? Yeah, that's what I feel. OK.
46:28Only if you feel comfortable. Only if you feel comfortable with it. Yeah.
46:37There was a cheeky kiss or two there.
46:40It was nice, it was sweet.
46:42A little bit of spontaneity, a little bit of awkwardness.
46:45See, that was a very awkward kiss.
46:50Feels kind of like... Feels a bit like school kids again, you know?
46:53How do I get your leg up?
46:55That leg.
46:56Fresh start.
46:58I'm loving it.
47:00How do you learn how to do that, shall I go?
47:02Go on, then. Your turn. Show me how.
47:16Do a nice little message here for the new guest.
47:20James's room.
47:23I've left my mark on the house. I've left messages around the house.
47:26James's house.
47:29My presence will be felt in my absence.
47:32And James's...bird.
47:35Yeah, passive-aggressive to Lewis too, yeah. Why not?
47:38If he's got any banter about him, he'll probably find them funny.
47:41I'm certainly all for Shannon at this point in time.
47:44I'm going to mess with his head so that he has doubts about Shannon.
47:48Because I can.
47:52When I first met Shannon, I could feel it in the air.
47:54There's an aura, there's an energy between us, there's a connection.
47:57Absolutely there's something there.
47:59I'm sad that you're going.
48:01I'm going to miss you, you know?
48:03You know, cos I do care about you.
48:05There definitely is something here between us.
48:07You can feel it, I can feel it.
48:09I'm here. I'm going to miss you.
48:11I'm going to miss you.
48:14I hope you have a really bad couple of days.
48:16Thank you. You too.
48:18See you later. Bye.
48:22I went up to his room, and on the outside of his door, it says... room, my house, my birds.
48:35And, yeah, I found it really quite nice that James wrote that,
48:38because that's quite territorial, calling me his birds.
48:42I'm not fully closing the door on James.
48:44There's still a lot of time left in this experience and process.
48:48We'll see.
49:07Next time...
49:09This is lovely.
49:11..all the pickers' first matches are moving out temporarily...
49:14It's the retreat, guys.
49:18..leaving the pickers' second choice for a week of alone time.
49:22Do you want any kids? You want a kid? Yeah.
49:25But will out of sight...
49:27James hasn't been in my head once.
49:29..mean out of mind...
49:31I just can't believe she's done that.
49:33It just seems like she's taking the piss out of me.
49:35She's an excellent fucker and I won't let it happen.